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Public methods:

  • TTypeParam( const char *iid, const char *iname, const char *idb = "", bool i_isPrmCntr = false ); — Initializing constructor.
  • virtual void create( TParamContr *prm ); — Create or set the parameter prm type.
  • virtual void destroy( TParamContr *prm ); — Remove or clean the parameter prm type.
  • virtual string DB( const TController *cntr ) const; — Get table name of the parameters of the controller cntr.
At.png Will be removed in v1.0, use TController::tbl() instead.
  • void setDB( TController *cntr, const string &vl ); — Set the table name of the parameters of the controller cntr.
At.png Will be removed in v1.0.
  • virtual void enable( TParamContr *prm ); — To enable the parameter prm.
  • virtual void disable( TParamContr *prm ); — To disable the parameter prm.
  • virtual bool cfgChange( TParamContr *prm, TCfg &cfg ); — The configuration filed cfg of the parameter prm change.
  • virtual void vlGet( TParamContr *prm, TVal &vo ); — Predicting function of the value getting, through the parameter prm. It is used for direct (synchronous) reading.
  • virtual void vlSet( TParamContr *prm, TVal &vo, const TVariant &vl, const TVariant &pvl ); — Predicting function of the value setting, through the parameter prm. It is used for direct (synchronous) writing vl with the previous value into pvl.
  • bool vlSetRednt( TVal &vo, const TVariant &vl, const TVariant &pvl ); — Processing of the values setting, mostly in the predicting function, under the redundancy. Returns true at processing the setting in the redundancy.
  • virtual void vlArchMake( TParamContr *prm, TVal &val ); — Notifying function of the creation of the archive for the val attribute, through parameter prm. It is used to configure the created archive in accordance with the peculiarities of the data source.
  • virtual void getVals( TParamContr *prm ); — Asynchronous mode internal realization, called into the controller object cycle for parameter prm.
  • virtual bool cntrCmdProc( TParamContr *prm, XMLNode *opt ); — Function of requests' processing of the control interface, from parameter prm.