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data source address import csv

Автор Повідомлення
Повідомлення створено: 20. 05. 2020 [08:12]
trevor kenyon
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 14.05.2020
Повідомлення: 8


When considering the following section....

4.3 Complex object-tag of the signal
connecting the data source as an apparatus object

Some other SCADA packages allow data item / data tags / data source to be imported from csv text files.

Is there a method for importing the data sources / apparatus objects into the database?

Повідомлення створено: 21. 05. 2020 [08:56]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
"trayor" wrote:

Some other SCADA packages allow data item / data tags / data source to be imported from csv text files.

Is there a method for importing the data sources / apparatus objects into the database?

Write yourself a needed one service procedure for specified for your data sources, like the ones in the service procedures library!

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Повідомлення створено: 18. 07. 2020 [11:55]
trevor kenyon
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 14.05.2020
Повідомлення: 8

Reviewing the the service procedures library!

I download the library archive file.. OscadaLibs.db.gz
Extract the OscadaLibs.db sqlite file
Upon reviewing the sqlite file I see sample scripts in the formula column.

using Special.FLibSYS;
arh = vArh("Archive.va_"+addr);

//Stage 0: Main values fill: "1,1,10,10,100,100,1000,1000,10000,10000,EVAL"
if(step < 0 || step == 0) {
buf = vArhBuf(1, 10, per*1000000, true, true);

With my current knowledge of OSCADA I dont know how to
1) implement or run the sample scripts eg perform the tests
2) Write a new script to achieve the building of the data sources / apparatus objects into the database?

More reading for me. But figured I post my progress.

Повідомлення створено: 18. 07. 2020 [12:23]
trevor kenyon
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 14.05.2020
Повідомлення: 8

Can the modbus nodes, and variables to read/write be specified in the file

4.10 Configuration file and command line parameters

Configuration file of OpenSCADA is provided to store the generic configuration of OpenSCADA-station. Only in the configuration file and through the command-line options you can specify the part of the key parameters of the station, so familiarity with the structure of the configuration file is necessary for professionals who make peculiar solutions based on OpenSCADA. More information on how to startup and execution OpenSCADA can be found in the section "Startup and execution".

Structure of the configuration file based on the extensible markup language XML. Correspondingly, strict compliance with XML syntax rules is required. An illustrative example of an OpenSCADA configuration file with examples of the configuration of most OpenSCADA components is given below:

Sample sections of the config file are:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
This is the OpenSCADA configuration file.
<station id="SimulatorStation">

<tbl id="Transport_out">
NAME="Test ModBus"
NAME_uk="Тест ModBus"
NAME_ru="Тест ModBus"
DESCRIPT="ModBus protocol exchange test."
DESCRIPT_uk="Тест обміну за протоколом ModBus."
DESCRIPT_ru="Тест обмена по протоколу ModBus."

<node id="mod_ModBus">
<tbl id="DAQ">
<fld ID="test2" NAME="Test 2" NAME_uk="Тест 2" NAME_ru="Тест 2" DESCR="" ENABLE="1" START="1"
PRM_BD="test2prm" PERIOD="1000" PRIOR="0" TRANSP="Sockets" ADDR="" NODE="1"/>
<tbl id="test2prm">
<fld SHIFR="test2" NAME="Test 2" NAME_uk="Тест 2" NAME_ru="Тест 2" DESCR="" EN="1"

Повідомлення створено: 20. 07. 2020 [14:07]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
"trayor" wrote:

I download the library archive file.. OscadaLibs.db.gz

Use "supplied with a ready and proper package of the Linux distribution like to "openscada-libdb-main", "openscada-LibDB.Main";"

"trayor" wrote:

With my current knowledge of OSCADA I dont know how to
1) implement or run the sample scripts eg perform the tests

Tab "Execute" on Figure 1:

"trayor" wrote:

2) Write a new script to achieve the building of the data sources / apparatus objects into the database?

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Повідомлення створено: 20. 07. 2020 [14:12]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
"trayor" wrote:

Can the modbus nodes, and variables to read/write be specified in the file

"In addition to the database configuration, the information may be contained in the OpenSCADA configuration file, and passed through the command line parameter's when you call OpenSCADA. Saving configuration in the configuration file is the same as the database."

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.