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  • SYS: TCntrNode::{chldDel,nodeDis}() moved to direct use the new TCntrNode::EnDisFlag: NodeNoFlg, NodeRemove, NodeRemoveOnlyStor; and the space after > 0x100(TCntrNode::NodeSpecific) was reserved for the node specific, where the TParamContr::EnDisFlag set only to NodeRemove_NoArch and Widget::EnDisFlag set only to Widget::{NodeRemove_NoDelMark,NoContainer}. TCntrNode::Flag items renamed SelfModify->Modified, SelfModifyS->ModifiedS, SelfSaveForceOnChild->SaveForceOnChild.
    • Storage object's functions DB(), fullDB() and setDB() expanded of the argument "qTop".
    • The subsystem name moved to the function subName() call and which set "virtual" and "constant", also as subVer() and subId().
    • The description field type of the TFld object and the name field of the IO object changed to "string".
    • Result of TCntrNode::nodeNameSYSM() changed to "string".
    • TMess: The lang2CodeBase() function separated to the common one langBase() and appended the function langToLocale() of obtaining the complete locale at language from langBase().
      • The function lang2Code() expanded by the arguments "user" and "onlyUser".
      • I18N() changed in the arguments for "const string &mess" the first and mLang moved to the second, it result changed to "string", also for TModule::I18N(), and updated all definitions _().
      • The data translation functions (short definitions) renamed to trD_L(), trD_U(), trD_LU(), trDSet_L(), trDSet_U(), trDSet_LU().
      • Removed for I18Ns().
      • labStorGen() merged to labStor() and that labels labStor(), labSecCRON(), labSecCRONsel(), labTaskPrior(), labMessCat() type changed to "string"; appended of the label labStorGen().
      • lang2Code() and lang2CodeBase() renamed to langCode() and langCodeBase() respectively for starting the adaption to the language code more than 2 symbols.
    • Security: The static method "pHashMagic" moved to the definition SEC_HASH_MAGIC.
  • DB: The functions TBDS::{open,close}() renamed to TBDS::{tblOpen,tblClose}() and set to static ones.
    • TBDS::{dataSeek,dataGet,dataSet,dataDel,genDBGet,genDBSet}() moved to the bit flags TBDS::ReqGenFlg (renamed from TBDS::ReqGen): NoFlg, NoException, OnlyCfg, UseTranslation (renamed from ReqGen::UseTranslation), UseCache, UseAllKeys.
    • TBDS::dbList() moved to the bit flags TBDS::DBLsFlg: LsNoFlg, LsCheckSel, LsInclGenFirst.
    • The functions moved as static ones: TBDS::{dbList,dataSeek,dataGet,dataSet,dataDel,dataDelTbl}(), TBDS::{fullDBSYS,fullDB}().
    • The generic parameters accessing functions TBDS::genDBGet() and TBDS::genPrmSet() renamed to genPrmGet() and genPrmSet() everywhere.
  • DAQ: TTypeDAQ::compileFuncSynthHighl() renamed to TTypeDAQ::compileFuncSnthHgl() in a way of the name unification.
  • Archives-History: Definitions of the archive specific names renamed for BUF_ARCH_NM, ALRM_ARCH_NM, ALRM_ARCH_CH_NM to ARCH_BUF, ARCH_ALRM, ARCH_ALRM_CH; and appended for ARCH_NOALRM ("<noalarms>").


  • SYS: The global short functions appended of s2l() and s2u().
    • Appended of a new function strParseEnd() of parsing the separated string from the end.
    • The function pathLev() appended of a new argument of position the offset to the next token begin and what also appended in the UserAPI function parsePath() of DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.
    • TCntrNode appended of the functions storage() and setStorage() for tracking the availability of node data. TCntrNode::Flag appended of the item LoadForcibly. TCntrNode::modif() and TCntrNode::modifG() appended of a new argument "forceLoad".
    • The time limit variable "limCacheIts_TM" appended for the cache limiting.
    • The common encoding function strEncode() and the User API one appended the variant "ShieldBin" of shield the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F].
    • TMess: Appended for a function of checking the messages for them translatability — isMessTranslable().
      • Appended for functions of managing the translation cache: translCacheGet(), translCacheSet(), translCacheLimits() and the own lock trMessCacheRes. Appended for a function translIdxCacheUpd() of updating the operative translation messages' index and cache, and functions translItSplit(), translItRemTrs() of the items splitting and removing from Trs.
      • Appended for the translation context at the new function trCtx() and the object TrCtxAlloc for handling.
      • Appended for the data translation trD()->translGet() and trDSet()->translSet().
      • Appended for the prestoring system messages translation trS(), as an other link to I18N().
      • Appended for the function messLevelTest().
      • The TMess::Type structure appended of an item "MaxLev" of the maximum message types/levels specifying.
      • The TMess definitions appended of mess_PreSave="<PSV>" and mess_TrModifMark="<!>".
    • XMLNode: Appended of the new saving option BinShield(0x400) for controllable shield the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F].
    • TConfig,TCfg: Expanded for new parameters TConfig::{trcSet,setTrcSet}(), TCfg::{isSet,setIsSet}() of detection the configuration field changing and using in the partial DB-loading instead toDefault(); and TConfig::{noTransl,setNoTransl}() for global setting the structure default translation. TCfg::setExtVal() function appended an argument "toOne".
    • TError: codes appended of: DB_TrRemoved (22) for mark the translation removing in DB, DB_ReadOnly (23) introduced by SQLite at the unification process, Core_NoNode (5) of the TCntrNode missing, Tr_ErrTransport (12) for the transport errors mark, Tr_ErrResponse (13) and Tr_ErrDevice (14) for more specific transport errors.
  • DB: The TBDS::realDBName() appended of the back conversion argument.
    • The static methods of TBDS appended of the new function dbPart() of getting the storage address parts and appended of a new function dataDelTbl() of the common tables removing, also in the Configuration File.
    • Appended for the structure item object TTable::TStrIt.
    • Common SQL-code moving to the new functions: TTable::fieldSQLSeek(), TTable::fieldSQLGet(), TTable::fieldSQLSet(), TTable::fieldSQLDel(); with the flags TTable::SQLReqFlag: SQLNoFlg, SQLOrderForSeek, SQLFirstSkipForSeek.
    • Declaration in the core for the service definitions, methods and functions to the common SQL-code: SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM, tblStrct, seekSess, connRes, fieldFix(), getSQLVal(), setSQLVal().
    • Appended of the list priority specifying functions TBD::lsPr(), TBD::setLsPr() and virtual one TTypeBD::lsPr().
    • Appended of the DB features specifying virtual function TTypeBD::features().
  • DAQ: TFunction::IO object's structure IO::IOFlgs appended the flag IO::TransltText of marking the translate String IO directly.
    • The function {TController,TParameter}::messSet() appended of the messages transferring from the top to the down, and also the User API functions SYS.DAQ["Modul"]["Controller"].messSet(), SYS.DAQ["Modul"]["Controller"]["Parameter"].messSet().
    • The TCntrNodeObj appended of the function lang() obtained from the second line of the common method mUserLang.
    • The User API functions appended of the function funcSnthHgl() in the DAQ module object and for obtaining the syntax highlight rules of the module and language.
  • Archives-History: Appended of the function "void TArchives::messPut( const TMess::SRec &rec, const string &arch = "" )" variant.
  • Transports: Appended of the new function extHostSeek().
  • UI: Appended of the Configuration File option "FontSnthHglCode" and the corresponded functions TUIS::fontSnthHglCode() and TUIS::setFontSnthHglCode().
    • VCAEngine:
      • The User API functions mime() and mimeSet() appended of the correct equivalents resource() and resourceSet().
      • The Project object appended a Control Interface service request "read:/serv/access", of checking the read access.
      • The Control Interface service request "get:/prm/cfg/prj" appended an option "noName" for preventing the project name request.