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 h English (en)=== {{Anch|TValFunc|The object of the function's value (TValFunc)}} ===
'''Public methods:'''
* ''TValFunc( const string &iname = "", TFunction *ifunc = NULL, bool iblk = true );'' — Initializing constructor.
* ''bool blk( );'' — The sign — "Blocking of the parameters' changes of the function".
* ''bool mdfChk( );'' — The sign — "To check attributes to modify".
* ''bool isChangedProg( bool clear = false );'' — The sign — "The program changing" with it clearing by ''clear''.
* ''bool isCalc( );'' — The sign — "The function calculation".
* ''string user( );'' — User on whose behalf the function is executed.
* ''string lang( );'' — Language on whose the function is executed.
* ''const string &vfName( );'' — Name of the values' object.
* ''void setUser( const string &vl );'' — Set the user on whose behalf the function will be executed.
* ''void setLang( const string &vl );'' — Set the language on whose the function will be executed.
* ''void setVfName( const string &nm );'' — Set the name of the values' object to ''nm''.
* ''void setMdfChk( bool set );'' — Set/unset ''set'' of the sign - "To check attributes to modify".
* ''void ioList( vector<string> &list );'' — The list of the function's parameters ''list''.
* ''int ioId( const string &id );'' — Getting the parameter's index ''id''.
* ''int ioSize( ) const;'' — The whole quantity of the parameters.
* ''IO::Type ioType( unsigned id );'' — Parameter's type ''id''.
* ''unsigned ioFlg( unsigned id ) const;'' — Parameter's flags ''id''.
* ''bool ioHide( unsigned id );'' — Parameter's sign ''id'' - "Hide".
* ''bool ioMdf( unsigned id );'' — Parameter's sign ''id'' - "Modified".
* ''TVariant get( unsigned id );'' — Get the value of the parameter ''id''.
* ''string getS( unsigned id );'' — Get the value (string) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''int64_t getI( unsigned id );'' — Get the value (integer) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''double getR( unsigned id );'' — Get the value (real) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''bool getB( unsigned id );'' — Get the value (boolean) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''AutoHD<TVarObj> getO( unsigned id );'' — Get the value of the parameter's object ''id''.
* ''void set( unsigned id, const TVariant &val );'' — Set the value ''val'' of the parameter ''id''.
* ''void setS( unsigned id, const string &val );'' — Set the value ''val'' (string) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''void setI( unsigned id, int64_t val );'' — Set the value ''val'' (integer) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''void setR( unsigned id, double val );'' — Set the value ''val'' (real) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''void setB( unsigned id, bool val );'' — Set the value ''val'' (boolean) of the parameter ''id''.
* ''void setO( unsigned id, AutoHD<TVarObj> val );'' — Set the value ''val'' of the parameter's object ''id''.
* ''virtual void calc( const string &user = "" );'' — To calculate on behalf of the user ''user'' or user, specified earlier.
* ''double calcTm( );'' — Computation time.
* ''void setCalcTm( double vl );'' — Initializing of the time of value's calculation ''vl''.
* ''TFunction *func( );'' — Attached function.
* ''void setFunc( TFunction *func, bool att_det = true );'' — To attach with the specified function ''func''.
* ''virtual void preIOCfgChange( );'' — Is called before the configuration changes.
* ''virtual void postIOCfgChange( );'' — Is called after the configuration changes.
* ''virtual void progChange( );'' —  Is called at the program changing.
* ''TValFunc *ctxGet( int key );'' — Get context for key ''key''.
* ''void ctxSet( int key, TValFunc *val );'' — Set context for key ''key''.
* ''void ctxClear( );'' — External functions call context clear.