#!/bin/bash if test $# -lt 3; then echo "Build: You have to set source, version and target! oscadaBuild {src} {version} {distr} Building and placing the result packages and other for the OpenSCADA LTS or Work branches. Arguments: src - directory place of the OpenSCADA source code, mostly taken from the repository; version - version of the building packages: 0.9.13, 1+rNNNN distr - target distributive: Debian_7_32, ... Environments: OSCADA_BldOpts - build options, \"-j2\" by default OSCADA_ResTarget - directory for placing the result packages, /mnt/data/share_res/ftp/OpenSCADA OSCADA_OptTarget - target options: rep - specific build of the repository: enables the packages separation per modules."; exit -1 fi src=$1 version=$2 targ=$3 prefix=/data/oscada BldDir=$prefix/build FTPResDir=/data/share_res/ftp ChrootsDir=$FTPResDir/Misc/chroots SetArch= if test "x$OSCADA_BldOpts" = "x"; then OSCADA_BldOpts=-j2; fi echo "Build: Performing \"$src\" ($version) for $targ." case $targ in #*************************************************** #* Source in tarball * #*************************************************** SrcTar ) echo "Build: Prepairing the sources tarball to '$OSCADA_ResTarget'." #Extracting the building CHROOT BldDist=Debian_7_32 #Using that by it contains real lzma, not link to xz if test `echo $BldDist | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^_]*\)/s//\1/p"` = 32; then SetArch="setarch i586"; fi SrcName=`basename $src` BldChroot=$BldDir/$BldDist if test ! -d $BldChroot; then cd $BldDir; tar xvf $ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz > /dev/null; fi if test ! -d $BldChroot; then echo "Build: Error extracting the target CHROOT '$BldChroot' from '$ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz'." exit -2; fi #Preparing the source tree cp -R $src $BldChroot/root/builder if test "x$OSCADA_ResTarget" != "x"; then mount --bind $OSCADA_ResTarget $BldChroot/mnt; fi #Same building export SrcName export SrcVers=$version chroot $BldChroot $SetArch /bin/bash << 'EOF' echo "Build-chroot: SrcName=$SrcName; SrcVers=$SrcVers" cd /root/builder/$SrcName ResList="ls *.lzma *.xz" isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi #Creating the result if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" = "#"; then if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/\[1+r0000\]/\[$SrcVers\]/" configure.ac sed -i "s/Version: 1+r0000/Version: $SrcVers/" data/openscada.spec sed -i "s/Version: 1+r0000/Version: $SrcVers/" data/openscada_mod_ALT.spec sed -i "s/Version: 1+r0000/Version: $SrcVers/" data/openscada_mod_RH.spec sed -i "s/1+r0000-1/$SrcVers-1/" data/debian/changelog sed -i "s/1+r0000-1/$SrcVers-1/" data/debian_mod/changelog fi autoreconf -if ./configure --enable-AllModuls=dist; make distSrc-xz distRes-xz fi #Storing the result if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" != "#"; then echo "Build-CHROOT: Result list=$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" ResDir=/mnt # Updating the documentation if test $isLTS = 1; then rm -R $ResDir/doc; mkdir $ResDir/doc; cp -R /root/builder/$SrcName/doc/{en,uk,ru} $ResDir/doc/; fi ResFiles=$ResDir/SrcTar.files if test -f $ResFiles -a "x$(cat $ResFiles)" != "x" -a $isLTS != 1; then cd $ResDir; rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); cd /root/builder/$SrcName; fi cp -f $($ResList 2> /dev/null) $ResDir echo $($ResList 2> /dev/null) > $ResFiles touch $ResDir/SrcTar.stamp fi EOF umount $BldChroot/mnt || exit -3 #Freeing the building CHROOT if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/SrcTar.stamp; then rm -R $BldChroot; rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/SrcTar.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #*************************************************** #* Source and binary RPM packages * #*************************************************** SrcRPM | ALTLinux* | CentOs* | Fedora* | SuSE* | Mandriva* ) echo "Build: Preparing RPM for '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." export isRep=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(rep\).*/s//\1/p"` export isDev=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(dev\).*/s//\1/p"` #Extracting the building CHROOT BldDist=$targ; if test $targ = SrcRPM; then BldDist=CentOs_6_32; fi if test `echo $BldDist | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^_]*\)/s//\1/p"` = 32; then SetArch="setarch i586" export BuildTarget="--target i586" fi SrcName=`basename $src` BldChroot=$BldDir/$BldDist if test ! -d $BldChroot; then cd $BldDir tar xvf $ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz > /dev/null cd $BldChroot tar xvf $BldDir/../chroot-data.tgz if test -n "$isDev"; then mount -v --bind /dev $BldChroot/dev; mount -vt devpts devpts $BldChroot/dev/pts; mount -vt proc proc $BldChroot/proc; fi fi if test ! -d $BldChroot; then echo "Build: Error extracting the target CHROOT '$BldChroot' from '$ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz'." exit -2; fi #Preparing the source tree export rpmbuild=/root/rpmbuild case $targ in ALTLinux* ) export rpmbuild=/root/RPM ;; SuSE* ) export rpmbuild=/usr/src/packages ;; esac cp -R $src $BldChroot/$rpmbuild if test "x$OSCADA_ResTarget" != "x"; then mount --bind $OSCADA_ResTarget $BldChroot/mnt; fi #Same building export targ export SrcName export SrcVers=$version chroot $BldChroot $SetArch /bin/bash << 'EOF' echo "Build-CHROOT: SrcName=$SrcName; SrcVers=$SrcVers" cd $rpmbuild ResList="find -type f -name *.rpm" ResDir=/mnt isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi if test -n "$isRep"; then ResDirFin=$ResDir/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/openscada/SRPMS.main if test $targ != SrcRPM; then ResDirFin=$ResDir/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/openscada/RPMS.main fi else ResDirFin=$ResDir if test $targ != SrcRPM; then ResDirFin=$ResDirFin/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` fi fi #Checking for the Service LTS update isServLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.9.[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" != "#"; then ResDirFin=$ResDirFin/service isServLTS=1 fi #Creating the result if test "#$($ResList)" = "#"; then Res1List="ls *$SrcVers*.xz" ResFiles=$ResDirFin/RPM_$isLTS.files if test $targ != SrcRPM; then ResFiles=$ResDirFin/RPM`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^:]*\)/s//\1/p"`_$isLTS.files; fi nBuild=`head -n1 $ResFiles | sed -n "/^.*$SrcVers-\([^.]*\)\..*/s//\1/p"` nBuild=$[nBuild+1] cd $ResDir #Getting the source packages if there is no patch present if cd $ResDir && test "#$($Res1List 2> /dev/null)" != "#" && test "x$(ls $ResDirFin/openscada_*.patch 2> /dev/null)" = "x"; then cp -f $($Res1List 2> /dev/null) $rpmbuild/SOURCES cd $rpmbuild/$SrcName elif cd $rpmbuild/$SrcName && test "#$($Res1List 2> /dev/null)" = "#"; then # Applying the patches for iPatch in $(ls $ResDirFin/openscada_*.patch 2> /dev/null); do patch -p0 < $iPatch; done # Creating the patched sources if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/\[1+r0000\]/\[$SrcVers\]/" configure.ac; fi autoreconf -if ./configure --enable-AllModuls=dist; make distSrc-xz distRes-xz cp -f $($Res1List 2> /dev/null) ../SOURCES fi #Getting SPEC if test -n "$isRep"; then cp -f data/openscada_mod_ALT.spec ../SPECS/openscada.spec; else cp -f data/openscada.spec ../SPECS/openscada.spec; fi if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/Version: 1+r0000/Version: $SrcVers/" ../SPECS/openscada.spec; else if test $isServLTS = 1; then OrigLTS="$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^\([^.]*.9.[^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" sed -i "s/$OrigLTS/$SrcVers/" ../SPECS/openscada.spec fi if test -n "$isRep"; then sed -i "s/Name: openscada/Name: openscada_LTS/" ../SPECS/openscada.spec; fi fi sed -i "s/Release: 1/Release: $nBuild/" ../SPECS/openscada.spec sed -i "s/%make$/%make $OSCADA_BldOpts /" ../SPECS/openscada.spec sed -i "s/%__make$/%__make $OSCADA_BldOpts /" ../SPECS/openscada.spec #Creating RPMs if cd $rpmbuild/SOURCES && test "#$($Res1List 2> /dev/null)" != "#"; then cd $rpmbuild/SPECS if test $targ = SrcRPM; then rpmbuild -bs openscada.spec; else rpmbuild -bb $BuildTarget openscada.spec; fi cd .. fi fi #Storing the result if test "#$($ResList)" != "#"; then echo "Build-CHROOT: Placing to '$ResDirFin' for the result $($ResList)" if test -f $ResFiles && test "x$(cat $ResFiles)" != "x" && test $isLTS != 1 -o $nBuild != 1 -o $isServLTS = 1; then cd $ResDirFin; rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); cd $rpmbuild; fi cp -f $($ResList) $ResDirFin > $ResFiles for i in $($ResList); do echo "$(basename $i)" >> $ResFiles; done # Generating the repository meta data if test -x $ResDirFin/reposUpdate; then echo "Build-CHROOT: Updating the repository for '$ResDirFin'" cd $ResDirFin; ./reposUpdate; fi touch /mnt/RPM.stamp fi EOF if test -n "$isDev"; then umount $BldChroot/proc || exit -3 umount $BldChroot/dev/pts && umount $BldChroot/dev || exit -3 fi umount $BldChroot/mnt || exit -3 #Freeing the building CHROOT if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/RPM.stamp; then rm -R $BldChroot; rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/RPM.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #*************************************************** #* Debian binary packages * #*************************************************** Debian* | Ubuntu* | Raspbian* ) echo "Build: Preparing Debian for '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." export isRep=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(rep\).*/s//\1/p"` #Extracting the building CHROOT BldDist=$targ BldArch=`echo $BldDist | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^_]*\)/s//\1/p"` if test $BldArch = 32; then SetArch="setarch i586"; fi SrcName=`basename $src` BldChroot=$BldDir/$BldDist if test ! -d $BldChroot; then cd $BldDir tar xvf $ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz > /dev/null cd $BldChroot tar xvf $BldDir/../chroot-data.tgz fi if test ! -d $BldChroot; then echo "Build: Error extracting the target CHROOT '$BldChroot' from '$ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz'." exit -2; fi #Preparing the source tree export debbuild=/root/builder cp -R $src $BldChroot/$debbuild if test "x$OSCADA_ResTarget" != "x"; then ResDir=$OSCADA_ResTarget/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` if test -n "$isRep"; then ResDir="$ResDir/openscada"; fi mount --bind $ResDir $BldChroot/mnt; fi #Same building export targ export BldArch export SrcName export SrcVers=$version chroot $BldChroot $SetArch /bin/bash << 'EOF' echo "Build-CHROOT: SrcName=$SrcName; SrcVers=$SrcVers; BldArch=$BldArch" cd $debbuild ResList="ls *.deb" ResDir=/mnt #/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` #if test -n "$isRep"; then ResDir="$ResDir/openscada"; fi isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi ResFiles=$ResDir/Debian`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^:]*\)/s//\1/p"`_$isLTS.files #Checking for the Service LTS update isServLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.9.[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" != "#"; then ResDir=$ResDir/service isServLTS=1 fi nBuild=`head -n1 $ResFiles | sed -n "/^.*$SrcVers-\([^_]*\)_.*/s//\1/p"` nBuild=$[nBuild+1] #Creating the result if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" = "#"; then cd $debbuild/$SrcName # Applying the generic patches for iPatch in $(ls $ResDir/openscada_*.patch 2> /dev/null); do patch -p0 < $iPatch; done # Applying the architecture specific patches for iPatch in $(ls $ResDir/openscada-${BldArch}_*.patch 2> /dev/null); do patch -p0 < $iPatch; done # Preparing for building if test -n "$isRep"; then ln -s data/debian_mod debian; if test $isLTS = 1; then cd debian sed -i "s/openscada/openscada-lts/" changelog sed -i "s/openscada\([ -]\)/openscada-lts\1/g" control rules sed -i "s/openscada$/openscada-lts/g" control for iN in $(ls openscada-* 2> /dev/null); do mv $iN openscada-lts-$(echo $iN | sed -n '/openscada-\(.*\)/s//\1/p'); #' done cd .. fi else ln -s data/debian debian; fi if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/\[1+r0000\]/\[$SrcVers\]/" configure.ac sed -i "s/1+r0000-1/$SrcVers-$nBuild/" debian/changelog else sed -i "s/$SrcVers-1/$SrcVers-$nBuild/" debian/changelog if test $isServLTS = 1; then OrigLTS="$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^\([^.]*.9.[^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" sed -i "s/$OrigLTS/$SrcVers/" debian/changelog fi fi #sed -i "s/\$(MAKE)/\$(MAKE) $OSCADA_BldOpts /" debian/rules # Same building if test $BldArch = "armhf" -o $BldArch = "arm64"; then dpkg-buildpackage -b $OSCADA_BldOpts -a$BldArch -d else dpkg-buildpackage -b $OSCADA_BldOpts fi cd .. fi #Storing the result if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" != "#"; then echo "Build-CHROOT: Placing to '$ResDir' for the result $($ResList)" if test -f $ResFiles && test "x$(cat $ResFiles)" != "x" && test $isLTS != 1 -o $nBuild != 1 -o $isServLTS = 1; then cd $ResDir; rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); cd $debbuild; fi cp -f $($ResList *.dsc *.changes 2> /dev/null) $ResDir echo "$($ResList *.dsc *.changes 2> /dev/null)" > $ResFiles cd $ResDir if test -x ./reposUpdate; then ./reposUpdate; else dpkg-scanpackages -m . /dev/null | gzip -9c > ./Packages.gz fi touch /mnt/Debian.stamp fi EOF #Freeing the building CHROOT umount $BldChroot/mnt || exit -3 if test -f $ResDir/Debian.stamp; then rm -rf $BldChroot; rm -f $ResDir/Debian.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #*************************************************** #* Nokia series of debian-based binary packages * #*************************************************** Nokia* ) echo "Build: Preparing Nokia series of debian-based for '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." #Extracting the building CHROOT BldDist=$targ SrcName=`basename $src` SrcVers=$version BldChroot=$BldDir/$BldDist if test ! -d $BldChroot; then cd $BldDir; tar xvf $ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz > /dev/null; fi if test ! -d $BldChroot; then echo "Build: Error extracting the target environment '$BldChroot' from '$ChrootsDir/$BldDist.tgz'." exit -2; fi #Prepare build tree debbuild=$BldChroot/scratchbox/users/roman/home/roman ResList="ls *.deb" ResDir=$OSCADA_ResTarget/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"`/`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi if test ! -d $debbuild/$SrcName; then cp -R $src $debbuild chown -R roman:roman $debbuild/$SrcName fi ResFiles=$ResDir/Debian`echo $targ | sed -n "/^[^_]*_[^_]*_\([^:]*\)/s//\1/p"`_$isLTS.files nBuild=`head -n1 $ResFiles | sed -n "/^.*$SrcVers-\([^_]*\)_.*/s//\1/p"` nBuild=$[nBuild+1] cd $debbuild if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" = "#"; then cd $debbuild/$SrcName # Applying the generic patches for iPatch in $(ls $ResDir/openscada_*.patch 2> /dev/null); do patch -p0 < $iPatch; done # Preparing for building ln -s data/debian debian if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/\[1+r0000\]/\[$SrcVers\]/" configure.ac sed -i "s/1+r0000-1/$SrcVers-$nBuild/" debian/changelog else sed -i "s/$SrcVers-1/$SrcVers-$nBuild/" debian/changelog fi # Same building $BldChroot/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start su - roman $BldChroot/scratchbox/login << 'EOF' cd $(find openscada* -maxdepth 0) echo "pwd=$(pwd)" #fakeroot debian/rules binary dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b EOF $BldChroot/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl stop cd .. fi #Storing the result if test "#$($ResList 2> /dev/null)" != "#"; then echo "Build: Placing to '$ResDir' for the result $($ResList)." if test -f $ResFiles && test "x$(cat $ResFiles)" != "x" && test $isLTS != 1 -o $nBuild != 1; then cd $ResDir; rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); cd $debbuild; fi cp -f $($ResList *.dsc *.changes 2> /dev/null) $ResDir echo "$($ResList *.dsc *.changes 2> /dev/null)" > $ResFiles cd $ResDir dpkg-scanpackages -m . /dev/null | gzip -9c > ./Packages.gz # Freeing the building CHROOT rm -R $BldChroot exit 0 fi exit -2 ;; #************************************************************************************************* #* Generic PLC32 and ICP_DAS LP8x81 firmwares based on the ALTLinux builds, by the VPS bldrALT32 * #************************************************************************************************* Gen32PLC* | LP8x81* ) echo "Build: Preparing the generic PLC32 firmware '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." wVPS= wUser=builder #Environments set to file autoBuild.env ssh $wUser@$wVPS "echo -e \"targ=$targ\nSrcVers=$version\nwUser=$wUser\nFTPResDir=${OSCADA_ResTarget/$FTPResDir/"/mnt/ftp"}\nOSCADA_OptTarget=$OSCADA_OptTarget\nOSCADA_ResTarget=$OSCADA_ResTarget\" > autoBuild.env" #Configuring and build ssh $wUser@$wVPS << 'EOF' . autoBuild.env isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi distALT=`echo $targ | sed -n "/^.*_ALT\(.\)/s//\1/p"` if test $isLTS = 1; then SrcVersMaj=`echo $SrcVers | sed -n "/\(^[0-9]*.[0-9]*\).*$/s//\1/p"`; else SrcVersMaj=`echo $SrcVers | sed -n "/\(^[0-9]*\).*$/s//\1/p"`; fi if test $distALT = 5; then ln -fs sources5.list /etc/apt/sources.list bldResult="out/desktop/altlinux-5.1-$(date +%Y%m%d)-desktop-i586-ru-plc-cd.flash" case $targ in Gen32PLC* ) wProf=mkimage-profiles-5-plc; finResult="ALTLinux5"; finResultLnk=$finResult ;; LP8x81* ) wProf=mkimage-profiles-5-plc-LP8x81; finResult="LP8x81-ALTLinux5"; finResultLnk=$finResult ;; esac cd $wProf UI=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(UI\).*/s//\1/p"` if test "x$UI" = "x"; then finResult="$finResult-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-i586-plc.flash" finResultLnk="$finResultLnk-OpenSCADA_$SrcVersMaj-i586-plc.flash" if test $isLTS = 1; then ln -fs plcConslLTS profiles/pkg/lists/plc; else ln -fs plcConslWork profiles/pkg/lists/plc; fi else finResult="$finResult-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-i586-plcUI.flash" finResultLnk="$finResultLnk-OpenSCADA_$SrcVersMaj-i586-plcUI.flash" if test $isLTS = 1; then ln -fs plcUILTS profiles/pkg/lists/plc; else ln -fs plcUIWork profiles/pkg/lists/plc; fi fi else ln -fs sources6.list /etc/apt/sources.list bldResult="out/kdesktop/altlinux-6.0-$(date +%Y%m%d)-kdesktop-i586-en-plc-cd.flash" kernel=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(rt1\).*/s//\1/p"` case $targ in Gen32PLC* ) wProf=mkimage-profiles-6-plc finResult="ALTLinux6"; finResultLnk=$finResult if test "x$kernel" = "x"; then kernel=un-def; else kernel=$kernel-up; fi ;; LP8x81* ) wProf=mkimage-profiles-6-plc-LP8x81 finResult="LP8x81-ALTLinux6"; finResultLnk=$finResult if test "x$kernel" = "x"; then kernel=rt-up; else kernel=$kernel-up; fi ;; esac cd $wProf if test $isLTS = 1; then ln -fs plcLTS.in profiles/pkg/lists/plc.in; else ln -fs plcWork.in profiles/pkg/lists/plc.in; fi finResult="$finResult-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-i586-plc-$kernel.flash" finResultLnk="$finResultLnk-OpenSCADA_$SrcVersMaj-i586-plc-$kernel.flash" #Reconfiguring for different kernels ./configure --with-distro=kdesktop --with-branding=altlinux-kdesktop --with-version=6.0 --with-language=en_US --with-imagetype=flash --with-kernel=$kernel fi echo -e "distALT=$distALT\nbldResult=$bldResult\nfinResult=$finResult\nfinResultLnk=$finResultLnk\nFTPResDir=$FTPResDir" >> ~/autoBuild.env test ! -d ~/$bldResult && make distclean && make plc.cd && make distclean EOF #Installation and freeing ssh $wUser@$wVPS << 'EOF' . autoBuild.env isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi if test ! -d $bldResult; then exit; fi case $targ in Gen32PLC* ) finResDirTarg=$FTPResDir/PLC/Generic-X86_32 ;; LP8x81* ) finResDirTarg=$FTPResDir/PLC/ICP_DAS-LP8x81 ;; esac echo "Build-VPS: Processing and storing the mkimage result from \"$bldResult\" to \"$finResDirTarg\"." install -d ~/out/$finResult/syslinux/alt0 install -m664 ~/$bldResult/plc ~/out/$finResult install -m664 ~/$bldResult/live ~/out/$finResult install -m664 ~/$bldResult/syslinux/alt0/* ~/out/$finResult/syslinux/alt0 if test $distALT = 5; then install -m664 ~/out/syslinuxPLC5.cfg ~/out/$finResult/syslinux/syslinux.cfg else install -m664 ~/out/syslinuxPLC6.cfg ~/out/$finResult/syslinux/syslinux.cfg; fi cd ~/out/$finResult; tar cvf ../$finResult.tar ./* #Removing the previous ones cd $finResDirTarg ResFiles=$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.files if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x" -a $isLTS != 1; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi #Moving the new ones echo $finResult.tar > $ResFiles; echo $finResultLnk.tar >> $ResFiles mv -f ~/out/$finResult.tar ./ ln -sf $finResult.tar $finResultLnk.tar #Removing the work files rm -rf ~/out/desktop ~/out/kdesktop ~/out/$finResult touch $FTPResDir/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp EOF if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp; then rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #***************************************************************** #* Live Disks based on the ALTLinux builds, by the VPS bldrALT32 * #***************************************************************** Live_ALT ) echo "Build: Preparing '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." wVPS= wUser=builder #Setting the environments to the file autoBuild.env ssh $wUser@$wVPS "echo -e \"targ=$targ\nSrcVers=$version\nwUser=$wUser\nFTPResDir=${OSCADA_ResTarget/$FTPResDir/"/mnt/ftp"}\nOSCADA_OptTarget=$OSCADA_OptTarget\nOSCADA_ResTarget=$OSCADA_ResTarget\" > autoBuild.env" #Configuring and building ssh $wUser@$wVPS << 'EOF' . autoBuild.env isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi image=`echo $OSCADA_OptTarget | sed -n "/.*\(flash\).*/s//\1/p"` ln -fs sources6.list /etc/apt/sources.list wProf=mkimage-profiles-6-kdesktop cd $wProf if test $isLTS = 1; then ln -fs openscadaLTS profiles/pkg/lists/openscada; else ln -fs openscadaWork profiles/pkg/lists/openscada; fi if test "x$image" = "x"; then image="iso" bldResult="out/kdesktop/altlinux-6.0-$(date +%Y%m%d)-kdesktop-i586-en-live-cd.iso" finResult="ALTLinux_6-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-TDE_3.5.13.2-i586-LiveCD_USB.iso" else bldResult="out/kdesktop/altlinux-6.0-$(date +%Y%m%d)-kdesktop-i586-en-live-cd.flash" finResult="ALTLinux_6-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-TDE_3.5.13.2-i586-flash.tar" fi #Reconfiguring for different kernels ./configure --with-distro=kdesktop --with-branding=altlinux-kdesktop --with-version=6.0 --with-language=en_US --with-imagetype=$image --with-kernel=un-def echo -e "image=$image\nbldResult=$bldResult\nfinResult=$finResult\nFTPResDir=$FTPResDir" >> ~/autoBuild.env test ! -e ~/$bldResult && make distclean && make live-kde3.cd && make distclean EOF #Installation and freeing ssh $wUser@$wVPS << 'EOF' . autoBuild.env isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi finResDirTarg=$FTPResDir/Live if test "$image" = "iso"; then if test ! -f $bldResult; then exit; fi elif test "$image" = "flash"; then if test ! -d $bldResult; then exit; fi cd $bldResult; tar cvf ~/$bldResult.tar ./*; cd ~ bldResult=$bldResult.tar fi echo "Build-VPS: Processing and storing the mkimage result from \"$bldResult\" to \"$finResDirTarg\"." #Removing the previous ones cd $finResDirTarg ResFiles=$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.files if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x"; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi #if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x" -a $isLTS != 1; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi #Moving the new ones echo $finResult > $ResFiles mv -f ~/$bldResult ./$finResult md5sum $(ls *.iso *.tar 2> /dev/null) > MD5SUM #Removing the work files rm -rf ~/out/kdesktop touch $FTPResDir/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp EOF if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp; then rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ:$OSCADA_OptTarget.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #************************************************************************* #* Live Disks based on the Debian 7-11 builds, by VPS bldrDeb8, or local * #************************************************************************* Live_Deb* ) echo "Build: Preparing '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget' with options='$OSCADA_OptTarget'." wVPS=localhost case $targ in Live_Deb7_* | Live_Deb8_* ) wVPS=; ;; esac #Setting the environments to the file autoBuild.env ssh root@$wVPS "echo -e \"targ=$targ\nSrcVers=$version\nFTPResDir=${OSCADA_ResTarget/$FTPResDir/"/mnt/ftp"}\nOSCADA_OptTarget=$OSCADA_OptTarget\nOSCADA_ResTarget=$OSCADA_ResTarget\" > autoBuild.env" #Configuring and building ssh root@$wVPS << 'EOF' . autoBuild.env isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi RepArch=`echo $targ | sed -n "/^Live_Deb.*_\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` RepVer=`echo $targ | sed -n "/^Live_Deb\([^_]*\).*/s//\1/p"` wProf=live$RepVer-$RepArch case $RepArch in 32 ) bldResult=live-image-i386.hybrid.iso; finResult=Debian_$RepVer-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-TDE_R14-i386-LiveCD_USB.iso; ;; 64 ) bldResult=live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso; finResult=Debian_$RepVer-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-TDE_R14-amd64-LiveCD_USB.iso; ;; esac cd /opt/$wProf if test $isLTS = 1; then cp config/package-lists/=Available=/openscada-lts.list.chroot config/package-lists/openscada.list.chroot; else cp config/package-lists/=Available=/openscada.list.chroot config/package-lists/openscada.list.chroot; fi echo "Build-VPS: LiveBuild profile \"$wProf\" to \"$bldResult\"." #Cleaning and building lb clean --purge lb build echo "FTPResDir=$FTPResDir" finResDirTarg=$FTPResDir/Live if test ! -f $bldResult; then exit; fi echo "Build-VPS: Processing and storing the LiveBuild result \"$bldResult\" to \"$finResDirTarg\" as \"$finResult\"." #Removing the previous ones cd $finResDirTarg ResFiles=$targ.files if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x"; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi #if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x" -a $isLTS != 1; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi #Moving the new ones echo $finResult > $ResFiles mv -f /opt/$wProf/$bldResult ./$finResult md5sum $(ls *.iso *.tar 2> /dev/null) > MD5SUM touch $FTPResDir/$targ.stamp #Cleaning the work files cd /opt/$wProf lb clean --purge EOF if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ.stamp; then rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; #********************************************************* #* ARM tarball packages by the toolchain in VPS bldrDeb8 * #********************************************************* ICP_DAS_LP_ARM | SMH2Gi ) echo "Build: Preparing ARM by the toolchain '$targ' to '$OSCADA_ResTarget'." SrcName=`basename $src` wVPS= #Setting the environments to the file /opt/autoBuild.env ssh root@$wVPS "echo -e \"targ=$targ\nSrcName=$SrcName\nSrcVers=$version\nFTPResDir=${OSCADA_ResTarget/$FTPResDir/"/mnt/ftp"}\nOSCADA_ResTarget=$OSCADA_ResTarget\" > /opt/autoBuild.env" #Configuring and building ssh root@$wVPS << 'EOF' cd /opt . autoBuild.env cd $targ . enter isLTS=0 if test "#$(echo $SrcVers | sed -n '/^[^.]*.\([^.]*\).*$/s//\1/p')" = "#9"; then isLTS=1; fi #resRoot=${resRoot}_LTS; fi resRoot=/opt/$targ/img/root_oscada finResDirTarg=$FTPResDir/PLC/$targ finResFile=$targ-OpenSCADA_$SrcVers-root.tgz finResFileLn=$targ-OpenSCADA-root.tgz #echo "SrcName=$SrcName; PREFIX=$PREFIX; OSCADA_CFG=$OSCADA_CFG; SrcVers=$SrcVers; FTPResDir=$FTPResDir; finResFile=$finResFile" if test -d /opt/$SrcName; then rm -Rf /opt/$SrcName; fi cp -R /mnt/build/$SrcName /opt/$SrcName cd /opt/$SrcName # Applying the patches for iPatch in $(ls $finResDirTarg/openscada_*.patch 2> /dev/null); do patch -p0 < $iPatch; done # Preseting the actual work version if test $isLTS != 1; then sed -i "s/\[1+r0000\]/\[$SrcVers\]/" configure.ac fi autoreconf -ivf $OSCADA_CFG make $OSCADA_BldOpts if test $? = 0; then # Pre-cleaning rm -f $resRoot/usr/lib/liboscada.so.* # Installation DESTDIR=$resRoot make install rm -rf $resRoot/usr/lib/*.a $resRoot/usr/lib/*.la $resRoot/usr/lib/openscada/*.la $resRoot/usr/include $resRoot/usr/lib/pkgconfig $TARGET-strip $resRoot/usr/lib/liboscada.so $resRoot/usr/lib/openscada/*.so # Post-cleaning rm -f $resRoot/usr/bin/openscada_start rm -f $resRoot/etc/{oscada_AGLKS.xml,oscada_Boiler.xml,oscada_start.xml} rm -R $resRoot/usr/share/{applications,icons} rm -R $resRoot/usr/share/openscada/{AGLKS,Boiler,LibsDB} # Packing cd $resRoot; tar cvzf $finResFile ./* # Removing the previous one cd $finResDirTarg ResFiles=$targ.files if test "x$(cat $ResFiles 2> /dev/null)" != "x" -a $isLTS != 1; then rm -f $(cat $ResFiles); fi # Moving the new one echo $finResFile > $ResFiles mv -f $resRoot/$finResFile ./ ln -sf $finResFile $finResFileLn if test -d /opt/$SrcName; then rm -Rf /opt/$SrcName; fi touch $FTPResDir/$targ.stamp fi EOF if test -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ.stamp; then rm -f $OSCADA_ResTarget/$targ.stamp; exit 0; fi exit -2 ;; esac exit -1