//OpenSCADA module UI.WebVision file: vca_sess.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2025 by Roman Savochenko, * * 2007-2012 by Lysenko Maxim, * * 2007-2008 by Yashina Kseniya, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../VCAEngine/types.h" #include "web_vision.h" #include "vca_sess.h" extern char *WebVisionVCA_html; using namespace WebVision; using namespace VCA; //************************************************* //* VCASess * //************************************************* VCASess::VCASess( const string &iid ) : toRemoveSelf(false), fStatusOrder(false), fStatusText(dataRes()), mId(iid), mUser(dataRes()), mUserOrig(dataRes()) { open_ses = lst_ses_req = time(NULL); id_objs = grpAdd("obj_"); if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCASess::~VCASess( ) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCASess::objName( ) { return TCntrNode::objName()+":VCASess"; } void VCASess::postDisable( int flag ) { TCntrNode::postDisable(flag); // Disconnect/delete session XMLNode req("disconnect"); req.setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fsess")->setAttr("sess", id())->setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", sender()); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, SSess(user())); } void VCASess::getReq( SSess &ses ) { string oAddr; // Access time to session is updating lst_ses_req = time(NULL); //int64_t curTm = TSYS::curTime(); map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("com"), prmEl1; string first_lev = TSYS::pathLev(ses.url, 1); string wp_com = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? prmEl->second : ""; if(wp_com.empty()) { int hd; ses.page = ""; // Get the name of the project string prjNm; XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fobj%2fst%2fprj"); if(!mod->cntrIfCmd(req,ses)) { req.setAttr("path","/prj_"+req.text()+"/%2fobj%2fcfg%2fname"); if(!mod->cntrIfCmd(req,ses)) prjNm = req.text(); } //Check for the main work page if((hd=open("WebVisionVCA.html",O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; for(int len = 0; (len=read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0; ) ses.page.append(buf, len); if(close(hd) != 0) mess_warning(nodePath().c_str(), _("Closing the file %d error '%s (%d)'!"), hd, strerror(errno), errno); } else ses.page = WebVisionVCA_html; ses.page = mod->trMessReplace(ses.page); // User replace size_t varPos = ses.page.find("##USER##"); if(varPos != string::npos) ses.page.replace(varPos, 8, TSYS::strMess("%s",((ses.user=="root")?"red":"green"),ses.user.c_str())); // Charset replace if((varPos=ses.page.find("##CHARSET##")) != string::npos) ses.page.replace(varPos, 11, Mess->charset()); // Title replace if((varPos=ses.page.find("##TITLE##")) != string::npos) ses.page.replace(varPos, 9, prjNm); // Custom CSS replace if((varPos=ses.page.find("##CUST_CSS##")) != string::npos) ses.page.replace(varPos, 12, mod->custCSS()); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type:text/html;charset="+Mess->charset()); // Cache clear ResAlloc res(nodeRes(), true); mCacheRes.clear(); } //Session/projects icon else if(wp_com == "ico") { XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fico"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ses.page = TSYS::strDecode(req.text(), TSYS::base64); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); } //Session/projects manual else if(wp_com == "manual") { string fTp, fDoc = TUIS::docGet((ses.prm["doc"].size()?ses.prm["doc"]:proj())+"\n"+ses.lang, &fTp, TUIS::GetContent); if(fDoc.size()) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, fDoc, "200 OK", "Content-Type: "+TUIS::mimeGet("."+fTp,"")); else ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, mod->messPost(nodePath(), _("The project manual was not found!"),TWEB::Error), "404 Not Found"); } //Get open pages list else if(wp_com == "pgOpenList" && first_lev.empty()) { prmEl = ses.prm.find("tm"); XMLNode req("CntrReqs"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url); req.childAdd("openlist")->setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fpg")->setAttr("tm", (prmEl!=ses.prm.end())?prmEl->second:"0"); req.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path", "/%2fobj%2fcfg%2fper"); req.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2falarm")->setAttr("mode", "stat"); if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,ses)) { toRemoveSelf = true; ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, mod->messPost(req.attr("mcat").c_str(),req.text().c_str(),TWEB::Error), "404 Not Found"); } else { req.childGet(0)->setAttr("per", req.childGet(1)->text())-> setAttr("alarmSt", req.childGet(2)->attr("alarmSt"))-> setAttr("cachePgSz", i2s(mod->cachePgSz()))-> setAttr("cachePgLife", r2s(mod->cachePgLife()))-> setAttr("fStatusOrder", fStatusOrder?"1":""); // Getting opened pages from the cache for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < req.childGet(0)->childSize(); iP++) pgCacheGet(TSYS::path2sepstr(req.childGet(0)->childGet(iP)->text())); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.childGet(0)->save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } } else if(wp_com == "style") { XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fobj%2fcfg%2fstLst"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); if(req.childSize()) { XMLNode reqCur("get"); reqCur.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fobj%2fcfg%2fstyle"); mod->cntrIfCmd(reqCur, ses); req.setAttr("curStlId", reqCur.text()); for(unsigned iCh = 0; iCh < req.childSize(); iCh++) if(req.childGet(iCh)->attr("id") == req.attr("curStlId")) { req.setAttr("curStlName", req.childGet(iCh)->text()); break; } } ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } //Attribute get else if(wp_com == "attr") { prmEl = ses.prm.find("attr"); string attr = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? prmEl->second : ""; XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fattr%2f"+attr); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } //Widget's (page) full attributes branch request else if(wp_com == "attrsBr") { prmEl = ses.prm.find("tm"); prmEl1 = ses.prm.find("FullTree"); XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fserv%2fattrBr")->setAttr("tm", (prmEl!=ses.prm.end())?prmEl->second:"0")-> setAttr("FullTree", (prmEl1!=ses.prm.end()) ? prmEl1->second : ""); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); // Backend objects' attributes set vector pos; unsigned cpos = 0; vector addr; string caddr = ses.url; XMLNode *cn = &req; while(true) { if(cpos < cn->childSize()) { if(cn->childGet(cpos)->name() == "w") { cn = cn->childGet(cpos); pos.push_back(cpos+1); cpos = 0; addr.push_back(caddr); caddr = caddr+"/wdg_"+cn->attr("id"); } else cpos++; continue; } //Processing of the background objects for creation obligatory ones and for sending them the attributes updating request objProc(TSYS::path2sepstr(caddr), ses, cn); if(!cn->parent()) break; cn = cn->parent(); cpos = pos.back(); pos.pop_back(); caddr = addr.back(); addr.pop_back(); } // Send the respond to the browser ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } //Resources request (images and other files) else if(wp_com == "res") { prmEl = ses.prm.find("val"); if(prmEl != ses.prm.end()) { // Getting the "Range" int start = -1, size = 0; string range; for(size_t iVr = 0; iVr < ses.vars.size(); iVr++) if(TSYS::strParse(ses.vars[iVr],0,":") == "Range") { range = sTrm(TSYS::strParse(ses.vars[iVr],1,"Range: bytes=")); start = vmax(0, s2i(TSYS::strParse(range,0,"-"))); if((size=s2i(TSYS::strParse(range,1,"-")))) size = size - start + 1; break; } string mime; ses.page = resGet(TSYS::strDecode(prmEl->second,TSYS::HttpURL), ses.url, ses, &mime, start, &size); // Processing ranges if(range.size() && size) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "206 Partial Content", "Content-Type: "+TSYS::strParse(mime,0,";")+"\x0D\x0A"+"Content-Range: bytes "+ i2s(vmax(0,start))+"-"+i2s(vmax(0,start)+ses.page.size()-1)+"/"+i2s(size)); // Using chunks for getting parts from VCAEngine else if(size > ses.page.size()) { ses.prt->writeTo(mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "", "200 OK", "Content-Type: "+TSYS::strParse(mime,0,";")+"\x0D\x0A"+"Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); for(start = 0; start < size; ) { ses.prt->writeTo(i2s(ses.page.size(),TSYS::Hex)+"\x0D\x0A"+ses.page+"\x0D\x0A"); start += ses.page.size(); if(start >= size) break; ses.page = resGet(TSYS::strDecode(prmEl->second,TSYS::HttpURL), ses.url, ses, &mime, start, &size); } ses.page = ""; } // Transferring small in whole else { if(mime.find("image/") != string::npos) mod->imgConvert(ses, mime); //Images conversion ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: "+TSYS::strParse(mime,0,";")); } } else ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Resource not found"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); } //Request to the primitive object. Used for data caching else if(wp_com == "obj") { size_t tPos; if(objProc(oAddr=TSYS::path2sepstr(ses.url),ses)) objAt(oAddr).at().getReq(ses); else if(ses.url.rfind(".") != string::npos && (tPos=ses.url.rfind("/")) != string::npos && objProc(oAddr=TSYS::path2sepstr(ses.url.substr(0,tPos)),ses)) objAt(oAddr).at().getReq(ses); else ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+TSYS::strMess(_("Unknown object of the command: %s."),wp_com.c_str())+"
\n", "200 OK"); } else ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+TSYS::strMess(_("Unknown command: %s."),wp_com.c_str())+"
\n", "200 OK"); //Checking for the cache pgCacheProc(); } void VCASess::postReq( SSess &ses ) { string oAddr; //Commands process map::iterator cntEl = ses.prm.find("com"); string wp_com = (cntEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? cntEl->second : ""; //Attributes set if(wp_com == "attrs") { XMLNode req("set"); req.load(ses.content); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fserv%2fattr"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } //Open page command else if(wp_com == "pgClose" || wp_com == "pgOpen") { XMLNode req((wp_com=="pgOpen")?"open":"close"); req.setAttr("path","/"+TSYS::pathLev(ses.url,0)+"/%2fserv%2fpg")->setAttr("pg",ses.url); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); // Remove for objects of that page - pages' cache string oAddr = TSYS::path2sepstr(ses.url); if(wp_com == "pgOpen") pgCacheGet(oAddr); else if(ses.prm.find("cacheCntr") != ses.prm.end()) pgCacheProc(oAddr, ses.prm.find("cachePg") == ses.prm.end()); } else if(wp_com == "setUser") { if((cntEl=ses.prm.find("user")) != ses.prm.end() && TSYS::strDecode(TSYS::strParse(cntEl->second,0,":"),TSYS::Custom) != user()) { if(cntEl->second == "$" && userOrig().size()) cntEl->second = userOrig(); else { size_t pasSep = cntEl->second.find(":"); string h_user = (pasSep == string::npos) ? cntEl->second : TSYS::strDecode(cntEl->second.substr(0,pasSep),TSYS::Custom), h_pass = (pasSep == string::npos) ? "" : TSYS::strDecode(cntEl->second.substr(pasSep+1),TSYS::Custom); cntEl->second = h_user; // Checking the user permition to the session project if((pasSep == string::npos && SYS->security().at().usrAt(userOrig().size()?userOrig():user()).at().permitCmpr(cntEl->second) > 0) || (pasSep != string::npos && !SYS->security().at().usrAt(h_user).at().auth(h_pass))) cntEl->second = ""; } if(cntEl->second.size()) { XMLNode req("connect"); req.setAttr("path","/%2fserv%2fsess")->setAttr("sess", mId)->setAttr("userChange", "1")->setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", ses.sender); if(!mod->cntrIfCmd(req,SSess(cntEl->second))) { // Changing the session user userSet(cntEl->second, true); vector prms; prms.push_back(user()); ses.prt->objFuncCall("setUser", prms, "root"); //req.clear()->setName("disconnect")->setAttr("path", "/%2fserv%2fsess")->setAttr("sess", mId)->setAttr("remoteSrcAddr", ses.sender); //mod->cntrIfCmd(req, SSess(user())); } } } } //Frontend status else if(wp_com == "fStatus") fStatusText = ses.content, fStatusOrder = false; else if(wp_com == "obj" && objProc(oAddr=TSYS::path2sepstr(ses.url),ses)) objAt(oAddr).at().postReq(ses); if(ses.page.empty()) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, string("
")+_("Content is missing.")+"
\n", "204 No Content", "Content-Type:text/html"); //ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "\n", "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } bool VCASess::objProc( const string &wPath, const SSess &ses, XMLNode *attrsN ) { XMLNode req("get"); bool isOpt = !attrsN; if(!objPresent(wPath)) { XMLNode *rootIdNd = NULL; string rootId = ""; //Prepare request for all attributes after the creation of an optional object if(attrsN) rootIdNd = attrsN->getElementBy("id", "root"); else { req.setAttr("path", TSYS::sepstr2path(wPath)+"/%2fserv%2fattrBr"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); rootIdNd = req.getElementBy("id", "root"); attrsN = &req; } if(rootIdNd) rootId = rootIdNd->text(); //Main if(!isOpt && rootId == "ElFigure") objAdd(new VCAElFigure(wPath)); else if(!isOpt && rootId == "Diagram") objAdd(new VCADiagram(wPath)); else if(!isOpt && rootId == "Document") objAdd(new VCADocument(wPath)); else if(!isOpt && rootId == "FormEl") objAdd(new VCAFormEl(wPath)); //Due to the "value" must be truncated in the loading view of the button mode //Optional else if(isOpt && rootId == "Text") objAdd(new VCAText(wPath)); } if(objPresent(wPath)) { if(attrsN) objAt(wPath).at().setAttrs(*attrsN, ses); return true; } return false; } void VCASess::objAdd( VCAObj *obj ) { if(!obj) return; if(objPresent(obj->nodeName())) delete obj; else chldAdd(id_objs, obj); } void VCASess::pgCacheGet( const string &addr ) { MtxAlloc res(mod->cacheRes(), true); //Searching for the page in the cache for(unsigned iPg = 0; iPg < mCachePg.size(); iPg++) if(mCachePg[iPg].second == addr) { mCachePg.erase(mCachePg.begin()+iPg); break; } } void VCASess::pgCacheProc( const string &addr, bool fClose ) { vector oLs; MtxAlloc res(mod->cacheRes(), true); //Appending the page to the cache if(addr.size()) mCachePg.push_front(pair(fClose?0:SYS->sysTm(),addr)); //Processing for the cache limits for(int iPg = mCachePg.size()-1; iPg >= 0; iPg = fmin(iPg,mCachePg.size())-1) if((mod->cachePgLife() > 0.01 && (SYS->sysTm()-mCachePg[iPg].first) > (unsigned)(mod->cachePgLife()*1.1*60*60)) || mCachePg[iPg].first == 0 || (mod->cachePgSz() && (int)mCachePg.size() > mod->cachePgSz())) { // Removing the same page record string tAddr = mCachePg[iPg].second; mCachePg.erase(mCachePg.begin()+iPg); res.unlock(); // Removing page's objects - same the cached data objList(oLs); for(unsigned iO = 0; iO < oLs.size(); iO++) //!!!! Means of removing the page strictly and representative of the included widgets - ".wdg_" if(oLs[iO] == tAddr || oLs[iO].find(tAddr+".wdg_") == 0) objDel(oLs[iO]); res.lock(); } else break; //Due to this king of the order } string VCASess::resGet( const string &res, const string &path, const SSess &ses, string *mime, int off, int *size ) { if(res.empty()) return ""; string ret = cacheResGet(res, mime); if(ret.empty()) { XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", path+"/%2fwdg%2fres")->setAttr("id", res)-> setAttr("off", (off>=0)?i2s(off).c_str():"")->setAttr("size", (off>=0 && size)?i2s(*size).c_str():""); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); ret = TSYS::strDecode(req.text(), TSYS::base64); if(ret.size()) { if(mime) *mime = TUIS::mimeGet(res, ret, req.attr("mime")); if(!s2i(req.attr("size"))) cacheResSet(res, ret, req.attr("mime")); else if(size) *size = s2i(req.attr("size")); } } return ret; } string VCASess::cacheResGet( const string &res, string *mime ) { ResAlloc resAlc(nodeRes(), false); map::iterator ires = mCacheRes.find(res); if(ires == mCacheRes.end()) return ""; ires->second.tm = time(NULL); if(mime) *mime = ires->second.mime; return ires->second.val; } void VCASess::cacheResSet( const string &res, const string &val, const string &mime ) { if(val.size() > limUserFile_SZ) return; ResAlloc resAlc(nodeRes(), true); mCacheRes[res] = CacheEl(time(NULL), val, mime); if(mCacheRes.size() > (limCacheIts_N+limCacheIts_N/10)) { vector< pair > sortQueue; for(map::iterator itr = mCacheRes.begin(); itr != mCacheRes.end(); ++itr) sortQueue.push_back(pair(itr->second.tm,itr->first)); sort(sortQueue.begin(), sortQueue.end()); for(unsigned iDel = 0; iDel < (limCacheIts_N/10); ++iDel) mCacheRes.erase(sortQueue[iDel].second); } } int VCASess::cacheResSize( ) { return mCacheRes.size(); } float VCASess::cacheResLen( ) { ResAlloc resAlc(nodeRes(), false); float len = 0; for(map::iterator itr = mCacheRes.begin(); itr != mCacheRes.end(); ++itr) len += itr->second.val.size(); return len; } //************************************************* //* VCAObj * //************************************************* VCAObj::VCAObj( const string &iid ) : mId(iid) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCAObj::~VCAObj( ) { nodeDelAll(); if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } VCASess &VCAObj::owner( ) const { return *(VCASess*)nodePrev(); } string VCAObj::objName( ) { return TCntrNode::objName()+":VCAObj"; } double VCAObj::bezierDeltaT( const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3, const Point &p4 ) { double t = 0, dx_dt, dy_dt; double max = fabs(-3*pow((1-t),2)*p1.x - 6*t*(1-t)*p2.x + 6*t*p3.x + 3*t*t*p4.x); do { dx_dt = fabs(-3*pow((1-t),2)*p1.x - 6*t*(1-t)*p2.x + 6*t*p3.x + 3*t*t*p4.x); if(max < dx_dt) max = dx_dt; dy_dt = fabs(-3*pow((1-t),2)*p1.y - 6*t*(1-t)*p2.y + 6*t*p3.y + 3*t*t*p4.y); if(max < dy_dt) max = dy_dt; t += 0.1; } while(t < 1); return 1/max; } Point VCAObj::bezier( double t, const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3, const Point &p4 ) { return Point(pow((1-t),3)*p1.x + 3*t*pow((1-t),2)*p2.x + 3*t*t*(1-t)*p3.x + t*t*t*p4.x, pow((1-t),3)*p1.y + 3*t*pow((1-t),2)*p2.y + 3*t*t*(1-t)*p3.y + t*t*t*p4.y); } void VCAObj::gdImageCubic( gdImagePtr im, const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3, const Point &p4, int clr ) { double delta = bezierDeltaT(p1, p2, p3, p4); Point tp1, tp2; for(double t = 0; t < 1; t += delta) { tp1 = bezier(t, p1, p2, p3, p4); tp2 = bezier(t+delta, p1, p2, p3, p4); gdImageLine(im, rRnd(tp1.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true), rRnd(tp1.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true), rRnd(tp2.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true), rRnd(tp2.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true), clr); }; } //************************************************* //* VCAFormEl * //************************************************* VCAFormEl::VCAFormEl( const string &iid ) : VCAObj(iid), type(0), btMode(0), mRes(true) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCAFormEl::~VCAFormEl( ) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCAFormEl::objName( ) { return VCAObj::objName()+":VCAFormEl"; } void VCAFormEl::getReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); if(type == F_BUTTON && btMode == FBT_SAVE && fCtx.size()) { int off = 0; string cntr = TSYS::strLine(fCtx, 0, &off), mime = TSYS::strParse(cntr, 3, "|"); ses.page = fCtx.substr(off); // Getting the "Range" for media int start = 0, size = 0; string range; for(size_t iVr = 0; iVr < ses.vars.size(); iVr++) if(TSYS::strParse(ses.vars[iVr],0,":") == "Range") { range = sTrm(TSYS::strParse(ses.vars[iVr],1,"Range: bytes=")); start = vmax(0, s2i(TSYS::strParse(range,0,"-"))); if((size=s2i(TSYS::strParse(range,1,"-")))) size = size - start + 1; break; } if(range.size()) { if(!size) size = vmin(limUserFile_SZ, ses.page.size()-start); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page.substr(start,size), "206 Partial Content", "Content-Type: "+mime+"\x0D\x0A"+"Content-Range: bytes "+ i2s(vmax(0,start))+"-"+i2s(vmax(0,start)+size-1)+"/"+i2s(ses.page.size())); } else { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: "+mime); //!!!! Clearing the attribute "value", but it can be spare for multiple connections to one session XMLNode req("set"); size_t nURLoff = ses.url.rfind("/"); req.setAttr("path", ((nURLoff==string::npos)?ses.url:ses.url.substr(0,nURLoff))+"/%2fserv%2fattr"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","value")->setText(""); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); } } else if(type == F_TABLE) { int off = ses.url.size(); string fileNm = TSYS::pathLevEnd(ses.url, 0, true, &off), wAddr = ses.url.substr(0, off+1), fileExt = TSYS::strParseEnd(fileNm, 0, "."); // Obtaining the table content XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", wAddr+"/%2fattr%2fitems"); if(fileExt != "csv") ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Resource not found"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); else if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,ses) || sTrm(req.text()).empty()) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("The table is wrong or empty"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); else try { XMLNode xproc("tbl"); xproc.load(req.text(), XMLNode::LD_NO, Mess->charset()); for(int iR = 0; iR < (int)xproc.childSize(); ++iR) { XMLNode *rO = xproc.childGet(iR); for(int iC = 0; iC < (int)rO->childSize(); ++iC) { XMLNode *cO = rO->childGet(iC); if(rO->name() == "h" || cO->name() == "s" || cO->name() == "t") ses.page += "\""+TSYS::strEncode(cO->text(),TSYS::SQL,"\"")+"\";"; else ses.page += cO->text()+";"; } ses.page += "\x0D\x0A"; } ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type:text/csv"); } catch(TError&) { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Error parsing the document"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); } } else ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Resource not found"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); } void VCAFormEl::postReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); if(type == F_BUTTON && btMode == FBT_LOAD && ses.cnt.size()) { string fHead = TSYS::strLine(fCtx, 0); int off = 0; string fTmpl = TSYS::strParse(fHead, 0, "|", &off), fTitle = TSYS::strParse(fHead, 0, "|", &off), fDefFile= TSYS::strParse(fHead, 0, "|", &off), fMime = TSYS::strParse(fHead, 0, "|", &off), fRealFile = ses.cnt[0].attr("Content-Disposition"); size_t tPos = fRealFile.find("filename=\""); fRealFile = (tPos != string::npos) ? fRealFile.substr(tPos+10, fRealFile.find("\"",tPos+10)-(tPos+10)) : fDefFile; if(ses.cnt[0].attr("Content-Type").size()) fMime = ses.cnt[0].attr("Content-Type"); XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path", ses.url+"/%2fserv%2fattr"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","value")->setText(fTmpl+"|"+fTitle+"|"+fRealFile+"|"+fMime+"\n"+ses.cnt[0].text()); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","event")->setText("ws_BtLoad"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); //ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } } void VCAFormEl::setAttrs( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses ) { int iAVal = -1; for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < node.childSize(); iA++) { XMLNode *reqEl = node.childGet(iA); if(reqEl->name() != "el") continue; switch(s2i(reqEl->attr("p"))) { case A_FormElType: type = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_FormElMixP3: if(type == F_BUTTON) btMode = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_FormElValue: iAVal = iA; break; } } //Processing the value at the end if(iAVal >= 0 && type == F_BUTTON && (btMode == FBT_LOAD || (btMode == FBT_SAVE && node.childGet(iAVal)->text().size()))) //To store the saving context for video and audio //!!!! The context cleared together closing the page or the project session at all node.childGet(iAVal)->setText(TSYS::strLine((fCtx=node.childGet(iAVal)->text()),0)); } //************************************************* //* ElFigure * //************************************************* VCAElFigure::VCAElFigure( const string &iid ) : VCAObj(iid), im(NULL), mRes(true) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCAElFigure::~VCAElFigure( ) { if(im) { gdImageDestroy(im); im = NULL; } if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCAElFigure::objName( ) { return VCAObj::objName()+":VCAElFigure"; } #define SAME_SIGNS(a, b) ((a) * (b) >= 0) // Line intersection algorithm, copied from Graphics Gems II bool VCAElFigure::lineIntersect( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4 ) { double a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2; /* Coefficients of line eqns. */ double r1, r2, r3, r4; /* 'Sign' values */ a1 = y2 - y1; b1 = x1 - x2; c1 = x2 * y1 - x1 * y2; r3 = a1 * x3 + b1 * y3 + c1; r4 = a1 * x4 + b1 * y4 + c1; if( r3 != 0 && r4 != 0 && SAME_SIGNS( r3, r4 )) return false; a2 = y4 - y3; b2 = x3 - x4; c2 = x4 * y3 - x3 * y4; r1 = a2 * x1 + b2 * y1 + c2; r2 = a2 * x2 + b2 * y2 + c2; if( r1 != 0 && r2 != 0 && SAME_SIGNS( r1, r2 ) ) return false; return true; } //- rotation of the point - Point VCAElFigure::rotate( const Point pnt, double alpha ) { return Point( pnt.x*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180) - pnt.y*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180), pnt.x*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180) + pnt.y*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180) ); } //- unrotation of the point - Point VCAElFigure::unrotate( const Point pnt, double alpha, double a, double b ) { return Point( (pnt.x-a)*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180) - (pnt.y-b)*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180), -(pnt.x-a)*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180) - (pnt.y-b)*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180) ); } //- getting the point of the arc, using t as parameter and a,b as radiuses - Point VCAElFigure::arc( double t, double a, double b ) { return Point( a*cos(t*M_PI*2), -b*sin(t*M_PI*2) ); } //- Computing the angle between two lines - double VCAElFigure::angle( const Point p1, const Point p2, const Point p3, const Point p4 ) { double dx1 = ( p2.x - p1.x ); double dx2 = ( p4.x - p3.x ); double dy1 = ( p2.y - p1.y ); double dy2 = ( p4.y - p3.y ); double cos_line = vmax( -1, vmin(1, (( dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2 ) / ( length(p1,p2)*length(p3,p4)))) ); double rad; rad = acos( cos_line ); return rad * 180 / M_PI; } //- Computing the length between two points - double VCAElFigure::length( const Point pt1, const Point pt2 ) { double x = pt2.x - pt1.x; double y = pt2.y - pt1.y; return sqrt( x*x + y*y ); } //- Scaling and rotating the point - Point VCAElFigure::scaleRotate( const Point point, double xScale, double yScale, bool flag_scale, bool flag_rotate, bool flag_mirror ) { Point rpnt = Point(point.x, point.y); Point center = flag_scale ? Point(rRnd(width/2), rRnd(height/2)) : Point(rRnd(width*xScale/2), rRnd(height*yScale/2)); rpnt.x = rpnt.x - center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y - center.y; if(mirror && flag_mirror) rpnt.x = -rpnt.x; if(flag_rotate) rpnt = rotate(rpnt, orient); rpnt.x = rpnt.x + center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y + center.y; /*if(flag_rotate) { if(!flag_scale) center = Point(rRnd(width*xScale/2), rRnd(height*yScale/2)); else center = Point(rRnd(width/2), rRnd(height/2)); rpnt.x = rpnt.x - center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y - center.y; } if(mirror && flag_mirror) rpnt.x = -rpnt.x; if(flag_rotate) { rpnt = rotate(rpnt, orient); rpnt.x = rpnt.x + center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y + center.y; }*/ if(flag_scale) rpnt = Point(rpnt.x*xScale, rpnt.y*yScale); Point add((geomX+0.5)-floor(geomX+0.5)-0.5, (geomY+0.5)-floor(geomY+0.5)-0.5); return Point(rpnt.x+add.x, rpnt.y+add.y); } //- Unscaling and unrotating the point - Point VCAElFigure::unscaleUnrotate( const Point point, double xScale, double yScale, bool flag_scale, bool flag_rotate, bool flag_mirror ) { Point add((geomX+0.5)-floor(geomX+0.5)-0.5, (geomY+0.5)-floor(geomY+0.5)-0.5); Point rpnt = Point(point.x-add.x, point.y-add.y); Point center = Point(rRnd(width*xScale/2), rRnd(height*yScale/2)); if(flag_scale) { rpnt = Point(rpnt.x/xScale, rpnt.y/yScale); center = Point(rRnd(width/2), rRnd(height/2)); } rpnt.x = rpnt.x - center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y - center.y; if(flag_rotate) rpnt = rotate(rpnt, 360 - orient); if(mirror && flag_mirror) rpnt.x = -rpnt.x; rpnt.x = rpnt.x + center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y + center.y; /*Point center; if(flag_rotate) { if(!flag_scale) center = Point(rRnd(width*xScale/2), rRnd(height*yScale/2)); else center = Point(rRnd(width/2), rRnd(height/2)); rpnt.x = rpnt.x - center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y - center.y; rpnt = rotate(rpnt, 360 - orient); } if(mirror && flag_mirror) rpnt.x = -rpnt.x; if(flag_rotate) { rpnt.x = rpnt.x + center.x; rpnt.y = rpnt.y + center.y; }*/ return rpnt; } //- Painting existing inundationItems - void VCAElFigure::paintFill( gdImagePtr iim, Point pnt, InundationItem &in_item ) { in_item.index_color = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim, (uint8_t)(in_item.P_color>>16), (uint8_t)(in_item.P_color>>8), (uint8_t)in_item.P_color, 127 - (uint8_t)(in_item.P_color>>24)); gdImageFill(iim, (int)rRnd(pnt.x), (int)rRnd(pnt.y), in_item.index_color); } //- Detecting if any point of the figure is out of the borders of the image - /*bool VCAElFigure::isPaintable( ShapeItem item, double xScale, double yScale ) { double s_width = width*xScale; double s_height = height*yScale; switch(item.type) { case 1: if( (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) ) return true; else return true; case 2: if( (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n5],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n5],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n5],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n5],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) ) return true; else return true; case 3: if( (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).x >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).x <= (s_width)) && (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).y >= 0 && scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale).y <= (s_height)) ) return true; else return true; } return false; }*/ //- Drawing of dashed or dotted borders of the figure - void VCAElFigure::dashDotFigureBorders( gdImagePtr iim, Point el_p1, Point el_p2, Point el_p3, Point el_p4, Point el_p5, Point el_p6, int clr_el, int clr_el_line, double el_width, double el_border_width, int type, double wdt, double wdt_1, double xScale, double yScale ) { switch( type ) { case 1: { double el_ang; Point un_p1, un_p2; if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); un_p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); un_p2 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point el_pb1, el_pb2; do { if( un_p1.x + wdt + 2*(el_width+2) <= un_p2.x ) { el_pb1 = Point ( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point ( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( un_p1.x + wdt, un_p1.y ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point ( un_p1.x + wdt, un_p1.y ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 1, xScale, yScale ); un_p1.x += wdt + 2*(el_width+2); } else { el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point ( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p2, el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( un_p2, el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 1, xScale, yScale ); break; } } while( true ); } break; case 2: { double ang; if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); double arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); double arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb6; double t_start = el_p6.x; double t_end = el_p6.y; double len = length( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ) ); int kol = (int)rRnd(wdt/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true) ; int kol_1 = (int)rRnd(wdt_1/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if( kol_1 < 1 ) kol_1 = 1; double t = t_start; do { if( t + 0.00277777777778*kol + 0.00277777777778*kol_1 <= t_end) { el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t + 0.00277777777778*kol, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t + 0.00277777777778*kol, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point ( t, t + 0.00277777777778*kol ); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_p3, el_p4, el_p5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 2, xScale, yScale ); t += 0.00277777777778*kol + 0.00277777777778*kol_1; } else { el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point ( t, t_end ); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_p3, el_p4, el_p5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 2, xScale, yScale ); break; } } while( true ); } break; case 3: { double delta = bezierDeltaT( el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ); double len = length( Point( bezier( 0.0, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2).x, bezier( 0.0, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2).y ), Point( bezier( 0.0 + delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2).x, bezier( 0.0 + delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2).y ) ); int kol = (int)rRnd(wdt/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); int kol_1 = (int)rRnd(wdt_1/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if( kol_1 < 1 ) kol_1 = 1; double t = 0.0; do { if( t + delta*kol + delta*kol_1 <= 1 ) { paintFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, Point(t,t + delta*kol), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 3, xScale, yScale ); t += delta*kol + delta*kol_1; } else { paintFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, Point(t,1.0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 3, xScale, yScale ); break; } } while( true ); } break; } } //- Drawing the borders of the figure - void VCAElFigure::paintFigureBorders( gdImagePtr iim, Point el_p1, Point el_p2, Point el_p3, Point el_p4, Point el_p5, Point el_p6, int clr_el, int clr_el_line, double el_width, double el_border_width, int type, double xScale, double yScale ) { double el_ang, x_center, y_center, t, t_start, t_end, ang, arc_a, arc_b, arc_a_small, arc_b_small, delta ; Point p_center, p1, p2, p3, p4, pb1, pb2 ; int s_width = (int) (width*xScale + 0.5); int s_height = (int) (height*yScale + 0.5); switch( type ) { case 1: gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)(el_border_width*2) ); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, - (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, ( el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); x_center = (el_p1.x + el_p2.x)/2; y_center = (el_p1.y + el_p2.y)/2; if( (int)(x_center + 0.5) < s_width && (int)(y_center + 0.5) < s_height ) gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)(x_center + 0.5), (int)(y_center + 0.5), clr_el, clr_el_line ); break; case 3: gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)(el_border_width) ); delta = bezierDeltaT( el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); p2 = unrotate( el_p3, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); p3 = unrotate( el_p4, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); p4 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); t_start = el_p5.x; t_end = el_p5.y; p_center = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t_start + (t_end - t_start)/2, p1, p2, p3, p4 ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t_start + (t_end - t_start)/2, p1, p2, p3, p4 ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t+delta, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t+delta, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x,p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); t += delta; } while( t < t_end ); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t+delta, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t+delta, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); t += delta; } while( t < t_end ); pb1 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); pb2 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( t, Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p3.x,p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)pb1.x, (int)pb1.y, (int)pb2.x, (int)pb2.y, clr_el ); if( t_start > 0.0 || t_end < 1.0 ) p1 = Point( bezier( t_start, p1, p2, p3, p4 ).x, bezier( t_start, p1, p2, p3, p4 ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width/2 ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); if( (int)(p_center.x+0.5) < s_width && (int)(p_center.y+0.5) < s_height ) gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)( p_center.x + 0.5 ), (int)( p_center.y + 0.5 ), clr_el, clr_el_line ); break; case 2: gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)(el_border_width) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_a_small = arc_a - el_width - el_border_width; arc_b_small = arc_b - el_width - el_border_width; if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); t_start = el_p6.x; t_end = el_p6.y; t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); p_center = Point( rRnd( el_p3.x +rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a - el_width/2-1, arc_b - el_width/2-1 ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a - el_width/2-1, arc_b - el_width/2-1 ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( (int)(p_center.x+0.5) < s_width && (int)(p_center.y+0.5) < s_height ) gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)( p_center.x + 0.5 ), (int)( p_center.y + 0.5 ), clr_el, clr_el_line ); break; } } //- Drawing the dashed or dotted figure without borders - void VCAElFigure::dashDot( gdImagePtr iim, Point el_p1, Point el_p2, Point el_p3, Point el_p4, Point el_p5, Point el_p6, int clr_el, double el_width, int type, int style ) { switch( type ) { case 1: { Point p1, p2, un_p1, un_p2; double el_ang; if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); un_p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); un_p2 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)el_width ); double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; if( style == 1 ) { if( el_width < 3 ) { wdt = 5*el_width-1; wdt_1 = el_width+1; } else { wdt = 4*el_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*el_width+1; } } else if( style == 2 ) { if( el_width < 3 ) { wdt = 2*el_width-1; wdt_1 = el_width+1; } else { wdt = el_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*el_width+1; } } do { if( un_p1.x + wdt + wdt_1 <= un_p2.x ) { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( un_p1.x + wdt, un_p1.y ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( Point ( un_p1.x + wdt, un_p1.y ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); un_p1.x += wdt + wdt_1; } else { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( un_p1, el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.x + rotate( un_p2, el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( un_p2, el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); break; } } while( true ); } break; case 2: { double ang, arc_a, arc_b, t_start, t_end, t; if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); t_start = el_p6.x; t_end = el_p6.y; gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)el_width ); Point un_p1, un_p2, un_p3, un_p4, un_p5; double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; double len = length( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ) ); if( style == 1 ) { if( el_width < 3 ) { wdt = 5*el_width-1; wdt_1 = el_width+1; } else { wdt = 4*el_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*el_width+1; } } else if( style == 2 ) { if( el_width < 3 ) { wdt = 2*el_width; wdt_1 = el_width+1; } else { wdt = el_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*el_width+1; } } int kol = (int)rRnd( wdt/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); int kol_1 = (int)rRnd( wdt_1/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if( kol_1 < 1 ) kol_1 = 1; t = t_start; int calc=0; int calc_1=0; do { if( calc_1 == kol_1 ) { calc = 0; calc_1=0; } if( calc < kol ) { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); calc++; } else { calc_1++; } t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); break; } case 3: { double delta = bezierDeltaT( el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ); Point un_p1, un_p2, un_p3, un_p4, un_p5; double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0, t; double len = length( Point(bezier( 0.0, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, bezier( 0.0, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y ), Point(bezier( 0.0+delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, bezier( 0.0+delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y ) ); if( style == 1 ) { wdt = 4*el_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*el_width; } else if( style == 2 ) { wdt_1 = 2*el_width; wdt = el_width; } int kol = (int)rRnd( wdt/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); int kol_1 = (int)rRnd( wdt_1/len, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if( kol_1 < 1 ) kol_1 = 1; t = 0; int calc=0; int calc_1=0; gdImageSetThickness( iim, (int)el_width ); do { if( calc_1 == kol_1 ) { calc = 0; calc_1=0; } if( calc < kol ) { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( bezier( t, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( t, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( t+delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( t+delta, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); calc++; } else calc_1++; t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); } break; } } //- Painting existing figures - void VCAElFigure::paintFigure( gdImagePtr iim, ShapeItem item, double xScale, double yScale, bool flag_allocate, bool flag_style ) { int clr_el, clr_el_line; double t; double arc_a, arc_b, t_start, t_end, ang; double el_width, el_border_width; //Arc if(item.type == ShapeItem::Arc) { if( item.border_width == 0 ) { //Drawing the arc with borders' width == 0 Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale); Point el_p5 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n5], xScale, yScale); Point el_p6 = item.ctrlPos4; if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); t_start = item.ctrlPos4.x; t_end = item.ctrlPos4.y; if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); else clr_el = item.lineColor; if( item.style != 0 && flag_style )//---- Drawing the dashed or dotted arc with borders' width == 0 ---- { gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); dashDot( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, el_p5, el_p6, clr_el, item.width, 2, item.style ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } else//---- Drawing the solid arc with borders' width == 0 ---- { gdImageSetThickness( iim, item.width ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } //?!?! Spare and brake the coordinats for other figures with share points /*(pnts)[item.n1] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n2] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n4] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n5] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale);*/ } else//--- Drawing the arc with borders' width > 0 --- { Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale); Point el_p5 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n5], xScale, yScale); Point el_p6 = item.ctrlPos4; el_width = item.width; el_border_width = item.border_width; gdImageSetThickness( iim, item.border_width ); if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); clr_el_line = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.borderColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>24) ); else { clr_el = item.borderColor; if( item.flag_brd ) clr_el_line = clr_el; } //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted arc with borders' width < 4 and flag_brd ---- if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && item.flag_brd && flag_style ) { double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) { wdt = 4*(item.width+2)-1; wdt_1 = 2*(item.width+2); } else if( item.style == 2 ) { wdt = (item.width+2)-1; wdt_1 = 2*(item.width+2); } gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); dashDotFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, el_p5, el_p6, clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 2, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted arc with borders' width < 4 and !flag_brd ---- if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && !item.flag_brd && flag_style ) { Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5; t_start = item.ctrlPos4.x; t_end = item.ctrlPos4.y; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "arc" ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; gdImageSetThickness(iim,1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); Point p_center = Point( rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)rRnd( p_center.x ), (int)rRnd( p_center.y ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, item.ctrlPos4, clr_el, item.border_width, 2, item.style ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, item.ctrlPos4, clr_el, item.border_width, 2, item.style ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //---- Drawing the solid arc with borders' width <4 ---- if( item.border_width < 4 && (item.style == 0 || !flag_style) ) { gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, el_p5, el_p6, clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 2, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted border of the arc with borders' width >= 4 ---- if( item.border_width > 4 && item.style != 0 && flag_style ) { Point p1, p2, un_p1, un_p2; double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) { wdt = 4*item.border_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*item.border_width; } else if( item.style == 2 ) { wdt = item.border_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*item.border_width; } t_start = item.ctrlPos4.x; t_end = item.ctrlPos4.y; Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "arc" ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; gdImageSetThickness(iim,1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while ( t < t_end ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while ( t < t_end ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); Point p_center = Point( rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)rRnd( p_center.x ), (int)rRnd( p_center.y ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); //----- Drawing the first line connecting two arcs ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; p1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; p2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); //----- Drawing the second line connecting two arcs ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; p1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; p2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); //----- Drawing the big arc ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point( t_start, t_end); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 2, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); //----- Drawing the small arc ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point( t_start, t_end); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 2, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //---- Drawing the solid arc with borders' width >=4 ---- if( item.border_width >= 4 && ( item.style == 0 || !flag_style ) ) { Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6; t_start = el_p6.x; t_end = el_p6.y; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "arc" ----- arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )+el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; gdImageSetThickness(iim,1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 )-el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; t = t_start; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t+0.00277777777778, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += 0.00277777777778; } while( t < t_end ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); Point p_center = Point( rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( (t_end + t_start)/2, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)rRnd( p_center.x ), (int)rRnd( p_center.y ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); t_start = el_p6.x; t_end = el_p6.y; arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width - 2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width + 2; el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + el_width/2 + el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point( t_start, t_end); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 2, xScale, yScale ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) - el_width/2 - el_border_width/2; el_pb1 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb5 = Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ); el_pb6 = Point( t_start, t_end); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb5, el_pb6, clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 2, xScale, yScale ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //---- Recalculating the points of the arc to make them really belonging to the arc ---- el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale); el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale); el_p5 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n5], xScale, yScale); el_p6 = item.ctrlPos4; if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ); arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ); t_start = item.ctrlPos4.x; t_end = item.ctrlPos4.y; //?!?! Spare and brake the coordinats for other figures with share points /*(pnts)[item.n1] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_start, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n2] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_end, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n4] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0.25, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale); (pnts)[item.n5] = unscaleUnrotate( Point( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, el_p3.y - rotate( arc( 0, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y ), xScale, yScale);*/ } } //-- bezier curve -- else if(item.type == ShapeItem::Bezier && pnts[item.n1] != pnts[item.n2]) { if( item.border_width == 0 )//--- Drawing the bezier curve with borders' width == 0 --- { if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); else clr_el = item.lineColor; t_start = 0; t_end = 1; //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted bezier curve with borders' width == 0 ---- if( item.style != 0 && flag_style ) { Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); dashDot( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.width, 3, item.style ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } else//---- Drawing the solid bezier curve with borders' width == 0 ---- { gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); gdImageSetThickness( iim, item.width ); double delta = bezierDeltaT( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale), scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale), scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale), scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale) ); t = t_start; do { gdImageLine(iim, (int)rRnd(bezier(t,scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale)).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale)).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale)).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4],xScale,yScale), scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale)).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true), clr_el); t += delta; } while(t < t_end); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } } else//---- Drawing the bezier curve wit borders' width > 0 ---- { double el_width = item.width; double el_border_width = item.border_width; double el_ang; Point un_p1, un_p2; Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xScale, yScale); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xScale, yScale); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); clr_el_line = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.borderColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>24) ); else { clr_el = item.borderColor; if( item.flag_brd ) clr_el_line = clr_el; } if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && item.flag_brd && flag_style )//---- Drawing the dashed or dotted bezier curve with borders' width < 4 and with flag_brd ---- { double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) { wdt = 4*(item.width+2)-1; wdt_1 = 2*(item.width+2); } else if( item.style == 2 ) { wdt = (item.width+2)-1; wdt_1 = 2*(item.width+2); } gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); dashDotFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 3, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); } if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && !item.flag_brd && flag_style )//---- Drawing the dashed or dotted bezier curve with borders' width < 4 and without flag_brd ---- { Point p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p2 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p3 = unrotate( el_p3, el_ang,el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p4 = unrotate( el_p4, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "bezier curve" ----- gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); double delta = bezierDeltaT( el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2 ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); Point p_center = Point( (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)( p_center.x + 0.5 ), (int)( p_center.y + 0.5 ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 3, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 3, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y );; el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //----- Drawing the solid bezier curve with borders' width < 4 ----- if( item.border_width < 4 && ( item.style == 0 || !flag_style ) ) { gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,0); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4, Point(0.0,1.0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 3, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); } //----- Drawing the dashed or dotted bezier curve with borders' width >= 4 ----- if( item.border_width >=4 && item.style != 0 && flag_style ) { Point p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p2 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p3 = unrotate( el_p3, el_ang,el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p4 = unrotate( el_p4, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4; double wdt = 0, wdt_1 = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) { wdt = 4*item.border_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*item.border_width; } else if( item.style == 2 ) { wdt = item.border_width-1; wdt_1 = 2*item.border_width; } //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "bezier curve" ----- gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); double delta = bezierDeltaT( el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2 ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); Point p_center = Point( (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)( p_center.x + 0.5 ), (int)( p_center.y + 0.5 ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 3, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 3, wdt, wdt_1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y );; el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } if( item.border_width >=4 && ( item.style == 0 || !flag_style ) )//----- Drawing the solid bezier curve with borders' width >= 4 ----- { Point el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4; Point p1 = unrotate( el_p1, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p2 = unrotate( el_p2, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p3 = unrotate( el_p3, el_ang,el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); Point p4 = unrotate( el_p4, el_ang, el_p1.x, el_p1.y ); //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "bezier curve" ----- gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); double delta = bezierDeltaT( el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2 ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); t = 0; do { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd(bezier(t+delta,el_pb1, el_pb3, el_pb4, el_pb2).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el_line ); t += delta; } while( t < 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p1.x - el_border_width/2, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point(p2.x + el_border_width/2, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); Point p_center = Point( (int)rRnd(el_p1.x + rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p1.y - rotate( bezier( 0.5, p1, p3, p4, p2 ), el_ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)( p_center.x + 0.5 ), (int)( p_center.y + 0.5 ), clr_el_line, clr_el_line ); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(el_width/2+el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0.0,1.0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 3, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x, p1.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x, p2.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb3 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p3.x, p3.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb4 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point(p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2)), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p4.x, p4.y+(-el_width/2-el_border_width/2) ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, el_pb3, el_pb4, Point(0.0,1.0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 1, 3, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p1.x-el_border_width/2, p1.y - (el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ) ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y+el_width/2+el_border_width-1 ), el_ang ).y );; el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( p2.x+el_border_width/2, p2.y-(el_width/2+el_border_width-1) ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } } } //-- Line -- else if(item.type == ShapeItem::Line && pnts[item.n1] != pnts[item.n2]) { if( item.border_width == 0 )//--- Drawing the line with borders' width == 0 --- { if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); else clr_el =item.lineColor; gdImageSetThickness( iim, item.width ); //---- Drawing the dashed line with borders' width == 0 ---- if( item.style != 0 && flag_style ) { Point el_p1 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale) ); Point el_p2 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale) ); dashDot( iim, el_p1, el_p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.width, 1, item.style ); } else//---- Drawing the solid line with borders' width == 0 ---- { gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), clr_el ); } } else//--- Drawing the line with borders' width > 0 --- { clr_el_line = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.lineColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.lineColor>>24) ); if( flag_allocate ) clr_el = gdImageColorResolveAlpha( iim, (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>16), (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>8), (uint8_t)item.borderColor, 127 - (uint8_t)(item.borderColor>>24) ); else { clr_el = item.borderColor; if( item.flag_brd ) clr_el_line = clr_el; } Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); double el_border_width = (double)item.border_width/2; double el_width = item.width; //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted line with borders' width == 1(for lines with width > 3) ---- if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && item.flag_brd && flag_style ) { double wdt = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) wdt = 4*(item.width+2)-1; else if( item.style == 2 ) wdt = item.width+1; gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); dashDotFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); } //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted borders of the line (for borders with width < 4) ---- if( item.border_width < 4 && item.style != 0 && !item.flag_brd && flag_style) { double el_ang; Point el_pb1,el_pb2; Point el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale); Point el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); double el_width = item.width; double el_border_width = item.border_width; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "line" ----- el_border_width = el_border_width/2; gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); double x_center = (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).x + scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).x)/2; double y_center = (scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xScale,yScale).y + scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xScale,yScale).y)/2; gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)(x_center+0.5), (int)(y_center+0.5), clr_el_line, clr_el_line); //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, - (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y );; el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, ( el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, - el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); dashDot( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, item.border_width, 1, item.style ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //----- Drawing the solid line with borders' width == 1(for lines with width > 3) ----- if( item.border_width < 4 && ( item.style == 0 || !flag_style ) ) { gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); paintFigureBorders( iim, el_p1, el_p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el_line, el_width, el_border_width, 1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); } //---- Drawing the dashed or dotted line with the borders' width >= 4 ---- if( item.border_width >= 4 && item.style != 0 && flag_style ) { double el_ang; if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); Point p1, p2, un_p1, un_p2,el_pb1,el_pb2; el_width = el_width - 1; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "line" ----- gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); double x_center = (scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).x + scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).x)/2; double y_center=(scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).y + scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).y)/2; gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)(x_center+0.5), (int)(y_center+0.5), clr_el_line, clr_el_line); el_width = el_width + 1; //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); p1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, - (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); p2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); double wdt = 0; if( item.style == 1 ) wdt = 4*item.border_width-1; else if( item.style == 2 ) wdt = item.border_width-1; dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, 2*el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); p1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, ( el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); p2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, 2*el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); p1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y );; p2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, 2*el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); p1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2), el_ang ).y ); p2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, - el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); dashDotFigureBorders( iim2, p1, p2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, 2*el_border_width-2, 0.5, 1, wdt, 0.0, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } //----- Drawing the solid borders of the line ----- if( item.border_width >= 4 && ( item.style == 0 || !flag_style ) ) { double el_ang; if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) el_ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else el_ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); Point el_pb1, el_pb2; //----- Drawing the lines with width = 1 instead their real width and filling the path with the color of the "line" ----- gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 0); gdImageSetThickness( iim, 1 ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2-el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2+el_border_width ), el_ang ).y ); gdImageLine( iim, (int)rRnd( el_pb1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_pb2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),(int)rRnd( el_pb2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ),clr_el_line ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim, 1); double x_center = (scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).x + scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).x)/2; double y_center = (scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xScale, yScale).y + scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xScale, yScale).y)/2; gdImageFillToBorder( iim, (int)(x_center+0.5), (int)(y_center+0.5), clr_el_line, clr_el_line);\ //----- Drawing the lines with their real width on the other image and merging it with the previous one ----- gdImagePtr iim2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor( scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle( iim2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(iim2,0,0,0,127) ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, - (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + 2*el_border_width-1, -(el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width*2-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, -el_width/2), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1) + el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y );; el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width*2-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, ( el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( length( el_p2, el_p1 ) + 2*el_border_width-1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width) ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -2*el_border_width+1, (el_width/2+el_border_width)), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width*2-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); el_pb1 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2 ), el_ang).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, el_width/2), el_ang ).y ); el_pb2 = Point( el_p1.x + rotate( Point( -el_border_width, -el_width/2 ), el_ang ).x, el_p1.y - rotate( Point( -el_border_width, - el_width/2 ), el_ang ).y ); paintFigureBorders( iim2, el_pb1, el_pb2, Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), Point(0,0), clr_el, clr_el, el_border_width*2-2, 0.5, 1, xScale, yScale ); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(iim2,1); gdImageSaveAlpha(iim2, 1); gdImageCopy(iim, iim2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(iim2) { gdImageDestroy(iim2); iim2 = NULL; } } } } } int VCAElFigure::drawElF( SSess &ses, double xSc, double ySc, Point clickPnt ) { vector shape_temp; vector shape_temp_all; vector line_color_shape; vector border_color_shape; vector width_shape; vector border_width_shape; double scale; bool flag_min; bool flag_push_back; scaleHeight = (int)rRnd(height*ySc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); scaleWidth = (int)rRnd(width*xSc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if(scaleHeight < 0 || scaleHeight > 10000 || scaleWidth < 0 || scaleWidth > 10000) return -1; scale = vmin(xSc, ySc); for(unsigned i = 0; scale != 1 && i < shapeItems.size(); i++) { if(!shapeItems[i].flag_brd && shapeItems[i].border_width > 0) shapeItems[i].border_width = vmax(1, (int)rRnd(shapeItems[i].border_width*scale)); flag_min = false; if(shapeItems[i].flag_brd) shapeItems[i].width += 2; shapeItems[i].width = (int)rRnd(shapeItems[i].width*scale); if(shapeItems[i].width > 3 && shapeItems[i].flag_brd) { shapeItems[i].width -= 2; flag_min = true; } shapeItems[i].width = vmax(1, shapeItems[i].width); if(shapeItems[i].width <= 3 && shapeItems[i].flag_brd) { if(flag_min) shapeItems[i].width += 2; shapeItems[i].border_width = 0; shapeItems[i].flag_brd = false; } } for(unsigned i = 0; i < inundationItems.size(); i++) { //Detecting which figures correspond the points of each fill int num_pnt = 0; int min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y; vector fig; vector point_num; double delta; double W1, W2; W1 = 0; W2 = 0; Point delta_point_1, delta_point_2, delta_point_center; int count_min_x,count_min_y,count_max_x,count_max_y; shape_temp.clear(); line_color_shape.clear(); border_color_shape.clear(); width_shape.clear(); border_width_shape.clear(); gdImagePtr im1 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im1, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 1); if(inundationItems[i].number_point.size() == 2) { for(unsigned k = 0; k < shapeItems.size(); k++) if(((inundationItems[i].number_point[1] == shapeItems[k].n1) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[0] == shapeItems[k].n2)) || ((inundationItems[i].number_point[1] == shapeItems[k].n2) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[0] == shapeItems[k].n1))) { shape_temp.push_back(k); width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].width); border_width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].border_width); line_color_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].lineColor); border_color_shape.push_back((shapeItems[k].border_width != 0) ? shapeItems[k].borderColor : shapeItems[k].lineColor); if(shape_temp.size() == 2) break; } } else { for(unsigned j = 0; j < inundationItems[i].number_point.size()-1; j++) for(unsigned k = 0; k < shapeItems.size(); k++) if(((inundationItems[i].number_point[j] == shapeItems[k].n1) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[j+1] == shapeItems[k].n2)) || ((inundationItems[i].number_point[j] == shapeItems[k].n2) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[j+1] == shapeItems[k].n1))) { flag_push_back = true; for(unsigned p = 0; p < shape_temp.size(); p++) if((shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n1 == shapeItems[k].n1 && shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n2 == shapeItems[k].n2) || (shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n1 == shapeItems[k].n2 && shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n2 == shapeItems[k].n1)) { flag_push_back = false; if(shape_temp[p] == k || shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].type == shapeItems[k].type) continue; shape_temp[p] = k; width_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].width; border_width_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].border_width; line_color_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].lineColor; border_color_shape[p] = (shapeItems[k].border_width != 0) ? shapeItems[k].borderColor : shapeItems[k].lineColor; } if(flag_push_back) { shape_temp.push_back(k); width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].width); border_width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].border_width); line_color_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].lineColor); border_color_shape.push_back((shapeItems[k].border_width != 0) ? shapeItems[k].borderColor : shapeItems[k].lineColor); } } for(unsigned k = 0; k < shapeItems.size(); k++) if( ((inundationItems[i].number_point[inundationItems[i].number_point.size()-1] == shapeItems[k].n1) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[0] == shapeItems[k].n2)) || ((inundationItems[i].number_point[inundationItems[i].number_point.size()-1] == shapeItems[k].n2) && (inundationItems[i].number_point[0] == shapeItems[k].n1)) ) { flag_push_back = true; for(unsigned p = 0; p < shape_temp.size(); p++) if((shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n1 == shapeItems[k].n1 && shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n2 == shapeItems[k].n2) || (shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n1 == shapeItems[k].n2 && shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].n2 == shapeItems[k].n1)) { flag_push_back = false; if(shape_temp[p] == k || shapeItems[shape_temp[p]].type == shapeItems[k].type) continue; shape_temp[p] = k; width_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].width; border_width_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].border_width; line_color_shape[p] = shapeItems[k].lineColor; border_color_shape[p] = (shapeItems[k].border_width != 0) ? shapeItems[k].borderColor : shapeItems[k].lineColor; } if(flag_push_back) { shape_temp.push_back(k); width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].width); border_width_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].border_width); line_color_shape.push_back(shapeItems[k].lineColor); border_color_shape.push_back((shapeItems[k].border_width != 0) ? shapeItems[k].borderColor : shapeItems[k].lineColor); } } } //Changing the color of the figure for the same for all figures from which the each fill is consist and painting them // Sorting the figures in each fill(inundation) and drawing the figures, which are to be under the each fill vector number_shape; number_shape = shape_temp; std::sort(number_shape.begin(), number_shape.end()); // Making the array of the figures to be drawn before the each fill vector draw_before; for(unsigned k = 0; k < shapeItems.size(); k++) { bool fl_numb = false; for(unsigned j = 0; !fl_numb && j < number_shape.size(); j++) fl_numb = (k >= number_shape[j]); if(!fl_numb) draw_before.push_back(k); else continue; } // Drawing the figures and push_bask them into the array of the already drawn figures bool flag_dr; for(unsigned k = 0; k < draw_before.size(); k++) { flag_dr = true; for(unsigned j = 0; flag_dr && j < shape_temp_all.size(); j++) flag_dr = (draw_before[k] != shape_temp_all[j]); if(flag_dr) { //If the figure is out of this array, then draw it(it is the figures which are lower than the current fill ) shape_temp_all.push_back(draw_before[k]); gdImagePtr im2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im2,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); paintFigure(im2, shapeItems[draw_before[k]], xSc, ySc, true, true); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im2, 1); gdImageCopy(im, im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(im2) { gdImageDestroy(im2); im2 = NULL; } } } int tmp_clr; tmp_clr = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1, (uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>16), (uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>8), (uint8_t)inundationItems[i].P_color, 127 - (uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>24)); //?!?! Maybe that is enough to draw all shapes in one cicle for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) { shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].width = 1; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].border_width = 0; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].lineColor = tmp_clr; paintFigure(im1, shapeItems[shape_temp[j]], xSc, ySc, false, false); } /*for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].type == 2) { shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].width = 1; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].border_width = 0; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].lineColor = tmp_clr; paintFigure( im1, shapeItems[shape_temp[j]], xSc, ySc, false, false ); } for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].type != 2 ) { shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].width = 1; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].border_width = 0; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].lineColor = tmp_clr; paintFigure( im1, shapeItems[shape_temp[j]], xSc, ySc, false, false ); }*/ // Detecting the base point(the end or start point of the figure) for each fill count_min_x = count_min_y = count_max_x = count_max_y = 0; min_x = min_y = max_x = max_y = inundationItems[i].number_point[0]; for(unsigned j = 1; j < inundationItems[i].number_point.size(); j++) { if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].x < (pnts)[min_x].x) min_x = inundationItems[i].number_point[j]; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].y < (pnts)[min_y].y) min_y = inundationItems[i].number_point[j]; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].x > (pnts)[max_x].x) max_x = inundationItems[i].number_point[j]; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].y > (pnts)[max_y].y) max_y = inundationItems[i].number_point[j]; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < inundationItems[i].number_point.size(); j++) { if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].x == (pnts)[min_x].x) count_min_x++; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].x == (pnts)[max_x].x) count_max_x++; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].y == (pnts)[min_y].y) count_min_y++; if((pnts)[inundationItems[i].number_point[j]].y == (pnts)[max_y].y) count_max_y++; } if(count_min_x < 3) num_pnt = min_x; else if(count_max_x < 3)num_pnt = max_x; else if(count_min_y < 3)num_pnt = min_y; else if(count_max_y < 3)num_pnt = max_y; // Detecting two figures and their "free" points for computing the real "filling" point for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) { if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n1 == num_pnt) for(unsigned k = 0; k < inundationItems[i].number_point.size(); k++) if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n2 == inundationItems[i].number_point[k]) { fig.push_back(shape_temp[j]); point_num.push_back(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n2); break; } if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n2 == num_pnt) for(unsigned k = 0; k < inundationItems[i].number_point.size(); k++) if(shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n1 == inundationItems[i].number_point[k]) { fig.push_back(shape_temp[j]); point_num.push_back( shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].n1 ); break; } } // Detecting the real "filling" point for all possible combinations of types of two connected figures if((point_num.size() > 1 && length(scaleRotate((pnts)[num_pnt],xSc,ySc), scaleRotate((pnts)[point_num[0]],xSc,ySc)) > 1 && length(scaleRotate((pnts)[num_pnt],xSc,ySc), scaleRotate((pnts)[point_num[1]],xSc,ySc)) > 1) || ((point_num.size() == 2 && fig.size() == 2 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 2 && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 2) || (point_num.size() == 1 && fig.size() == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 2 && fabs((pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1].x - (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2].x) < 0.01 && fabs((pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1].y - (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2].y) < 0.01))) { // Simple arc if((point_num.size() == 2 && fig.size() == 2 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == ShapeItem::Arc && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == ShapeItem::Arc) || (point_num.size() == 1 && fig.size() == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == ShapeItem::Arc && fabs((pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1].x - (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2].x) < 0.01 && fabs((pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1].y - (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2].y) < 0.01)) delta_point_center = scaleRotate((pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); else { // Line and line if(shapeItems[fig[0]].type == ShapeItem::Line && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == ShapeItem::Line) { Point P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, dP1, dP2, num_pnt_new; double a = 0, b = 0, a1 = 0, b1 = 0; double scale; scale = 0.0; if(xSc < 1 && xSc <= ySc) scale = (1-xSc)/6; else if(ySc < 1 && ySc <= xSc) scale = (1-ySc)/6; if( (length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ) ) < 15 || (length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ) ) < 15 ) delta = 0.5; else delta = 0.2 + scale; double ang,ang1; if( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y <= scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc).y ) ang = 360 - angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); else ang = angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); if( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y <= scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc).y ) ang1 = 360 - angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); else ang1 = angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); //--- if there is any width(of figure itself or of its borders) --- if( (shapeItems[fig[0]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width > 0) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width > 0) ) { if( shapeItems[fig[0]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width == 0 ) W1 = 0; else W1 = (shapeItems[fig[0]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; if( shapeItems[fig[1]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width == 0 ) W2 = 0; else W2 = (shapeItems[fig[1]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width; //--- Line_1 --- P1 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,W1), ang ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,W1), ang ).y ); P2 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,-W1), ang ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,-W1), ang ).y ); P3 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ), W1 ), ang ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ), W1 ), ang ).y ); P4 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ), -W1 ), ang ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ), -W1 ), ang ).y ); //--- Line_2 --- P5 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).y ); P6 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).y ); P7 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P8 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P1 = Point( rRnd( P1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P2 = Point( rRnd( P2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P3 = Point( rRnd( P3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P4 = Point( rRnd( P4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P5 = Point( rRnd( P5.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P5.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P6 = Point( rRnd( P6.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P6.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P7 = Point( rRnd( P7.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P7.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P8 = Point( rRnd( P8.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P8.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); bool flag_vert1 = true; bool flag_vert2 = true; if( lineIntersect( P1.x, P1.y, P3.x, P3.y,P5.x, P5.y, P7.x, P7.y ) ) { if( P3.x != P1.x ) { b = (P3.y-P1.y) / (P3.x-P1.x); a = P1.y - b*P1.x; flag_vert1 = false; } if( P7.x != P5.x ) { b1 = (P7.y-P5.y) / (P7.x-P5.x); a1 = P5.y - b1*P5.x; flag_vert2 = false; } dP1 = P3; dP2 = P7; } else if( lineIntersect( P1.x, P1.y, P3.x, P3.y,P6.x, P6.y, P8.x, P8.y ) ) { if( P3.x != P1.x ) { b = (P3.y-P1.y) / (P3.x-P1.x); a = P1.y - b*P1.x; flag_vert1 = false; } if( P8.x != P6.x ) { b1 = (P8.y-P6.y) / (P8.x-P6.x); a1 = P6.y - b1*P6.x; flag_vert2 = false; } dP1 = P3; dP2 = P8; } else if( lineIntersect( P2.x, P2.y, P4.x, P4.y,P5.x, P5.y, P7.x, P7.y ) ) { if( P4.x != P2.x ) { b = (P4.y-P2.y) / (P4.x-P2.x); a = P2.y - b*P2.x; flag_vert1 = false; } if( P7.x != P5.x ) { b1 = (P7.y-P5.y) / (P7.x-P5.x); a1 = P5.y - b1*P5.x; flag_vert2 = false; } dP1 = P4; dP2 = P7; } else if( lineIntersect( P2.x, P2.y, P4.x, P4.y,P6.x, P6.y, P8.x, P8.y ) ) { if( P4.x != P2.x ) { b = (P4.y-P2.y) / (P4.x-P2.x); a = P2.y - b*P2.x; flag_vert1 = false; } if( P8.x != P6.x ) { b1 = (P8.y-P6.y) / (P8.x-P6.x); a1 = P6.y - b1*P6.x; flag_vert2 = false; } dP1 = P4; dP2 = P8; } if( !flag_vert2 && !flag_vert1 ) num_pnt_new = Point( (a-a1) / (b1-b), a + b*(a-a1) / (b1-b) ); else if( flag_vert1 && !flag_vert2 ) num_pnt_new = Point( dP1.x, a1 + b1*dP1.x ); else if( !flag_vert1 && flag_vert2 ) num_pnt_new = Point( dP2.x, a + b*dP2.x ); } else { dP1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc); dP2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc); num_pnt_new = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); } if( (length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[0]], xSc, ySc) ) ) > 4 ) { delta_point_1 = unrotate( dP1, ang, num_pnt_new.x, num_pnt_new.y ); delta_point_1.x = delta_point_1.x * (delta); delta_point_1 = Point( num_pnt_new.x + rotate( delta_point_1, ang ).x, num_pnt_new.y - rotate( delta_point_1, ang ).y ); } else delta_point_1 = dP1; if( (length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ) ) > 4 ) { delta_point_2 = unrotate( dP2, ang1, num_pnt_new.x, num_pnt_new.y ); delta_point_2.x = delta_point_2.x * (delta); delta_point_2 = Point( num_pnt_new.x + rotate( delta_point_2, ang1 ).x, num_pnt_new.y - rotate( delta_point_2, ang1 ).y ); } else delta_point_2 = dP2; } // Arc and line else if((shapeItems[fig[0]].type == ShapeItem::Arc && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == ShapeItem::Line) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].type == ShapeItem::Arc && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == ShapeItem::Line)) { if(shapeItems[fig[1]].type == ShapeItem::Arc) { int tp = fig[1]; int tp1 = point_num[1]; fig[1] = fig[0]; fig[0] = tp; point_num[1] = point_num[0]; point_num[0] = tp1; } Point new_pnt; double delta_real; double scale; double ang, ang1; double arc_a, arc_b, arc_a_small, arc_b_small, t_start, t_end, delta_t = 0; Point P1, P2, P3, P4; scale = 0.0; if(xSc < 1 && xSc <= ySc) scale = (1-xSc)/10; else if(ySc < 1 && ySc <= xSc) scale = (1-ySc)/10; // Arc Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); Point el_p5 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n5], xSc, ySc); if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); // Line if( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y <= scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc).y ) ang1 = 360 - angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); else ang1 = angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + shapeItems[fig[0]].width/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + shapeItems[fig[0]].width/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- if there is any width(of figure itself or of its borders) --- if((shapeItems[fig[0]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width > 0) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width > 0)) { arc_a_small = arc_a - shapeItems[fig[0]].width - 2*shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; arc_b_small = arc_b - shapeItems[fig[0]].width - 2*shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- Arc --- if( shapeItems[fig[0]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width == 0 ) W1 = 0; else W1 = (shapeItems[fig[0]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- Line --- if( shapeItems[fig[1]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width == 0 ) W2 = 0; else W2 = (shapeItems[fig[1]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width; //--- Line --- P1 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).y ); P2 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).y ); P3 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P4 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P1 = Point( rRnd( P1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P2 = Point( rRnd( P2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P3 = Point( rRnd( P3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P4 = Point( rRnd( P4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); //--- Line --- t_start = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.x; t_end = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.y; double inc_delta; if(num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1) { delta_t = t_start; inc_delta = 0.001; } else { delta_t = t_end; inc_delta = -0.001; } Point arc_pnt, arc_pnt_pred; arc_pnt_pred = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); do { delta_t += inc_delta; arc_pnt = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_t, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( lineIntersect( arc_pnt_pred.x, arc_pnt_pred.y, arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y,P1.x, P1.y, P3.x, P3.y ) ) { new_pnt = Point( arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y ); break; } else if( lineIntersect( arc_pnt_pred.x, arc_pnt_pred.y, arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y,P2.x, P2.y, P4.x, P4.y ) ) { new_pnt = Point( arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y ); break; } arc_pnt_pred = arc_pnt; } while(((delta_t0)) || ((delta_t>t_start) && (inc_delta<0))); if( inc_delta > 0 ) delta = (t_end - delta_t)/2 + scale; else delta = -( (delta_t - t_start)/2 + scale ); delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_t + delta, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_t + delta, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } else { t_start = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.x; t_end = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.y; if(num_pnt == (mirror?shapeItems[fig[0]].n2:shapeItems[fig[0]].n1)) delta_real = t_start + (t_end-t_start)/2 + scale; else delta_real = t_end - (t_end-t_start)/2 + scale; new_pnt = scaleRotate((pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); delta_point_1 = Point((int)rRnd(el_p3.x + rotate(arc(delta_real,arc_a,arc_b),ang).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(el_p3.y - rotate(arc(delta_real,arc_a,arc_b),ang).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true)); } delta_point_2 = unrotate( new_pnt, ang1, new_pnt.x, new_pnt.y ); delta_point_2.x = delta_point_2.x + length(new_pnt, scaleRotate((pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc)) * (0.15 + scale); delta_point_2 = Point(new_pnt.x + rotate(delta_point_2,ang1).x, new_pnt.y - rotate(delta_point_2,ang1).y); } //-- bezier curve and line -- else if( (shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 3 && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 1) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 3 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 1) ) { if( shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 3 ) { int tp = fig[1]; int tp1 = point_num[1]; fig[1] = fig[0]; fig[0] = tp; point_num[1] = point_num[0]; point_num[0] = tp1; } Point new_pnt, new_pnt_1, new_pnt_2; double delta_real, delta_t = 0, delta_temp_1 = 0, delta_temp_2 = 0; double scale; double ang, ang1; int num_bezier = 0; Point P1, P2, P3, P4, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4; scale = 0.0; if( xSc < 1 && xSc <= ySc ) scale = (1-xSc)/10; else if( ySc < 1 && ySc <= xSc ) scale = (1-ySc)/10; //--- bezier --- el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc); el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2], xSc, ySc); el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); //--- Line --- if( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y <= scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc).y ) ang1 = 360 - angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); else ang1 = angle( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x+10, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y ) ); //--- if there is ane width(of figure itself or of its borders) --- if( (shapeItems[fig[0]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width > 0 ) || ( shapeItems[fig[1]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width > 0 )) { //--- bezier --- if( shapeItems[fig[0]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width == 0 ) W1 = 0; else W1 = (shapeItems[fig[0]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- Line --- if( shapeItems[fig[1]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width == 0 ) W2 = 0; else W2 = (shapeItems[fig[1]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width; //--- Line --- P1 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,W2), ang1 ).y ); P2 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point(0,-W2), ang1 ).y ); P3 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length(scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P4 = Point( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( Point( length( scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc), scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ), -W2 ), ang1 ).y ); P1 = Point( rRnd( P1.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P1.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P2 = Point( rRnd( P2.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P2.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P3 = Point( rRnd( P3.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P3.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); P4 = Point( rRnd( P4.x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), rRnd( P4.y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); //--- Line --- double inc_delta; if(num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1) { delta_t = 0; inc_delta = 0.001; } else { delta_t = 1; inc_delta = -0.001; } Point bezier_pnt_1, bezier_pnt_2, bezier_pnt_pred_1, bezier_pnt_pred_2; ShapeItem item = shapeItems[fig[0]]; el_p1 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p2 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p3 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p4 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); bezier_pnt_pred_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); bezier_pnt_pred_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); bool flag_brk_1, flag_brk_2; flag_brk_1 = false; flag_brk_2 = false; do { delta_t += inc_delta; bezier_pnt_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( W1 != 0 ) bezier_pnt_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( lineIntersect( bezier_pnt_pred_1.x, bezier_pnt_pred_1.y, bezier_pnt_1.x, bezier_pnt_1.y, P1.x, P1.y, P3.x, P3.y ) ) { new_pnt_1 = Point( bezier_pnt_1.x, bezier_pnt_1.y ); delta_temp_1 = delta_t; flag_brk_1 = true; } else if( lineIntersect( bezier_pnt_pred_1.x, bezier_pnt_pred_1.y, bezier_pnt_1.x, bezier_pnt_1.y, P2.x, P2.y, P4.x, P4.y ) ) { new_pnt_1 = Point( bezier_pnt_1.x, bezier_pnt_1.y ); delta_temp_1 = delta_t; flag_brk_1 = true; } else if( lineIntersect( bezier_pnt_pred_2.x, bezier_pnt_pred_2.y, bezier_pnt_2.x, bezier_pnt_2.y, P1.x, P1.y, P3.x, P3.y ) ) { new_pnt_2 = Point( bezier_pnt_2.x, bezier_pnt_2.y ); delta_temp_2 = delta_t; flag_brk_2 = true; } else if( lineIntersect( bezier_pnt_pred_2.x, bezier_pnt_pred_2.y, bezier_pnt_2.x, bezier_pnt_2.y, P2.x, P2.y, P4.x, P4.y ) ) { new_pnt_2 = Point( bezier_pnt_2.x, bezier_pnt_2.y ); delta_temp_2 = delta_t; flag_brk_2 = true; } bezier_pnt_pred_1 = bezier_pnt_1; bezier_pnt_pred_2 = bezier_pnt_2; if(flag_brk_1 && flag_brk_2) break; } while ( ((delta_t<1) && (inc_delta>0)) || ((delta_t>0) && (inc_delta<0)) ); if( !flag_brk_1 && !flag_brk_2 ) { el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc); el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2], xSc, ySc); el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.25 + scale; else delta_real = 0.75 - scale; delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } else { if( length(new_pnt_1, (pnts)[point_num[1]]) < length(new_pnt_2, (pnts)[point_num[1]]) ) { new_pnt = new_pnt_1; delta_t = delta_temp_1; num_bezier = 1; } else { new_pnt = new_pnt_2; delta_t = delta_temp_2; num_bezier = 2; } if(inc_delta > 0) delta = (1-delta_t)/3 + scale; else delta = -((delta_t)/3 + scale); if(num_bezier == 2) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( num_bezier == 1 ) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } } else { new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } delta_point_2 = unrotate( new_pnt, ang1, new_pnt.x, new_pnt.y ); delta_point_2.x = delta_point_2.x + length( new_pnt, scaleRotate( (pnts)[point_num[1]], xSc, ySc) ) * (0.2 + scale); delta_point_2 = Point( new_pnt.x + rotate( delta_point_2, ang1 ).x, new_pnt.y - rotate( delta_point_2, ang1 ).y ); } //-- bezier cureve and Arc -- else if( (shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 3 && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 2) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 3 && shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 2 ) ) { if( shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 2 ) { int tp = fig[1]; int tp1 = point_num[1]; fig[1] = fig[0]; fig[0] = tp; point_num[1] = point_num[0]; point_num[0] = tp1; } Point new_pnt, new_pnt_1, new_pnt_2; double delta_real; double scale; double ang, ang1, delta_temp_1 = 0, delta_temp_2 = 0, delta_t = 0; double arc_a, arc_b, arc_a_small, arc_b_small, t_start, t_end, delta_t_arc, delta_t_bez; int num_bezier = 0; Point P1, P2, P3, P4; scale = 0.0; if( xSc < 1 && xSc <= ySc ) scale = (1-xSc)/10; else if( ySc < 1 && ySc <= xSc ) scale = (1-ySc)/10; //--- Arc --- Point el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); Point el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); Point el_p5 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n5], xSc, ySc); if( el_p5.y <= el_p3.y ) ang = angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); else ang = 360 - angle( el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point( el_p3.x+10, el_p3.y ) ); arc_a = length( el_p5, el_p3 ) + shapeItems[fig[0]].width/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; arc_b = length( el_p3, el_p4 ) + shapeItems[fig[0]].width/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- bezier --- P1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc); P2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2], xSc, ySc); P3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], xSc, ySc); P4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], xSc, ySc); if( P1.y <= P2.y ) ang1 = 360 - angle( P1, P2, P1, Point( P1.x+10, P1.y ) ); else ang1 = angle( P1, P2, P1, Point( P1.x+10, P1.y ) ); //-- if there is ane width(of figure itself or of its borders) -- if( (shapeItems[fig[0]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width > 0) || (shapeItems[fig[1]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width > 0) ) { //--- Arc --- if( shapeItems[fig[0]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width == 0 ) W1 = 0; else W1 = (shapeItems[fig[0]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- bezier --- if( shapeItems[fig[1]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width == 0 ) W2 = 0; else W2 = (shapeItems[fig[1]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width; arc_a_small = arc_a - shapeItems[fig[0]].width - 2*shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; arc_b_small = arc_b - shapeItems[fig[0]].width - 2*shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- Arc --- t_start = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.x; t_end = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.y; double inc_delta_arc; double s = 0.825056176207; double Len_arc = (4*(arc_a_small + arc_b_small) - (2*(4 - M_PI)* arc_a_small* arc_b_small)/ pow( pow(arc_a_small,s)/2 + pow(arc_b_small,s)/2 ,(1/s)))*(t_end-t_start); if(num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1) { delta_t_arc = t_start; inc_delta_arc = 1/Len_arc; } else { delta_t_arc = t_end; inc_delta_arc = -1/Len_arc; } Point arc_pnt, arc_pnt_pred; arc_pnt_pred = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_t_arc, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_t_arc, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); //--- bezier --- double Len = length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2] ); double inc_delta_bez; if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) { delta_t_bez = 0; inc_delta_bez = 1/Len; } else { delta_t_bez = 1; inc_delta_bez = -1/Len; } Point bezier_pnt_1, bezier_pnt_2, bezier_pnt_pred_1, bezier_pnt_pred_2; ShapeItem item = shapeItems[fig[1]]; P1 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P2 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P3 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P4 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); bezier_pnt_pred_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); bezier_pnt_pred_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); bool f_brk_1, f_brk_2; f_brk_1 = f_brk_2 = false; do { bezier_pnt_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( W1 != 0 ) bezier_pnt_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); delta_t_bez += inc_delta_bez; double t_arc = delta_t_arc; do { arc_pnt = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( t_arc, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( t_arc, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( ( fabs(arc_pnt.x - bezier_pnt_1.x) ) < 1 && ( fabs(arc_pnt.y - bezier_pnt_1.y) < 1 ) && !f_brk_1 ) { new_pnt_1 = Point( arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y ); f_brk_1 = true; delta_temp_1 = delta_t_bez; } if( ( fabs(arc_pnt.x - bezier_pnt_2.x) ) < 1 && ( fabs(arc_pnt.y - bezier_pnt_2.y) < 1 ) && !f_brk_2 ) { new_pnt_2 = Point( arc_pnt.x, arc_pnt.y ); f_brk_2 = true; delta_temp_2 = delta_t_bez; } t_arc += inc_delta_arc; } while( ((t_arc < t_end) && (inc_delta_arc > 0)) || ((t_arc > t_start) && (inc_delta_arc < 0)) ); if( f_brk_1 && f_brk_2 ) break; } while ( ((delta_t_bez < 1) && (inc_delta_bez > 0)) || ((delta_t_bez > 0) && (inc_delta_bez < 0)) ); if( !f_brk_1 && !f_brk_2 ) { //--- Arc --- t_start = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.x; t_end = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.y; if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = t_start + (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; else delta_real = t_end - (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); //--- bezier --- P1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc); P2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2], xSc, ySc); P3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], xSc, ySc); P4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], xSc, ySc); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_2 = Point( (int)TSYS::realRound (bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } else { if( f_brk_1 && f_brk_2 ) { if( length( new_pnt_1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc) ) > length( new_pnt_2, scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc) ) ) { new_pnt = new_pnt_1; delta_t = delta_temp_1; num_bezier = 1; } else { new_pnt = new_pnt_2; delta_t = delta_temp_2; num_bezier = 2; } } else if( f_brk_1 && !f_brk_2 ) { new_pnt = new_pnt_1; delta_t = delta_temp_1; num_bezier = 1; } else if( !f_brk_1 && f_brk_2 ) { new_pnt = new_pnt_2; delta_t = delta_temp_2; num_bezier = 2; } if( inc_delta_bez > 0 ) delta = (1-delta_t)/3 + scale; else delta = -((delta_t)/3 + scale); if(num_bezier == 1) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if(num_bezier == 2) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t + delta, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W1 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W1 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W1 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W1 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if(num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1) delta_real = t_start + (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; else delta_real = t_end - (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a_small, arc_b_small ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } } else { //--- Arc --- t_start = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.x; t_end = shapeItems[fig[0]].ctrlPos4.y; if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = t_start + (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; else delta_real = t_end - (t_end-t_start)/4 + scale; new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( el_p3.x + rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( el_p3.y - rotate( arc( delta_real, arc_a, arc_b ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); //--- bezier --- if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } } //- bezier curve and bezier curve - else if( shapeItems[fig[0]].type == 3 && shapeItems[fig[1]].type == 3 ) { Point new_pnt; vector new_pnt_vect; double delta_real, delta_t_1 = 0, delta_t_2 = 0, delta_t_bez_1, delta_t_bez_2; double delta_1, delta_2; vector delta_temp_1, delta_temp_2; vector num_bezier_1, num_bezier_2; double scale; double ang, ang1; int num_bez_1 = 0, num_bez_2 = 0; Point P1, P2, P3, P4, el_p1, el_p2, el_p3, el_p4; scale = 0.0; if( xSc < 1 && xSc <= ySc ) scale = (1 - xSc)/10; else if( ySc<1 && ySc<=xSc ) scale = (1 - ySc)/10; //--- bezier_1 --- el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc); el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2], xSc, ySc); el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); if( el_p1.y <= el_p2.y ) ang = 360 - angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); else ang = angle( el_p1, el_p2, el_p1, Point( el_p1.x+10, el_p1.y ) ); //--- bezier_2 --- P1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc); P2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2], xSc, ySc); P3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], xSc, ySc); P4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], xSc, ySc); if( P1.y <= P2.y ) ang1 = 360 - angle( P1, P2, P1, Point( P1.x+10, P1.y ) ); else ang1 = angle( P1, P2, P1, Point( P1.x+10, P1.y ) ); //-- if there is ane width(of figure itself or of its borders) -- if( ( shapeItems[fig[0]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width > 0 ) || ( shapeItems[fig[1]].width > 1 || shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width > 0 ) ) { double inc_delta_bez_1, inc_delta_bez_2; Point bezier_pnt_1_1, bezier_pnt_1_2, bezier_pnt_2_1, bezier_pnt_2_2; //--- bezier_1 --- if( shapeItems[fig[0]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width == 0 ) W1 = 0; else W1 = (shapeItems[fig[0]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[0]].border_width; //--- bezier_2 --- if( shapeItems[fig[1]].width == 1 && shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width == 0 ) W2 = 0; else W2 = (shapeItems[fig[1]].width)/2 + shapeItems[fig[1]].border_width; double Len_1 = length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2] ); double Len_2 = length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4] ) + length( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2] ); //--- bezier_1 --- if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) { delta_t_bez_1 = 0; inc_delta_bez_1 = 1/Len_1; } else { delta_t_bez_1 = 1; inc_delta_bez_1 = -1/Len_1; } ShapeItem item = shapeItems[fig[0]]; el_p1 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p2 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n3], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p3 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n4], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); el_p4 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n2], xSc, ySc), ang, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); //--- bezier_2 --- if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) { delta_t_bez_2 = 0; inc_delta_bez_2 = 1/Len_2; } else { delta_t_bez_2 = 1; inc_delta_bez_2 = -1/Len_2; } ShapeItem item_1 = shapeItems[fig[1]]; P1 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P2 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n3], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P3 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n4], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); P4 = unrotate( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n2], xSc, ySc), ang1, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x, scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y ); bool f_brk_1, f_brk_2, f_brk_3, f_brk_4; f_brk_1 = false; f_brk_2 = false; f_brk_3 = false; f_brk_4 = false; do { bezier_pnt_1_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( W1 != 0 ) { bezier_pnt_1_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } delta_t_bez_1 += inc_delta_bez_1; double delta_t_bez_2_do = delta_t_bez_2; do { bezier_pnt_2_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_2_do, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W2 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_2_do, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W2 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( W2 != 0 ) { bezier_pnt_2_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_2_do, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W2 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_bez_2_do, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W2 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } if( (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_1.x - bezier_pnt_1_1.x)) < 1 && (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_1.y - bezier_pnt_1_1.y) < 1) && !f_brk_1 ) { new_pnt_vect.push_back( Point( bezier_pnt_2_1.x, bezier_pnt_2_1.y ) ); f_brk_1 = true; delta_temp_1.push_back(delta_t_bez_1); delta_temp_2.push_back(delta_t_bez_2_do); num_bezier_1.push_back(1); num_bezier_2.push_back(1); } if( (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_1.x - bezier_pnt_1_2.x)) < 1 && (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_1.y - bezier_pnt_1_2.y) < 1) && !f_brk_2 ) { new_pnt_vect.push_back(Point(bezier_pnt_2_1.x, bezier_pnt_2_1.y)); f_brk_2 = true; delta_temp_1.push_back(delta_t_bez_1); delta_temp_2.push_back(delta_t_bez_2_do); num_bezier_1.push_back(0); num_bezier_2.push_back(1); } if( (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_2.x - bezier_pnt_1_1.x)) < 1 && (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_2.y - bezier_pnt_1_1.y) < 1) && !f_brk_3 ) { new_pnt_vect.push_back( Point( bezier_pnt_2_2.x, bezier_pnt_2_2.y ) ); f_brk_3 = true; delta_temp_1.push_back(delta_t_bez_1); delta_temp_2.push_back(delta_t_bez_2_do); num_bezier_1.push_back(1); num_bezier_2.push_back(0); } if( (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_2.x - bezier_pnt_1_2.x)) < 1 && (fabs( bezier_pnt_2_2.y - bezier_pnt_1_2.y) < 1) && !f_brk_4 ) { new_pnt_vect.push_back( Point( bezier_pnt_2_2.x, bezier_pnt_2_2.y ) ); f_brk_4 = true; delta_temp_1.push_back(delta_t_bez_1); delta_temp_2.push_back(delta_t_bez_2_do); num_bezier_1.push_back(0); num_bezier_2.push_back(0); } delta_t_bez_2_do+=inc_delta_bez_2; } while( ((delta_t_bez_2_do < 1) && (inc_delta_bez_2 > 0)) || ((delta_t_bez_2_do > 0) && (inc_delta_bez_2 < 0)) ); if( f_brk_1 && f_brk_2 && f_brk_3 && f_brk_4 ) break; } while ( ((delta_t_bez_1 < 1) && (inc_delta_bez_1 > 0)) || ((delta_t_bez_1 > 0) && (inc_delta_bez_1 < 0)) ); if(!f_brk_1 && !f_brk_2 && !f_brk_3 && !f_brk_4) { el_p1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n1], xSc, ySc); el_p2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n2], xSc, ySc); el_p3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n3], xSc, ySc); el_p4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[0]].n4], xSc, ySc); P1 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n1], xSc, ySc); P2 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n2], xSc, ySc); P3 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n3], xSc, ySc); P4 = scaleRotate( (pnts)[shapeItems[fig[1]].n4], xSc, ySc); new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } else { if( new_pnt_vect.size() ) { new_pnt = Point( new_pnt_vect[0].x, new_pnt_vect[0].y ); double max_len = length( (pnts)[num_pnt], new_pnt ); delta_t_1 = delta_temp_1[0]; delta_t_2 = delta_temp_2[0]; num_bez_1 = num_bezier_1[0]; num_bez_2 = num_bezier_2[0]; for(unsigned i = 1; i < new_pnt_vect.size(); i++) if( length( (pnts)[num_pnt], new_pnt_vect[i]) > max_len ) { max_len = length( (pnts)[num_pnt], new_pnt_vect[i] ); new_pnt = Point( new_pnt_vect[i].x, new_pnt_vect[i].y ); delta_t_1 = delta_temp_1[i]; delta_t_2 = delta_temp_2[i]; num_bez_1 = num_bezier_1[i]; num_bez_2 = num_bezier_2[i]; } } if(inc_delta_bez_1 > 0) delta_1 = (1-delta_t_1)/3 + scale; else delta_1 = -((delta_t_1)/3 + scale); if(inc_delta_bez_2 > 0) delta_2 = (1-delta_t_2)/3 + scale; else delta_2 = -((delta_t_2)/3 + scale); if(num_bez_1 == 1) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_1 + delta_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_1 + delta_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y+W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y+W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y+W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y+W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if(num_bez_1 == 0) delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_1 + delta_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_1 + delta_1, Point( el_p1.x, el_p1.y-W1 ), Point( el_p2.x, el_p2.y-W1 ), Point( el_p3.x, el_p3.y-W1 ), Point( el_p4.x, el_p4.y-W1 ) ), ang ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if(num_bez_2 == 1) delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_2 + delta_2, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W2 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_2 + delta_2, Point( P1.x, P1.y+W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y+W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y+W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y+W2 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if(num_bez_2 == 0) delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).x + rotate( bezier( delta_t_2 + delta_2, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W2 ) ), ang1 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( scaleRotate( (pnts)[item_1.n1], xSc, ySc).y - rotate( bezier( delta_t_2 + delta_2, Point( P1.x, P1.y-W2 ), Point( P2.x, P2.y-W2 ), Point( P3.x, P3.y-W2 ), Point( P4.x, P4.y-W2 ) ), ang1 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } } else { new_pnt = scaleRotate( (pnts)[num_pnt], xSc, ySc); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[0]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_1 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); if( num_pnt == shapeItems[fig[1]].n1 ) delta_real = 0.2 + scale; else delta_real = 0.8 - scale; delta_point_2 = Point( (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).x, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( bezier( delta_real, P1, P3, P4, P2 ).y, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) ); } } //-- Detecting the real "fill" point as the middle of the distance between two points on the figures -- delta_point_center.x = (delta_point_1.x+delta_point_2.x)/2; delta_point_center.y = (delta_point_1.y+delta_point_2.y)/2; } // Calling fill procedure for each fill with the real "fill" point if((((int)rRnd(delta_point_center.x)) > 0) && (((int)rRnd(delta_point_center.x)) <= scaleWidth) && (((int)rRnd(delta_point_center.y)) > 0) && (((int)rRnd(delta_point_center.y)) <= scaleHeight)) { if(inundationItems[i].imgFill.size()) { double t, arc_a, arc_b, t_start, t_end, ang, arc_a_rot, arc_b_rot, ang_rot, xMax, xMin, yMax, yMin, xMax_rot, xMin_rot, yMax_rot, yMin_rot; Point pnt_, pnt_rot, pnt_temp; Point el1_temp = scaleRotate((pnts)[shapeItems[shape_temp[0]].n1], xSc, ySc); xMax_rot = xMin_rot = el1_temp.x; yMax_rot = yMin_rot = el1_temp.y; el1_temp = unscaleUnrotate(el1_temp, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); xMax = xMin = el1_temp.x; yMax = yMin = el1_temp.y; for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) { ShapeItem item = shapeItems[shape_temp[j]] ; if(item.type == ShapeItem::Line) { pnt_ = unscaleUnrotate(scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1],xSc,ySc), xSc, ySc, false, true, false); xMin = vmin(xMin, pnt_.x); yMin = vmin(yMin, pnt_.y); xMax = vmax(xMax, pnt_.x); yMax = vmax(yMax, pnt_.y); pnt_ = unscaleUnrotate(scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2],xSc,ySc), xSc, ySc, false, true, false); xMin = vmin(xMin, pnt_.x); yMin = vmin(yMin, pnt_.y); xMax = vmax(xMax, pnt_.x); yMax = vmax(yMax, pnt_.y); pnt_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc); xMin_rot = vmin(xMin_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMin_rot = vmin(yMin_rot, pnt_rot.y); xMax_rot = vmax(xMax_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMax_rot = vmax(yMax_rot, pnt_rot.y); pnt_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2], xSc, ySc); xMin_rot = vmin(xMin_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMin_rot = vmin(yMin_rot, pnt_rot.y); xMax_rot = vmax(xMax_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMax_rot = vmax(yMax_rot, pnt_rot.y); } else if(item.type == ShapeItem::Arc) { Point el_p3_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3], xSc, ySc); Point el_p4_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4], xSc, ySc); Point el_p5_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n5], xSc, ySc); Point el_p3 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p3_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); Point el_p4 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p4_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); Point el_p5 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p5_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); ang = angle(el_p3, el_p5, el_p3, Point(el_p3.x+10,el_p3.y)); if(el_p5.y > el_p3.y) ang = 360 - ang; ang_rot = angle(el_p3_rot, el_p5_rot, el_p3_rot, Point(el_p3_rot.x+10,el_p3_rot.y)); if(el_p5_rot.y > el_p3_rot.y) ang_rot = 360 - ang_rot; arc_a = length(el_p5, el_p3); arc_b = length(el_p3, el_p4); arc_a_rot = length(el_p5_rot, el_p3_rot); arc_b_rot = length(el_p3_rot, el_p4_rot); t_start = item.ctrlPos4.x; t_end = item.ctrlPos4.y; t = t_start; do { pnt_.x = el_p3.x + rotate(arc(t,arc_a,arc_b),ang).x; pnt_.y = el_p3.y - rotate(arc(t,arc_a,arc_b),ang).y; xMin = vmin(xMin, pnt_.x); yMin = vmin(yMin, pnt_.y); xMax = vmax(xMax, pnt_.x); yMax = vmax(yMax, pnt_.y); pnt_rot.x = el_p3_rot.x + rotate(arc(t,arc_a_rot,arc_b_rot),ang_rot).x; pnt_rot.y = el_p3_rot.y - rotate(arc(t,arc_a_rot,arc_b_rot),ang_rot).y; xMin_rot = vmin(xMin_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMin_rot = vmin(yMin_rot, pnt_rot.y); xMax_rot = vmax(xMax_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMax_rot = vmax(yMax_rot, pnt_rot.y); t += 0.00277777777778; } while(t < t_end); } else if(item.type == ShapeItem::Bezier) { t = 0; Point el_p1_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n1], xSc, ySc); Point el_p2_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n2], xSc, ySc); Point el_p3_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n3], xSc, ySc); Point el_p4_rot = scaleRotate((pnts)[item.n4], xSc, ySc); Point el_p1 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p1_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); Point el_p2 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p2_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); Point el_p3 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p3_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); Point el_p4 = unscaleUnrotate(el_p4_rot, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); do { pnt_ = bezier(t, el_p1, el_p3, el_p4, el_p2); xMin = vmin(xMin, pnt_.x); yMin = vmin(yMin, pnt_.y); xMax = vmax(xMax, pnt_.x); yMax = vmax(yMax, pnt_.y); pnt_rot = bezier(t, el_p1_rot, el_p3_rot, el_p4_rot, el_p2_rot); xMin_rot = vmin(xMin_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMin_rot = vmin(yMin_rot, pnt_rot.y); xMax_rot = vmax(xMax_rot, pnt_rot.x); yMax_rot = vmax(yMax_rot, pnt_rot.y); t += 0.00277777777778; } while(t < 1); } } paintFill(im1, delta_point_center, inundationItems[i]); if(clickPnt.x > -1 && clickPnt.y > -1) { if(gdImageGetPixel(im1,(int)rRnd(clickPnt.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true),(int)rRnd(clickPnt.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true)) != gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1,0,0,0,127)) { if(im1) gdImageDestroy(im1); return i; } } else { xMin = (int)rRnd(xMin, POS_PREC_DIG, true); yMin = (int)rRnd(yMin, POS_PREC_DIG, true); xMax = (int)rRnd(xMax, POS_PREC_DIG, true); yMax = (int)rRnd(yMax, POS_PREC_DIG, true); gdImagePtr im_fill_in = NULL; string imgDef_temp = owner().resGet(inundationItems[i].imgFill, path(), ses); if(!(im_fill_in = gdImageCreateFromPngPtr(imgDef_temp.size(), (void*)imgDef_temp.data())) && !(im_fill_in = gdImageCreateFromGifPtr(imgDef_temp.size(), (void*)imgDef_temp.data())) && !(im_fill_in = gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(imgDef_temp.size(), (void*)imgDef_temp.data()))) mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(),_("Fill image type is not supported.")); gdImagePtr im_fill_out = gdImageCreateTrueColor((int)rRnd( xMax - xMin ) + 1, (int)rRnd( yMax - yMin ) + 1 ); gdImageAlphaBlending(im_fill_out, 0); double alpha_pr, alpha_rez; if(im_fill_in) { gdImageAlphaBlending(im_fill_in, 0); gdImageCopyResampled(im_fill_out, im_fill_in, 0, 0, 0, 0, im_fill_out->sx, im_fill_out->sy, im_fill_in->sx, im_fill_in->sy); } int im_x, im_y; Point drw_pnt, drw_pnt1; xMin_rot = (int)rRnd(xMin_rot, POS_PREC_DIG, true); yMin_rot = (int)rRnd(yMin_rot, POS_PREC_DIG, true); xMax_rot = (int)rRnd(xMax_rot, POS_PREC_DIG, true); yMax_rot = (int)rRnd(yMax_rot, POS_PREC_DIG, true); double alpha_col = (double)(uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>24)/127; double color_r, color_g, color_b; int rgb; gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 0); im_y = (int)yMin_rot; do { im_x = (int)xMin_rot; do { if(gdImageGetPixel(im1,im_x,im_y) == tmp_clr) { Point drw_pnt = unscaleUnrotate(Point(im_x,im_y), xSc, ySc, false, true, false); rgb = gdImageGetPixel(im_fill_out, vmax(0, vmin(im_fill_out->sx-1, (int)rRnd((mirror?xMax-drw_pnt.x:drw_pnt.x-xMin), POS_PREC_DIG, true))), vmax(0, vmin(im_fill_out->sy-1, (int)rRnd(drw_pnt.y-yMin, POS_PREC_DIG, true)))); alpha_pr = 1 - (double)gdImageAlpha(im_fill_out,rgb) / 127; drw_pnt1 = scaleRotate(drw_pnt, xSc, ySc, false, true, false); //if( fabs(alpha_pr - 0) < 0.001 ) alpha_pr = 1; color_r = alpha_pr*((rgb>>16)&0xff) + (1-alpha_pr)*alpha_col*((uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>16)); color_g = alpha_pr*((rgb>>8)&0xff) + (1-alpha_pr)*alpha_col*((uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>8)); color_b = alpha_pr*(rgb&0xff) + (1-alpha_pr)*alpha_col*((uint8_t)inundationItems[i].P_color); alpha_rez = (1 - alpha_col) * (1 - alpha_pr); /*int color = gdImageColorResolve( im1, (int)rRnd( color_r, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( color_g, POS_PREC_DIG, true ), (int)rRnd( color_b, POS_PREC_DIG, true ) );*/ int color = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1, (int)rRnd(color_r, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(color_g, POS_PREC_DIG, true), (int)rRnd(color_b, POS_PREC_DIG, true), 127 - (int)rRnd(127*(1-alpha_rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true)); gdImageSetPixel(im1, (int)rRnd(drw_pnt1.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true), (int)rRnd(drw_pnt1.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true), color); } im_x += 1; } while(im_x <= xMax_rot); im_y += 1; } while(im_y <= yMax_rot); if(im_fill_out) gdImageDestroy(im_fill_out); if(im_fill_in) gdImageDestroy(im_fill_in); gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 1); } } else { paintFill(im1, delta_point_center, inundationItems[i]); //gdImageSetPixel(im1, delta_point_center.x, delta_point_center.y, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1,(uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>16), (uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>8), (uint8_t)inundationItems[i].P_color, 127 - (uint8_t)(inundationItems[i].P_color>>24))); if(clickPnt.x > -1 && clickPnt.y > -1 && gdImageGetPixel(im1, (int)rRnd(clickPnt.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true), (int)rRnd(clickPnt.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true)) != gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im1,0,0,0,127)) { if(im1) gdImageDestroy(im1); return i; } } } else mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(),_("At least one of the elementary figures, of which 'fill' is forming, is outside the boundary of the display area.")); } if((int)rRnd(clickPnt.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true) == -1 && (int)rRnd(clickPnt.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true) == -1) { for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) shape_temp_all.push_back(shape_temp[j]); // Changing the color to the real one for all figures used in each fill(inundation) for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) { shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].width = width_shape[j]; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].border_width = border_width_shape[j]; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].lineColor = line_color_shape[j]; shapeItems[shape_temp[j]].borderColor = border_color_shape[j]; } // Painting all figures std::sort(shape_temp.begin(), shape_temp.end()); for(unsigned j = 0; j < shape_temp.size(); j++) { gdImagePtr im2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im2,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); paintFigure(im2, shapeItems[shape_temp[j]], xSc, ySc, true, true); gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im1, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im2, 1); gdImageCopy(im1, im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(im2) gdImageDestroy(im2); } gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(im1, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im1, 1); gdImageCopy(im, im1, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); } if(im1) gdImageDestroy(im1); } if((int)rRnd(clickPnt.x,POS_PREC_DIG,true) == -1 && (int)rRnd(clickPnt.y,POS_PREC_DIG,true) == -1) { for(unsigned j = 0; j < shapeItems.size(); j++) { bool fl_paint = false; for(unsigned i = 0; !fl_paint && i < shape_temp_all.size(); i++) fl_paint = (j == shape_temp_all[i]); if(!fl_paint) { gdImagePtr im2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im2, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im2,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); paintFigure(im2, shapeItems[j], xSc, ySc, true, true); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(im2, 1); gdImageSaveAlpha(im2, 1); gdImageCopy(im, im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(im2) gdImageDestroy(im2); } } } return -1; } void VCAElFigure::getReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); //> Prepare picture map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); double xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; double ySc = ((prmEl=ses.prm.find("ySc"))!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; geomX = ((prmEl=ses.prm.find("geomX"))!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2r(prmEl->second) : 0; geomY = ((prmEl=ses.prm.find("geomY"))!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2r(prmEl->second) : 0; scaleWidth = ((prmEl=ses.prm.find("geomW"))!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2r(prmEl->second) : (int)rRnd(width*xSc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); scaleHeight = ((prmEl=ses.prm.find("geomH"))!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2r(prmEl->second) : (int)rRnd(height*ySc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); //scaleHeight = (int)rRnd(height*ySc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); //scaleWidth = (int)rRnd(width*xSc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); if(im) { gdImageDestroy(im); im = NULL; } im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(!im) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); else { //> Draw image gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); drawElF(ses, xSc, ySc, Point(-1,-1)); //> Get image and transfer it int img_sz; char *img_ptr = (char *)gdImagePngPtrEx(im, &img_sz, mod->PNGCompLev()); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, string(img_ptr,img_sz), "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); gdFree(img_ptr); } } void VCAElFigure::postReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); map< string, string >::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("sub"); if(prmEl != ses.prm.end() && prmEl->second == "point") { prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); double xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; prmEl = ses.prm.find("ySc"); double ySc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; prmEl = ses.prm.find("x"); int x_coord = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2i(prmEl->second) : -1; prmEl = ses.prm.find("y"); int y_coord = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2i(prmEl->second) : -1; prmEl = ses.prm.find("key"); string key = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? prmEl->second : ""; if(!im || x_coord < 0 || y_coord < 0) return; int clickFillNum = drawElF(ses, xSc, ySc, Point(x_coord,y_coord)); if(clickFillNum != -1) { XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path",ses.url+"/%2fserv%2fattr"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","event")->setText("ws_Fig"+key); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","event")->setText("ws_Fig"+i2s(clickFillNum)+key); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","event")->setText("ws_FocusIn"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","focus")->setText("1"); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses.user); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, req.save(XMLNode::BinShield), "200 OK", "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); } } } void VCAElFigure::setAttrs( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); XMLNode *reqEl; Point StartMotionPos, EndMotionPos, CtrlMotionPos_1, CtrlMotionPos_2, CtrlMotionPos_3, CtrlMotionPos_4; rel_list = false; for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < node.childSize(); iA++) { reqEl = node.childGet(iA); if(reqEl->name() != "el") continue; int uiPrmPos = s2i(reqEl->attr("p")); switch(uiPrmPos) { case A_ACTIVE: active = (bool)s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_W: width = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_H: height = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_MARGIN: geomMargin = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_X_SC: rel_list = true; break; case A_GEOM_Y_SC: rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigLineW: lineWdth = (int)rRnd(s2r(reqEl->text())); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigLineClr: lineClr = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); if(lineClr == -1) lineClr = (127<<24)+(0<<16)+(0<<8)+0; if(lineClr == 0) lineClr = (0<<24)+(250<<16)+(0<<8)+0; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigLineStl: lineStyle = s2i(reqEl->text()); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigBordW: bordWdth = (int)rRnd(s2r(reqEl->text())); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigBordClr: bordClr = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); if(bordClr == -1) bordClr = 0x7F000000; if(bordClr == 0) bordClr = 0x00FA0000; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigFillClr: fillClr = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); if(fillClr == -1) fillClr = 0x7F000000; if(fillClr == 0) fillClr = 0x00FA0000; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigFillImg: imgDef = reqEl->text(); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigOrient: orient = s2r(reqEl->text()); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigMirror: mirror = s2i(reqEl->text()); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigElLst: elLst = reqEl->text(); rel_list = true; break; default: if(uiPrmPos >= A_ElFigIts) { int pnt = (uiPrmPos-A_ElFigIts)/A_ElFigItsSz; int patr = (uiPrmPos-A_ElFigIts)%A_ElFigItsSz; Point pnt_ = pnts[pnt]; switch(patr) { case A_ElFigItPntX: pnt_.x = s2r(reqEl->text()); pnts[pnt] = pnt_; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigItPntY: pnt_.y = s2r(reqEl->text()); pnts[pnt] = pnt_; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigItW: widths[pnt] = (int)rRnd(s2r(reqEl->text())); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigItClr: colors[pnt] = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); if(colors[pnt] == -1) colors[pnt] = 0x7F000000; if(colors[pnt] == 0) colors[pnt] = 0x00FA0000; rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigItImg: images[pnt] = reqEl->text(); rel_list = true; break; case A_ElFigItStl: styles[pnt] = s2i(reqEl->text()); rel_list = true; break; } } } } if(rel_list) { for(PntMap::iterator pi = pnts.begin(); pi != pnts.end(); ) if(pi->first <= ShapeItem::StatIts) pnts.erase(pi++); else ++pi; string sel, el_s; vector p; int map_index = ShapeItem::StatIts, lnwidth, bord_width, color, bord_color; string ln_st; int style; double t_start, t_end, a, b, ang; Point ip[5]; shapeItems.clear(); inundationItems.clear(); for(int off = 0, el_off = 0; (sel=TSYS::strLine(elLst,0,&off)).size(); el_off = 0) { string el = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); ShapeItem::Type elTp; int nPnts = 0, servPnts; if(el == "line") { elTp = ShapeItem::Line; nPnts = 2; servPnts = 2; } else if(el == "arc") { elTp = ShapeItem::Arc; nPnts = 5; servPnts = 2; } else if(el == "bezier") { elTp = ShapeItem::Bezier; nPnts = 4; servPnts = 2; } else if(el == "fill") { elTp = ShapeItem::Fill; nPnts = -1; servPnts = -1; } else continue; // Reading anf setting attributes for the current line // Points float x_s, y_s; int w_s; bool pnts_ok = true; p.clear(); for(int iP = 0, off_last = 0; pnts_ok && (nPnts < 0 || iP < nPnts); iP++) { el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"(%f|%f)",&x_s,&y_s) == 2) { bool fl = false; // Detecting if there is a point with same coordinates in the map for(PntMap::reverse_iterator pi = pnts.rbegin(); (servPnts < 0 || iP < servPnts) && !fl && pi != pnts.rend(); ++pi) if(pi->first <= ShapeItem::StatIts && fabs(rRnd(x_s,POS_PREC_DIG) - rRnd(pi->second.x,POS_PREC_DIG)) < 0.01 && fabs(rRnd(y_s,POS_PREC_DIG) - rRnd(pi->second.y,POS_PREC_DIG)) < 0.01) { p.push_back(pi->first); fl = true; } if(!fl) { p.push_back(map_index--); pnts[p[iP]] = Point(x_s, y_s); } } else if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"%d",&w_s) == 1) p.push_back(w_s); else { pnts_ok = false; el_off = off_last; } off_last = el_off; } if(!pnts_ok && nPnts > 0) continue; // Other properties switch(elTp) { case ShapeItem::Line: case ShapeItem::Arc: case ShapeItem::Bezier: { // Line width el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"w%d",&w_s) == 1) lnwidth = widths[w_s]; else if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(), "%d", &w_s) == 1 ) lnwidth = w_s; else lnwidth = lineWdth; // Line color el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"c%d",&w_s) == 1) color = colors[w_s]; else { color = mod->colorParse(el_s); if(color == -1) color = lineClr; else if(color == 0) color = 0x00FA0000; } // Border width el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"w%d",&w_s) == 1) bord_width = widths[w_s]; else if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"%d",&w_s) == 1) bord_width = w_s; else bord_width = bordWdth; // Border color el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"c%d",&w_s) == 1) bord_color = colors[w_s]; else { bord_color = mod->colorParse(el_s); if(bord_color == -1) bord_color = bordClr; else if(bord_color == 0) bord_color = 0x00FA0000; } // Line style el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"s%d",&w_s) == 1) style = styles[w_s]; else if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"%d",&w_s) == 1 && (w_s == EF_SOLID || w_s == EF_DASH || w_s == EF_DOT)) style = w_s; else style = lineStyle; // Reading coordinates for the points of the line for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < p.size(); iP++) ip[iP] = pnts[p[iP]]; if(elTp == ShapeItem::Arc) { StartMotionPos = ip[0]; EndMotionPos = ip[1]; CtrlMotionPos_1 = ip[2]; CtrlMotionPos_2 = ip[3]; CtrlMotionPos_3 = ip[4]; //Mirroring if(mirror) { StartMotionPos = scaleRotate(ip[1], 1, 1, false, false); EndMotionPos = scaleRotate(ip[0], 1, 1, false, false); CtrlMotionPos_1 = scaleRotate(ip[2], 1, 1, false, false); CtrlMotionPos_2 = scaleRotate(ip[3], 1, 1, false, false); CtrlMotionPos_3 = scaleRotate(ip[4], 1, 1, false, false); } ang = angle(CtrlMotionPos_1, CtrlMotionPos_3, CtrlMotionPos_1, Point(CtrlMotionPos_1.x+10,CtrlMotionPos_1.y)); if(CtrlMotionPos_3.y > CtrlMotionPos_1.y) ang = 360 - ang; a = length(CtrlMotionPos_3, CtrlMotionPos_1); b = length(CtrlMotionPos_2, CtrlMotionPos_1); CtrlMotionPos_2 = Point(CtrlMotionPos_1.x+rotate(arc(0.25,a,b),ang).x, CtrlMotionPos_1.y-rotate(arc(0.25,a,b),ang).y); StartMotionPos = unrotate(StartMotionPos, ang, CtrlMotionPos_1.x, CtrlMotionPos_1.y); if(StartMotionPos.x >= a) { StartMotionPos.y = (StartMotionPos.y/StartMotionPos.x)*a; StartMotionPos.x = a; } if(StartMotionPos.x < -a) { StartMotionPos.y = (StartMotionPos.y/StartMotionPos.x)*(-a); StartMotionPos.x = -a; } t_start = acos(StartMotionPos.x/a)/(2*M_PI); if(StartMotionPos.y > 0) t_start = 1 - t_start; EndMotionPos = unrotate(EndMotionPos, ang, CtrlMotionPos_1.x, CtrlMotionPos_1.y); if(EndMotionPos.x < -a) { EndMotionPos.y = (EndMotionPos.y/EndMotionPos.x)*(-a); EndMotionPos.x = -a; } if(EndMotionPos.x >= a) { EndMotionPos.y = (EndMotionPos.y/EndMotionPos.x)*a; EndMotionPos.x = a; } t_end = acos(EndMotionPos.x/a)/(2*M_PI); if(EndMotionPos.y > 0) t_end = 1 - t_end; if(t_start > t_end) t_end += 1; if((t_end-1) > t_start) t_end -= 1; //if( t_start == t_end ) t_end += 1; if(fabs(t_start-t_end) < 0.0027777777777) t_end += 1; if(t_end > t_start && t_start >= 1 && t_end > 1) { t_start -= 1; t_end -= 1; } CtrlMotionPos_4 = Point(t_start, t_end); } else { ang = angle(ip[0], ip[1], ip[0], Point(ip[0].x+10,ip[0].y)); if(ip[0].y <= ip[1].y) ang = 360-ang; } bool flag_brd = false; if(lnwidth > 3 && bord_width == 0) { lnwidth -= 2; bord_width = 1; bord_color = color; flag_brd = true; } p.resize(5); shapeItems.push_back(ShapeItem(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],CtrlMotionPos_4,ang,color,bord_color,lnwidth,bord_width,elTp,style,flag_brd)); break; } case ShapeItem::Fill: { int fl_color; string img; //>>> Fill color el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"c%d",&w_s) == 1) fl_color = colors[w_s]; else if((fl_color=mod->colorParse(el_s)) == -1) fl_color = fillClr; //>>> Fill image el_s = TSYS::strSepParse(sel, 0, ':', &el_off); if(sscanf(el_s.c_str(),"i%d",&w_s) == 1) img = images[w_s]; else if(!(img=TSYS::strDecode(el_s)).size()) img = imgDef; if(owner().resGet(img,path(),ses) == "") img = ""; inundationItems.push_back(InundationItem(p,fl_color,-1,img)); break; } } } for(WidthMap::iterator pi = widths.begin(); pi != widths.end(); ) { bool unDel = false; for(unsigned i = 0; !unDel && i < shapeItems.size(); i++) unDel = pi->first > 0 && (pi->second == shapeItems[i].width || pi->second == shapeItems[i].border_width); if(pi->first > 0 && !unDel) widths.erase(pi++); else ++pi; } for(ColorMap::iterator pi = colors.begin(); pi != colors.end(); ) { bool unDel = false; for(unsigned i = 0; !unDel && i < shapeItems.size(); i++) unDel = pi->first > 0 && (pi->second == shapeItems[i].lineColor || pi->second == shapeItems[i].borderColor); for(unsigned i = 0; !unDel && i < inundationItems.size(); i++) unDel = pi->first > 0 && pi->second == inundationItems[i].P_color; if(pi->first > 0 && !unDel) colors.erase(pi++); else ++pi; } for(ImageMap::iterator pi = images.begin(); pi != images.end(); ) { bool unDel = false; for(unsigned i = 0; !unDel && i < inundationItems.size(); i++) unDel = pi->first > 0 && (pi->second == inundationItems[i].imgFill); if(pi->first > 0 && !unDel) images.erase(pi++); else ++pi; } for(StyleMap::iterator pi = styles.begin(); pi != styles.end(); ) { bool unDel = false; for(unsigned i = 0; !unDel && i < shapeItems.size(); i++) unDel = pi->first > 0 && (pi->second == shapeItems[i].style); if(pi->first > 0 && !unDel) styles.erase(pi++); else ++pi; } } } //************************************************* //* Text * //************************************************* VCAText::VCAText( const string &iid ) : VCAObj(iid), im(NULL), mRes(true) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCAText::~VCAText( ) { if(im) { gdImageDestroy(im); im = NULL; } if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCAText::objName( ) { return VCAObj::objName()+":VCAText"; } Point VCAText::rot( const Point pnt, double alpha, const Point center ) { return Point(center.x + ((pnt.x - center.x)*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180) - (pnt.y - center.y)*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180)), center.y + ((pnt.x - center.x)*sin((alpha*M_PI)/180) + (pnt.y - center.y)*cos((alpha*M_PI)/180))); } vector VCAText::textRotate( double ang, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4 ) { vector wh; wh.push_back(0); wh.push_back(0); Point center = Point((x2-x4)/2, (y2-y4)/2); Point p1_rot = rot(Point(x1,y1), ang, center); Point p2_rot = rot(Point(x2,y2), ang, center); Point p3_rot = rot(Point(x3,y3), ang, center); Point p4_rot = rot(Point(x4,y4), ang, center); if(ang > 0 && ang < 90) { if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) < (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p4_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p4_rot.y - p3_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p3_rot.x); Point p1Rez = Point(x1, p1_rot.y); Point p3Rez = Point(x3, p3_rot.y); double B1 = p1Rez.y - k1Rot*p1Rez.x; double B2 = p3Rez.y - k2Rot*p3Rez.x; Point p4Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot)+B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p4Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p4Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) > (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p2_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p2_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p4_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p1_rot.x); Point p4Rez = Point(p4_rot.x, y4); Point p2Rez = Point(p2_rot.x, y2); double B1 = p2Rez.y - k1Rot*p2Rez.x; double B2 = p4Rez.y - k2Rot*p4Rez.x; Point p1Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p4Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p2Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else { int ln = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(Point(x1,p1_rot.y),Point(p2_rot.x,y2)), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[0] = wh[1] = ln; } } else if(ang > 90 && ang < 180) { if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) < (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p4_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p2_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p2_rot.x - p1_rot.x); Point p2Rez = Point(x4, p2_rot.y); Point p4Rez = Point(x1, p4_rot.y); double B1 = p4Rez.y - k1Rot*p4Rez.x; double B2 = p2Rez.y - k2Rot*p2Rez.x; Point p1Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot)+B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p4Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p2Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) > (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p2_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p2_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p3_rot.y - p2_rot.y)/(p3_rot.x - p2_rot.x); Point p1Rez = Point(p1_rot.x, y2); Point p3Rez = Point(p3_rot.x, y1); double B1 = p1Rez.y - k1Rot*p1Rez.x; double B2 = p3Rez.y - k2Rot*p3Rez.x; Point p2Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p2Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez, p2Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else { int ln = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(Point(p1_rot.x,y2),Point(x3,p2_rot.y)), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[0] = wh[1] = ln; } } else if(ang > 180 && ang < 270) { if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) < (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p2_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p2_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p3_rot.y - p2_rot.y)/(p3_rot.x - p2_rot.x); Point p1Rez = Point(x4, p1_rot.y); Point p3Rez = Point(x2, p3_rot.y); double B1 = p1Rez.y - k1Rot*p1Rez.x; double B2 = p3Rez.y - k2Rot*p3Rez.x; Point p2Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p2Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p2Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) > (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p3_rot.y - p2_rot.y)/(p3_rot.x - p2_rot.x), k2Rot = (p4_rot.y - p3_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p3_rot.x); Point p4Rez = Point(p4_rot.x, y2); Point p2Rez = Point(p2_rot.x, y1); double B1 = p2Rez.y - k1Rot*p2Rez.x; double B2 = p4Rez.y - k2Rot*p4Rez.x; Point p3Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p2Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p3Rez,p4Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else { int ln = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(Point(x3,p1_rot.y),Point(p2_rot.x,y4)), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[0] = wh[1] = ln; } } else if(ang > 270 && ang < 360) { if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) < (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p4_rot.y - p3_rot.y)/(p4_rot.x - p3_rot.x), k2Rot = (p3_rot.y - p2_rot.y)/(p3_rot.x - p2_rot.x); Point p4Rez = Point(x4, p4_rot.y); Point p2Rez = Point(x2, p2_rot.y); double B1 = p4Rez.y - k1Rot*p4Rez.x; double B2 = p2Rez.y - k2Rot*p2Rez.x; Point p3Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p2Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p3Rez,p4Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else if((int)rRnd(fabs(x1-x3),POS_PREC_DIG,true) > (int)rRnd(fabs(y2-y1),POS_PREC_DIG,true)) { double k1Rot = (p2_rot.y - p1_rot.y)/(p2_rot.x - p1_rot.x), k2Rot = (p3_rot.y - p2_rot.y)/(p3_rot.x - p2_rot.x); Point p1Rez = Point(p1_rot.x, y1); Point p3Rez = Point(p3_rot.x, y3); double B1 = p1Rez.y - k1Rot*p1Rez.x; double B2 = p3Rez.y - k2Rot*p3Rez.x; Point p2Rez = Point((B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot), k1Rot*(B2-B1)/(k1Rot-k2Rot) + B1); wh[0] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p2Rez,p3Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[1] = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(p1Rez,p2Rez), POS_PREC_DIG, true); } else { int ln = (int)rRnd(VCAElFigure::length(Point(p1_rot.x,y1),Point(x1,p2_rot.y)), POS_PREC_DIG, true); wh[0] = wh[1] = ln; } } return wh; } void VCAText::getReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); //Prepare picture map< string, string >::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); double xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1; prmEl = ses.prm.find("ySc"); double ySc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1; scaleHeight = (int)rRnd(height*ySc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); scaleWidth = (int)rRnd(width*xSc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); int txtFontSize = 0; txtFontSize = (int)((float)textFontSize*vmin(xSc, ySc)); if(im) gdImageDestroy(im); im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); if(!im) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); else { gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, scaleWidth-1, scaleHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); int brect[8]; gdFTStringExtra strex; strex.flags = gdFTEX_RESOLUTION; strex.vdpi = 72; strex.hdpi = 72; int rotateWidth, rotateHeight, lnSpace = (int)txtFontSize/3; if(fabs(orient-90) < 0.01 || fabs(orient-270) < 0.01) { rotateWidth = scaleHeight; rotateHeight = scaleWidth; } else if(fabs(orient-180) < 0.01 || fabs(orient-360) < 0.01) { rotateWidth = scaleWidth; rotateHeight = scaleHeight; } else { vector wh = textRotate(orient, scaleWidth, 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, 0, scaleHeight, 0, 0); rotateWidth = wh[0]; rotateHeight = wh[1]; } //Replacing the "\t" in the source string with the " " size_t fnd = text.find("\t"); if(fnd != string::npos) do { text.replace(fnd, 1, " "); fnd = text.find("\t"); } while(fnd != string::npos); //Formation of the string's vector from the source string using the "\n" separator string wrap_text = text, wrap_end; vector str_wrap; vector hgt_wrap; fnd = wrap_text.find("\n"); vector wrp_txt; if(fnd != string::npos) { bool flg = false; do { wrp_txt.push_back(wrap_text.substr(0,fnd)); wrap_text = wrap_text.substr(fnd+1); fnd = wrap_text.find("\n"); if(fnd == string::npos) { wrp_txt.push_back(wrap_text); flg = true; } } while(flg == false); } else wrp_txt.push_back(wrap_text); //Word wrap algorithm if(wordWrap) { // Parsing each string in the formed vector and makin wordWrap in it for(unsigned f = 0; f < wrp_txt.size(); f++) { int brect_wrap[8]; int wrapWidth; gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wrap[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)(wrp_txt[f].c_str()), &strex); wrapWidth = brect_wrap[2] - brect_wrap[6]; // Check if the width of the string is more than the width of the image if(wrapWidth > rotateWidth) { wrap_text = wrp_txt[f]; string wrap_temp; bool flWrapEnd = false; do { int brect_wr[8]; size_t found, fnd; found = wrap_text.find_first_of(" "); if(found != string::npos) { string wrap_before = wrap_text.substr(0, found+1); wrap_text = wrap_text.substr(found+1); //Connecting the words, divided with the " " till their sum length <= rotateWidth gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)(wrap_temp.c_str()), &strex); int wdtTmp = brect_wr[2] - brect_wr[6]; gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)(wrap_before.c_str()), &strex); if(((brect_wr[2]-brect_wr[6]) + wdtTmp) <= rotateWidth) wrap_temp.append(wrap_before); //Check if the was no any append to the wrap_temp and the size of the wrap_before > rotateWidth else if(wrap_temp.size() == 0) { //Erase the " " at the end of the string fnd = wrap_before.rfind(" "); if(fnd == (wrap_before.size()-1)) wrap_before.erase(fnd); str_wrap.push_back(wrap_before); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); } else { wrap_text.insert(0, wrap_before); gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)(wrap_temp.c_str()), &strex); //Erase the " " at the end of the string fnd = wrap_temp.rfind(" "); if(fnd == (wrap_temp.size()-1)) wrap_temp.erase(fnd); str_wrap.push_back(wrap_temp); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); wrap_temp.clear(); gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)(wrap_text.c_str()), &strex); if((brect_wr[2]-brect_wr[6]) <= rotateWidth) { fnd = wrap_text.rfind(" "); if(fnd == (wrap_text.size()-1)) wrap_text.erase(fnd); str_wrap.push_back(wrap_text); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); flWrapEnd = true; } } } else { //If there is no " " in the string or in the rest of the string bool app = false; if(wrap_temp.size()) { //Check if the rest of the string without " " is small anough to append it the wrap_temp and push_back to the array gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)wrap_temp.c_str(), &strex); int wdtTmp = brect_wr[2]-brect_wr[6]; gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)wrap_text.c_str(), &strex); if((brect_wr[2]-brect_wr[6]) + wdtTmp <= rotateWidth) { wrap_temp.append(wrap_text); app = true; } gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)wrap_temp.c_str(), &strex); //Erase the " " at the end of the string if(!app) { fnd = wrap_temp.rfind(" "); if(fnd == (wrap_temp.size()-1)) wrap_temp.erase(fnd); } str_wrap.push_back(wrap_temp); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); } if(!app) { gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)wrap_text.c_str(), &strex); str_wrap.push_back(wrap_text); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); } flWrapEnd = true; } } while(!flWrapEnd); } else { string res; int brect_wr[8]; //Check if the string is empty and if it is so, change it with the "text" for the normal string height res = (wrp_txt[f] != "") ? wrp_txt[f] : "text"; gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)res.c_str(), &strex); str_wrap.push_back(wrp_txt[f]); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); } } } else for(unsigned f = 0; f < wrp_txt.size(); f++) { string res; int brect_wr[8]; //Check if the string is empty and if it is so, change it with the "text" for the normal string height res = (wrp_txt[f] != "") ? wrp_txt[f] : "text"; gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect_wr[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0,(char*)res.c_str(), &strex); str_wrap.push_back(wrp_txt[f]); hgt_wrap.push_back(brect_wr[3]-brect_wr[7]); } //Calculating the summary height of the all strings in the array plus the linespacing interval between them int wrapHgt = 0; for(unsigned f = 0; f < str_wrap.size(); f++) { wrapHgt += hgt_wrap[f]; } wrapHgt += str_wrap.size()*lnSpace; gdImagePtr im_txt = gdImageCreateTrueColor(rotateWidth, rotateHeight); //Calculating the offset from the top left corner of the 'rotate' image(with the rotateWidth and rotateHeight) int offsetY = 0, offsetX = 0; if(alignVer == 1) offsetY = 0; else if(alignVer == 2) offsetY = wrapHgt - (rotateHeight-2); else if(alignVer == 3) offsetY = (wrapHgt - (rotateHeight-2))/2; gdImageAlphaBlending(im_txt, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im_txt, 0, 0, rotateWidth-1, rotateHeight-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im_txt,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im_txt, 1); int clr_txt = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im_txt, (uint8_t)(textColor>>16), (uint8_t)(textColor>>8), (uint8_t)textColor, 127-(uint8_t)(textColor>>24)); //Drawing the all strings from the array int y_new = 0; for(unsigned k = 0; k < str_wrap.size(); k++) { gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)str_wrap[k].c_str(), &strex); if(alignHor == 1) offsetX = 1; else if(alignHor == 2) offsetX = rotateWidth - (brect[4]-brect[0]); else if(alignHor == 3) offsetX = (rotateWidth - (brect[4]-brect[0]))/2; else if(alignHor == 4) offsetX = 0; int realY = hgt_wrap[k] - offsetY + y_new; char *rez = gdImageStringFTEx(im_txt, &brect[0], clr_txt, (char*)textFont.c_str(), txtFontSize, 0, offsetX, realY, (char*)str_wrap[k].c_str(), &strex); if(rez) mess_err(nodePath().c_str(),_("gdImageStringFTEx: error for the font '%s': %s."),textFont.c_str(),rez); else { int wdt = bold ? (int)rRnd(txtFontSize/6,POS_PREC_DIG,true) : (int)rRnd(txtFontSize/12,POS_PREC_DIG,true); gdImageSetThickness(im_txt, wdt); if(underline && !str_wrap[k].empty()) gdImageLine(im_txt, offsetX, realY+(int)lnSpace/2, offsetX+(brect[4]-brect[0]), realY+(int)lnSpace/2, clr_txt); if(strikeout && !str_wrap[k].empty()) gdImageLine(im_txt, offsetX, realY+(int)lnSpace/2-(brect[3]-brect[7])/2, offsetX+(brect[4]-brect[0]), realY+(int)lnSpace/2-(brect[3]-brect[7])/2, clr_txt); } y_new += hgt_wrap[k] + lnSpace; } gdImageSaveAlpha(im_txt, 1); gdImageCopyRotated(im, im_txt, scaleWidth/2, scaleHeight/2, 0, 0, rotateWidth, rotateHeight, (int)(360-orient)); gdImageDestroy(im_txt); gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 1); //Get image and transfer it int img_sz; char *img_ptr = (char *)gdImagePngPtrEx(im, &img_sz, mod->PNGCompLev()); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, string(img_ptr,img_sz), "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); gdFree(img_ptr); } } void VCAText::setAttrs( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); XMLNode *reqEl; bool reform = false; for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < node.childSize(); iA++) { reqEl = node.childGet(iA); if(reqEl->name() != "el") continue; unsigned uiPrmPos = s2i(reqEl->attr("p")); switch(uiPrmPos) { case A_GEOM_W: width = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_H: height = s2r(reqEl->text());break; case A_TextFont: { char family[101]; strcpy(family,"Arial"); int bld = 0, italic = 0, undLine = 0, strOut = 0; textFontSize = 10; sscanf(reqEl->text().c_str(),"%100s %d %d %d %d %d",family,&textFontSize,&bld,&italic,&undLine,&strOut); textFont = family; for(unsigned p = 0; p < textFont.size(); p++) if( textFont[p] == '_' ) textFont[p] = ' '; if(bld) { textFont += ":bold"; bold = true; } else bold = false; if(italic) textFont += ":italic"; if(undLine) underline = true; else underline = false; if(strOut) strikeout = true; else strikeout = false; break; } case A_TextColor: textColor = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); break; case A_TextOrient: orient = s2r(reqEl->text()); if(orient < 0) orient = 360 + orient; break; case A_TextWordWrap: wordWrap = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_TextAlignment: { int txtAlign = s2i(reqEl->text()); switch(txtAlign&0x3) { case 0: alignHor = 1; break; case 1: alignHor = 2; break; case 2: alignHor = 3; break; case 3: alignHor = 4; break; } switch(txtAlign>>2) { case 0: alignVer = 1; break; case 1: alignVer = 2; break; case 2: alignVer = 3; break; } break; } case A_TextText: { string newText = Mess->codeConvOut("UTF-8", reqEl->text()); if(text_tmpl == newText) break; text_tmpl = newText; reform = true; break; } case A_TextNumbArg: { unsigned numbArg = s2i(reqEl->text()); while(args.size() < numbArg) args.push_back(ArgObj()); while(args.size() > numbArg) args.pop_back(); reform = true; break; } default: //Individual arguments process if(uiPrmPos >= A_TextArs) { unsigned argN = (uiPrmPos-A_TextArs)/A_TextArsSz; if(argN >= args.size()) break; if((uiPrmPos%A_TextArsSz) == A_TextArsVal) args[argN].setVal(reqEl->text()); else if((uiPrmPos%A_TextArsSz) == A_TextArsTp) args[argN].setType(s2i(reqEl->text())); else if((uiPrmPos%A_TextArsSz) == A_TextArsCfg) args[argN].setCfg(reqEl->text().c_str()); reform = true; } } } if(reform) { string txt = text_tmpl.c_str(); string argVal; //Placing the arguments to the text for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < args.size(); iA++) { switch(args[iA].type()) { case FT_INT: case FT_STR: argVal = args[iA].val(); break; case FT_REAL: { string atp = TSYS::strSepParse(args[iA].cfg(),1,';'); argVal = r2s(s2r(args[iA].val()), s2i(TSYS::strSepParse(args[iA].cfg(),2,';')), (atp.size()?atp[0]:'f')); break; } } int argSize = s2i(TSYS::strSepParse(args[iA].cfg(),0,';')); argSize = vmax(-1000,vmin(1000,argSize)); string argPad = ""; for(int j = argVal.length(); j < fabs(argSize); j++) argPad += ' '; if(argSize > 0) argVal = argPad+argVal; else argVal += argPad; string rep = "%"+i2s(iA+1); size_t fnd = txt.find(rep); if(fnd != string::npos) do { txt.replace(fnd, rep.length(), argVal); fnd = txt.find(rep); } while(fnd != string::npos); } if(txt != text.c_str()) text = txt; } } //************************************************* //* VCADiagram * //************************************************* VCADiagram::VCADiagram( const string &iid ) : VCAObj(iid), type(0), tTimeCurent(false), holdCur(false), tTime(0), sclHorPer(0), tSize(1), sclVerScl(100), sclVerSclOff(0), sclHorScl(100), sclHorSclOff(0), lstTrc(false), mRes(true) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCADiagram::~VCADiagram( ) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCADiagram::objName( ) { return VCAObj::objName()+":VCADiagram"; } void VCADiagram::getReq( SSess &ses ) { switch(type) { case FD_TRND: makeTrendsPicture(ses); break; case FD_SPECTR: makeSpectrumPicture(ses); break; case FD_XY: makeXYPicture(ses); break; } } void VCADiagram::makeImgPng( SSess &ses, gdImagePtr im ) { gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 1); int img_sz; char *img_ptr = (char*)gdImagePngPtrEx(im, &img_sz, mod->PNGCompLev()); ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, string(img_ptr,img_sz), "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); gdFree(img_ptr); gdImageDestroy(im); } void VCADiagram::makeTrendsPicture( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); int64_t dbTm = 0; if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) dbTm = TSYS::curTime(); //Check for trend's data reload bool rld = true; if(tTimeCurent) tTime = (int64_t)time(NULL)*1000000; else if(trcPer && lstTrc < time(NULL)) { tTime += (time(NULL)-lstTrc)*1000000; lstTrc = time(NULL); } else rld = false; if(rld) { for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) trnds[iP].loadData(ses.user); //Trace cursors value if(active) { int64_t tTimeGrnd = tTime - (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); if(holdCur || curTime >= (tTime-2*(int64_t)trcPer*1000000) || curTime <= tTimeGrnd) setCursor(tTime, ses.user); } } int mrkFontSize = 0; int mrkHeight = 0, mrkWidth = 0; int clrGrid = 0, clrMrk = 0; //Colors //Get generic parameters int64_t tSz = (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); //Trends size (us) int64_t tEnd = tTime; //Trends end point (us) tPict = tEnd; int64_t tBeg = tEnd - tSz; //Trends begin point (us) //Get scale map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); float xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; prmEl = ses.prm.find("ySc"); float ySc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; int imW = (int)rRnd((float)width*xSc,POS_PREC_DIG,true); int imH = (int)rRnd((float)height*ySc,POS_PREC_DIG,true); //Prepare picture gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(imW,imH); if(!im) { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); return; } gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, imW-1, imH-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); int brect[8]; if(!trnds.size() || tSz <= 0) { makeImgPng(ses,im); return; } //Make decoration and prepare trends area tArX = 1, tArY = 1, //Curves of trends area rect tArW = imW - 2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1), tArH = imH - 2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1); //Setting the resolution for the text's font gdFTStringExtra strex; strex.flags = gdFTEX_RESOLUTION; strex.vdpi = 72; strex.hdpi = 72; if(sclHor&FD_GRD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_GRD_MARKS) { gdImageSetThickness(im, vmax(1,(int)rRnd(vmin(xSc,ySc)))); // Set grid color clrGrid = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclColor); if(sclHor&FD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_MARKS) { //>> Set markers font and color mrkFontSize = (float)sclMarkFontSize * vmin(xSc,ySc); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclMarkColor); char *rez = gdImageStringFTEx(NULL,&brect[0],0,(char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(),mrkFontSize,0.,0,0,(char*)"000000", &strex); if(rez) mess_err(nodePath().c_str(),_("gdImageStringFTEx: error for the font '%s': %s."),sclMarkFont.c_str(),rez); else { mrkHeight = brect[3]-brect[7]; mrkWidth = brect[2]-brect[6]; } if(sclHor & FD_MARKS) { if(tArH < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc))) sclHor &= ~(FD_MARKS); else tArH -= 2*(mrkHeight+2); } if(sclVer&FD_MARKS && tArW < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc)) ) sclVer &= ~(FD_MARKS); } } //Calc vertical scale int64_t aVend; //Corrected for allow data the trend end point int64_t aVbeg; //Corrected for allow data the trend begin point bool vsPerc = true; //Vertical scale percent mode bool isLog = sclVer&FD_LOG; //Logarithmic scale bool isScale = (fabs(sclVerSclOff) > 1 || fabs(sclVerScl-100) > 1); double curVl, vsMax = -3e300, vsMin = 3e300; //Trend's vertical scale border // Get main scale for non individual parameters int prmInGrp = 0, prmGrpLast = -1; for(unsigned iP = 0, mainPerc = false; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; cP.adjU = -3e300, cP.adjL = 3e300; if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() != 0) { // Check trend for valid data aVbeg = vmax(tBeg, cP.valBeg()); aVend = vmin(tEnd, cP.valEnd()); if(aVbeg >= aVend) { makeImgPng(ses,im); return; } // Calc value borders bool end_vl = false; int ipos = cP.val(aVbeg); if(ipos && cP.val()[ipos].tm > aVbeg) ipos--; while(true) { if(ipos >= (int)cP.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cP.val()[ipos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; if(cP.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { curVl = cP.val()[ipos].val; cP.adjL = vmin(cP.adjL, curVl); cP.adjU = vmax(cP.adjU, curVl); } ipos++; } // Value range expanding // No value if(cP.adjU == -3e300) { cP.adjU = 1.0; cP.adjL = 0.0; } // Range and absolute value are very small else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30 && fabs(cP.adjU) < 1e-30) { cP.adjU += 0.5; cP.adjL -= 0.5; } // Only range is very small else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30) { cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); } // Range smaller relatively to absolute value else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.001) { double wnt_dp = 0.001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; } } else if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() == 0) { cP.adjU = 1.5; cP.adjL = -0.5; } else { cP.adjU = cP.bordU(); cP.adjL = cP.bordL(); } cP.wScale = cP.mScale&(sclVer|FD_LOG); if(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) continue; // Check for value border allow if(!mainPerc && (vsMin > vsMax || vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin,cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax,cP.adjU); } else { vsMax = -3e300; vsMin = 3e300; mainPerc = true; } prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; } // Checking for individual parameters and for the possibility to merge their to groups or create a new one for no group int prmIndiv = 0; int prmIndivSc = -1; vector prmsInd; for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; cP.isIndiv = false; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || !(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS)) continue; // Checking for include to the present one or create a new group and exclude from individual ones if((!prmInGrp || (vsMin < vsMax && vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) && (cP.mScale&FD_LOG) == (sclVer&FD_LOG)) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin, cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax, cP.adjU); prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; continue; } cP.isIndiv = true; prmIndiv++; if(prmIndivSc < 0 && cP.mScale&FD_GRD) prmIndivSc = iP; else prmsInd.push_back(iP); if(cP.mScale&FD_LOG) { cP.adjU = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjU)); cP.adjL = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjL)); if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= wnt_dp/2; cP.adjU += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; cP.adjU += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjL += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjU += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; cP.adjL -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } } if(prmInGrp) prmsInd.push_back(-1); if(prmIndivSc >= 0) prmsInd.push_back(prmIndivSc); // Final main scale adapting if(vsMin > vsMax) { vsPerc = true; vsMax = 100; vsMin = isLog ? pow(10,vmin(0,2-(tArH/150))) : 0; } else vsPerc = false; if(isLog) { vsMax = log10(vmax(1e-100,vsMax)); vsMin = log10(vmax(1e-100,vsMin)); if((vsMax-vsMin) / fabs(vsMin+(vsMax-vsMin)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(vsMin+(vsMax-vsMin)/2)-(vsMax-vsMin); vsMin -= wnt_dp/2; vsMax += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = vsMax - vsMin; vsMax += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMin += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMax += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; vsMin -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } //Draw main and individual vertical scales float vmax_ln = tArH / ((sclVer&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight)?(2*mrkHeight):(int)(15*vmin(xSc,ySc))); for(unsigned iP = 0; vmax_ln >= 2 && iP < prmsInd.size(); iP++) { //prmsInd[i]=-1 - for main scale bool isLogT, vsPercT; char sclVerT; int clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); double vsMinT, vsMaxT; double vDiv = 1; if(prmsInd[iP] < 0) { //Main scale process // Draw environment vsPercT = vsPerc; isLogT = isLog; sclVerT = sclVer; clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); if(prmInGrp == 1 && prmGrpLast >= 0) //Set color for single parameter in main group clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, trnds[prmGrpLast].color()); // Rounding double v_len = vsMax - vsMin; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len && v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { vsMin = floor(vsMin/vDiv)*vDiv; vsMax = ceil(vsMax/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((vsMax-vsMin)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = vsMin; vsMaxT = vsMax; } else { //Individual scale process TrendObj &cP = trnds[prmsInd[iP]]; // Draw environment vsPercT = false; isLogT = cP.mScale&FD_LOG; sclVerT = cP.wScale; clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Rounding double v_len = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len && v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { cP.adjL = floor(cP.adjL/vDiv)*vDiv; cP.adjU = ceil(cP.adjU/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = cP.adjL; vsMaxT = cP.adjU; } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) sclVerT &= ~(FD_GRD); //Hide grid for not last scale // Draw vertical grid and markers int markWdth = 0; if(sclVerT&FD_GRD_MARKS) { string labVal; gdImageLine(im, tArX-1, tArY, tArX-1, tArH, clrGridT); for(double iV = ceil(vsMinT/vDiv)*vDiv; (vsMaxT-iV)/vDiv > -0.1; iV += vDiv) { // Draw grid int v_pos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*(iV-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)); if(sclVerT&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, tArX, v_pos, tArX+tArW, v_pos, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, tArX-3, v_pos, tArX+3, v_pos, clrGridT); // Draw markers if(sclVerT&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { bool isPerc = vsPercT && ((vsMaxT-iV-vDiv)/vDiv <= -0.1); bool isMax = (v_pos-1-mrkHeight) < tArY; labVal = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g",(isLogT?pow(10,iV):iV)) + (isPerc?" %":""); gdImageStringFTEx(im, &brect[0], clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tArX+2, v_pos-1+(isMax?mrkHeight:0), (char*)labVal.c_str(), &strex); markWdth = vmax(markWdth, brect[2]-brect[6]); } } } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) { tArX += markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; tArW -= markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; } } clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //Calc and draw the horizontal scale int64_t hDiv = 1; //Horisontal scale divisor int hmax_ln = tArW / (int)((sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkWidth)?mrkWidth:15.0*vmin(xSc,ySc)); if(hmax_ln >= 2) { int hvLev = 0; int64_t hLen = tEnd - tBeg; if(hLen/2635200000000ll >= 5) { hvLev = 7; hDiv = 2635200000000ll; } //Month a unstrict interval else if(hLen/86400000000ll >= 5){ hvLev = 6; hDiv = 86400000000ll; } //More days and no time in the scale else if(hLen/86400000000ll >= 2){ hvLev = 5; hDiv = 86400000000ll; } //Days else if(hLen/3600000000ll >= 2) { hvLev = 4; hDiv = 3600000000ll; } //Hours else if(hLen/60000000 >= 2) { hvLev = 3; hDiv = 60000000ll; } //Minutes else if(hLen/1000000 >= 2) { hvLev = 2; hDiv = 1000000ll; } //Seconds else if(hLen/1000 >= 2) { hvLev = 1; hDiv = 1000ll; } //Milliseconds int64_t hDiv_ = hDiv; while(hLen/hDiv_ > hmax_ln) hDiv_ *= 10; while(hLen/hDiv_ < hmax_ln/5 && (hDiv_/5)%hDiv == 0) hDiv_ /= 5; while(hLen/hDiv_ < hmax_ln/2 && (hvLev < 6 || (hDiv_/2)%hDiv == 0)) hDiv_ /= 2; hDiv = hDiv_; int64_t UTChourDt = 1000000ll*TSYS::str2atime(TSYS::atime2str(tEnd/1000000),"",true) - tEnd; if(hLen/hDiv >= 5 && trcPer) { tPict = hDiv*(tEnd/hDiv+1); if((tPict-tEnd) > llabs(UTChourDt)) tPict -= UTChourDt; tBeg = tPict-hLen; } if(sclHorPer > 0 && (hLen/sclHorPer) > 2 && (tArW/(hLen/sclHorPer)) > 15) hDiv = sclHorPer; // Draw horisontal grid and markers if(sclHor&FD_GRD_MARKS) { time_t tm_t = 0; struct tm ttm, ttm1 = ttm; string lab_tm, lab_dt; // Draw generic grid line gdImageLine(im, tArX, tArY+tArH, tArX+tArW, tArY+tArH, clrGrid); // Draw full trend's data and time to the trend end position int begMarkBrd = -5; int endMarkBrd = tArX+tArW; if(sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { tm_t = tPict/1000000; localtime_r(&tm_t,&ttm); lab_dt = TSYS::strMess("%d-%02d-%d",ttm.tm_mday,ttm.tm_mon+1,ttm.tm_year+1900); if(ttm.tm_sec == 0 && tPict%1000000 == 0) lab_tm = TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d",ttm.tm_hour,ttm.tm_min); else if(tPict%1000000 == 0) lab_tm = TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d:%02d",ttm.tm_hour,ttm.tm_min,ttm.tm_sec); else lab_tm = TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d:%g",ttm.tm_hour,ttm.tm_min,(float)ttm.tm_sec+(float)(tPict%1000000)/1e6); int markBrd = 0, markY = tArY+tArH+3; if(hvLev < 6) { gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0.0, 0, 0, (char*)lab_tm.c_str(), &strex); markBrd = tArX + tArW - (brect[2]-brect[6]); markY += (brect[3] - brect[7]); endMarkBrd = vmin(endMarkBrd, markBrd); gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0.0, markBrd, markY, (char*)lab_tm.c_str(), &strex); } gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0.0, 0, 0, (char*)lab_dt.c_str(), &strex); markBrd = tArX + tArW - (brect[2]-brect[6]); markY += (brect[3] - brect[7]); endMarkBrd = vmin(endMarkBrd, markBrd); gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0.0, markBrd, markY, (char*)lab_dt.c_str(), &strex); } // Draw grid and/or markers bool first_m = true; for(int64_t iH = tBeg; true; ) { // Draw grid int h_pos = tArX + tArW*(iH-tBeg)/(tPict-tBeg); if(sclHor&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY, h_pos, tArY+tArH, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY+tArH-3, h_pos, tArY+tArH+3, clrGrid); // Draw markers if(sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight && (!((iH+UTChourDt)%hDiv) || hvLev >= 7) && iH != tPict) { if(first_m) tm_t = (tBeg-(tEnd-tBeg))/1000000, localtime_r(&tm_t, &ttm1); tm_t = iH/1000000, localtime_r(&tm_t, &ttm); int chLev = 0; if(ttm.tm_year-ttm1.tm_year) chLev = 6; else if(ttm.tm_mon-ttm1.tm_mon) chLev = 5; else if(ttm.tm_mday-ttm1.tm_mday) chLev = 4; else if(ttm.tm_hour-ttm1.tm_hour) chLev = 3; else if(ttm.tm_min-ttm1.tm_min) chLev = 2; else if(ttm.tm_sec-ttm1.tm_sec) chLev = 1; //Check for data present lab_dt = lab_tm = ""; //Date if(hvLev == 7) lab_dt = TSYS::atime2str(iH/1000000, (chLev>=6)?"%B %Y":"%B"); else if(/*hvLev == 5 ||*/ chLev >= 4) lab_dt = TSYS::strMess((chLev>=5?"%d-%02d-%d":"%d"), ttm.tm_mday, ttm.tm_mon+1, ttm.tm_year+1900); //Hours and minuts if((hvLev == 4 || hvLev == 3 || ttm.tm_hour || ttm.tm_min) && !ttm.tm_sec) lab_tm = TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d", ttm.tm_hour, ttm.tm_min); //Seconds else if((hvLev == 2 || ttm.tm_sec) && !(iH%1000000)) lab_tm = chLev >= 2 ? TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d:%02d",ttm.tm_hour,ttm.tm_min,ttm.tm_sec) : Mess->codeConvOut("UTF-8",TSYS::strMess(_("%ds"),ttm.tm_sec)); //Milliseconds else if(hvLev <= 1 || iH%1000000) lab_tm = chLev >= 2 ? TSYS::strMess("%d:%02d:%g",ttm.tm_hour,ttm.tm_min,(float)ttm.tm_sec+(float)(iH%1000000)/1e6) : chLev >= 1 ? Mess->codeConvOut("UTF-8",TSYS::strMess(_("%gs"),(float)ttm.tm_sec+(float)(iH%1000000)/1e6)) : Mess->codeConvOut("UTF-8",TSYS::strMess(_("%gms"),(double)(iH%1000000)/1000.)); int wdth, tpos, endPosTm = 0, endPosDt = 0, markY = tArY + tArH + 3; if(hvLev < 6) { gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)lab_tm.c_str(), &strex); markY += (brect[3] - brect[7]); if(lab_tm.size()) { wdth = brect[2]-brect[6]; tpos = vmax(h_pos-wdth/2, 0); if(first_m || ((tpos+wdth) < (endMarkBrd-3) && tpos > (begMarkBrd+3))) { if(first_m) tpos = vmax(begMarkBrd, tpos); gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tpos, markY, (char*)lab_tm.c_str(), &strex); endPosTm = tpos+wdth; } } } if(lab_dt.size()) { gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)lab_dt.c_str(), &strex); markY += (brect[3] - brect[7]); wdth = brect[2]-brect[6]; tpos = vmax(h_pos-wdth/2, 0); if(first_m || ((tpos+wdth) < (endMarkBrd-3) && tpos > (begMarkBrd+3))) { if(first_m) tpos = vmax(begMarkBrd, tpos); gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tpos, markY, (char*)lab_dt.c_str(), &strex); endPosDt = tpos+wdth; } } begMarkBrd = vmax(begMarkBrd, vmax(endPosTm,endPosDt)); memcpy((char*)&ttm1, (char*)&ttm, sizeof(tm)); first_m = false; } // Next if(iH >= tPict) break; if(hvLev >= 7) { //Per month tm_t = iH/1000000; localtime_r(&tm_t, &ttm); ttm.tm_sec = ttm.tm_min = ttm.tm_hour = 0; ttm.tm_mday = 1; ttm.tm_mon++; ttm.tm_wday = ttm.tm_yday = ttm.tm_isdst = -1; iH = 1000000ll * mktime(&ttm); } else iH = ((iH+UTChourDt)/hDiv)*hDiv + hDiv - UTChourDt; iH = vmin(tPict, iH); } } } //Draw trends for(unsigned iT = 0; iT < trnds.size(); iT++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iT]; // Set trend's pen int lnWdth = vmax(1,vmin(10,(int)rRnd(cP.width()*vmin(xSc,ySc)))); gdImageSetThickness(im, lnWdth); int clr_t = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Prepare generic parameters aVbeg = vmax(tBeg, cP.valBeg()); aVend = vmin(tEnd, cP.valEnd()); if(aVbeg >= aVend || (cP.color()>>31)&0x01) continue; int aPosBeg = cP.val(aVbeg); if(aPosBeg && cP.val()[aPosBeg].tm > aVbeg) aPosBeg--; bool vsPercT = cP.isIndiv ? false : vsPerc; bool isLogT = cP.isIndiv ? (cP.wScale&FD_LOG) : isLog; double vsMaxT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjU : vsMax; double vsMinT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjL : vsMin; // Prepare border for percent trend float bordL = cP.bordL(); float bordU = cP.bordU(); if(vsPercT && bordL >= bordU) { bordU = cP.adjU; bordL = cP.adjL; } /*bordU = -3e300, bordL = 3e300; bool end_vl = false; int ipos = aPosBeg; while(true) { if(ipos >= (int)cP.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cP.val()[ipos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; if(cP.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { bordL = vmin(bordL, cP.val()[ipos].val); bordU = vmax(bordU, cP.val()[ipos].val); } ipos++; } float vMarg = (bordU-bordL)/10; if(vMarg == 0) vMarg = 0.5; bordL -= vMarg; bordU += vMarg; }*/ // Draw trend bool end_vl = false; double curVl = EVAL_REAL, averVl = EVAL_REAL, prevVl = EVAL_REAL; int curPos, averPos = 0, prevPos = 0, z_vpos = 0; int64_t curTm = 0, averTm = 0, averLstTm = 0; for(int a_pos = aPosBeg; true; a_pos++) { if(a_pos < (int)cP.val().size() && !end_vl) { curTm = vmin(aVend, vmax(aVbeg,cP.val()[a_pos].tm)); curVl = cP.val()[a_pos].val; if(vsPercT && curVl != EVAL_REAL) curVl = 100*(curVl-bordL)/(bordU-bordL); if(isnan(curVl)) curVl = EVAL_REAL; curPos = tArX + tArW*(curTm-tBeg)/(tPict-tBeg); } else curPos = 0; if(!curPos || cP.val()[a_pos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; //Square Average if(averPos == curPos) { if(!(2*curTm-averTm-averLstTm)) continue; if(averVl == EVAL_REAL) averVl = curVl; else if(curVl != EVAL_REAL) averVl = (averVl*(double)(curTm-averTm)+curVl*(double)(curTm-averLstTm))/((double)(2*curTm-averTm-averLstTm)); averLstTm = curTm; continue; } //Writing a point and a line if(averVl != EVAL_REAL) { if(cP.valTp() == TFld::Boolean) z_vpos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,((vsPercT?(100*(0-bordL)/(bordU-bordL)):0)-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); int c_vpos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,averVl)):averVl)-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); if(prevVl == EVAL_REAL) { if(cP.valTp() != 0) gdImageSetPixel(im, averPos, c_vpos, clr_t); else gdImageLine(im, averPos, z_vpos, averPos, vmin(z_vpos-lnWdth,c_vpos), clr_t); } else { if(cP.valTp() != TFld::Boolean) { int c_vpos_prv = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,prevVl)):prevVl)-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); if(abs(averPos-prevPos) > TRND_RND_RANGE && abs(c_vpos-c_vpos_prv) > TRND_RND_RANGE) { // Curvature [0.1...0.5] depending the rising level double curvLev = -0.2*(vmax(-2*TRND_RND_RANGE,vmin(2*TRND_RND_RANGE,c_vpos_prv-c_vpos))-2*TRND_RND_RANGE)/(2*TRND_RND_RANGE)+0.1; int wPos = curvLev*(averPos-prevPos); // Same drawing gdImageCubic(im, Point(prevPos,c_vpos_prv), Point(prevPos+wPos,c_vpos_prv), Point(averPos-wPos,c_vpos), Point(averPos,c_vpos), clr_t); } else gdImageLine(im, prevPos, c_vpos_prv, averPos, c_vpos, clr_t); } else for(int sps = prevPos+1; sps <= averPos; sps++) gdImageLine(im, sps, z_vpos, sps, vmin(z_vpos-lnWdth,c_vpos), clr_t); } } prevVl = averVl; prevPos = averPos; averVl = curVl; averPos = curPos; averTm = averLstTm = curTm; if(!curPos) break; } } //Draw cursor if(active && curTime && tBeg && tPict && (curTime >= tBeg || curTime <= tPict)) { // Set trend's pen gdImageSetThickness(im, 1); int clr_cur = TWEB::colorResolve(im, curColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(curColor>>16),(uint8_t)(curColor>>8),(uint8_t)curColor); int curPos = tArX + tArW*(curTime-tBeg)/(tPict-tBeg); gdImageLine(im, curPos, tArY, curPos, tArY+tArH, clr_cur); } if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(), _("Creating time of the trend %gms"), 1e-3*(TSYS::curTime()-dbTm)); //Get image and transfer it makeImgPng(ses, im); if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(), _("+ Creating time of the PNG-image(%d) %gms"), ses.page.size(), 1e-3*(TSYS::curTime()-dbTm)); } void VCADiagram::makeSpectrumPicture( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); //Check for trend's data reload bool rld = true; if(tTimeCurent) tTime = (int64_t)time(NULL)*1000000; else if(trcPer && lstTrc < time(NULL)) { tTime += (time(NULL)-lstTrc)*1000000; lstTrc = time(NULL); } else rld = false; if(rld) for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) trnds[iP].loadData(ses.user); int mrkFontSize = 0; int mrkHeight = 0, mrkWidth = 0; int clrGrid = 0, clrMrk = 0; //Colors //Get generic parameters int64_t tSz = (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); //Time size (us) //Get scale map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); double xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; prmEl = ses.prm.find("ySc"); double ySc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1.0; int imW = (int)rRnd((double)width*xSc,POS_PREC_DIG,true); int imH = (int)rRnd((double)height*ySc,POS_PREC_DIG,true); //Prepare picture gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(imW, imH); if(!im) { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); return; } gdImageAlphaBlending(im,0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, imW-1, imH-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im,1); int brect[8]; if(!trnds.size() || tSz <= 0) { makeImgPng(ses,im); return; } //Make decoration and prepare trends area tArX = 1, tArY = 1, //Curves of trends area rect tArW = imW-2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1), tArH = imH-2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1); //Setting the resolution for the text's font gdFTStringExtra strex; strex.flags = gdFTEX_RESOLUTION; strex.vdpi = 72; strex.hdpi = 72; //Process scale if(sclHor&FD_GRD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_GRD_MARKS) { gdImageSetThickness(im, vmax(1,rRnd(vmin(xSc,ySc)))); // Set grid color clrGrid = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclColor); if(sclHor&FD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_MARKS) { // Set markers font and color mrkFontSize = (double)sclMarkFontSize*vmin(xSc, ySc); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclMarkColor); char *rez = gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)"000000", &strex); if(rez) mess_err(nodePath().c_str(),_("gdImageStringFTEx: error for the font '%s': %s."),sclMarkFont.c_str(),rez); else { mrkHeight = brect[3]-brect[7]; mrkWidth = brect[2]-brect[6]; } if(sclHor&FD_MARKS) { if(tArH < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc))) sclHor &= ~(FD_MARKS); else tArH -= mrkHeight+4; } if(sclVer&FD_MARKS && tArW < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc))) sclVer &= ~(FD_MARKS); } } #if HAVE_FFTW3_H // Calc vertical scale for main and individual double curVl, vsMax = -3e300, vsMin = 3e300;//Trend's vertical scale border bool vsPerc = true; //Vertical scale percent mode bool isScale = (fabs(sclVerSclOff) > 1 || fabs(sclVerScl-100) > 1); // Get main scale for non individual parameters int prmInGrp = 0, prmGrpLast = -1; for(unsigned iP = 0, mainPerc = false; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; if(!cP.fftN || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; cP.adjU = -3e300; cP.adjL = 3e300; if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL()) { // Calc value borders double vlOff = cP.fftOut[0][0]/cP.fftN; for(int iV = 1; iV < (cP.fftN/2+1); iV++) { curVl = vlOff + pow(pow(cP.fftOut[iV][0],2)+pow(cP.fftOut[iV][1],2),0.5)/(cP.fftN/2+1); cP.adjL = vmin(cP.adjL, curVl); cP.adjU = vmax(cP.adjU, curVl); } if(cP.adjU == cP.adjL) { cP.adjU += 1.0; cP.adjL -= 1.0; } else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.001) { double wnt_dp = 0.001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= wnt_dp/2; cP.adjU += wnt_dp/2; } } else { cP.adjU = cP.bordU(); cP.adjL = cP.bordL(); } cP.wScale = cP.mScale&(sclVer|FD_LOG); if(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) continue; // Check for value border allow if(!mainPerc && (vsMin > vsMax || vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin, cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax, cP.adjU); } else { vsMax = -3e300; vsMin = 3e300; mainPerc = true; } prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; } // Check for individual parameters and for possibility to merge it to group or create new for no group int prmIndiv = 0; int prmIndivSc = -1; vector prmsInd; for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; cP.isIndiv = false; if(!cP.fftN || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || !(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS)) continue; // Check for include to present or create new group and exclude from individual if((!prmInGrp || (vsMin < vsMax && vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2))) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin, cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax, cP.adjU); prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; continue; } cP.isIndiv = true; prmIndiv++; if(prmIndivSc < 0 && cP.mScale&FD_GRD) prmIndivSc = iP; else prmsInd.push_back(iP); if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; cP.adjU += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjL += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjU += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; cP.adjL -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } } if(prmInGrp) prmsInd.push_back(-1); if(prmIndivSc >= 0) prmsInd.push_back(prmIndivSc); // Final main scale adapting if(vsMin > vsMax) { vsPerc = true; vsMax = 100; vsMin = 0; } else vsPerc = false; if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = vsMax - vsMin; vsMax += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMin += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMax += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; vsMin -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } //Draw main and individual vertical scales double vmax_ln = tArH / ((sclVer&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight)?(2*mrkHeight):(int)(15*vmin(xSc,ySc))); for(unsigned iP = 0; vmax_ln >= 2 && iP < prmsInd.size(); iP++) { //prmsInd[i]=-1 - for main scale bool vsPercT; char sclVerT; int clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); double vsMinT, vsMaxT; double vDiv = 1; if(prmsInd[iP] < 0) { //Main scale process // Draw environment vsPercT = vsPerc; sclVerT = sclVer; clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); if(prmInGrp == 1 && prmGrpLast >= 0) //Set color for single parameter in main group clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, trnds[prmGrpLast].color()); // Rounding double v_len = vsMax - vsMin; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { vsMin = floor(vsMin/vDiv)*vDiv; vsMax = ceil(vsMax/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(((vsMax-vsMin)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = vsMin; vsMaxT = vsMax; } else { //Individual scale process TrendObj &cP = trnds[prmsInd[iP]]; // Draw environment vsPercT = false; sclVerT = cP.wScale; clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Rounding double v_len = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { cP.adjL = floor(cP.adjL/vDiv)*vDiv; cP.adjU = ceil(cP.adjU/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(((cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = cP.adjL; vsMaxT = cP.adjU; } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) sclVerT &= ~(FD_GRD); //Hide grid for no last scale // Draw vertical grid and markers int markWdth = 0; if(sclVerT&FD_GRD_MARKS) { string labVal; gdImageLine(im, tArX-1, tArY, tArX-1, tArH, clrGridT); for(double iV = ceil(vsMinT/vDiv)*vDiv; (vsMaxT-iV)/vDiv > -0.1; iV += vDiv) { int v_pos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*(iV-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)); if(sclVerT&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, tArX, v_pos, tArX+tArW, v_pos, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, tArX-3, v_pos, tArX+3, v_pos, clrGridT); if(sclVerT&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { bool isPerc = vsPercT && ((vsMaxT-iV-vDiv)/vDiv <= -0.1); bool isMax = (v_pos-1-mrkHeight) < tArY; labVal = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g",iV)+(isPerc?" %":""); gdImageStringFTEx(im, &brect[0], clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tArX+2, v_pos-1+(isMax?mrkHeight:0), (char*)labVal.c_str(), &strex); //!!!! Checking for correct work of the combining mode markWdth = vmax(markWdth, brect[2]-brect[6]); } } } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) { tArX += markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; tArW -= markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; } } clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); #endif //Calc horizontal scale int fftN = (int)(width+0.5); fftBeg = 1e6/(double)tSz; //Minimum frequency or maximum period time (s) fftEnd = (double)fftN*fftBeg/2; //Maximum frequency or minimum period time (s) double hDiv = 1; //Horisontal scale divisor int hmax_ln = tArW / (int)((sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkWidth)?mrkWidth:(15*vmin(xSc,ySc))); if(hmax_ln >= 2) { double hLen = fftEnd-fftBeg; while(hLen/hDiv > hmax_ln) hDiv *= 10; while(hLen/hDiv < hmax_ln/10) hDiv /= 10; fftBeg = floor(10*fftBeg/hDiv)*hDiv/10; fftEnd = ceil(10*fftEnd/hDiv)*hDiv/10; while(((fftEnd-fftBeg)/hDiv) < hmax_ln/2) hDiv /= 2; // Draw horisontal grid and markers if(sclHor&FD_GRD_MARKS) { string labH; double labDiv = 1; if(fftEnd > 1000) labDiv = 1000; // Draw generic grid line gdImageLine(im, tArX, tArY+tArH, tArX+tArW, tArY+tArH, clrGrid); // Draw full trend's data and time to the trend end position int begMarkBrd = -5; int endMarkBrd = tArX + tArW; if(sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { labH = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g",fftEnd/labDiv) + Mess->codeConvOut("UTF-8",(labDiv==1000)?_("kHz"):_("Hz")); gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)labH.c_str(), &strex); int markBrd = tArX + tArW - (brect[2]-brect[6]); endMarkBrd = vmin(endMarkBrd, markBrd); gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, markBrd, tArY+tArH+3+(brect[3]-brect[7]), (char*)labH.c_str(), &strex); } // Draw grid and/or markers for(double iH = fftBeg; (fftEnd-iH)/hDiv > -0.1; iH += hDiv) { // Draw grid int h_pos = tArX + (int)((double)tArW*(iH-fftBeg)/(fftEnd-fftBeg)); if(sclHor&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY, h_pos, tArY+tArH, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY+tArH-3, h_pos, tArY+tArH+3, clrGrid); if(sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { labH = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g", iH/labDiv); gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)labH.c_str(), &strex); int wdth = brect[2]-brect[6]; int tpos = vmax(h_pos-wdth/2,0); if((tpos+wdth) < (endMarkBrd-3) && tpos > (begMarkBrd+3)) gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tpos, tArY+tArH+3+(brect[3]-brect[7]), (char*)labH.c_str(), &strex); begMarkBrd = vmax(begMarkBrd, tpos+wdth); } } } } #if HAVE_FFTW3_H // Draw trends trnds[iT]; for(unsigned iT = 0; iT < trnds.size(); iT++) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iT]; if(!cP.fftN || (cP.color()>>31)&0x01) continue; // Set trend's pen gdImageSetThickness(im,vmax(1,vmin(10,(int)rRnd(cP.width()*vmin(xSc,ySc))))); int clr_t = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(cP.color()>>16),(uint8_t)(cP.color()>>8),(uint8_t)cP.color()); double vlOff = cP.fftOut[0][0]/cP.fftN; double fftDt = (1e6/(double)tSz)*(double)width/cP.fftN; bool vsPercT = cP.isIndiv ? false : vsPerc; double vsMaxT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjU : vsMax; double vsMinT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjL : vsMin; // Prepare border for percent trend double bordL = cP.bordL(); double bordU = cP.bordU(); if(vsPercT && bordL >= bordU) { bordU = -3e300, bordL = 3e300; for(int iV = 1; iV < (cP.fftN/2+1); iV++) { curVl = vlOff + pow(pow(cP.fftOut[iV][0],2)+pow(cP.fftOut[iV][1],2),0.5)/(cP.fftN/2+1); bordL = vmin(bordL, curVl); bordU = vmax(bordU, curVl); } double vMarg = (bordU-bordL)/10; bordL -= vMarg; bordU += vMarg; } // Draw trend double prevVl = EVAL_REAL; int curPos = 0, prevPos = 0; for(int iV = 1; iV < (cP.fftN/2+1); iV++) { curVl = vlOff + pow(pow(cP.fftOut[iV][0],2)+pow(cP.fftOut[iV][1],2),0.5)/(cP.fftN/2+1); if(vsPercT) curVl = 100*(curVl-bordL)/(bordU-bordL); curPos = tArX + (int)((double)tArW*(fftDt*iV-fftBeg)/(fftEnd-fftBeg)); int c_vpos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,(curVl-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); if(prevVl == EVAL_REAL) gdImageSetPixel(im, curPos, c_vpos, clr_t); else { int c_vpos_prv = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,(prevVl-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); gdImageLine(im, prevPos, c_vpos_prv, curPos, c_vpos, clr_t); } prevPos = curPos; prevVl = curVl; } // Update value on cursor if(active) { double curFrq = vmax(vmin(1e6/(double)curTime,fftEnd),fftBeg); curPos = (int)(curFrq/fftDt); if(curPos >= 1 && curPos < (cP.fftN/2+1)) { double val = cP.fftOut[0][0]/cP.fftN + pow(pow(cP.fftOut[curPos][0],2)+pow(cP.fftOut[curPos][1],2),0.5)/(cP.fftN/2+1); XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path",path()+"/%2fserv%2fattr")-> childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",TSYS::strMess("prm%dval",iT))->setText(r2s(val,6)); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses.user); } } } #endif //Draw cursor if(active && tSz) { float curFrq = vmax(vmin(1e6/(float)curTime,fftEnd), fftBeg); int curPos = tArX + (int)(tArW*(curFrq-fftBeg)/(fftEnd-fftBeg)); int clr_cur = TWEB::colorResolve(im, curColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(curColor>>16),(uint8_t)(curColor>>8),(uint8_t)curColor); gdImageLine(im, curPos, tArY, curPos, tArY+tArH, clr_cur); } //Get image and transfer it makeImgPng(ses, im); } void VCADiagram::makeXYPicture( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); int64_t dbTm = 0; if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) dbTm = TSYS::curTime(); //Check for trend's data reload bool rld = true; if(tTimeCurent) tTime = (int64_t)time(NULL)*1000000; else if(trcPer && lstTrc < time(NULL)) { tTime += (time(NULL)-lstTrc)*1000000; lstTrc = time(NULL); } else rld = false; if(rld) for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) trnds[iP].loadData(ses.user); int mrkFontSize = 0; int mrkHeight = 0, mrkWidth = 0; int clrGrid = 0, clrMrk = 0; //Colors //Get generic parameters int64_t tSz = (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); //Trends size (us) int64_t tEnd = tTime; //Trends end point (us) tPict = tEnd; int64_t tBeg = tEnd - tSz; //Trends begin point (us) //Get scale map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("xSc"); float xSc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1; prmEl = ses.prm.find("ySc"); float ySc = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? vmin(100,vmax(0.1,s2r(prmEl->second))) : 1; int imW = (int)rRnd((float)width*xSc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); int imH = (int)rRnd((float)height*ySc, POS_PREC_DIG, true); //Prepare picture gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(imW, imH); if(!im) { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type: image/png"); return; } gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, imW-1, imH-1, gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,0,0,0,127)); gdImageAlphaBlending(im, 1); int brect[8]; if(!trnds.size() || tSz <= 0) { makeImgPng(ses, im); return; } //Make decoration and prepare trends area tArX = 1, tArY = 1; //Curves of trends area rect tArW = imW - 2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1), tArH = imH - 2*(geomMargin+bordWidth+1); //Setting the resolution for the text's font gdFTStringExtra strex; strex.flags = gdFTEX_RESOLUTION; strex.vdpi = 72; strex.hdpi = 72; if(sclHor&FD_GRD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_GRD_MARKS) { gdImageSetThickness(im, vmax(1,(int)rRnd(vmin(xSc,ySc)))); // Set grid color clrGrid = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclColor); if(sclHor&FD_MARKS || sclVer&FD_MARKS) { // Set markers font and color mrkFontSize = (float)sclMarkFontSize * vmin(xSc, ySc); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //gdImageColorAllocate(im,(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>16),(uint8_t)(sclMarkColor>>8),(uint8_t)sclMarkColor); char *rez = gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)"000000", &strex); if(rez) mess_err(nodePath().c_str(), _("gdImageStringFTEx: error for the font '%s': %s."), sclMarkFont.c_str(), rez); else { mrkHeight = brect[3] - brect[7]; mrkWidth = brect[2] - brect[6]; } if(sclHor&FD_MARKS) { if(tArH < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc))) sclHor &= ~(FD_MARKS); else tArH -= mrkHeight + 2; } if(sclVer&FD_MARKS && tArW < (int)(100*vmin(xSc,ySc))) sclVer &= ~(FD_MARKS); } } //Calc vertical scale int64_t aVbeg, aVend; //Corrected for allow data the trend begin and end point bool vsPerc = true, //Vertical scale percent mode isLog = sclVer&FD_LOG, //Logarithmic scale isScale = (fabs(sclVerSclOff) > 1 || fabs(sclVerScl-100) > 1); double curVl, vsMax = -3e300, vsMin = 3e300; //Trend's vertical scale border // Get main scale for non individual parameters int prmInGrp = 0, prmGrpLast = -1; for(unsigned iP = 0, mainPerc = false; iP < trnds.size(); iP += 2) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || (iP+1) >= trnds.size() || !trnds[iP+1].val().size() || ((trnds[iP+1].color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; cP.adjU = -3e300, cP.adjL = 3e300; if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() != TFld::Boolean) { // Check trend for valid data aVbeg = vmax(tBeg, cP.valBeg()); aVend = vmin(tEnd, cP.valEnd()); if(aVbeg >= aVend) { makeImgPng(ses, im); return; } // Calc value borders bool end_vl = false; int ipos = cP.val(aVbeg); if(ipos && cP.val()[ipos].tm > aVbeg) ipos--; while(true) { if(ipos >= (int)cP.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cP.val()[ipos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; if(cP.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { curVl = cP.val()[ipos].val; cP.adjL = vmin(cP.adjL, curVl); cP.adjU = vmax(cP.adjU, curVl); } ipos++; } // Value range expanding // No value if(cP.adjU == -3e300) { cP.adjU = 1; cP.adjL = 0; } else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30 && fabs(cP.adjU) < 1e-30) { cP.adjU += 0.5; cP.adjL -= 0.5; } // Only range is very small else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30) { cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); } // Range smaller relatively to absolute value else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.001) { double wnt_dp = 0.001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; } } else if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() == 0) { cP.adjU = 1.5; cP.adjL = -0.5; } else { cP.adjU = cP.bordU(); cP.adjL = cP.bordL(); } cP.wScale = cP.mScale&(sclVer|FD_LOG); if(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) continue; // Check for value border allow if(!mainPerc && (vsMin > vsMax || vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin,cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax,cP.adjU); } else { vsMax = -3e300; vsMin = 3e300; mainPerc = true; } prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; } // Check for individual parameters and for possibility to merge it to group or create new for no group int prmIndiv = 0, prmIndivSc = -1; vector prmsInd; for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP += 2) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; cP.isIndiv = false; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || !(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) || (iP+1) >= trnds.size() || !trnds[iP+1].val().size() || ((trnds[iP+1].color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; // Check for include to present or create new group and exclude from individual if((!prmInGrp || (vsMin < vsMax && vmax(fabs((vsMax-cP.adjL)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-vsMin)/(vsMax-vsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) && (cP.mScale&FD_LOG) == (sclVer&FD_LOG)) { vsMin = vmin(vsMin, cP.adjL); vsMax = vmax(vsMax, cP.adjU); prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; continue; } cP.isIndiv = true; prmIndiv++; if(prmIndivSc < 0 && cP.mScale&FD_GRD) prmIndivSc = iP; else prmsInd.push_back(iP); if(cP.mScale&FD_LOG) { cP.adjU = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjU)); cP.adjL = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjL)); if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= wnt_dp/2; cP.adjU += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; cP.adjU += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjL += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; cP.adjU += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; cP.adjL -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } } if(prmInGrp) prmsInd.push_back(-1); if(prmIndivSc >= 0) prmsInd.push_back(prmIndivSc); // Final main scale adapting if(vsMin > vsMax) { vsPerc = true; vsMax = 100; vsMin = isLog ? pow(10,vmin(0,2-(tArH/150))) : 0; } else vsPerc = false; if(isLog) { vsMax = log10(vmax(1e-100,vsMax)); vsMin = log10(vmax(1e-100,vsMin)); if((vsMax-vsMin) / fabs(vsMin+(vsMax-vsMin)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(vsMin+(vsMax-vsMin)/2) - (vsMax-vsMin); vsMin -= wnt_dp/2; vsMax += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isScale) { //Vertical scale and offset apply float vsDif = vsMax - vsMin; vsMax += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMin += sclVerSclOff*vsDif/100; vsMax += (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; vsMin -= (sclVerScl*vsDif/100-vsDif)/2; } //Draw main and individual vertical scales float vmax_ln = tArH / ((sclVer&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight)?(2*mrkHeight):(int)(15*vmin(xSc,ySc))); for(unsigned iP = 0; vmax_ln >= 2 && iP < prmsInd.size(); iP++) { //prmsInd[i]=-1 - for main scale bool isLogT, vsPercT; char sclVerT; int clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); double vsMinT, vsMaxT; double vDiv = 1; if(prmsInd[iP] < 0) { //Main scale process // Draw environment vsPercT = vsPerc; isLogT = isLog; sclVerT = sclVer; clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); if(prmInGrp == 1 && prmGrpLast >= 0) //Set color for single parameter in main group clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, trnds[prmGrpLast].color()); // Rounding double v_len = vsMax - vsMin; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len && v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { vsMin = floor(vsMin/vDiv)*vDiv; vsMax = ceil(vsMax/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((vsMax-vsMin)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = vsMin; vsMaxT = vsMax; } else { //Individual scale process TrendObj &cP = trnds[prmsInd[iP]]; // Draw environment vsPercT = false; isLogT = cP.mScale&FD_LOG; sclVerT = cP.wScale; clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Rounding double v_len = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; while(v_len > vmax_ln) { vDiv *= 10; v_len /= 10; } while(v_len && v_len < vmax_ln/10) { vDiv /= 10; v_len *= 10; } if(!isScale) { cP.adjL = floor(cP.adjL/vDiv)*vDiv; cP.adjU = ceil(cP.adjU/vDiv)*vDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/vDiv) < vmax_ln/2) vDiv /= 2; vsMinT = cP.adjL; vsMaxT = cP.adjU; } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) sclVerT &= ~(FD_GRD); //Hide grid for no last scale // Draw vertical grid and markers int markWdth = 0; if(sclVerT&FD_GRD_MARKS) { string labVal; gdImageLine(im, tArX-1, tArY, tArX-1, tArH, clrGridT); for(double iV = ceil(vsMinT/vDiv)*vDiv; (vsMaxT-iV)/vDiv > -0.1; iV += vDiv) { // Draw grid int v_pos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*(iV-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)); if(sclVerT&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, tArX, v_pos, tArX+tArW, v_pos, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, tArX-3, v_pos, tArX+3, v_pos, clrGridT); // Draw markers if(sclVerT&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { bool isPerc = vsPercT && ((vsMaxT-iV-vDiv)/vDiv <= -0.1); bool isMax = (v_pos-1-mrkHeight) < tArY; labVal = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g",(isLogT?pow(10,iV):iV)) + (isPerc?" %":""); gdImageStringFTEx(im, &brect[0], clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tArX+2, v_pos-1+(isMax?mrkHeight:0), (char*)labVal.c_str(), &strex); markWdth = vmax(markWdth, brect[2]-brect[6]); } } } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) { tArX += markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; tArW -= markWdth?(markWdth+5):0; } } clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //Calc horizontal scale for main and individual int64_t aHbeg, aHend; //Corrected for allow data the trend begin and end point bool hsPerc = true, //Vertical scale percent mode isHLog = sclHor&FD_LOG, //Logarithmic scale isHScale = (fabs(sclHorSclOff) > 1 || fabs(sclHorScl-100) > 1); double hsMax = -3e300, hsMin = 3e300; //Trend's vertical scale border // Get main scale for non individual parameters prmInGrp = 0, prmGrpLast = -1; for(unsigned iP = 1, mainPerc = false; iP < trnds.size(); iP += 2) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || !trnds[iP-1].val().size() || ((trnds[iP-1].color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; cP.adjU = -3e300, cP.adjL = 3e300; if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() != TFld::Boolean) { // Check trend for valid data aHbeg = vmax(tBeg, cP.valBeg()); aHend = vmin(tEnd, cP.valEnd()); if(aHbeg >= aHend) { makeImgPng(ses, im); return; } // Calc value borders bool end_vl = false; int ipos = cP.val(aHbeg); if(ipos && cP.val()[ipos].tm > aHbeg) ipos--; while(true) { if(ipos >= (int)cP.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cP.val()[ipos].tm >= aHend) end_vl = true; if(cP.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { curVl = cP.val()[ipos].val; cP.adjL = vmin(cP.adjL, curVl); cP.adjU = vmax(cP.adjU, curVl); } ipos++; } // Value range expanding // No value if(cP.adjU == -3e300) { cP.adjU = 1; cP.adjL = 0; } else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30 && fabs(cP.adjU) < 1e-30) { cP.adjU += 0.5; cP.adjL -= 0.5; } // Only range is very small else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) < 1e-30) { cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*fabs(cP.adjU); } // Range smaller relatively to absolute value else if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.001) { double wnt_dp = 0.001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= ((double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; cP.adjU += (1.0-(double)iP/(double)trnds.size())*wnt_dp; } } else if(cP.bordU() <= cP.bordL() && cP.valTp() == TFld::Boolean) { cP.adjU = 1.5; cP.adjL = -0.5; } else { cP.adjU = cP.bordU(); cP.adjL = cP.bordL(); } cP.wScale = cP.mScale&(sclHor|FD_LOG); if(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) continue; // Check for value border allow if(!mainPerc && (hsMin > hsMax || vmax(fabs((hsMax-cP.adjL)/(hsMax-hsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-hsMin)/(hsMax-hsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) { hsMin = vmin(hsMin,cP.adjL); hsMax = vmax(hsMax,cP.adjU); } else { hsMax = -3e300; hsMin = 3e300; mainPerc = true; } prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; } // Check for individual parameters and for possibility to merge it to group or create new for no group prmIndiv = 0, prmIndivSc = -1; prmsInd.clear(); for(unsigned iP = 1; iP < trnds.size(); iP += 2) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iP]; cP.isIndiv = false; if(!cP.val().size() || ((cP.color()>>31)&0x01) || !(cP.wScale&FD_GRD_MARKS) || !trnds[iP-1].val().size() || ((trnds[iP-1].color()>>31)&0x01)) continue; // Check for include to present or create new group and exclude from individual if((!prmInGrp || (hsMin < hsMax && vmax(fabs((hsMax-cP.adjL)/(hsMax-hsMin)-1),fabs((cP.adjU-hsMin)/(hsMax-hsMin)-1)) < 0.2)) && (cP.mScale&FD_LOG) == (sclHor&FD_LOG)) { hsMin = vmin(hsMin, cP.adjL); hsMax = vmax(hsMax, cP.adjU); prmInGrp++; prmGrpLast = iP; continue; } cP.isIndiv = true; prmIndiv++; if(prmIndivSc < 0 && cP.mScale&FD_GRD) prmIndivSc = iP; else prmsInd.push_back(iP); if(cP.mScale&FD_LOG) { cP.adjU = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjU)); cP.adjL = log10(vmax(1e-100,cP.adjL)); if((cP.adjU-cP.adjL) / fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(cP.adjL+(cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/2)-(cP.adjU-cP.adjL); cP.adjL -= wnt_dp/2; cP.adjU += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isHScale) { //Horizontal scale and offset apply float hsDif = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; cP.adjU += sclHorSclOff*hsDif/100; cP.adjL += sclHorSclOff*hsDif/100; cP.adjU += (sclHorScl*hsDif/100-hsDif)/2; cP.adjL -= (sclHorScl*hsDif/100-hsDif)/2; } } if(prmInGrp) prmsInd.push_back(-1); if(prmIndivSc >= 0) prmsInd.push_back(prmIndivSc); // Final main scale adapting if(hsMin > hsMax) { hsPerc = true; hsMax = 100; hsMin = isHLog ? pow(10,vmin(0,2-(tArW/150))) : 0; } else hsPerc = false; if(isHLog) { hsMax = log10(vmax(1e-100,hsMax)); hsMin = log10(vmax(1e-100,hsMin)); if((hsMax-hsMin) / fabs(hsMin+(hsMax-hsMin)/2) < 0.0001) { double wnt_dp = 0.0001*fabs(hsMin+(hsMax-hsMin)/2)-(hsMax-hsMin); hsMin -= wnt_dp/2; hsMax += wnt_dp/2; } } if(isHScale) { //Horizontal scale and offset apply float hsDif = hsMax - hsMin; hsMax += sclHorSclOff*hsDif/100; hsMin += sclHorSclOff*hsDif/100; hsMax += (sclHorScl*hsDif/100-hsDif)/2; hsMin -= (sclHorScl*hsDif/100-hsDif)/2; } //Draw main and individual horizontal scales float hmax_ln = tArW / ((sclHor&FD_MARKS && mrkWidth)?mrkWidth:15*vmin(xSc,ySc)); for(unsigned iP = 0; hmax_ln >= 2 && iP < prmsInd.size(); iP++) { //prmsInd[i]=-1 - for main scale bool isLogT, hsPercT; char sclHorT; int clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); double hsMinT, hsMaxT; double hDiv = 1; if(prmsInd[iP] < 0) { //Main scale process // Draw environment hsPercT = hsPerc; isLogT = isHLog; sclHorT = sclHor; clrGridT = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclColor); clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); if(prmInGrp == 1 && prmGrpLast >= 0) //Set color for single parameter in main group clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, trnds[prmGrpLast].color()); // Rounding double h_len = hsMax - hsMin; while(h_len > hmax_ln) { hDiv *= 10; h_len /= 10; } while(h_len && h_len < hmax_ln/10) { hDiv /= 10; h_len *= 10; } if(!isHScale) { hsMin = floor(hsMin/hDiv)*hDiv; hsMax = ceil(hsMax/hDiv)*hDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((hsMax-hsMin)/hDiv) < hmax_ln/2) hDiv /= 2; hsMinT = hsMin; hsMaxT = hsMax; } else { //Individual scale process TrendObj &cP = trnds[prmsInd[iP]]; // Draw environment hsPercT = false; isLogT = cP.mScale&FD_LOG; sclHorT = cP.wScale; clrGridT = clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Rounding double h_len = cP.adjU - cP.adjL; while(h_len > hmax_ln) { hDiv *= 10; h_len /= 10; } while(h_len && h_len < hmax_ln/10) { hDiv /= 10; h_len *= 10; } if(!isHScale) { cP.adjL = floor(cP.adjL/hDiv)*hDiv; cP.adjU = ceil(cP.adjU/hDiv)*hDiv; } while(!isLogT && ((cP.adjU-cP.adjL)/hDiv) < hmax_ln/2) hDiv /= 2; hsMinT = cP.adjL; hsMaxT = cP.adjU; } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) sclHorT &= ~(FD_GRD); //Hide grid for no last scale // Draw horizontal grid and markers if(sclHorT&FD_GRD_MARKS) { string labVal; int begMarkBrd = -5, endMarkBrd = tArX + tArW + 5; gdImageLine(im, tArX, tArY+tArH+1, tArX+tArW, tArY+tArH+1, clrGridT); for(double iH = ceil(hsMinT/hDiv)*hDiv; (hsMaxT-iH)/hDiv > -0.1; iH += hDiv) { // Draw grid int h_pos = tArY + (int)((double)tArW*(iH-hsMinT)/(hsMaxT-hsMinT)); if(sclHorT&FD_GRD) gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY, h_pos, tArY+tArH, clrGrid); else gdImageLine(im, h_pos, tArY+tArH-3, h_pos, tArY+tArH+3, clrGridT); // Draw markers if(sclHorT&FD_MARKS && mrkHeight) { bool isPerc = hsPercT && ((hsMaxT-iH-hDiv)/hDiv <= -0.1); labVal = TSYS::strMess("%0.5g",(isLogT?pow(10,iH):iH)) + (isPerc?" %":""); gdImageStringFTEx(NULL, &brect[0], 0, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, 0, 0, (char*)labVal.c_str(), &strex); int wdth = brect[2] - brect[6]; int tpos = vmax(0, vmin(endMarkBrd-3-wdth,h_pos-wdth/2)); if((tpos+wdth) <= (endMarkBrd-3) && tpos >= (begMarkBrd+3)) { gdImageStringFTEx(im, NULL, clrMrk, (char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(), mrkFontSize, 0, tpos, tArY+tArH+mrkHeight, (char*)labVal.c_str(), &strex); begMarkBrd = vmax(begMarkBrd, tpos+wdth); } } } } if(iP < (prmsInd.size()-1)) { tArY += mrkHeight ? (mrkHeight+5) : 0; tArH -= mrkHeight ? (mrkHeight+5) : 0; } } clrMrk = TWEB::colorResolve(im, sclMarkColor); //Draw curves for(unsigned iT = 0; (iT+1) < trnds.size(); iT += 2) { TrendObj &cP = trnds[iT], &cPX = trnds[iT+1]; // Set trend's pen int lnWdth = vmax(1, vmin(10,(int)rRnd(cP.width()*vmin(xSc,ySc)))); gdImageSetThickness(im, lnWdth); int clr_t = TWEB::colorResolve(im, cP.color()); // Prepare generic parameters aVbeg = vmax(tBeg, vmax(cP.valBeg(),cPX.valBeg())); aVend = vmin(tEnd, vmin(cP.valEnd(),cPX.valEnd())); if(aVbeg >= aVend || (cP.color()>>31)&0x01 || (cPX.color()>>31)&0x01) continue; int aPosBeg = cP.val(aVbeg); if(aPosBeg && cP.val()[aPosBeg].tm > aVbeg) aPosBeg--; bool vsPercT = cP.isIndiv ? false : vsPerc; bool isLogT = cP.isIndiv ? (cP.wScale&FD_LOG) : isLog; double vsMaxT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjU : vsMax; double vsMinT = cP.isIndiv ? cP.adjL : vsMin; int aPosBegX = cPX.val(aVbeg); if(aPosBegX && cPX.val()[aPosBegX].tm > aVbeg) aPosBegX--; bool hsPercT = cPX.isIndiv ? false : hsPerc; bool isHLogT = cPX.isIndiv ? (cPX.wScale&FD_LOG) : isHLog; double hsMaxT = cPX.isIndiv ? cPX.adjU : hsMax; double hsMinT = cPX.isIndiv ? cPX.adjL : hsMin; // Y: Prepare border for percent trend, ONLY! float bordL = cP.bordL(); float bordU = cP.bordU(); if(vsPercT && bordL >= bordU) { bordU = cP.adjU; bordL = cP.adjL; } /*bordU = -3e300, bordL = 3e300; bool end_vl = false; for(int ipos = aPosBeg; true; ipos++) { if(ipos >= (int)cP.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cP.val()[ipos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; if(cP.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { bordL = vmin(bordL, cP.val()[ipos].val); bordU = vmax(bordU, cP.val()[ipos].val); } } float vMarg = (bordU-bordL)/10; bordL -= vMarg; bordU += vMarg; }*/ // X: Prepare XY data buffer and prepare border for percent trend, ONLY! float xBordL = cPX.bordL(); float xBordU = cPX.bordU(); int maxVlX = -1; vector< pair > dBuf; { bool xNeedRngChk = (hsPercT && xBordL >= xBordU); if(xNeedRngChk) xBordU = -3e300, xBordL = 3e300; bool end_vl = false; for(int ipos = aPosBegX, iVpos = 0; true; ipos++) { if(ipos >= (int)cPX.val().size() || end_vl) break; if(cPX.val()[ipos].tm >= aVend) end_vl = true; if(cPX.val()[ipos].val != EVAL_REAL) { if((iVpos=cP.val(cPX.val()[ipos].tm)) < (int)cP.val().size() && cP.val()[iVpos].val != EVAL_REAL) { dBuf.push_back(pair(cPX.val()[ipos].val,cP.val()[iVpos].val)); if(maxVlX < 0 || cPX.val()[ipos].val >= cPX.val()[maxVlX].val) maxVlX = ipos; } if(xNeedRngChk) { xBordL = vmin(xBordL, cPX.val()[ipos].val); xBordU = vmax(xBordU, cPX.val()[ipos].val); } } } if(xNeedRngChk) { float vMarg = (xBordU-xBordL)/10; xBordL -= vMarg; xBordU += vMarg; } } // Draw curve int c_vpos, c_hpos, c_vposPrev = -1, c_hposPrev = -1; double curVl, curVlX; for(vector< pair >::iterator iD = dBuf.begin(); iD != dBuf.end(); ++iD) { curVl = vsPercT ? 100*(iD->second-bordL)/(bordU-bordL) : iD->second; curVlX = hsPercT ? 100*(iD->first-xBordL)/(xBordU-xBordL) : iD->first; c_vpos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,curVl)):curVl)-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); c_hpos = tArX + (int)((double)tArW*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isHLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,curVlX)):curVlX)-hsMinT)/(hsMaxT-hsMinT)))); if(c_vposPrev < 0 || c_hposPrev < 0) gdImageSetPixel(im, c_hpos, c_vpos, clr_t); else if(c_hposPrev != c_hpos || c_vposPrev != c_vpos) gdImageLine(im, c_hposPrev, c_vposPrev, c_hpos, c_vpos, clr_t); c_hposPrev = c_hpos; c_vposPrev = c_vpos; } // Draw curent point int iVpos = cP.val(aVend); int iVposX = cPX.val(aVend); if(iVpos < (int)cP.val().size() && iVposX < (int)cPX.val().size() && iVposX != maxVlX && cP.val()[iVpos].val != EVAL_REAL && cPX.val()[iVposX].val != EVAL_REAL) { curVl = vsPercT ? 100*(cP.val()[iVpos].val-bordL)/(bordU-bordL) : cP.val()[iVpos].val; curVlX = hsPercT ? 100*(cPX.val()[iVposX].val-xBordL)/(xBordU-xBordL) : cPX.val()[iVposX].val; c_vpos = tArY + tArH - (int)((double)tArH*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,curVl)):curVl)-vsMinT)/(vsMaxT-vsMinT)))); c_hpos = tArX + (int)((double)tArW*vmax(0,vmin(1,((isHLogT?log10(vmax(1e-100,curVlX)):curVlX)-hsMinT)/(hsMaxT-hsMinT)))); gdImageLine(im, c_hpos-lnWdth*3, c_vpos-lnWdth*3, c_hpos+lnWdth*3, c_vpos+lnWdth*3, clr_t); gdImageLine(im, c_hpos-lnWdth*3, c_vpos+lnWdth*3, c_hpos+lnWdth*3, c_vpos-lnWdth*3, clr_t); XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path",path()+"/%2fserv%2fattr")->setAttr("noUser", "1"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",TSYS::strMess("prm%dval",iT))->setText(r2s(cP.val()[iVpos].val)); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",TSYS::strMess("prm%dval",iT+1))->setText(r2s(cPX.val()[iVposX].val)); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curSek")->setText(i2s(aVend/1000000)); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curUSek")->setText(i2s(aVend%1000000)); mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses.user); } } if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(), _("Creating time of the trend %gms"), 1e-3*(TSYS::curTime()-dbTm)); //Get image and transfer it makeImgPng(ses, im); if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) mess_debug(nodePath().c_str(), _("+ Creating time of the PNG-image(%d) %gms"), ses.page.size(), 1e-3*(TSYS::curTime()-dbTm)); } void VCADiagram::postReq( SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); map::iterator prmEl = ses.prm.find("sub"); if(prmEl != ses.prm.end() && prmEl->second == "point") { prmEl = ses.prm.find("x"); int x_coord = (prmEl!=ses.prm.end()) ? s2i(prmEl->second) : 0; if(x_coord >= tArX && x_coord <= (tArX+tArW)) switch(type) { case FD_TRND: { int64_t tTimeGrnd = tPict - (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); setCursor(tTimeGrnd + (tPict-tTimeGrnd)*(x_coord-tArX)/tArW, ses.user); break; } case FD_SPECTR: setCursor((int64_t)(1e6/(fftBeg+(fftEnd-fftBeg)*(x_coord-tArX)/tArW)), ses.user); break; } } } void VCADiagram::setAttrs( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses ) { MtxAlloc res(mRes, true); int reld_tr_dt = 0; //Reload trend's data (1-reload addons, 2-full reload) XMLNode *reqEl; for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < node.childSize(); iA++) { reqEl = node.childGet(iA); if(reqEl->name() != "el") continue; int uiPrmPos = s2i(reqEl->attr("p")); switch(uiPrmPos) { case A_ACTIVE: active = (bool)s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_GEOM_W: width = (int)(s2r(reqEl->text())+0.5); break; case A_GEOM_H: height = (int)(s2r(reqEl->text())+0.5); break; case A_GEOM_MARGIN: geomMargin = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_BordWidth: bordWidth = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramTrcPer: trcPer = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramType: type = s2i(reqEl->text()); reld_tr_dt = 2; break; case A_DiagramTSek: tTimeCurent = false; if(s2ll(reqEl->text()) == 0) { tTime = (int64_t)time(NULL)*1000000; tTimeCurent = true; } else tTime = s2ll(reqEl->text())*1000000 + tTime%1000000; lstTrc = time(NULL); reld_tr_dt = 1; break; case A_DiagramTUSek: tTime = 1000000ll*(tTime/1000000)+s2ll(reqEl->text()); lstTrc = time(NULL); reld_tr_dt = 1; break; case A_DiagramTSize: tSize = vmax(1e-3,s2r(reqEl->text())); reld_tr_dt = 2; break; case A_DiagramCurSek: if((curTime/1000000) == s2i(reqEl->text())) break; curTime = s2ll(reqEl->text())*1000000 + curTime%1000000; holdCur = (curTime>=tTime); setCursor(curTime, ses.user); break; case A_DiagramCurUSek: if((curTime%1000000) == s2i(reqEl->text())) break; curTime = 1000000ll*(curTime/1000000)+s2ll(reqEl->text()); holdCur = (curTime>=tTime); setCursor(curTime, ses.user); break; case A_DiagramCurColor: curColor = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclColor: sclColor = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclHor: sclHor = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclVer: sclVer = s2i(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclMarkColor: sclMarkColor = mod->colorParse(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclMarkFont: { char family[101]; strcpy(family,"Arial"); int bold = 0, italic = 0; sclMarkFontSize = 10; sscanf(reqEl->text().c_str(),"%100s %d %d %d",family,&sclMarkFontSize,&bold,&italic); sclMarkFont = family; for(unsigned p = 0; p < sclMarkFont.size(); p++) if(sclMarkFont[p] == '_') sclMarkFont[p] = ' '; if(bold) sclMarkFont += ":bold"; if(italic) sclMarkFont += ":italic"; //Font size correct /*int brect[8]; gdImageStringFT(NULL,&brect[0],0,(char*)sclMarkFont.c_str(),sclMarkFontSize,0.,0,0,"Test"); if( (brect[3]-brect[7]) > sclMarkFontSize ) sclMarkFontSize = (int)((float)sclMarkFontSize*((float)sclMarkFontSize/(float)(brect[3]-brect[7])));*/ break; } case A_DiagramValArch: valArch = reqEl->text(); reld_tr_dt = 2; break; case A_DiagramParNum: { unsigned parNum = s2i(reqEl->text()); if(parNum == trnds.size()) break; while(trnds.size() > parNum) trnds.pop_back(); while(parNum > trnds.size()) trnds.push_back(TrendObj(this)); break; } case A_DiagramSclVerScl: sclVerScl = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclVerSclOff: sclVerSclOff = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclHorScl: sclHorScl = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclHorSclOff: sclHorSclOff = s2r(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramSclHorPer: sclHorPer = vmax(0,s2r(reqEl->text()))*1e6; break; default: //> Individual trend's attributes process if(uiPrmPos >= A_DiagramTrs) { unsigned trndN = (uiPrmPos-A_DiagramTrs)/A_DiagramTrsSz; if(trndN >= trnds.size()) break; switch(uiPrmPos%A_DiagramTrsSz) { case A_DiagramTrAddr: trnds[trndN].setAddr(reqEl->text()); break; case A_DiagramTrBordL: trnds[trndN].setBordL(s2r(reqEl->text())); break; case A_DiagramTrBordU: trnds[trndN].setBordU(s2r(reqEl->text())); break; case A_DiagramTrClr: trnds[trndN].setColor(mod->colorParse(reqEl->text())); break; case A_DiagramTrVal: trnds[trndN].setCurVal((reqEl->text()==EVAL_STR) ? EVAL_REAL : s2r(reqEl->text())); break; case A_DiagramTrScl: trnds[trndN].setScale(s2i(reqEl->text())); break; case A_DiagramTrWdth: trnds[trndN].setWidth(s2i(reqEl->text())); break; } } } } if(reld_tr_dt) { XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path", path()+"/%2fserv%2fattr"); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { trnds[iP].loadData(ses.user, reld_tr_dt==2); if(trnds[iP].arh_beg && trnds[iP].arh_end) req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",TSYS::strMess("prm%dprop",iP))-> setText(TSYS::strMess("%.15g:%.15g:%.15g", (double)trnds[iP].arh_beg*1e-6,(double)trnds[iP].arh_end*1e-6,(double)trnds[iP].arh_per*1e-6)); } if(req.childSize()) mod->cntrIfCmd(req, ses); } } void VCADiagram::setCursor( int64_t itm, const string& user ) { if(type == FD_TRND) { int64_t tTimeGrnd = tTime - (int64_t)(1e6*tSize); curTime = vmax(vmin(itm,tTime), tTimeGrnd); holdCur = (curTime==tTime); XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path", path()+"/%2fserv%2fattr")->setAttr("noUser", "1"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curSek")->setText(i2s(curTime/1000000)); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curUSek")->setText(i2s(curTime%1000000)); //Update trend's current values for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { int vpos = trnds[iP].val(curTime); if(trnds[iP].val().size() && vpos == (int)trnds[iP].val().size()) //!!!! Compensate the one point outward the size vpos = trnds[iP].val().size() - 1; double val = EVAL_REAL; if(trnds[iP].val().size() && curTime >= trnds[iP].valBeg() && (tTimeCurent || vpos < (int)trnds[iP].val().size())) { vpos = vmax(0,vmin((int)trnds[iP].val().size()-1,vpos)); if(vpos && trnds[iP].val()[vpos].tm > curTime) vpos--; val = trnds[iP].val()[vpos].val; } if(val != trnds[iP].curVal()) req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","prm"+i2s(iP)+"val")->setText(r2s(val)); } mod->cntrIfCmd(req, user); } else if(type == FD_SPECTR) { float curFrq = vmax(vmin(1e6/(float)itm,fftEnd),fftBeg); XMLNode req("set"); req.setAttr("path", path()+"/%2fserv%2fattr")->setAttr("noUser", "1"); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curSek")->setText(i2s(((int64_t)(1e6/curFrq))/1000000)); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id","curUSek")->setText(i2s(((int64_t)(1e6/curFrq))%1000000)); #if HAVE_FFTW3_H //Update trend's current values for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < trnds.size(); iP++) { if(!trnds[iP].fftN) continue; float fftDt = (1/tSize)*(float)width/trnds[iP].fftN; int vpos = (int)(curFrq/fftDt); double val = EVAL_REAL; if(vpos >= 1 && vpos < (trnds[iP].fftN/2+1)) val = trnds[iP].fftOut[0][0]/trnds[iP].fftN + pow(pow(trnds[iP].fftOut[vpos][0],2)+pow(trnds[iP].fftOut[vpos][1],2),0.5)/(trnds[iP].fftN/2+1); req.childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",TSYS::strMess("prm%dval",iP))->setText(r2s(val)); } #endif mod->cntrIfCmd(req, user); } } //* Trend object's class * //************************************************ VCADiagram::TrendObj::TrendObj( VCADiagram *iowner ) : #if HAVE_FFTW3_H fftN(0), fftOut(NULL), #endif mBordLow(0), mBordUp(0), mCurvl(EVAL_REAL), mWidth(1), arh_per(0), arh_beg(0), arh_end(0), val_tp(0), m_owner(iowner) { loadData("root"); } VCADiagram::TrendObj::~TrendObj( ) { #if HAVE_FFTW3_H if(fftOut) { free(fftOut); fftN = 0; } #endif } VCADiagram &VCADiagram::TrendObj::owner( ) const { return *m_owner; } int64_t VCADiagram::TrendObj::valBeg( ) { return vals.empty() ? 0 : vals[0].tm; } int64_t VCADiagram::TrendObj::valEnd( ) { return vals.empty() ? 0 : vals[vals.size()-1].tm; } int VCADiagram::TrendObj::val( int64_t tm ) { unsigned iP = 0; for(unsigned d_win = vals.size()/2; d_win > 10; d_win /= 2) if(tm > vals[iP+d_win].tm) iP += d_win; for( ; iP < vals.size(); iP++) if(vals[iP].tm >= tm) return iP; return vals.size(); } void VCADiagram::TrendObj::setAddr( const string &vl ) { if(vl == mAddr) return; mAddr = vl; loadData("root", true); } void VCADiagram::TrendObj::loadData( const string &user, bool full ) { switch(owner().type) { case FD_TRND: case FD_XY: loadTrendsData(user, full); break; case FD_SPECTR: loadSpectrumData(user, full); break; } } void VCADiagram::TrendObj::loadTrendsData( const string &user, bool full ) { int64_t tSize = (int64_t)(1e6*owner().tSize); int64_t tTime = owner().tTime; int64_t tTimeGrnd = tTime - tSize; int64_t wantPer = tSize/(int)(owner().width+0.5); unsigned bufLim = 2*owner().width; string arch = owner().valArch; XMLNode req("get"); //Clear trend for empty address and the full reload data if(full || addr().empty()) { arh_per = arh_beg = arh_end = 0; val_tp = TFld::Boolean; vals.clear(); if(addr().empty()) return; } bool isDataDir = (addr().compare(0,5,"data:") == 0 || addr().compare(0,5,"line:") == 0); if(!isDataDir) { // From archive by address //Get archive parameters if(!arh_per || tTime > arh_end) { XMLNode req("info"); req.setAttr("arch",arch)->setAttr("path",addr()+"/%2fserv%2fval"); if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,user,false) || (val_tp=s2i(req.attr("vtp"))) == TFld::String || val_tp == TFld::Object) { arh_per = arh_beg = arh_end = 0; return; } else { val_tp = s2i(req.attr("vtp")); arh_beg = s2ll(req.attr("beg")); arh_end = s2ll(req.attr("end")); arh_per = s2ll(req.attr("per")); } } //One request check and prepare int trcPer = owner().trcPer*1000000; if(owner().tTimeCurent && trcPer && owner().valArch.empty() && (!arh_per || (vmax(arh_per,wantPer) >= trcPer && (tTime-valEnd()) < 2*arh_per /*(tTime-valEnd())/vmax(arh_per,vmax(wantPer,trcPer)) < 2*/))) //!!!! Causes to uneven call for current and archive { XMLNode req("get"); req.setAttr("path", addr()+"/%2fserv%2fval")-> setAttr("tm", ll2s(tTime))-> setAttr("tm_grnd", "0"); if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,user,false)) return; int64_t lstTm = (s2ll(req.attr("tm"))/wantPer)*wantPer, valEnd_ = (valEnd()/wantPer)*wantPer; if(lstTm && lstTm >= valEnd_) { double curVal = (req.text() == EVAL_STR) ? EVAL_REAL : s2r(req.text()); if((val_tp == TFld::Boolean && curVal == EVAL_BOOL) || (val_tp == TFld::Integer && (int64_t)curVal == EVAL_INT) || isinf(curVal)) curVal = EVAL_REAL; /*if(valEnd_ && (lstTm-valEnd_)/vmax(wantPer,trcPer) > 2) vals.push_back(SHg(lstTm-trcPer,EVAL_REAL)); //!!!! Can cause to flaws on slow remote channels else*/ if((lstTm-valEnd_) >= wantPer) vals.push_back(SHg(lstTm,curVal)); else if((lstTm == valEnd_ && curVal != EVAL_REAL) || vals[vals.size()-1].val == EVAL_REAL) vals[vals.size()-1].val = curVal; else if(curVal != EVAL_REAL) { int s_k = lstTm-wantPer*(lstTm/wantPer), n_k = trcPer; vals[vals.size()-1].val = (vals[vals.size()-1].val*s_k+curVal*n_k)/(s_k+n_k); } while(vals.size() > bufLim) vals.pop_front(); } return; } } else //Data direct into address field by searilised XML string or horizontal line try { if(addr().compare(0,5,"data:") == 0) { req.load(addr().substr(5)); bool inSec = s2i(req.attr("s")); arh_beg = s2ll(req.attr("tm_grnd")) * (inSec?1000000ll:1ll); if(!arh_beg) arh_beg = tTimeGrnd; req.setAttr("tm_grnd", ll2s(arh_beg)); arh_end = s2ll(req.attr("tm")) * (inSec?1000000ll:1ll); if(!arh_end) arh_end = tTime; req.setAttr("tm", ll2s(arh_end)); arh_per = s2ll(req.attr("per")) * (inSec?1000000ll:1ll); req.setAttr("per", ll2s(arh_per)); } else if(addr().compare(0,5,"line:") == 0) req.setAttr("vtp", i2s(TFld::Real))-> setAttr("tm", ll2s(tTime))-> setAttr("tm_grnd", ll2s(tTimeGrnd))-> setAttr("per", ll2s(wantPer))-> setText("0 "+addr().substr(5)); val_tp = req.attr("vtp").size() ? s2i(req.attr("vtp")) : TFld::Real; arh_beg = s2ll(req.attr("tm_grnd")); arh_end = s2ll(req.attr("tm")); arh_per = s2ll(req.attr("per")); } catch(TError&) { arh_per = arh_beg = arh_end = 0; return; } if(!arh_per) return; //Correct request to archive border wantPer = (vmax(wantPer,arh_per)/arh_per)*arh_per; tTime = vmin(tTime, arh_end); tTimeGrnd = vmax(tTimeGrnd, arh_beg); //For prevent possible cycling //Clear data at time error if(tTime <= tTimeGrnd || tTimeGrnd/wantPer > valEnd()/wantPer || tTime/wantPer < valBeg()/wantPer) vals.clear(); if(tTime <= tTimeGrnd) return; //Check for request to present in buffer data if(tTime/wantPer <= valEnd()/wantPer && tTimeGrnd/wantPer >= valBeg()/wantPer) return; //Correcting request to present data if(valEnd() && tTime > valEnd()) tTimeGrnd = valEnd()+wantPer;//1; else if(valBeg() && tTimeGrnd < valBeg()) tTime = valBeg()-wantPer;//1; //Get values data int64_t bbeg, bend, bper, bbeg_prev = tTime; int curPos, prevPos, maxPos; double curVal = EVAL_REAL, prevVal; string svl, curValS; vector buf; bool toEnd = (tTimeGrnd >= valEnd()); int endBlks = 0; m1: if(!isDataDir) { req.clear()-> setAttr("arch", arch)-> setAttr("path", addr()+"/%2fserv%2fval")-> setAttr("tm", ll2s(tTime))-> setAttr("tm_grnd", ll2s(tTimeGrnd))-> setAttr("per", ll2s(wantPer))-> setAttr("mode", "1")-> //setAttr("real_prec", "6")-> setAttr("round_perc", "0");//r2s(100/(float)owner().height)); if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,user,false)) return; } //Get data buffer parameters bbeg = s2ll(req.attr("tm_grnd")); bend = s2ll(req.attr("tm")); bper = s2ll(req.attr("per")); bool toAprox = s2i(req.attr("aprox")); if(bbeg <= 0 || bend <= 0 || bper <= 0 || bbeg > bend || req.text().empty()) return; prevPos = 0, prevVal = EVAL_REAL, maxPos = (bend-bbeg)/bper; buf.clear(); for(int v_off = 0, var_off = 0; true; ) { if((svl=TSYS::strLine(req.text(),0,&v_off)).size()) { var_off = 0; curPos = s2i(TSYS::strParse(svl,0," ",&var_off,true)); curVal = s2r((curValS=TSYS::strParse(svl,0," ",&var_off,true))); if(curValS == EVAL_STR || (val_tp == TFld::Boolean && curVal == EVAL_BOOL) || (val_tp == TFld::Integer && (int64_t)curVal == EVAL_INT) || isinf(curVal)) curVal = EVAL_REAL; } else curPos = maxPos+1; if(curPos < 0 || curPos > (maxPos+1)) break; //Out of range exit for(int stPos = prevPos; prevPos < curPos; prevPos++) if(toAprox && prevVal != EVAL_REAL && curVal != EVAL_REAL) buf.push_back(SHg(bbeg+prevPos*bper,prevVal+(curVal-prevVal)*(prevPos-stPos)/(curPos-stPos))); else buf.push_back(SHg(bbeg+prevPos*bper,prevVal)); if(prevPos > maxPos) break; //Normal exit prevVal = curVal; } //Append buffer to values deque if(isDataDir) vals.assign(buf.begin(), buf.end()); else if(toEnd) { vals.insert(vals.end()-endBlks, buf.begin(), buf.end()); while(vals.size() > bufLim) vals.pop_front(); endBlks += buf.size(); } else { vals.insert(vals.begin(), buf.begin(), buf.end()); while(vals.size() > bufLim) vals.pop_back(); } //Check for archive jump if(!isDataDir && arch.empty() && (bbeg-tTimeGrnd)/bper && bper < bbeg_prev) { bbeg_prev = bper; tTime = bbeg-bper; goto m1; } } void VCADiagram::TrendObj::loadSpectrumData( const string &user, bool full ) { loadTrendsData(user, full); if(!valBeg() || !valEnd()) return; #if HAVE_FFTW3_H if(fftOut) { free(fftOut); fftN = 0; } int64_t tSize = (int64_t)(1e6*owner().tSize); int64_t tTime = owner().tTime; int64_t tTimeGrnd = tTime - tSize; int64_t workPer = tSize/(int)(owner().width+0.5); tTimeGrnd = vmax(tTimeGrnd,valBeg()); tTime = vmin(tTime,valEnd()); if((fftN=vmax(0,(tTime-tTimeGrnd)/workPer)) == 0) return; double fftIn[fftN]; fftOut = (fftw_complex*)malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex)*(fftN/2+1)); int fftFirstPos = -1, fftLstPos = -1; for(unsigned a_pos = val(tTimeGrnd); a_pos < val().size() && val()[a_pos].tm <= tTime; a_pos++) { int fftPos = (val()[a_pos].tm-tTimeGrnd)/workPer; if(fftPos >= fftN) break; if(val()[a_pos].val == EVAL_REAL) continue; if(fftFirstPos < 0) fftFirstPos = fftPos; if(fftLstPos == fftPos) fftIn[fftPos-fftFirstPos] = (fftIn[fftPos-fftFirstPos]+val()[a_pos].val)/2; else fftIn[fftPos-fftFirstPos] = val()[a_pos].val; for( ; fftLstPos >= 0 && (fftLstPos+1) < fftPos; fftLstPos++) fftIn[fftLstPos-fftFirstPos+1] = fftIn[fftLstPos-fftFirstPos]; fftLstPos = fftPos; } fftN = fftLstPos-fftFirstPos; if(fftN < 20) { free(fftOut); fftOut = NULL; fftN = 0; return; } fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(fftN, fftIn, fftOut, FFTW_ESTIMATE); fftw_execute(p); fftw_destroy_plan(p); #endif } //************************************************* //* VCADocument * //************************************************* VCADocument::VCADocument( const string &iid ) : VCAObj(iid) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), 1); } VCADocument::~VCADocument( ) { if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) SYS->cntrIter(objName(), -1); } string VCADocument::objName( ) { return VCAObj::objName()+":VCADocument"; } void VCADocument::getReq( SSess &ses ) { int off = ses.url.size(); string fileNm = TSYS::pathLevEnd(ses.url, 0, true, &off), wAddr = ses.url.substr(0, off+1), fileExt = TSYS::strParseEnd(fileNm, 0, "."); // Obtaining the document parts XMLNode req("CntrReqs"); req.setAttr("path", wAddr); req.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path", "/%2fattr%2fdoc"); req.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path", "/%2fattr%2fstyle"); req.childAdd("get")->setAttr("path", "/%2fattr%2ffont"); if(fileExt != "html" && fileExt != "csv") ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Resource not found"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); else if(mod->cntrIfCmd(req,ses) || sTrm(req.childGet(0)->text()).empty()) ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("The document is wrong or empty"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); else try { // Generating the document const char *XHTML_entity = "\n" "]>\n"; XMLNode xproc("body"); xproc.load(string(XHTML_entity)+req.childGet(0)->text(), XMLNode::LD_Full, Mess->charset()); if(fileExt == "html") { string font = req.childGet(2)->text(); ses.page = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" "\n"+ xproc.save(XMLNode::Clean, Mess->charset())+ ""; ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type:text/html;charset="+Mess->charset()); } else if(fileExt == "csv") { XMLNode *curNode = &xproc; vector treeStk; treeStk.push_back(0); while(curNode->parent() || treeStk.back() < curNode->childSize()) { if(treeStk.back() < curNode->childSize()) { curNode = curNode->childGet(treeStk.back()); treeStk.push_back(0); if(strcasecmp(curNode->name().c_str(),"table") != 0 || !s2i(curNode->attr("export"))) continue; map rowSpn; XMLNode *tblN = NULL, *tblRow; string val; for(int iSt = 0; iSt < 4; iSt++) { switch(iSt) { case 0: tblN = curNode->childGet("thead", 0, true); break; case 1: tblN = curNode->childGet("tbody", 0, true); break; case 2: tblN = curNode->childGet("tfoot", 0, true); break; case 3: tblN = curNode; break; default: tblN = NULL; } if(!tblN) continue; // Rows process for(unsigned iN = 0; iN < tblN->childSize(); iN++) { if(strcasecmp(tblN->childGet(iN)->name().c_str(),"tr") != 0) continue; tblRow = tblN->childGet(iN); bool cellAllow = false; for(unsigned iC = 0, iCl = 0; iC < tblRow->childSize(); iC++) { if(!(strcasecmp(tblRow->childGet(iC)->name().c_str(),"th") == 0 || strcasecmp(tblRow->childGet(iC)->name().c_str(),"td") == 0)) continue; cellAllow = true; while(rowSpn[iCl] > 1) { ses.page += ";"; rowSpn[iCl]--; iCl++; } rowSpn[iCl] = s2i(tblRow->childGet(iC)->attr("rowspan",false)); val = tblRow->childGet(iC)->text(true, true); for(size_t iSz = 0; (iSz=val.find("\"",iSz)) != string::npos; iSz += 2) val.replace(iSz, 1, 2, '"'); ses.page += "\"" + sTrm(val) + "\";"; // Colspan process int colSpan = s2i(tblRow->childGet(iC)->attr("colspan",false)); for(int iCs = 1; iCs < colSpan; iCs++) ses.page += ";"; iCl++; } if(cellAllow) ses.page += "\x0D\x0A"; } } ses.page += "\x0D\x0A"; } curNode = curNode->parent(); treeStk.pop_back(); treeStk.back()++; } ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, ses.page, "200 OK", "Content-Type:text/csv"); } } catch(TError&) { ses.page = mod->pgCreator(ses.prt, "
"+string(_("Error parsing the document"))+"
\n", "404 Not Found"); } } void VCADocument::setAttrs( XMLNode &node, const SSess &ses ) { for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < node.childSize(); iA++) { XMLNode *reqEl = node.childGet(iA); if(reqEl->name() != "el") continue; switch(s2i(reqEl->attr("p"))) { case A_DocTmpl: case A_DocDoc: { if(sTrm(reqEl->text()).empty()) break; const char *XHTML_entity = "\n" "]>\n"; XMLNode xproc("body"); try { xproc.load(string(XHTML_entity)+reqEl->text(), XMLNode::LD_Full, Mess->charset()); reqEl->setText(xproc.save(XMLNode::Clean,Mess->charset())); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(mod->nodePath().c_str(),_("Error parsing the document '%s': %s"),path().c_str(),err.mess.c_str()); } break; } } } }