Projects news:
Sunday 05. June 2022
Common Conception of the Data StorageThe Data Storage in OpenSCADA initially built on different Data Bases and the Configuration File for the common, but interaction between these essences was not very clear also as managing the storage data between different storages. So, in version 0.9.5 there was performed the storage unification what provides in whole for: • direct storage and specifying the Generic Storage "*.*" as a combination of the Configuration File and the work Data Base; • control for the data presence on different storages and providing for a function of managing-removing only data without the control object and from previous storages; priority of the DBs in their accessing; • limiting of all configured-selected Data Bases only by the form "{Type}.{DB}" without a table here, that specified-bound to the object ID; • all the data accessing functions moved under the conception.[more]
Thursday 05. May 2022
Changes in the OpenSCADA execution environment and the Automation Linux DistributiveThere, during of months of the OpenSCADA 0.9.5 releasing, performed significant changes in the execution environment and the Automation Linux Distributive: • appending a new Debian 11 release for OpenSCADA build and as a new base for the Automation Linux Distributive; • updating the TDE stable release to 14.0.11 and 14.0.12, with fixing some its additional issues and packages; • appending a new Ubuntu 22.04 release for OpenSCADA building; • appending a new hardware platform ARM64 on the Debian 11 base (not tested); • removing-disabling of building for the Maemo 5 (Nokia N900) platform since the cross-compiler crashes constantly at least in two places of the OpenSCADA source code.[more]
Monday 02. May 2022
Debian Linux 11 + ARM64Appended of building for the hardware platform ARM64, that was also tested on RPi3 and Siemens IOT2050. At releasing the Debian Linux version 11 in 19.08.21 the OpenSCADA project was adapted to this version in: - creating the proper building chroot-archives; - building up the OpenSCADA packages; - expanding the Automation Linux repository and building the new Live Disks; - expanding the automatic builder for building the packages and Live Disks.
Monday 12. July 2021
DAQ.Siemens — the Simple DAQ-Parameters type and data areas of ISO-TCPThe module DAQ.Siemens appended for the Simple type of the DAQ-Parameters support. Also the module appended for the data area specifying as a negative DB with code of this area, and the Flags/Marks processing (0x83) added in a specific way, by the prefix "F". Enabled for the parameters hierarchical including. Fixed in sending the opening connection requests at the connection lost in the ISO-TCP own implementation. Sponsored by, for the Simple type support and the data area specifying on 1.5 HD: INSERTEC LTDA[more]
Monday 12. July 2021
A serie of significant improvements of the module {DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA appended for the Publish service implementation, CHUNKS support on the DAQ-client part and the code coming refactoring in generic. After the 0.9.4 LTS releasing that appended already for the Logical type DAQ-Parameters support and the Standard type DAQ-Parameters appended for the no requesting the metadata on the server mode and the attributes direct ID and name. Sponsored by, for working with UAExpert 1.5, Client's Publish and Chunks implementing, significant refactoring, the Logical Level type support and the document complete revision on 10.4 HD: Fund[more]
Wednesday 09. June 2021
Common review and refactoring the TablesThe review and refactoring performed in Qt and Web both generically and in the view Table of the primitive FormEl of VCA. Most of the table changes performed during the frame "Storehouse (storeHouse)" implementation.[more]
Monday 10. May 2021
The main elements library of the user interface appended for the Store House frame implementationThe element-frame serves to manage of storehouses on different classes-categories of the storing-managing things. Initially that was developed and tested on the class "Library". The frame means of the direct accessing the DB by SQL and currently supports only MySQL/MariaDB. During the frame implementing, the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" significantly expanded on both visualizers — read here for the details. The frame provides currently and in future for next features:
Wednesday 11. November 2020
Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) release 14.0.9The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) project is a computer desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers. Due to that release the Automation Linux distributive — a subproject of the OpenSCADA project, was updated for the new version in several key essences, besides the patched packages typical rebuilding with the patches reajustment.[more]
Saturday 31. October 2020
WebVision — implementation of Audio, Video and the NotificationThe module UI.WebVision of the unified visualization on WEB was appended for the video and audio treating. Firstly, the primitive "Media" was appended for implementation of the variants "Audio" and "Video" by the HTML5 tags "audio" and "video" respectively. Next, the module was appended for implementation the VCA-notifiers in the HTML5 tag "audio". During implementing the VCA-notifiers, they were improved in implementing the direct audio playback in UI.Vision by Phonon and unified in the common notifiers specifying by appending the separate option "notifyServ" and appended for the static resources support by the option "resStatic". Total complexity: 0.5+1.7 HD Sponsored by, for the primitive "Media" and Notification on 1.35 HD: Hadi Ramezani Sponsored by, for the Notification on 0.85 HD: Vinnica Poultry Farm[more]
Saturday 31. October 2020
Moving global program limits and parameters to configurationAll OpenSCADA global limits and parameters were accessible to change only by edition the header file tsys.h. And that was an objective way since free changing several these variables may cause critical problems. But due to the often user requesting some of these parameters changing, most of them were moved to be configurable from the configuration file. Total complexity: 0.2 HD Sponsored by, for whole complexity: Elyor Turaboev, BLUE STAR GROUP Ltd[more] |
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UKRAINE, Kamjanske 2004-2006, 2006-2024 Mastering by Roman Savochenko (roman at oscada.org). Powered by CMS TYPO3. |