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  • FIX:Building: Core library version risen to 3:10:0 and the program version risen to 0.9.4.
  • The source code messages and program documentation:
    • replaced by in everywhere in the source.
    • The document "Modules/OPC_UA" complete revised for the modules version 2.1 and the translation.
  • The "Translations" tab revised something, appended for the actual status, appended for some context help and the translations manager appended for:
  • limiting of the table form time in prmInterf_TM (7 seconds);
  • a configuration field of passing number the top messages;
  • translation setting only for the filtered sources;
  • checking the content for match only for the filtered sources;
  • pass the sources missing error.
  • The translation function TMess::translSet() prevented from propagation the group messages changed not from the translation manager.
  • FIX:.,BD.LDAP,Archive.{DBArch,FSArch},DAQ.{ModBus,MMS},{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA,UI.Vision: Some cleaned from the build warnings.
  • FIX: The EVAL_RFlt definition appended for the suffix "f" to prevent of wrong comparing the double EVAL_RFlt with stored float values, fixes the archiver Archive.FSArch work with the float type values in the EVAL detection.
  • FIX:Mess: The data lock separated from all messages lock in dtRes to prevent the concurrently locks at active work with translations. The mLang2CodeBase, mLang2Code attributes switched to this new lock.
  • data/ Switched to linking user LibsDB content to the system RO-content-libraries instead the copying.