
Completion of revision of the virtual-demo projects

01.05.2019 17:06 Age: 6 yrs
Category: News

By: Roman Savochenko

All virtual-demo projects and their libraries were completed in whole revision of their documentation and database files, for: two styles-themes support, removing Cyrillic symbols from identifiers, unification the identifiers and fixing most texts.

The revision was done for the simulators-models "Opens external link in new windowAGLKS" and "Opens external link in new windowBoiler", and Opens external link in new windowThe library of models of the technological apparatuses.

Anastasievska GLKS (AGLKS) is a technological process designed for two-stage gas compression of gas fields. For this purpose GLKS is provided with six centrifugal compressors: three compressor for low and high pressure part, thus providing redundancy and allowing the parallel operation.

The model "Boiler" is the multi-fuel steam boiler #9 of the Dnepr Metallurgical Combine (DMC). The distinctive feature of the boiler unit is the same multi-fuel nature and, as a consequence — features in optimal control of its load.

The library models of the technological apparatuses is created to provide models of devices of the technological processes. The library is not static, but based on the module JavaLikeCalc, allowing to create calculations on the Java-like language.

ATTENTION! Changes into this library is not compatible to old projects whose use it!