Повідомлення створено: 19. 02. 2016 [23:49]
amin salmani
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 18.02.2016
Повідомлення: 4
i download original source code openscada-0.8.14 for Linux. i use both openscada-res-0.8.14.tar_3 and openscada-0.8.14.tar. i install it like installation manual. i have error in making step. the picture has been attached shown error in make .
i follow this steps
autoreconf -ivf
make-->error has been detected.
error in this picture is in sound.cpp
thank you
[Повідомлення редагувалось 1 раз(ів), останній раз 19.02.2016 в 23:52.]
Вкладений файл
Повідомлення створено: 20. 02. 2016 [08:58]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
"aminsalmani.science" wrote:
error in this picture is in sound.cpp
May be you will start to read?
Are you read the demands for compiling at all: http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Function#h737-7
DAQ.SoundCard module
libportaudio Multiplatform library for access to sound controller version 19 and higher.
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Повідомлення створено: 20. 02. 2016 [09:26]
amin salmani
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 18.02.2016
Повідомлення: 4
yes i install all demand in this document. i install portaudio19(http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/devel/portaudio19-dev) but it didn't work. if each of these demands didn't install , it would make an error in configure step.
the error that i have is in make step no configure step.
do you think this error because of liportaudio??
thank you
Повідомлення створено: 23. 02. 2016 [16:23]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
"aminsalmani.science" wrote:
i download original source code openscada-0.8.14 for Linux. i use both openscada-res-0.8.14.tar_3 and openscada-0.8.14.tar. i install it like installation manual. i have error in making step. the picture has been attached shown error in make .
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.