
Changes in the OpenSCADA execution environment and the Automation Linux Distributive

05.05.2022 17:00 Давность: 3 yrs
Категория: НовостьРазработка

Автор: Roman Savochenko


There, during of months of the OpenSCADA 0.9.5 releasing, performed significant changes in the execution environment and the Automation Linux Distributive:

• appending a new Debian 11 release for OpenSCADA build and as a new base for the Automation Linux Distributive;

• updating the TDE stable release to 14.0.11 and 14.0.12, with fixing some its additional issues and packages;

• appending a new Ubuntu 22.04 release for OpenSCADA building;

• appending a new hardware platform ARM64 on the Debian 11 base (not tested);

• removing-disabling of building for the Maemo 5 (Nokia N900) platform since the cross-compiler crashes constantly at least in two places of the OpenSCADA source code.

So, Opens external link in new windowthe Automation Linux Distributive in whole was expanded by appending Debian 11 as the distributive base with moving of building the Debian 10,9 base to the Debian 11 environment, then expanding the installer variants. All builds of Opens external link in new windowthe Automation Linux Distributive updated firstly to TDE 14.0.11 and next to TDE 14.0.12 with additional fixing some its issues and packages.

The package "tdebase" firstly was added for TDE 14.0.11 with fixing the plymouth problems — the installations safety with "/var/boot.log" not growing, and removed for TDE 14.0.12 since the fix applying directly to TDE. With TDE 14.0.12 there also added fixes for Digikam, TDEPim, KArm and kdiff3 by appending the new patched packages "tdepim-trinity", "digikam-trinity" and "kdiff3-trinity" to the distributive collection:

To processing the previous changing in the scheme of the package version forming of this distributive from "{+1}:14.0.9-0" to "4:14.0.9-{+1}", the migration procedure  Opens external link in new windowautoLinuxRepConvFor14.0.9 was unified in the shell script Opens external link in new windowautoLinuxRepConvForTDE where you can specify in the first argument for the target TDE version if your installation is very old and the last-actual stable TDE version is not 14.0.9 already.

There in Opens external link in new windowTDE Weblate have updated the translation to Ukrainian for the main packages and mostly finished for digikam after the partial translation obtaining from the actual KDE repository.

The supported execution environment of OpenSCADA, that is the OpenSCADA packages are built for that, expanded by Debian 11 in the architectures amd64, i386 and armhf; which used also as the most actual Opens external link in new windowAutomation Linux Distributive base; and expanded by Ubuntu 22.04 in the architectures amd64 and i386. Debian 11 also appended for build to the hardware architecture ARM64, what builds but have not tested still.

Opens external link in new windowBuilding for Android 4.5, 5...10 was previously restricted by the old Debian 10 environment, since the actual compatibility JDK8 environment from Opens external link in new windowAdoptOpenJDK has collision with version of the supported Java source files.

The supported execution environment of OpenSCADA excluded-disabled for build to Opens external link in new windowMaemo5 (Nokia N900) since the cross-compiler of the building environment scratchbox crashes now in the file tsys.cpp and the module UI.VCAEngine, which seems are very big for build by GCC 4.2 from Maemo5.