Сообщение создано: 12. 02. 2019 [04:51]
Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 11.02.2019
Сообщения: 4
I'm not sure what happen. I was working on the Quick Start guide at "5 Formation of the visual representation". I did create "Graphic 2" and was trying to "enable" and access "Links" tab. However, at the beginning, I didn't see the tree of element 'el1' ... 'el8' on "Links" tab. Then, I restarted my Ubuntu machine. When I started Openscada program again, it seems that the icons in the "Projects" pane looks strange and it showed "VCAEngine: Element 'Main' is missing!" when I clicked enable. What did I do wrong? Could you please help?
Thank you very much,
[Сообщение редактировалось 1 раз(а), в последний раз 12.02.2019 в 04:52.]
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Сообщение создано: 12. 02. 2019 [08:21]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3751
Connection of the OpenSCADA libraries, and "vcaBase.db" concrete, was not saved or those libraries are not presented in whole.
See to the logs and read the HowTo Debug!
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Сообщение создано: 13. 02. 2019 [05:19]
Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 11.02.2019
Сообщения: 4
I added LibsDB/vcaBase.db into "DB SQLite" and click "Load the program from this DB". Now, I can enable "Graphic 2" and "el1...el8" appear.
Thank you very much,
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