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NameCurrent message text
 h English (en){{CntHdr|Template IOs}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable sortable"
|+ style=white-space:nowrap |
! Identifier !! Parameter !! Type !! Mode !! Attribute !! Configuration !! Value
| transport || Transport || String || Input || Not attribute || Constant || Sockets.pilotOld
| addr || Device address [0...255] || Integer || Input || Not attribute || Constant || 1
| tmConTry || Connection try time, seconds || Integer || Input || Not attribute || Constant || 60
| arhH || OpenSCADA archiver for device's archive of hours || String || Input || Not attribute || Constant ||
| arhD || OpenSCADA archiver for device's archive of days || String || Input || Not attribute || Constant ||
| arhTmLim || Time limit of processing the archiving, seconds || Integer || Input || Not attribute || Constant || 40
| reset || Reset the archives reading || Boolean || Input || Full access || Variable ||
| dtTm || Date and time || String || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| dp || [H] Average Different Pressure || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| p || [H] Average Static Pressure || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| t || [H] Average Temperature || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| sqrRootExt || [H] Square Root Extension || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| f || Instantaneous Flow Rate || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| fTotal || [H] Current Day Flow Total || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| eTotal || [H] Current Day Energy Total || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| fAcc || Total Accumulated Flow || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| b || Beta || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| supComprF || Supercompressibility Factor || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Fr || Fr (Fn - 2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| E_D || E_over_D (in Fr) (Fsl - 2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| K || K (in Fr) (Fc - 2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Fb || Fb (Red - 2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Fg || Fg || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Fa || Fa (Y1 - 2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Ftf || Ftf || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Fpb || Fpb || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| Ftb || Ftb || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| extFY || Expansion Factor Y (Spare-2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| subFY || Y Subfactor (Spare-2530-92) || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| yestDayTotal || Yesterday Total || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factFlowSt || Factor: Flow Status || Integer || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factFwv || Factor: Fwv || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factWatCnt || Factor: Water Content || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factWellStr || Factor: Well Stream || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factGasVeloc || Factor: Gas Velocity || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factLocGrav || Factor: Local Gravity || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| factCalbGrav || Factor: Calib. Gravity || Real || Input || Read only || Variable ||
| tr || Output transport || Object || Output || Not attribute || Variable ||
| reqCntr || Counter of the requests and the reconnection waiting (negative) || Real || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| arhLastH || Hour archive last item || Integer || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| arhLastD || Daily archive last item || Integer || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| this || Object of the parameter || Object || Input || Not attribute || Variable ||
| f_start || Function start flag || Boolean || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| f_stop || Function stop flag || Boolean || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| f_err || Function error || String || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 0
| f_frq || Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz || Real || Input || Not attribute || Variable || 1000