//OpenSCADA module UI.WebVision file: web_vision.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2024 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "web_vision.h" //************************************************ //* Modul info! * #define MOD_ID "WebVision" #define MOD_NAME trS("Operation user interface (WEB)") #define MOD_TYPE SUI_ID #define VER_TYPE SUI_VER #define SUB_TYPE "WWW" #define MOD_VER "6.11.0" #define AUTHORS trS("Roman Savochenko, Lysenko Maxim (2008-2012), Yashina Kseniya (2007)") #define DESCRIPTION trS("Visual operation user interface, based on the WEB - front-end to the VCA engine.") #define LICENSE "GPL2" //************************************************ WebVision::TWEB *WebVision::mod; extern "C" { #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule::SAt ui_WebVision_module( int n_mod ) #else TModule::SAt module( int n_mod ) #endif { if(n_mod == 0) return TModule::SAt(MOD_ID,MOD_TYPE,VER_TYPE); return TModule::SAt(""); } #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule *ui_WebVision_attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #else TModule *attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #endif { if(AtMod == TModule::SAt(MOD_ID,MOD_TYPE,VER_TYPE)) return new WebVision::TWEB(source); return NULL; } } extern char *WebVisionVCA_js; using namespace WebVision; //************************************************ //* TWEB * //************************************************ TWEB::TWEB( string name ) : TUI(MOD_ID), mTSess(DEF_SessTimeLife), mSessLimit(DEF_SessLimit), mCachePgLife(DEF_CachePgLife), mCachePgSz(DEF_CachePgSz), mPNGCompLev(DEF_PNGCompLev), mImgResize(DEF_ImgResize), mCustCSS(dataRes()) { mod = this; modInfoMainSet(MOD_NAME, MOD_TYPE, MOD_VER, AUTHORS, DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, name); id_vcases = grpAdd("ses_"); //Reg export functions modFuncReg(new ExpFunc("void HTTP_GET(const string&,string&,vector&,const string&,TProtocolIn*);", "GET command processing from HTTP protocol!",(void(TModule::*)( )) &TWEB::HTTP_GET)); modFuncReg(new ExpFunc("void HTTP_POST(const string&,string&,vector&,const string&,TProtocolIn*);", "POST command processing from HTTP protocol!",(void(TModule::*)( )) &TWEB::HTTP_POST)); gdFTUseFontConfig(1); //Create named colors' container colors["aliceblue"] = rgb(240, 248, 255); colors["antiquewhite"] = rgb(250, 235, 215); colors["aqua"] = rgb(0, 255, 255); colors["aquamarine"] = rgb(127, 255, 212); colors["azure"] = rgb(240, 255, 255); colors["beige"] = rgb(245, 245, 220); colors["bisque"] = rgb(255, 228, 196); colors["black"] = rgb(0, 0, 0); colors["blanchedalmond"] = rgb(255, 235, 205); colors["blue"] = rgb(0, 0, 255); colors["blueviolet"] = rgb(138, 43, 226); colors["brown"] = rgb(165, 42, 42); colors["burlywood"] = rgb(222, 184, 135); colors["cadetblue"] = rgb(95, 158, 160); colors["chartreuse"] = rgb(127, 255, 0); colors["chocolate"] = rgb(210, 105, 30); colors["coral"] = rgb(255, 127, 80); colors["cornflowerblue"] = rgb(100, 149, 237); colors["cornsilk"] = rgb(255, 248, 220); colors["crimson"] = rgb(220, 20, 60); colors["cyan"] = rgb(0, 255, 255); colors["darkblue"] = rgb(0, 0, 139); colors["darkcyan"] = rgb(0, 139, 139); colors["darkgoldenrod"] = rgb(184, 134, 11); colors["darkgray"] = rgb(169, 169, 169); colors["darkgreen"] = rgb(0, 100, 0); colors["darkgrey"] = rgb(169, 169, 169); colors["darkkhaki"] = rgb(189, 183, 107); colors["darkmagenta"] = rgb(139, 0, 139); colors["darkolivegreen"] = rgb(85, 107, 47); colors["darkorange"] = rgb(255, 140, 0); colors["darkorchid"] = rgb(153, 50, 204); colors["darkred"] = rgb(139, 0, 0); colors["darksalmon"] = rgb(233, 150, 122); colors["darkseagreen"] = rgb(143, 188, 143); colors["darkslateblue"] = rgb(72, 61, 139); colors["darkslategray"] = rgb(47, 79, 79); colors["darkslategrey"] = rgb(47, 79, 79); colors["darkturquoise"] = rgb(0, 206, 209); colors["darkviolet"] = rgb(148, 0, 211); colors["deeppink"] = rgb(255, 20, 147); colors["deepskyblue"] = rgb(0, 191, 255); colors["dimgray"] = rgb(105, 105, 105); colors["dimgrey"] = rgb(105, 105, 105); colors["dodgerblue"] = rgb(30, 144, 255); colors["firebrick"] = rgb(178, 34, 34); colors["floralwhite"] = rgb(255, 250, 240); colors["forestgreen"] = rgb(34, 139, 34); colors["fuchsia"] = rgb(255, 0, 255); colors["gainsboro"] = rgb(220, 220, 220); colors["ghostwhite"] = rgb(248, 248, 255); colors["gold"] = rgb(255, 215, 0); colors["goldenrod"] = rgb(218, 165, 32); colors["gray"] = rgb(128, 128, 128); colors["grey"] = rgb(128, 128, 128); colors["green"] = rgb(0, 128, 0); colors["greenyellow"] = rgb(173, 255, 47); colors["honeydew"] = rgb(240, 255, 240); colors["hotpink"] = rgb(255, 105, 180); colors["indianred"] = rgb(205, 92, 92); colors["indigo"] = rgb(75, 0, 130); colors["ivory"] = rgb(255, 255, 240); colors["khaki"] = rgb(240, 230, 140); colors["lavender"] = rgb(230, 230, 250); colors["lavenderblush"] = rgb(255, 240, 245); colors["lawngreen"] = rgb(124, 252, 0); colors["lemonchiffon"] = rgb(255, 250, 205); colors["lightblue"] = rgb(173, 216, 230); colors["lightcoral"] = rgb(240, 128, 128); colors["lightcyan"] = rgb(224, 255, 255); colors["lightgoldenrodyellow"] = rgb(250, 250, 210); colors["lightgray"] = rgb(211, 211, 211); colors["lightgreen"] = rgb(144, 238, 144); colors["lightgrey"] = rgb(211, 211, 211); colors["lightpink"] = rgb(255, 182, 193); colors["lightsalmon"] = rgb(255, 160, 122); colors["lightseagreen"] = rgb(32, 178, 170); colors["lightskyblue"] = rgb(135, 206, 250); colors["lightslategray"] = rgb(119, 136, 153); colors["lightslategrey"] = rgb(119, 136, 153); colors["lightsteelblue"] = rgb(176, 196, 222); colors["lightyellow"] = rgb(255, 255, 224); colors["lime"] = rgb(0, 255, 0); colors["limegreen"] = rgb(50, 205, 50); colors["linen"] = rgb(250, 240, 230); colors["magenta"] = rgb(255, 0, 255); colors["maroon"] = rgb(128, 0, 0); colors["mediumaquamarine"] = rgb(102, 205, 170); colors["mediumblue"] = rgb(0, 0, 205); colors["mediumorchid"] = rgb(186, 85, 211); colors["mediumpurple"] = rgb(147, 112, 219); colors["mediumseagreen"] = rgb(60, 179, 113); colors["mediumslateblue"] = rgb(123, 104, 238); colors["mediumspringgreen"] = rgb(0, 250, 154); colors["mediumturquoise"] = rgb(72, 209, 204); colors["mediumvioletred"] = rgb(199, 21, 133); colors["midnightblue"] = rgb(25, 25, 112); colors["mintcream"] = rgb(245, 255, 250); colors["mistyrose"] = rgb(255, 228, 225); colors["moccasin"] = rgb(255, 228, 181); colors["navajowhite"] = rgb(255, 222, 173); colors["navy"] = rgb(0, 0, 128); colors["oldlace"] = rgb(253, 245, 230); colors["olive"] = rgb(128, 128, 0); colors["olivedrab"] = rgb(107, 142, 35); colors["orange"] = rgb(255, 165, 0); colors["orangered"] = rgb(255, 69, 0); colors["orchid"] = rgb(218, 112, 214); colors["palegoldenrod"] = rgb(238, 232, 170); colors["palegreen"] = rgb(152, 251, 152); colors["paleturquoise"] = rgb(175, 238, 238); colors["palevioletred"] = rgb(219, 112, 147); colors["papayawhip"] = rgb(255, 239, 213); colors["peachpuff"] = rgb(255, 218, 185); colors["peru"] = rgb(205, 133, 63); colors["pink"] = rgb(255, 192, 203); colors["plum"] = rgb(221, 160, 221); colors["powderblue"] = rgb(176, 224, 230); colors["purple"] = rgb(128, 0, 128); colors["red"] = rgb(255, 0, 0); colors["rosybrown"] = rgb(188, 143, 143); colors["royalblue"] = rgb(65, 105, 225); colors["saddlebrown"] = rgb(139, 69, 19); colors["salmon"] = rgb(250, 128, 114); colors["sandybrown"] = rgb(244, 164, 96); colors["seagreen"] = rgb(46, 139, 87); colors["seashell"] = rgb(255, 245, 238); colors["sienna"] = rgb(160, 82, 45); colors["silver"] = rgb(192, 192, 192); colors["skyblue"] = rgb(135, 206, 235); colors["slateblue"] = rgb(106, 90, 205); colors["slategray"] = rgb(112, 128, 144); colors["slategrey"] = rgb(112, 128, 144); colors["snow"] = rgb(255, 250, 250); colors["springgreen"] = rgb(0, 255, 127); colors["steelblue"] = rgb(70, 130, 180); colors["tan"] = rgb(210, 180, 140); colors["teal"] = rgb(0, 128, 128); colors["thistle"] = rgb(216, 191, 216); colors["tomato"] = rgb(255, 99, 71); colors["turquoise"] = rgb(64, 224, 208); colors["violet"] = rgb(238, 130, 238); colors["wheat"] = rgb(245, 222, 179); colors["white"] = rgb(255, 255, 255); colors["whitesmoke"] = rgb(245, 245, 245); colors["yellow"] = rgb(255, 255, 0); colors["yellowgreen"] = rgb(154, 205, 50); #if 0 //Text items for translation in the file WebVisionVCA.js char mess[][100] = { _("Apply"), _("Cancel"), _("Date and time"), _("View access is not permitted."), _("Level"), _("Category"), _("Message"), _("mcsec"), _("Ready"), _("Page"), _("Today"), _("Mon"), _("Tue"), _("Wed"), _("Thr"), _("Fri"), _("Sat"), _("Sun"), _("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"), _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"), _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December") _("Field for displaying and changing the current user."), _("Field for displaying and changing the used interface style."), _("Alarm level: %1"), _("Notificator %1"), _("Field for printing and exporting data."), _("User status fields."), _("Field of getting the project manual."), _("Main Page"), _("Document %1"), _("Table %1"), _("No data for export!") }; #endif } TWEB::~TWEB( ) { } void TWEB::vcaSesAdd( const string &name ) { if(vcaSesPresent(name)) return; chldAdd(id_vcases, new VCASess(name)); } string TWEB::optDescr( ) { return TSYS::strMess(_( "======================= Module <%s:%s> options =======================\n" "---- Parameters of the module section '%s' of the configuration file ----\n" "SessTimeLife Lifetime of the sessions in minutes (by default, 10).\n" "SessLimit Maximum number of the sessions (by default 5).\n" "CachePgLife Lifetime of the pages in the cache (by default 1).\n" "CachePgSz Maximum number of the pages in the cache (by default 10).\n" "PNGCompLev Compression level [-1..9] of the creating PNG-images.\n" "ImgResize <0|1> Resizing raster images on the server side.\n" "CustCSS Custom interface CSS rules.\n\n"), MOD_TYPE, MOD_ID, nodePath().c_str()); } void TWEB::load_( ) { //Load parameters from command line //Load parameters from config-file setSessTime(s2i(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"SessTimeLife",i2s(DEF_SessTimeLife)))); setSessLimit(s2i(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"SessLimit",i2s(DEF_SessLimit)))); setCachePgLife(s2r(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"CachePgLife",r2s(DEF_CachePgLife)))); setCachePgSz(s2i(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"CachePgSz",i2s(DEF_CachePgSz)))); setPNGCompLev(s2i(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"PNGCompLev",i2s(DEF_PNGCompLev)))); setImgResize(s2i(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"ImgResize",i2s(DEF_ImgResize)))); setCustCSS(TBDS::genPrmGet(nodePath()+"CustCSS")); } void TWEB::save_( ) { TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"SessTimeLife", i2s(sessTime())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"SessLimit", i2s(sessLimit())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"CachePgLife", r2s(cachePgLife())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"CachePgSz", i2s(cachePgSz())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"PNGCompLev", i2s(PNGCompLev())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"ImgResize", i2s(imgResize())); TBDS::genPrmSet(nodePath()+"CustCSS", custCSS()); } void TWEB::modStart( ) { runSt = true; } void TWEB::modStop( ) { runSt = false; } void TWEB::perSYSCall( unsigned int cnt ) { try { //Check for opened sessions timeout close time_t cur_tm = time(NULL); vector list; vcaSesList(list); for(unsigned iS = 0; iS < list.size(); iS++) if(cur_tm > vcaSesAt(list[iS]).at().lstReq()+sessTime()*60) vcaSesDel(list[iS]); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(),"%s",err.mess.c_str()); } } string TWEB::pgCreator( TProtocolIn *iprt, const string &cnt, const string &rcode, const string &httpattrs, const string &htmlHeadEls, const string &forceTmplFile, const string &lang ) { /*if(httpattrs.size() && httpattrs.find("Content-Type: text/html") == string::npos) return "HTTP/1.1 " + rcode + "\x0D\x0A" "Server: " + PACKAGE_STRING + "\x0D\x0A" "Accept-Ranges: bytes\x0D\x0A" "Content-Length: " + i2s(cnt.size()) + "\x0D\x0A" + // "Connection: close\x0D\x0A" + httpattrs + "\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A" + cnt;*/ vector prms; prms.push_back(cnt); prms.push_back(rcode); prms.push_back(httpattrs); prms.push_back(htmlHeadEls); prms.push_back(forceTmplFile); return iprt->objFuncCall("pgCreator", prms, "root\n"+lang).getS(); } bool TWEB::pgAccess( TProtocolIn *iprt, const string &URL ) { vector prms; prms.push_back(URL); return iprt->objFuncCall("pgAccess", prms, "root").getB(); } void TWEB::HTTP_GET( const string &url, string &page, vector &vars, const string &user, TProtocolIn *iprt ) { string sender = TSYS::strLine(iprt->srcAddr(), 0); SSess ses(TSYS::strDecode(url,TSYS::HttpURL), sender, user, vars, "", iprt); TrCtxAlloc trCtx; if(Mess->translDyn()) trCtx.hold(ses.user+"\n"+ses.lang); try { string zero_lev = TSYS::pathLev(ses.url, 0); //Get the icon and the global image of the module if(zero_lev == "ico" || zero_lev.find("img_") == 0) { string itp = "png"; //Session's and project's icons request processing map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("it"); if(prmEl != ses.prm.end()) { XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", prmEl->second+"/%2fico"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); page = TSYS::strDecode(req.text(), TSYS::base64); } else page = TUIS::icoGet(zero_lev=="ico"?"UI." MOD_ID:zero_lev.substr(4), &itp); page = pgCreator(iprt, page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/"+itp); } //Check for main JavaScript code else if(zero_lev == "script.js") { int hd; page = ""; if((hd=open("WebVisionVCA.js",O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; for(int len = 0; (len=read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0; ) page.append(buf, len); if(close(hd) != 0) mess_warning(nodePath().c_str(), _("Closing the file %d error '%s (%d)'!"), hd, strerror(errno), errno); } else page = WebVisionVCA_js; page = trMessReplace(page); page = mod->pgCreator(iprt, page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/javascript"); //Maybe application/javascript } else { //Session selection or a new session for the project creation if(zero_lev.empty()) { bool sesPrjOk = false; page = "\n"; if(SYS->security().at().usrPresent(ses.user)) page += "\n"; // Getting the present sessions list string self_prjSess, prjSesEls = ""; XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path","/%2fses%2fses")->setAttr("chkUserPerm","1")->setAttr("onlyMy", ses.isRoot()?"0":"1"); cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ResAlloc sesRes(mSesRes, false); for(unsigned iCh = 0; iCh < req.childSize(); iCh++) { if(!pgAccess(iprt,sender+"/" MOD_ID "/ses_"+req.childGet(iCh)->text()+"/")) continue; if(!ses.isRoot() && (req.childGet(iCh)->attr("user") != ses.user || (vcaSesPresent(req.childGet(iCh)->text()) && vcaSesAt(req.childGet(iCh)->text()).at().sender() != sender))) continue; prjSesEls += ""; self_prjSess += req.childGet(iCh)->attr("proj")+";"; } if(!prjSesEls.empty()) { page = page + "\n" "\n"; sesPrjOk = true; } // Getting the present projects list prjSesEls = ""; req.clear()->setAttr("path","/%2fprm%2fcfg%2fprj")->setAttr("noName","1"); cntrIfCmd(req, ses); for(unsigned iCh = 0; iCh < req.childSize(); iCh++) { // Checking for the HTTP-page accessibility if(!pgAccess(iprt,sender+"/" MOD_ID "/prj_"+req.childGet(iCh)->attr("id")+"/")) continue; // Checking for a session availability for such project and user if(!ses.isRoot() && self_prjSess.find(req.childGet(iCh)->attr("id")+";") != string::npos) continue; // Checking for real permition XMLNode req2("CntrReqs"); req2.setAttr("path","/prj_"+req.childGet(iCh)->attr("id")); req2.childAdd("read")->setAttr("path","/%2fserv%2faccess"); req2.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path","/%2fobj%2fcfg%2fname"); cntrIfCmd(req2, ses); if(!s2i(req2.childGet(0)->text())) continue; prjSesEls += ""; } if(!prjSesEls.empty()) { page = page + "\n" "\n"; sesPrjOk = true; } page += "
"+ TSYS::strMess(_("Welcome \"%s (%s)\"!"), trD(SYS->security().at().usrAt(ses.user).at().descr()).c_str(), (""+ses.user+"").c_str())+ "
" "" + req.childGet(iCh)->text()+""; if(ses.isRoot() && vcaSesPresent(req.childGet(iCh)->text())) prjSesEls += " ("+_("close")+")"; if(req.childGet(iCh)->attr("user") != ses.user) prjSesEls += " - "+req.childGet(iCh)->attr("user"); if(vcaSesPresent(req.childGet(iCh)->text()) && vcaSesAt(req.childGet(iCh)->text()).at().sender() != sender) prjSesEls += " - "+vcaSesAt(req.childGet(iCh)->text()).at().sender(); prjSesEls += "
" + _("Opened sessions of the projects") + "
\n" "\n" + prjSesEls + "
" "" + req2.childGet(1)->text() + "
"+_("Available projects")+"
\n" "\n"+ prjSesEls+ "
"; if(!sesPrjOk) page = messPost(nodePath(), _("There is no session and project of the VCA engine for the user!"), TWEB::Warning); page = pgCreator(iprt, page, "200 OK", "", "", "", ses.lang); } //New session create else if(zero_lev.find("prj_") == 0) { string sName; // Find for early created session for the user and the sender XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path","/%2fses%2fses")->setAttr("chkUserPerm","1"); cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ResAlloc sesRes(mSesRes, false); //if(!ses.isRoot()) AutoHD vs; for(unsigned iCh = 0; iCh < req.childSize(); iCh++) if(req.childGet(iCh)->attr("user") == ses.user && req.childGet(iCh)->attr("proj") == zero_lev.substr(4) && vcaSesPresent(req.childGet(iCh)->text()) && (vs=vcaSesAt(req.childGet(iCh)->text())).at().sender() == sender && (vs.at().user() == ses.user || vs.at().userOrig() == ses.user)) { sName = req.childGet(iCh)->text(); break; } vs.free(); if(sName.empty()) { vector vcaLs; vcaSesList(vcaLs); if((int)vcaLs.size() >= mod->sessLimit()) page = messPost(nodePath(), _("Sorry, the number of open sessions has reached a limit!"), TWEB::Warning); else { sesRes.request(true); req.setName("connect")->setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fsess")->setAttr("prj", zero_lev.substr(4))->setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", sender); if(cntrIfCmd(req,ses)) page = messPost(req.attr("mcat").c_str(), req.text().c_str(), TWEB::Error); else { sName = req.attr("sess"); vcaSesAdd(sName); AutoHD vs = vcaSesAt(sName); vs.at().projSet(req.attr("prj")); vs.at().userSet(ses.user); vs.at().senderSet(sender); } } } if(!sName.empty()) page = pgCreator(iprt, TSYS::strMess(_("Going to the session '%s' for the project '%s' ..."),sName.c_str(),zero_lev.substr(4).c_str()), "200 OK", "", "", "", ses.lang); else page = pgCreator(iprt, page, "200 OK", "", "", "", ses.lang); } //Main session page data prepare else if(zero_lev.find("ses_") == 0) { ses.url = Mess->codeConvIn("UTF-8", ses.url); //Internal data in UTF-8 string sesnm = zero_lev.substr(4); AutoHD vs; try { vs = vcaSesAt(sesnm); if(vs.at().toRemoveSelf) { vs.free(); vcaSesDel(sesnm); } } catch(TError&) { } map::iterator cntEl; if((cntEl=ses.prm.find("com")) != ses.prm.end() && cntEl->second == "close") { if(ses.isRoot()) { if(!vs.freeStat()) { vs.free(); vcaSesDel(sesnm); } page = pgCreator(iprt, _("Going to the main page ..."), "200 OK", "", "", "", ses.lang); mess_info(nodePath().c_str(), _("The session '%s' is closed."), sesnm.c_str()); } else page = pgCreator(iprt, string("
")+TSYS::strMess(_("You '%s' have no access to close sessions!"),ses.user.c_str())+"
\n", "401 Unauthorized", "", "", "", ses.lang); } // Checking for the internal session presence else if(!vs.freeStat() && (!(ses.user == vs.at().user() || ses.user == vs.at().userOrig() || ses.userPrev == vs.at().user()) || sender != vs.at().sender()) && !SYS->security().at().access(ses.user,SEC_WR,"root","root",RWRWR_)) page = pgCreator(iprt, _("Going to the different session ..."), "200 OK", "", "", "", ses.lang); // The main requesting code else { // Reconnection to change the user in the VCA session if(!vs.freeStat() && ses.user != vs.at().user()) { XMLNode req("connect"); req.setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fsess")->setAttr("sess", sesnm)->setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", sender)->setAttr("userChange", "1"); cntrIfCmd(req, ses); } // Try to connect the VCA-session at missing the Web-session if(vs.freeStat() && !ses.prm.size()) { //!!!! Any user can to try the VCA-session connect otherwise ordinal users // will get the local sessions in the list but cannot connect to them XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fobj%2fst%2fen"); // Connecting and creation a new Web-session for the VCA-session if(!cntrIfCmd(req,ses) && s2i(req.text())) { req.setName("connect")->setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fsess")-> setAttr("sess", sesnm)-> setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", sender)-> setAttr("onlyMy", ses.isRoot()?"0":"1"); if(cntrIfCmd(req,ses)) { page = messPost(req.attr("mcat").c_str(), req.text().c_str(), TWEB::Error); return; } ResAlloc sesRes(mSesRes, true); vcaSesAdd(sesnm); vs = vcaSesAt(sesnm); vs.at().projSet(req.attr("prj")); vs.at().userSet(ses.user); vs.at().senderSet(sender); } } // Same request if(!vs.freeStat()) { ResAlloc sesRes(mSesRes, false); vs.at().userSet(ses.user, true); vs.at().getReq(ses); page = ses.page; } else HTTP_GET("", page, vars, user, iprt); } } else { page = pgCreator(iprt, "
"+TSYS::strMess(_("The specified project/session '%s' is false!"),zero_lev.c_str())+"
\n", "404 Not Found", "", "", "", ses.lang); } } } catch(TError &err) { page = pgCreator(iprt, "
"+TSYS::strMess(_("Error the page '%s': %s"),ses.url.c_str(),err.mess.c_str())+"
\n", "404 Not Found", "", "", "", ses.lang); } } void TWEB::HTTP_POST( const string &url, string &page, vector &vars, const string &user, TProtocolIn *iprt ) { map::iterator cntEl; SSess ses(TSYS::strDecode(url,TSYS::HttpURL), TSYS::strLine(iprt->srcAddr(),0), user, vars, page, iprt); TrCtxAlloc trCtx; if(Mess->translDyn()) trCtx.hold(ses.user+"\n"+ses.lang); try { ses.url = Mess->codeConvIn("UTF-8", ses.url); //Internal data in UTF-8 //To control interface request if((cntEl=ses.prm.find("com"))!=ses.prm.end() && cntEl->second == "com") { XMLNode req(""); req.load(ses.content); req.setAttr("path", ses.url); cntrIfCmd(req, ses, false); page = pgCreator(iprt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); return; } //Post command to the session string sesnm = TSYS::pathLev(ses.url, 0); if(sesnm.size() <= 4 || sesnm.find("ses_") != 0) throw TError(nodePath(), TSYS::strMess(_("Wrong session '%s'."),sesnm.c_str())); else { ResAlloc sesRes(mSesRes, false); vcaSesAt(sesnm.substr(4)).at().postReq(ses); page = ses.page; } } catch(TError &err) { page = pgCreator(iprt, "
"+TSYS::strMess(_("Error the page '%s': %s"),url.c_str(),err.mess.c_str())+"
\n", "404 Not Found", "", "", "", ses.lang); } } string TWEB::messPost( const string &cat, const string &mess, MessLev type ) { string page; //Put system message message(cat.c_str(), (type==Error) ? TMess::Error : (type==Warning) ? TMess::Warning : TMess::Info,"%s",mess.c_str()); //Prepare HTML messages page += "\n"; if(type == Warning ) page += "\n"; else if(type == Error ) page += "\n"; else page += "\n"; page += "\n"; page += "
\n"; return page; } int TWEB::cntrIfCmd( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses, bool VCA ) { node.setAttr("lang", ses.lang)-> setAttr("user", ses.user)-> setAttr("reforwardRedundOff", "1"); if(VCA) node.setAttr("path","/UI/VCAEngine"+node.attr("path")); SYS->cntrCmd(&node); return s2i(node.attr("rez")); } void TWEB::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TUI::cntrCmdProc(opt); if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,1,"/prm/st",_("State"))) ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/prm/st/ses",_("Sessions"),R_R_R_,"root",SUI_ID); if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,1,"/prm/cfg",_("Module options"),R_R_R_)) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/lf_tm",_("Lifetime and maximum number of the sessions"),RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,2,"tp","dec", "help",_("The time is specified in minutes, which defines the inactivity interval for closing the WEB-sessions.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/sesLimit","",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,2,"tp","dec", "help",_("The number defines a limit of opened WEB-sessions.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/cachePgLife",_("Lifetime and maximum number of the cached pages"),RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,2,"tp","real", "help",_("The time is specified in hours, which defines the inactivity interval for closing pages in the cache.\n" "Zero value of the time excludes the closing of pages in the cache.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/cachePgSz","",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,2,"tp","dec", "help",_("The number defines a limit of pages in the cache.\n" "Zero value of the number excludes the cache limit.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/PNGCompLev",_("Level of the PNG compression"),RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,4, "tp","dec", "min","-1", "max","9", "help",_("Level of the PNG (ZLib) compression:\n" " -1 - optimal speed-size;\n" " 0 - disable;\n" " 1-9 - direct level.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/imgResize",_("Resizing raster images on the server side"),RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,2, "tp","bool","help",_("Mostly to decrease too big images size then decrease the traffic, what causes to rise the server load.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/custCSS",_("Custom interface CSS rules"),RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,3,"tp","str","rows","5","SnthHgl","1"); } return; } //Process command to page string a_path = opt->attr("path"); if(a_path == "/prm/st/ses" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { vector vSesLs, vSesObjs; vcaSesList(vSesLs); for(unsigned iS = 0; iS < vSesLs.size(); iS++) { AutoHD ses = vcaSesAt(vSesLs[iS]); ses.at().objList(vSesObjs); string stVal = TSYS::strMess(_("%s %s(%s):%s(%s): the last %s; cached pages %d and resources %d, %s; session objects %d."), atm2s(ses.at().openTm(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").c_str(), ses.at().id().c_str(), ses.at().proj().c_str(), ses.at().user().c_str(), ses.at().sender().c_str(), atm2s(ses.at().lstReq(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").c_str(), ses.at().pgCacheSize(), ses.at().cacheResSize(), TSYS::cpct2str(ses.at().cacheResLen()).c_str(), vSesObjs.size()); if(ses.at().fStatusText.getVal().size()) stVal = stVal + " " + _("FrontEnd: ") + ses.at().fStatusText.getVal(); ses.at().fStatusOrder = true; opt->childAdd("el")->setText(stVal); } } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/lf_tm") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(sessTime())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setSessTime(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/sesLimit") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(sessLimit())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setSessLimit(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/cachePgLife") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(r2s(cachePgLife())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setCachePgLife(s2r(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/cachePgSz") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(cachePgSz())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setCachePgSz(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/PNGCompLev") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(PNGCompLev())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setPNGCompLev(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/imgResize") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(imgResize())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setImgResize(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/prm/cfg/custCSS") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) opt->setText(custCSS()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_WR)) setCustCSS(opt->text()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"SnthHgl",RWRWR_,"root",SUI_ID,SEC_RD)) { opt->setAttr("font", SYS->ui().at().fontSnthHglCode()); opt->childAdd("blk")->setAttr("beg", "/\\*")->setAttr("end", "\\*/")->setAttr("color", "gray")->setAttr("font_italic", "1"); opt->childAdd("blk")->setAttr("beg", "\\{")->setAttr("end", "\\}")->setAttr("color", "#666666")-> childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr", ":[^;]+")->setAttr("color", "blue"); opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr", "(\\.|#)\\w+\\s")->setAttr("color", "darkorange"); } } else TUI::cntrCmdProc(opt); } void TWEB::imgConvert( SSess &ses, const string &mime ) { map::iterator prmEl; gdImagePtr sim = NULL; string itp; int newImgH = 0, newImgW = 0; //Checking for SVG and appending/removing "preserveAspectRatio" at the argument "size" presence, for true fitting. if(mime.find("image/svg+xml") != string::npos && ses.page.size() && ses.prm.find("size") != ses.prm.end()) try { XMLNode nd; nd.load(ses.page, XMLNode::LD_Full); if(nd.name() == "svg") { nd.setAttr("preserveAspectRatio","none"); ses.page = nd.save(XMLNode::XMLHeader); } return; } catch(TError&) { } //Raster images processing if(!imgResize() || ses.page.empty() || (ses.prm.find("size") == ses.prm.end() && ses.prm.find("filtr") == ses.prm.end())) return; if((sim=gdImageCreateFromPngPtr(ses.page.size(),(char*)ses.page.data()))) itp = "png"; else if((sim=gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(ses.page.size(),(char*)ses.page.data()))) itp = "jpg"; else if((sim=gdImageCreateFromGifPtr(ses.page.size(),(char*)ses.page.data()))) itp = "gif"; //if(sim) gdImageAlphaBlending(sim, 0); //Check for resize icon if(sim && (prmEl=ses.prm.find("size")) != ses.prm.end() && (newImgH=s2i(prmEl->second)) > 0 && gdImageSY(sim) > newImgH) { newImgW = gdImageSX(sim)*newImgH/gdImageSY(sim); gdImagePtr dim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(newImgW,newImgH); gdImageAlphaBlending(dim,0); gdImageFilledRectangle(dim,0,0,newImgW-1,newImgH-1,gdImageColorResolveAlpha(dim,0,0,0,127)); gdImageCopyResampled(dim,sim,0,0,0,0,newImgW,newImgH,gdImageSX(sim),gdImageSY(sim)); gdImageDestroy(sim); sim = dim; } // Check for disable icon make if(sim && (prmEl = ses.prm.find("filtr")) != ses.prm.end() && (prmEl->second == "gray" || prmEl->second == "unact")) { gdImagePtr dim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(gdImageSX(sim),gdImageSY(sim)); gdImageAlphaBlending(dim,0); bool isUnAct = (prmEl->second == "unact"); for(int i_y = 0; i_y < gdImageSY(sim); i_y++) for(int i_x = 0; i_x < gdImageSX(sim); i_x++) { int c = gdImageGetPixel(sim,i_x,i_y); int y = (int)(0.3*gdImageRed(sim,c)+0.59*gdImageGreen(sim,c)+0.11*gdImageBlue(sim,c)); if(isUnAct) y = 255-(255-y)/2; c = (int)gdImageColorResolveAlpha(dim,y,y,y,gdImageAlpha(sim,c)); gdImageSetPixel(dim,i_x,i_y,c); } gdImageDestroy(sim); sim = dim; } // Save result if(sim) { int img_sz; char *img_ptr = NULL; gdImageSaveAlpha(sim, 1); if(itp == "png") img_ptr = (char *)gdImagePngPtrEx(sim, &img_sz, PNGCompLev()); else if(itp == "jpg") img_ptr = (char *)gdImageJpegPtr(sim, &img_sz,-1); else if(itp == "gif") img_ptr = (char *)gdImageGifPtr(sim, &img_sz); if(img_ptr) { ses.page.assign(img_ptr,img_sz); gdFree(img_ptr); } gdImageDestroy(sim); } } int TWEB::colorParse( const string &tclr ) { string clr = tclr; int alpha; size_t found = clr.find("-"); if(found != string::npos) { clr = tclr.substr(0,found); alpha = s2i(tclr.substr(found+1)); } else alpha = 255; if(clr.size() >= 4 && clr[0] == '#') { int el_sz = clr.size()/3; return ((int)vmin(127,(alpha/2+0.5))<<24)+ (strtol(clr.substr(1,el_sz).c_str(),NULL,16)<<16)+ (strtol(clr.substr(1+el_sz,el_sz).c_str(),NULL,16)<<8)+ strtol(clr.substr(1+2*el_sz,el_sz).c_str(),NULL,16); } else if(clr.size()) { map::iterator iclr = colors.find(clr); if(iclr != colors.end()) return ((int)vmin(127,(alpha/2+0.5))<<24)+ iclr->second; } return -1; } int TWEB::colorResolve( gdImagePtr im, int clr ) { return gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, (uint8_t)(clr>>16), (uint8_t)(clr>>8), (uint8_t)clr, 127-(uint8_t)(clr>>24)); } string TWEB::trMessReplace( const string &tsrc ) { string trez; trez.reserve(tsrc.size()); unsigned txtBeg = 0, iS, iR; for(iS = 0; iS < tsrc.size(); iS++) if(tsrc[iS] == '#' && tsrc.substr(iS,3) == "###" && (iS+3)=tsrc.size() || tsrc[iR+3] != '#')) || tsrc[iR] == '\n') break; if(iR < tsrc.size() && tsrc[iR] != '\n') { trez.append(tsrc.substr(txtBeg,iS-txtBeg)); trez.append(_(tsrc.substr(iS+3,iR-iS-3).c_str())); iS = iR+2; txtBeg = iR+3; continue; } } if(txtBeg < iS) trez.append(tsrc.substr(txtBeg,iS-txtBeg)); return trez; } //************************************************* //* SSess * //************************************************* SSess::SSess( const string &iurl, const string &isender, const string &iuser, vector &ivars, const string &icontent, TProtocolIn *iprt ) : prt(iprt), url(iurl), sender(isender), user(TSYS::strLine(iuser,0)), userPrev(TSYS::strLine(iuser,1)), content(icontent), mRoot(-1), vars(ivars) { //URL parameters parse size_t prmSep = iurl.find("?"); if(prmSep != string::npos) { url = iurl.substr(0,prmSep); string prms = iurl.substr(prmSep); string sprm; for(int iprm = 1; (sprm=TSYS::strSepParse(prms,0,'&',&iprm)).size(); ) if((prmSep=sprm.find("=")) == string::npos) prm[sprm] = "true"; else { prm[sprm.substr(0,prmSep)] = sprm.substr(prmSep+1); if(sprm.substr(0,prmSep) == "lang") gPrms += (gPrms.size()?"&":"") + sprm; } } if(gPrms.size()) gPrms = "?" + gPrms; //Get language for(size_t iVr = 0; iVr < vars.size(); iVr++) if(TSYS::strParse(vars[iVr],0,":") == "oscd_lang") { lang = sTrm(TSYS::strParse(vars[iVr],1,":")); break; } //Content parse size_t pos = 0, spos = 0; string boundary; const char *c_bound = "boundary="; const char *c_term = "\x0D\x0A"; const char *c_end = "--"; for(size_t iVr = 0, pos = 0; iVr < vars.size() && boundary.empty(); iVr++) if(vars[iVr].compare(0,vars[iVr].find(":",0),"Content-Type") == 0 && (pos=vars[iVr].find(c_bound,0)) != string::npos) { pos += strlen(c_bound); boundary = vars[iVr].substr(pos,vars[iVr].size()-pos); } if(boundary.empty()) return; for(pos = 0; true; ) { pos = content.find(boundary, pos); if(pos == string::npos || content.compare(pos+boundary.size(),2,c_end) == 0) break; pos += boundary.size()+strlen(c_term); cnt.push_back(XMLNode("Content")); // Get properties while(pos < content.size()) { string c_head = content.substr(pos, content.find(c_term,pos)-pos); pos += c_head.size()+strlen(c_term); if(c_head.empty()) break; if((spos=c_head.find(":")) == string::npos) return; cnt.back().setAttr(sTrm(c_head.substr(0,spos)), sTrm(c_head.substr(spos+1))); } if(pos >= content.size()) return; cnt.back().setText(content.substr(pos, content.find(string(c_term)+c_end+boundary,pos)-pos)); } } bool SSess::isRoot( ) { if(mRoot < 0) mRoot = SYS->security().at().access(user, SEC_WR, "root", "root", RWRWR_); return mRoot; } void TWEB::modInfo( vector &list ) { TModule::modInfo(list); list.push_back("SubType"); list.push_back("Auth"); } string TWEB::modInfo( const string &name ) { if(name == "SubType") return SUB_TYPE; if(name == "Auth") return "1"; return TModule::modInfo(name); }