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h English (en) | '''Public methods:''' * ''TCntrNode( TCntrNode *prev = NULL );'' — Initialization with an indication of the parent node ''prev''. * ''virtual string objName( );'' — Object name. Object-heir should extend the definition of aggregate object name. * ''virtual TCntrNode &operator=( const TCntrNode &node );'' — Virtual copy function of the dynamic tree nodes. * ''void cntrCmd( XMLNode *opt, int lev = 0, const string &path = "", int off = 0 );'' — Command of work with the control interface of the system. The transport transitions to the full path of the following form are supported: "**/sub_Security/usr_root/%2fgen**" где ''%2fgen'' — encoded sub-path to a particular field of the page (/gen). * ''static XMLNode *ctrId( XMLNode *inf, const string &n_id, bool noex = false );'' — Getting the XML node by the attribute's value "id" ''n_id''. XML requests of the node by the full path to it are supported (node1/node2/node3). * ''static XMLNode *_ctrMkNode( const char *n_nd, XMLNode *nd, int pos, const char *req, const string &dscr, int perm = RWRWRW, const char *user = "root", const char *grp = "root" );'' :''static XMLNode *ctrMkNode( const char *n_nd, XMLNode *nd, int pos, const char *req, const string &dscr int perm = RWRWRW, const char *user = "root", const char *grp = "root", int n_attr = 0, ... );'' :''static XMLNode *ctrMkNode2( const char *n_nd, XMLNode *nd, int pos, const char *req, const string &dscr, int perm = RWRWRW, const char *user = "root", const char *grp = "root", ... );'' — Adding the control element to the page. It is possible to specify the set of additional attributes in the number of ''n_attr'' as follows: "'''{attribute1},{values1},{attribute2},{values2},...'''" or by zero pointer at the end of the pair sequence. * ''bool ctrRemoveNode( XMLNode *nd, const char *path );'' — Removing the control element ''path'' from the page ''nd''. * ''static bool ctrChkNode( XMLNode *nd, const char *cmd = "get", int perm = R_R_R_, const char *user = "root", const char *grp = "root", char mode = SEC_RD );'' — Checking for the dynamic command getting ''cmd'' and for the existence of rights to its execution. * ''ResMtx &dataRes( );'' — Mutex for using resources of the node in common purpose. * ''virtual const char *nodeName( ) const;'' — Node's name. * ''virtual const char *nodeNameSYSM( ) const;'' — System message's location entry name, to place it to the system's message text by function "mess_sys" and "err_sys". Empty value, by default, to pass the node. * ''string nodePath( char sep = 0, bool from_root = true ) const;'' — Getting the full path to the node, beginning from the root ''from_root'', and using the separator ''sep'' or standard path recording. * ''void nodeList( vector<string> &list, const string& gid = "" );'' — Child nodes list ''list'' in the specified group ''gid''. * ''AutoHD<TCntrNode> nodeAt( const string &path, int lev = 0, char sep = 0, int off = 0, bool noex = false );'' — Attachment to the child node. * ''void nodeDel( const string &path, char sep = 0, int flag = NodeNoFlg );'' — Deleting the node using its path. * ''static void nodeCopy( const string &src, const string &dst, const string &user = "root" );'' — Copying the nodes of the dynamic tree. * ''TCntrNode *nodePrev( bool noex = false ) const;'' — Address of the parent node. * ''char nodeFlg( );'' — Node's flag. * ''void setNodeFlg( char flg );'' — Set flags ''TCntrNode::SelfModify'', ''TCntrNode::SelfModifyS'' and ''TCntrNode::SelfSaveForceOnChild''. * ''char nodeMode( ) const;'' — Node's status. * ''unsigned nodeUse( bool selfOnly );'' — Number of the connections to the node. ''selfOnly'' — only self connections, without childs. * ''unsigned nodePos( );'' — The position of the node in the parent-node's container. It is valid only for ordered containers. * ''int isModify( int mflg = TCntrNode::All ) const;'' — Checking for the modification of the node or nodes' branch. * ''void modif( bool save = false, bool forceLoad = false );'' — Setting the modification sign of the node, with saving ''save'' the sign at the loading and marking for the force loading ''forceLoad''. * ''void modifG( bool forceLoad = false );'' — Setting the modification sign of the node branch, with marking for the force loading ''forceLoad''. * ''void modifClr( bool save = false );'' — Clearing the modification sign or the saving sign ''save'' of the node. * ''void modifGClr( );'' — Clearing the modification sign of the node branch. * ''void load( TConfig *cfg = NULL, string *errs = NULL );'' — Load the dynamic tree node for ready configuration ''cfg''. The loading errors place to ''errs'' by lines. * ''void save( unsigned lev = 0, string *errs = NULL, int *errL = NULL );'' — Saving the dynamic tree node, on nesting level ''lev'' (service). The saving errors place to ''errs'' by lines and maximum level ''errL''. * ''virtual void AHDConnect( );'' — Connection to the node (capture of the resource). * ''virtual bool AHDDisConnect( );'' — Disсonnection from the node (release of the resource). Resource will remove on zero result. * ''void mess_sys( int8_t level, const char *fmt, ... );'' — The system message forms for the node path as the category, the ''level'', the formatted message ''fmt'' appended by the node location and followed arguments. * ''TError err_sys( const char *fmt, ... ) const; TError err_sys( int cod, const char *fmt, ... ) const;'' — The error object forms for the node path as the category, the code ''cod'', the formatted message ''fmt'' appended by the node location and followed arguments. * ''virtual TVariant objPropGet( const string &id );'' — Request of the node's property as the user's object. * ''virtual void objPropSet( const string &id, TVariant val );'' — Setting the node's property as the user's object. * ''virtual TVariant objFuncCall( const string &id, vector<TVariant> &prms, const string &user_lang );'' — Node function ''id'' call with the parameters ''prms'' and for user/language ''user_lang'' ("{user}\n{lang}"). * ''int8_t grpSize( );'' — Number of the containers with the child nodes. * ''int8_t grpId( const string &sid );'' — Getting the index of the group by its ID. * ''virtual AutoHD<TCntrNode> chldAt( int8_t igr, const string &name, const string &user = "" ) const;'' — Attachment to the child node ''name'' of the container ''gr'' of the user ''user''. * ''virtual void chldList( int8_t igr, vector<string> &list, bool noex = false ) const;'' — The list of the child nodes ''list'' in the specified container ''gr''. * ''virtual bool chldPresent( int8_t igr, const string &name ) const;'' — Check for the presence of the specified child node ''name'' in the container ''gr''. |