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Adding widget box / modifying Root Page(so)

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Повідомлення створено: 25. 09. 2013 [12:50]
Ajinkya Biradar
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 17.12.2012
Повідомлення: 23
Hello Sir,
I mean the other button, not the one to select floor plan i.e. button names 1 or 2 or 3).

Each floor plan will have buttons for each lab, which will open the inner view of lab in pgCont area.

Also, For more clear explanation I have attached one image for desired final front end design, kindly have a look.

and is it possible?

Thank you for quick response.
Вкладений файл

third and final part in Front end.png (Тип файлу: image/png, Розмір: 32.63 кілобайтів) — 2551 завантажень
Повідомлення створено: 25. 09. 2013 [13:04]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3743
"ajinkya" wrote:

Also, For more clear explanation I have attached one image for desired final front end design, kindly have a look.
and is it possible?

Sure, just take from the "Root Page(so)" "evProc" attribute's line for mnemo pages open by the button events and place it to this "floor plan" page attribute "evProc" and change here this button ID and related for open page address.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Повідомлення створено: 26. 09. 2013 [07:14]
Ajinkya Biradar
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 17.12.2012
Повідомлення: 23
Thank you sir,
This is also working now.

One more question, in documentation it is mentioned that
-->> The signal object's subbranches "Group {n}" have number identifier and can expanded by appending up to 16.

This is the actual limit or by modifying the program in process tab of "Root page (so)" we can add more??

Thank you very much for supporting. :-)
Повідомлення створено: 26. 09. 2013 [09:21]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3743
"ajinkya" wrote:

One more question, in documentation it is mentioned that
-->> The signal object's subbranches "Group {n}" have number identifier and can expanded by appending up to 16.
This is the actual limit or by modifying the program in process tab of "Root page (so)" we can add more??

Sure, you can. The limit mostly for two rows of eight signal object's buttons concept.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Повідомлення створено: 27. 09. 2013 [14:57]
Ajinkya Biradar
Автор теми
Зареєстрован(а) с: 17.12.2012
Повідомлення: 23
Thank you sir,

with your help and some reading I am done with my front end now,

One issue I wanted to raise here is when we set background for wdg_box
1. if the background image is smaller than widget size it automatically "tiles" (repeats same image on both right and bottom side) the image.
2. if the background image is bigger the we can understand that it provides scrolling mechanism.

so is there any option like "media -> image" has ---- "fit to widget size".

As I have so many "lab inner floor plans" and manually resizing them and then trials in openscada is quite time consuming,
also each lab is of different size so it is a problem in itself.
Повідомлення створено: 28. 09. 2013 [08:54]
Roman Savochenko
Зареєстрован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Повідомлення: 3743
"ajinkya" wrote:

so is there any option like "media -> image" has ---- "fit to widget size".

No, the background image just for textures set. So, for your task use "Media".

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.