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Public methods:

  • TVal( ); — Default constructor.
  • TVal( TFld &fld ); — Initialization as the repository of dynamic data.
  • TVal( TCfg &cfg ); — Initialization as the reflection of static data (DB).
  • string DAQPath( ); — Getting for DAQ-address of the element.
  • void setFld( TFld &fld ); — Initialization as the repository of dynamic data.
  • void setCfg( TCfg &cfg ); — Initialization as the reflection of static data (DB).
  • string name( ); — Attribute's name.
  • int64_t time( ); — Timestamp of the the last/current value (10-6s).
  • void setTime( int64_t vl ); — Setting the timestamp outside the value setting.
  • bool isCfg( ); — Sign of the value object created in base of a configuration element.
  • bool dataActive( ); — Activity (updatable) flag of data.
  • TVariant get( long long *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the value for the specified time tm. If NULL then it will be returned the last value.
  • string getS( long long *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the string type value for the specified time tm. If NULL then it will be returned the last value.
  • double getR( long long *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the real type value for the specified time tm. If NULL then it will be returned the last value.
  • int64_t getI( long long *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the integer type value for the specified time tm. If NULL then it will be returned the last value.
  • char getB( long long *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the boolean type value for the specified time tm. If NULL then it will be returned the last value.
  • AutoHD<TVarObj> getO( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool sys = false ); — Request of the object type value.
  • void set( const TVariant &value, long long tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the value value.
  • void setS( const string &value, long long tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the string type value value.
  • void setR( double value, long long tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the real type value value.
  • void setI( int64_t value, long long tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the integer type value value.
  • void setB( char value, long long tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the boolean type value value.
  • void setO( AutoHD<TVarObj> value, int64_t tm = 0, bool sys = false ); — Setting of the object type value value.
  • AutoHD<TVArchive> arch( ); — Getting the associated with the value archive.
  • void setArch( const AutoHD<TVArchive> &vl ); — Setting the associated with the value archive.
  • string setArch( const string &nm = "" ); — Setting/creation new archive with proposed name nm or automatic, if name empty.
  • bool reqFlg( ); bool resB1( ); bool resB2( ) — Get some realisation-specific flags.
  • void setReqFlg( bool vl ); void setResB1( bool vl ); void setResB2( bool vl ) — Set some realization-specific flags.
  • TFld &fld( ); — Descriptor of the attribute's structure.