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Public methods:

  • TCfg( TFld &fld, TConfig &owner ); — Initializing constructor.
  • TCfg( const TCfg &cfg ); — Copy constructor.
  • const string &name( ); — Cell name.
  • bool operator==( TCfg &cfg ); — Comparison of the cells.
  • TCfg &operator=( const TCfg &cfg ); — Copying of the cells.
  • bool view( ) const; — The sign - "Cell is visible".
  • bool keyUse( ) const; — The sign - "Use the key" for the dataSeek() and dataDel() requests.
  • bool noTransl( ) const; — The sign "No translation" is provided to disable the translation of text variables for the record.
  • bool reqKey( ) const; — The sign "Requests key", for group operations produce by the field as key.
  • bool isKey( ) const; — Common sign of the field as key, depends from mode "Requests key" for the group.
  • bool extVal( ) const; — The sign "Extended value", for mark the field to misc role for search and update the key value and translation.
  • bool isSet( ) const; — The setting element sign.
  • void setView( bool vw ); — Setting of the sign "The cell is visible" в vw.
  • void setKeyUse( bool vl ); — Setting of the sign "Use the key" in vl.
  • void setNoTransl( bool vl ); — Setting of the sign "No translation".
  • void setReqKey( bool vl, bool treatDep = true ); — Setting of the sign "Requests key", treating the dependencies by treatDep.
  • void setExtVal( bool vw ); — Setting of the sign "Extended value".
  • void setIsSet( bool vl ); — Setting the setting element sign.
  • void toDefault( bool notSetType = false ); — Setting the field value to the default one, and without setting the field type at notSetType.
  • TFld &fld( ) const; — Configuration of the cell.
  • string getS( ) const; string getS( uint8_t RqFlg ); — Get the value of the string type with the request flags RqFlg.
  • const char *getSd( ); — Get the direct access to the string type value.
  • double &getRd( ); — Get the direct access to the real type value.
  • int64_t &getId( ); — Get the direct access to the integer type value.
  • char &getBd( ); — Get the direct access to the boolean type value.
  • void setS( const string &val ); TCfg &operator=( const string &vl ); TCfg &operator=( const char *vl ); void setS( const string &val, uint8_t RqFlg ); — Set the value of the string type to the val with the request flags RqFlg.
  • void setR( double val ); TCfg &operator=( double vl ); void setR( double val, uint8_t RqFlg ); — Set the value of the real type to the val with the request flags RqFlg.
  • void setI( int64_t val ); TCfg &operator=( int64_t vl ); void setI( int64_t val, uint8_t RqFlg ); — Set the value of the integer type to the val with the request flags RqFlg.
  • void setB( char val ); TCfg &operator=( bool vl ); void setB( char val, uint8_t RqFlg ); — Set the value of the boolean type to the val with the request flags RqFlg.
  • TConfig &owner( ) const; — The object of container-owner.