#!/bin/sh # DESCRIPTION # # Add policy for HAL # REQUIRES # # INFO # $ lshal | grep 'powe.*can' # power_management.can_hibernate = false (bool) # power_management.can_suspend = true (bool) # power_management.can_suspend_hybrid = false (bool) # # suspend_hybrid is a blend of suspend and hibernate. It performs all # the tasks needed to put the system into hibernate mode (including writing the # memory image to disk), and then puts the system into suspend mode. # # power_management.can_hibernate (bool) Yes If hibernation support is compiled into the kernel. # NB. This may not mean the machine is able to hibernate successfully. # http://people.freedesktop.org/~david/hal-spec/hal-spec.html NAME="init3-hal" verbose() { if [ -n "$GLOBAL_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "HOOK: $NAME: $@" fi } verbose "has started" CFG="/etc/hal/fdi/policy/55-hibernation-off.fdi" cat >> "$CFG" << __EOF__ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deviceinfo version="0.2"> <device> <!-- MKIMAGE HOOK: TURN OFF HIBERNATION FOR LIVECD --> <!-- MKIMAGE HOOK: REMOVE RELATED ICONS FROM KDE4 STARTUP MENU --> <match key="info.udi" string="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer"> <merge key="power_management.can_suspend" type="bool">false</merge> <merge key="power_management.can_hibernate" type="bool">false</merge> <merge key="power_management.can_suspend_hybrid" type="bool">false</merge> </match> </device> </deviceinfo> __EOF__ verbose "finished"