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h English (en) | '''Short calls for global functions into "OSCADA" namespace:''' * ''template <class fVal> fVal fmin( fVal a, fVal b ); template <class fVal> fVal fmax( fVal a, fVal b );'' — functional templates for obtain of two values minimum and maximum. * ''inline string i2s( int val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec )'' —> TSYS::int2str(val, view); * ''inline string u2s( unsigned val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec )'' —> TSYS::uint2str(val, view); * ''inline string ll2s( long long val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec )'' —> TSYS::ll2str(val, view); * ''inline string r2s( double val, int prec = 15, char tp = 'g' )'' —> TSYS::real2str(val, prec, tp); * ''inline double rRnd( double val, int dig = 0, bool toint = false )'' —> TSYS::realRound(val, dig, toint); * ''inline string atm2s( time_t tm, const string &format = "", bool gmt = false )'' —> TSYS::atime2str(tm, format, gmt); * ''inline string tm2s( double tm )'' —> TSYS::time2str(tm); * ''inline int s2i( const string &val )'' —> atoi(val.c_str()); * ''inline long s2l( const string &val, int base = 10 )'' —> strtol(val.c_str(), NULL, base); * ''inline unsigned long s2u( const string &val, int base = 10 )'' —> strtoul(val.c_str(), NULL, base); * ''inline long long s2ll( const string &val )'' —> atoll(val.c_str()); * ''inline double s2r( const string &val )'' — TSYS::str2real(val); * ''inline string sTrm( const string &val, const string &cfg = " \n\t\r")'' —> TSYS::strTrim(val, cfg); |