Повідомлення створено: 14. 03. 2018 [21:20]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3751
This section of the forum contains discussions aimed at publishing and tracking error corrections excluded about OpenSCADA, without solving the problems of third programs, libraries, and environments of execution. The user here can notify the developers of an error by creating a separate topic. The report must be formed according to to these requirements. The developer, after evaluating the report, may set one of the statuses to the error:
- "BugConfirmed" — the error is confirmed and open, and the developers are working on it.
- "BugFixed" — the error occurred and was corrected by the developers.
- "BugWrong" — the notification of a problem is not an error in OpenSCADA and its further discussion is inappropriate, without providing new facts and details, and may stop blocking the topic.
- "BugNeedFeedback" — the status of the error is at the stage of clarification and some actions are expected from the author of the notification. Often, this status is set for problems that the developer does not reproduce but there is a possibility of its availability.
As an error of OpenSCADA is considered:
- crash of the program when performing some actions not related to the problems of the software and hardware environment;
- non-fulfillment of the functions declared in the official documentation (the presence of limits is not a failure of the function), which are reproduced in the environment of the developer (primarily on DemoDB);
- typos and errors in the documentation.
Attention! Errors of building is not an error of OpenSCADA!
As this is usually the question of: correct setting up of the building environment, support of the building or problems of the compiler, support for builds with those or other libraries. What is described in detail in the manual.
Therefore, if you are still interested in building for the specific environment, then you need to implement this adaptation yourself or request that at the developers.
Error notifications for older versions are immediately closed with the status of "BugWrong"!
The last word on establishing the fact of error is always left by the developer and not subject to discussion!
Also, it is not subject to discussion and explanation of the reasons for non-recognition of the error or decisions of the constructive solutions of OpenSCADA, questions about what should be discussed in other forums, for this purpose.
Attention! Since this program is [url=http://oscada.org/en/main/about-the-project/licenses/]free software[/ url] then public announcement here about the error is not binding on the developer, who takes such obligations. Value, respect and do not abuse the time and power of the developers, who are trying to solve your problems for free and in particular invest this time and effort in developing and improving the program!
If you need a guaranteed response and direct solution to your problems in combination with the third-party applications, libraries and the environment (including the specific environment and user configuration) used by OpenSCADA, then you can always purchase the technical support package.
In the case of a permanent violation of these rules, user access to the forum may be disabled!
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.