//OPC_UA implementation test: test.cpp /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { if(argc < 3) { printf("OPC UA client test program need command line arguments:\n" " \"testOPC_UA opc.tcp://{Host}:{Port}/{SecurePolicy}/{MessSecMode} {NodeId} [{user}:{pass}]\"\n" "Examples:\n" " \"testOPC_UA opc.tcp:// 84\"\n" " \"testOPC_UA opc.tcp:// 84 user:pass\""); return 0; } // Create client connection object TestClient clnt(argv[1], (argc>3)?argv[3]:""); // Create requests object XML_N req("opc.tcp"); // Browse request for pointed node req.setAttr("id","Browse"); req.childAdd("node")->setAttr("nodeId",argv[2])->setAttr("browseDirection",int2str(BD_BOTH))-> //setAttr("nodeClassMask",int2str(NC_Object))-> setAttr("resultMask",int2str(RdRm_NodeClass|RdRm_IsForward|RdRm_BrowseName)); clnt.reqService(req); if(!req.attr("err").empty()) printf("ERROR: Browse: '%s'\n",req.attr("err").c_str()); else { XML_N *rn = req.childGet(0); printf("Browse node '%s' list from %d items\n", argv[2], rn->childSize()); for(unsigned i_n = 0; i_n < rn->childSize(); i_n++) { //if(atoi(rn->childGet(i_n)->attr("isForward").c_str())) continue; printf(" node%d: \"%s\"\n", i_n, (rn->childGet(i_n)->attr("browseName")+" ("+rn->childGet(i_n)->attr("nodeId")+")").c_str()); } } // Read pointed node value and access attribute req.clear()->setAttr("id", "Read")->setAttr("timestampsToReturn", int2str(TS_SOURCE)); req.childAdd("node")->setAttr("nodeId", argv[2])->setAttr("attributeId", int2str(AId_NodeClass)); req.childAdd("node")->setAttr("nodeId", argv[2])->setAttr("attributeId", int2str(AId_Value)); req.childAdd("node")->setAttr("nodeId", argv[2])->setAttr("attributeId", int2str(AId_AccessLevel)); clnt.reqService(req); if(!req.attr("err").empty()) printf("ERROR: Read: '%s'\n", req.attr("err").c_str()); else { uint32_t state = strtol(req.childGet(0)->attr("Status").c_str(),NULL,0); uint32_t mode = atoi(req.childGet(0)->text().c_str()); printf("Read node '%s'=%xh\n", argv[2], state); if(!state && mode == NC_Variable) { uint32_t accs = atoi(req.childGet(2)->text().c_str()); uint8_t eMask = atoi(req.childGet(1)->attr("VarTp").c_str()); if(accs&ACS_Read) printf(" value='%s', timeStamp=%s\n", req.childGet(1)->text().c_str(), req.childGet(1)->attr("SourceTimestamp").c_str()); if(accs&ACS_Write) { req.clear()->setAttr("id", "Write")-> childAdd("node")->setAttr("nodeId", argv[2])->setAttr("attributeId", int2str(AId_Value))-> setAttr("VarTp", int2str(eMask))->setText("3.14159265"); clnt.reqService(req); } } } return 0; } /************************************************ * TestClient * ************************************************/ TestClient::TestClient( const string &iep, const string &aData ) : mEp(iep), mSecPol("None"), mSecMessMode(MS_None), sock_fd(-1) { //Parse EndPoint for TCP connection and other properties obtain if(mEp.compare(0,10,"opc.tcp://") == 0) { size_t uriPos = mEp.find("/", 10), uriPos1; mURI = (uriPos != string::npos) ? mEp.substr(uriPos) : ""; mAddr = mEp.substr(10, (uriPos==string::npos) ? uriPos : (uriPos-10)); size_t portPos = mAddr.find(":"); if(portPos == string::npos || !atoi(mAddr.substr(portPos+1).c_str())) mAddr = mAddr.substr(0,portPos)+":4840"; //URI parse if(mURI.size()) { string secMessMd; uriPos = 1; if(uriPos >= mURI.size()) mSecPol = "None"; else { uriPos1 = mURI.find("/", uriPos); mSecPol = (uriPos1 != string::npos) ? mURI.substr(uriPos,uriPos1-uriPos) : mURI.substr(uriPos); } uriPos = uriPos1+1; if(uriPos >= mURI.size()) secMessMd = "None"; else { uriPos1 = mURI.find("/", uriPos); secMessMd = (uriPos1 != string::npos) ? mURI.substr(uriPos,uriPos1-uriPos) : mURI.substr(uriPos); } if(mSecPol == "Basic128Rsa15" || mSecPol == "Basic256") mSecMessMode = MS_SignAndEncrypt; else { mSecPol = "None"; mSecMessMode = MS_None; } if(secMessMd == "SignEnc" && mSecPol != "None") mSecMessMode = MS_SignAndEncrypt; else if(secMessMd == "Sign" && mSecPol != "None") mSecMessMode = MS_Sign; printf("Set and uses secure policy '%s' and messages mode '%s'\n", mSecPol.c_str(), (mSecMessMode==MS_Sign)?"Sign":((mSecMessMode==MS_SignAndEncrypt)?"SignEnc":"None")); } } //Load client certificate and private key from file int hd = -1, len; char buf[10240]; if((hd=open("cert.pem",O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { len = read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf)); mCert.assign(buf,len); close(hd); } if((hd=open("key.pem",O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { len = read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf)); mPvKey.assign(buf,len); close(hd); } //User and password set if(aData.size()) mAuthData = aData.size() ? strParse(aData,0,":")+"\n"+strParse(aData,1,":") : ""; start(); } TestClient::~TestClient( ) { stop(); } void TestClient::start( ) { if(sock_fd >= 0) stop(); //Open socket from EndPoint address struct sockaddr_in name_in; memset(&name_in, 0, sizeof(name_in)); name_in.sin_family = AF_INET; size_t portPos = mAddr.find(":"); struct hostent *loc_host_nm = gethostbyname(mAddr.substr(0,portPos).c_str()); name_in.sin_port = htons(atol(mAddr.substr(portPos+1).c_str())); sock_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); int connRes = -1; if(loc_host_nm && loc_host_nm->h_length && name_in.sin_port > 0 && sock_fd >= 0) { name_in.sin_addr.s_addr = *((int*)(loc_host_nm->h_addr_list[0])); int vl = 1; setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &vl, sizeof(int)); // Real connect to socket connRes = ::connect(sock_fd, (sockaddr*)&name_in, sizeof(name_in)); } //Error connection if(connRes) { if(sock_fd >= 0) close(sock_fd); sock_fd = -1; } } void TestClient::stop( ) { if(sock_fd >= 0) close(sock_fd); sock_fd = -1; } bool TestClient::connect( int8_t est ) { if(est == 0) stop(); else if(est > 0) start(); return (sock_fd >= 0); } int TestClient::messIO( const char *obuf, int len_ob, char *ibuf, int len_ib ) { if(!connect()) connect(true); int reqTry = 0; repeate: if(sock_fd < 0 || (reqTry++) >= 2) return 0; int kzw = 0, kzr; if(obuf != NULL && len_ob > 0) kzw = write(sock_fd, obuf, len_ob); if(ibuf != NULL && len_ib > 0) { kzr = read(sock_fd, ibuf, len_ib); if(kzr <= 0) { start(); goto repeate; } } return std::max(0,kzr); }