From OpenSCADAWiki
Protected methods:
- virtual void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *req ); — Function of requests' processing of the control interface. It must be redefined by the child.
- void nodeEn( int flag = NodeNoFlg ); — Node's enabling.
- void nodeDis( long tm = 0, int flag = NodeNoFlg ); — Disabling of the node with the flag transfer.
- void nodeDelAll( ); — Clear all containers with child nodes.
- void setNodePrev( TCntrNode *node ); — Setting the parent node to node.
- void setNodeMode( char mode ); — Setting the node's status.
- GrpEl &grpAt( int8_t id ); — Access to the structure of the group.
- unsigned grpAdd( const string &id, bool ordered = false ); — Adding the container of the child nodes with the prefix id and the possibility of an orderly storage ordered. Returns the ID of the new container.
- void grpDel( int8_t id ); — Deleting the container of the child nodes id.
- virtual string chldAdd( int8_t igr, TCntrNode *node, int pos = -1 ); — Adds the child node node to the container gr and position pos. Returns the actual node identifier or name, after it cleaning and shrinking.
- void chldDel( int8_t gr, const string &name, long tm = -1, int flags = NodeNoFlg ); — Deleting the child node name from the container gr according the EnDisFlag flags.
- virtual void preEnable( int flag ); — The connection preact. It is called before the actual connection.
- virtual void postEnable( int flag ); — The connection preact. It is called after the actual connection.
- virtual void preDisable( int flag ); — The disconnection preact. It is called before the actual disconnection.
- virtual void postDisable( int flag ); — The disconnection preact. It is called before the actual disconnection (before deleting).
- virtual void load_( ); virtual void load_( TConfig *cfg ); — The function of the node specific loading, for ready configuration cfg also.
- virtual void load__( ); — The function of the node specific loading in the loading end.
- virtual void save_( ); — The function of the saving child node calling.
- string storage( const string &cnt, bool forQueueOfData = false ) const; — getting the work or the queued latest storage at forQueueOfData for the storage container cnt.
- void setStorage( string &cnt, const string &vl, bool forQueueOfData = false ); — setting the work or the queued latest storage at forQueueOfData for the storage container cnt. Empty vl and forQueueOfData removes the first storage from the queue.