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Template IOs

Identifier Parameter Type Mode Attribute Configuration Value
transport Transport String Input Not attribute Constant Sockets.SLOT:
modem Modem
In the format "{TelN}[:{Init1}[:{Init2}[...{InitN}]]]"
String Input Not attribute Constant
modemTm Modem times
In the format "{tm}:{ConTm}"
String Input Not attribute Constant 40:5
addr Device address [0...65535] Integer Input Not attribute Constant 1
pipeN Pipe number [0...1] Integer Input Not attribute Constant 0
sched Scheduling at CRON String Input Read only Link
arhTmLim Time limit of processing the archiving, seconds Integer Input Not attribute Constant 120
arhD OpenSCADA archiver for device archive of days String Input Not attribute Constant
arhH OpenSCADA archiver for device's archive of hours String Input Not attribute Constant
reset Reset the archives reading Boolean Input Full access Variable
devTime Device time String Input Read only Variable
devTp Device type String Input Read only Variable
devSWVers Device software version String Input Read only Variable
devSN Device Serial Number Integer Input Read only Variable
devModel Device model String Input Read only Variable
devPollPer Device poll period Integer Input Read only Variable
devContrDay Device contract day Integer Input Read only Variable
devContrHour Device contract hour Integer Input Read only Variable
devSesonTimeCh Device season time change Integer Input Read only Variable
objNm Object name String Input Read only Variable
apH Absolute pressure high limit, MPa Real Input Read only Variable
apMax Maximum absolute pressure, MPa Real Input Read only Variable
apMin Minimum absolute pressure, MPa Real Input Read only Variable
apConst Absolute pressure constant, MPa Real Input Read only Variable
tMax Maximum temperature, °С Real Input Read only Variable
tMin Minimum temperature, °С Real Input Read only Variable
tConst Temperature constant, °С Real Input Read only Variable
pulseVl Pulse value, m3 Real Input Read only Variable
dpMax Maximum different pressure, kPa Real Input Read only Variable
dpMin Minimum different pressure, kPa Real Input Read only Variable
fMax Maximum flow, m3/h Real Input Read only Variable
fMin Minimum flow, m3/h Real Input Read only Variable
cntrCutOffConst Constant of the counter cut off, m3/h Real Input Read only Variable
flowConst Constant of the flow, m3/h Real Input Read only Variable
pipeD Pipe diameter at 20°С, mm Real Input Read only Variable
pipeTExt Pipe material extension, 1/°С Real Input Read only Variable
pipeBeCoef Pipe Be coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
pipeCeCoef Pipe Ce coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
pipeRoughCoef Pipe roughness coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
diaphD Diaphragm diameter at 20°С, mm Real Input Read only Variable
diaphTExt Diaphragm material extension, 1/°С Real Input Read only Variable
diaphBeCoef Diaphragm Be coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
diaphCeCoef Diaphragm Ce coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
diaphEdgeBluntCoef Diaphragm edge blunting coefficient Real Input Read only Variable
correctorTime Corrector time String Input Read only Variable
dP Pressure difference, kPa [arh] Real Input Read only Variable
P Pressure, MPa [arh] Real Input Read only Variable
T Temperature, °С [arh] Real Input Read only Variable
Fstd Volume standard cond., m3 [arh] Real Input Read only Variable
Fwork Volume work cond., m3 [arh] Real Input Read only Variable
itSt Item status [arh] String Input Read only Variable
tr Output transport Object Output Not attribute Variable
reqCntr Counter of the requests and the reconnection waiting (negative) Real Input Not attribute Variable 0
arhLastD Daily archive last item Integer Input Not attribute Variable 0
arhLastH Hourly archive last item Integer Input Not attribute Variable 0
this Object of the parameter Object Input Not attribute Variable
f_start Function start flag Boolean Input Not attribute Variable 0
f_frq Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz Real Input Not attribute Variable 1000
f_err Function error String Input Not attribute Variable 0
f_stop Function stop flag Boolean Input Not attribute Variable 0