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 h English (en){{CntHdr|Configuring and using}}
:1. Create an output transport of the type "[[Special:MyLanguage/Modules/Serial|Serial]]" and set its Identifier like to "VKT7", one for each the devices.
:2. Set proper address and timeouts of the [[Special:MyLanguage/Modules/Serial|Serial]] device.
:3. Create and start [[Special:MyLanguage/Modules/LogicLev|a logical controller object]] or use any present one with need scheduling properties.
:4. Create [[Special:MyLanguage/Modules/LogicLev|a logical parameter object]] and select the template for that, one for each the devices — enable the parameter.
:5. Create or use a minutes (current ones) value archivator object (1m, period=60sek.).
:6. Create a hours value archivator object (arhH, period=3600sek.), a days value archivator object (arhD, 86400sek.) and a result month value archivator object (arhM, 86400sek.). Set the "Period archiving (sec)" property of the archivators to '0' for disable the data flow from the archive buffer.
:7. Into the tab "Template configuration" of the logical parameter object you need to set:
:* ''Imitation drift %'' — to '0' for the imitation disable.
:* ''Transport'' — to path of the transport into step 1, like to "Transport.Serial.out_VKT7".
:* ''Archiver: hours'' — to the hours archiver into step 6, like to "FSArch.arhH".
:* ''Archiver: days'' — to the days archiver into step 6, like to "FSArch.arhD".
:* ''Archiver: results-month'' — to the result month archiver into step 6, like to "FSArch.arhM".
:* ''Archiver: maximum depth of reading for not hours archivers, days'' — to needed depth of not hours archives reading, in days.
:8. Into the tab "Archiving" to set archiving for needed attributes by the archivators.
:9. RESULT: The logical parameter object will perform interaction and placing of current gathered data to the parameter attributes and the current archive. Other archives' data will read in parallel from the previously set depth per one value for the period i.e. one day (for the days archive) per the minute period and up to the current and last value.