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Даний модуль безпосередньої візуалізації СВУ призначено для формування та виконання інтерфейсів СВУ у середовищі графічної бібліотеки Qt. Модуль СВУ, переважно, забезпечує:

  • three levels of difficulty in the formation of the visualization interface, which allow organically to develop and apply the tools by the principle — from simple to complex:
  1. formation from the template frames, by assigning the dynamics and without the graphical configuration;
  2. graphical formation of new frames, using ready-made visualization elements from the library - mnemosmes;
  3. forming, in the library, new ones: frames, template frames and display elements.
  • construction of interfaces for visualization of practically any complexity (limited by the "discreteness" of the primitive functions), ranging from simple monitoring interfaces, and to complete hierarchical interfaces used in SCADA systems;
  • providing the different ways of forming and configuration of the user interface, based on different interfaces of graphical representation (Qt, Web, ...), or-through the standard interface of OpenSCADA control;
  • construction and correction of the interface, appointment and change of the dynamics in the process of the execution;
  • construction, at the user level, of new template frames and the formation of specialized ones, under the scope, libraries of frames (e.g. the inclusion of parameters frames, diagrams and other elements linking them to each other), according to the idea of secondary use, accumulation and improvement;
  • construction of new custom visualization elements and the formation of specialized, at the field of application, libraries of frames, according to the idea of secondary use, accumulation and improvement;
  • description of the logic of new template frames and user visualization elements as by the simple links as well by the compact and full-featured user programming language;
  • possibility of inclusion, to the user's visualization elements, the functions (or frames of functions' calculation) of the object model of OpenSCADA, practically linking the presentation with the algorithm of computation, for example, visualizing the library of the apparatus of TP models for subsequent visual building of the TP models;
  • separation the data of the user interfaces and presentation interfaces of these data, allowing to build the user interface in the one environment, and execute in many others (Qt, Web, ...);
  • ability to connect to the executable interface for monitoring and correction of actions; for example, training operators and monitoring their actions in real time;
  • visual construction of various schemes with overlapping logical connections and subsequent centralized execution in the background - visual construction and execution of mathematical models, logic circuits, relay circuits and other;
  • providing, to OpenSCADA, object API functions; can be used to control the properties of the visualization interface from user procedures;
  • server construction for: frames, visualization elements and visualization interface projects; with the ability to service multiple client connections;
  • simple organization of client stations on different bases (Qt, Web, ...) with the connection to the central server;
  • full-featured mechanism for distributing authorities between users that allows you to create and execute projects with different rights to access their components;
  • flexible formation of rules of alarms and notifications, with the support of various methods of the notification;
  • support of custom formation of the palette and font preferences for the visualization interface, in styles;
  • support of the user forming of the events maps under various control equipment and user's preferences;
  • support for user profiles, allowing the identification of various properties of the visualization interface (colors, font features, the preferred card of events);
  • flexible storage and distribution of libraries of widgets, frames and projects of the visualization interfaces in the databases, supported by OpenSCADA; practically, the user only has to register the received database with the data.