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[TaskDone] Release of the OpenSCADA 0.9 LTS

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Written on: 05. 02. 2018 [12:58]
Roman Savochenko
Topic creator
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3750
Base: Road map
Funding: nope
Begin: 05.02.2018
Completion: 06.2018
Priority: high
Complexity: high and after finishing
State: Done.
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Objective The actual LTS base 0.8 of OpenSCADA is mostly outdated (but supported yet) and has got some significant limitations but the current Work version 0.9 is ready for the LTS role already.

The significant sub-tasks are set for implemented independently from the time limit and then they are conditional ones of the task:
07.02 D:UserAPI: revise and expand by a tree of the user objects of OpenSCADA.
07.02 F:UI.Vision.ElFigure: Some properties of the common part of the developing mode move to the private widget part — for allowance of the feature of the parallel edition at widgets of the primitive execution.
16.03 D:FAQ, HowTo: revision, refactoring and translation to Ukrainian, without "Create module".
18.02 F:MeeGo: finish the environment processing and fix the current state. Connect QSensor and test it.
10.04 D:QiuckStart revision, expanding and translation to Ukrainian.
12.03 F:Android: The adaptation finish by the last OpenSCADA version build and test for different versions of Android; fix the current state:
+ Build the last OpenSCADA
+ Test for the projects manager, windows opening, Look and Feels and Android sensors through QSensor or append their as the native ones.
+ Asus Nexus 7 2013: update to 5,6 and try OpenSCADA.
22.04 D:Prepare announce of the release 0.9 LTS on the generic languages.
30.03 F:UI.WebVision some expanding for the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" extension.
11.05 D:ModBus, LogicLev, DAQGate, FSArch, DAQ: Revision.
30.04 FD:RPi, OrPi: make unified, rename BCM2835 to GPIO; document the current state.
10.05 F: Moving the runtime of the UI.Vision to requesting the data model differently from the main Qt thread, whole generalization, unification and stabilization of it for Qt-modules UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision} — some problems of Qt-objects deletion in cascade calls of processEvents().
18.05 F: Expanding some OpenSCADA parts to use the DAQ templates: controllers of DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.
28.05 D:UI.VCAEngine: revision and translation to Ukrainian.
02.06 D:DAQ.BFN, UI.Vision: revise and translate.
06.06 Release the last 0.8.20 LTS update.
13.06 Execute the formal applying tests of the 0.9 LTS release.
13.06 D:DB.SQLite, UI.QTCfg, UI.WebVision, UI.WebCfgD: revise.
17.06 Review finally the announce of the 0.9 LTS release and some important-generic documents: About, Functions, Works, To do.
16.06 Branching the 0.9 LTS release.
16.06 Build the 0.8.20 LTS with the last fixes and signing with the stronger key, debug removing previous builds of the LTS.
17.06 Prepare the packages repository to the 0.9 LTS and 1 Work. Build finally the 0.9 LTS release.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 05. 02. 2018 [13:11]
Roman Savochenko
Topic creator
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3750
The optional sub-tasks which are desirable to do before the OpenSCADA 0.9 releasing date 06.2018 and which will be continued after the release, most of them from the task "The knowledge base moving to a new Wiki engine" here:
06 Adapt the Linux distributive Debian 9 ARMHF for the regular OpenSCADA builds and enable it for updates of 0.9 LTS.
06 Adapt the Linux distributive Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for the regular OpenSCADA builds and enable it for updates of 0.9 LTS.
06 Adapt the Linux distributive SuSE Leap 15.0 for the regular OpenSCADA builds and enable it for updates of 0.9 LTS.

07 Build last TDE for Debian 8 and 9 with my patches, for actual Live-disks.
07 Expand the Automatic Builder for signing both RPM and Debian packages and their repositories.
07 Expand Debian Live disks boot menu and fix some problems of the Live disks.

09 F:Implement the mouse right key emulation in Qt on holding the left button during about 5 seconds, for interfaces with sensor screen only but rich ones.

11 F: Expanding some OpenSCADA parts to use the DAQ templates:Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol} and UI.WebUser.

12 D:DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird,DBF}, Transport.{Serial,SSL}, Protocol.{SelfSystem,UserProtocol,HTTP}, DAQ.{System,Siemens}, Archive.DBArch, UI.{WebCfg,WebUser}, Special.{FLibSYS,SystemTests,FLibMath,FLibComplex1}: revision

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 03. 01. 2019 [08:42]
Roman Savochenko
Topic creator
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3750
2019 Mostly tasks of the 1 LTS already:

01 D:HowTo/Create module: revision
01 D:Develop the pure demo and TP mode on the certificates base in the keys of the subscription on a TP package: prevent writing and form the notification dialogues.
01 Prepare an environment of the adaption to QNX, on BlackBerry PlayBook.
01 Start a sub-project of adaption to work on the QNX platform.

02 D:DAQ.AMRDevs: move, revise and translate.
02 D:DAQ.{DCON,OPC-UA,ICP-DAS,DiamondBoards,Comedi,SMH2Gi}: revision
02 F:DAQ.OPC-UA: Finish for the tasks: policies of authentication support on the server part, the mode of pooling by "Publish" and Chunks support on the client part.

03 Release packages for Android as a product. Build packages for Android as a pure demo with switching to the full-featured mode by a key of the TP support.
03 Release common packages of 0.9 LTS as a product. Develop the service updates of the 0.9 LTS in the pure demo mode before applying a key of the TP support.
03 D:Libs.{Controllers,Service procedures,Regulation elements,Documents,Technological apparatuses,Electrical elements,Main elements,Mnemo elements}: move, revise and translate.
03 D:Libs.TmplBase: create the document.

04 D:API: revise.

05 Start a sub-project of adaption to work on the MS Windows platform.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.