//OpenSCADA module DAQ.ModBus file: modbus_daq.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2024 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "modbus_daq.h" ModBus::TTpContr *ModBus::mod; using namespace ModBus; //****************************************************** //* TTpContr * //****************************************************** TTpContr::TTpContr( string name ) : TTypeDAQ(DAQ_ID), tPrmId(-1), tPrmLId(-1) { mod = this; modInfoMainSet(DAQ_NAME, DAQ_TYPE, DAQ_MVER, DAQ_AUTHORS, DAQ_DESCR, DAQ_LICENSE, name); } TTpContr::~TTpContr( ) { } void TTpContr::postEnable( int flag ) { TTypeDAQ::postEnable(flag); //Controler's bd structure fldAdd(new TFld("PRM_BD",trS("Parameters table"),TFld::String,TFld::NoFlag,"30","")); //????[v1.0] Remove fldAdd(new TFld("PRM_BD_L",trS("Logical parameters table"),TFld::String,TFld::NoFlag,"30","")); //????[v1.0] Remove fldAdd(new TFld("SCHEDULE",trS("Acquisition schedule"),TFld::String,TFld::NoFlag,"100","1")); fldAdd(new TFld("PRIOR",trS("Priority of the acquisition task"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"2","0","-1;199")); fldAdd(new TFld("PROT",trS("ModBus protocol"),TFld::String,TFld::Selectable,"5","TCP","TCP;RTU;ASCII")); fldAdd(new TFld("ADDR",trS("Transport address"),TFld::String,TFld::NoFlag,"41","")); fldAdd(new TFld("NODE",trS("Destination node"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"20","1","0;255")); fldAdd(new TFld("FRAG_MERGE",trS("Merging of the data fragments"),TFld::Boolean,TFld::NoFlag,"1","0")); fldAdd(new TFld("WR_MULTI",trS("Using the multi-items writing functions (15,16)"),TFld::Boolean,TFld::NoFlag,"1","0")); fldAdd(new TFld("WR_ASYNCH",trS("Asynchronous write"),TFld::Boolean,TFld::NoFlag,"1","0")); fldAdd(new TFld("WR_OMIT_CYCL_RD",trS("Omit cycles for read back of written"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"2","0","0;9")); fldAdd(new TFld("TM_REQ",trS("Timeout of connection, milliseconds"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"5","0","0;10000")); fldAdd(new TFld("TM_REST",trS("Timeout of restore, seconds"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"4","30","1;3600")); fldAdd(new TFld("REQ_TRY",trS("Request tries"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"1","1","1;9")); fldAdd(new TFld("MAX_BLKSZ",trS("Maximum size of the request block, bytes"),TFld::Integer,TFld::NoFlag,"3","200","2;250")); //Parameter type bd structure // Standard parameter type by the simple attributes list tPrmId = tpParmAdd("Prm", "PRM_BD", _("Standard"), true); tpPrmAt(tPrmId).fldAdd(new TFld("ATTR_LS",trS("Attributes list"),TFld::String,TFld::FullText|/*TFld::TransltText|*/TCfg::NoVal,"100000","")); // Extended logical parameter type by the DAQ parameter template tPrmLId = tpParmAdd("PrmL", "PRM_BD_L", _("Logical")); tpPrmAt(tPrmLId).fldAdd(new TFld("TMPL",trS("Parameter template"),TFld::String,TCfg::NoVal,"50","")); // Parameter template IO DB structure elPrmIO.fldAdd(new TFld("PRM_ID",trS("Parameter ID"),TFld::String,TCfg::Key,i2s(limObjID_SZ*6).c_str())); elPrmIO.fldAdd(new TFld("ID",trS("Identifier"),TFld::String,TCfg::Key,i2s(limObjID_SZ*1.5).c_str())); elPrmIO.fldAdd(new TFld("VALUE",trS("Value"),TFld::String,TFld::TransltText,"1000000")); } void TTpContr::load_( ) { //Load parameters from command line } void TTpContr::save_( ) { } TController *TTpContr::ContrAttach( const string &name, const string &daq_db ) { return new TMdContr(name,daq_db,this); } //****************************************************** //* TMdContr * //****************************************************** TMdContr::TMdContr(string name_c, const string &daq_db, TElem *cfgelem) : TController(name_c, daq_db, cfgelem), enRes(true), mPrior(cfg("PRIOR").getId()), mNode(cfg("NODE").getId()), blkMaxSz(cfg("MAX_BLKSZ").getId()), mSched(cfg("SCHEDULE")), mPrt(cfg("PROT")), mAddr(cfg("ADDR")), mMerge(cfg("FRAG_MERGE").getBd()), mMltWr(cfg("WR_MULTI").getBd()), mAsynchWr(cfg("WR_ASYNCH").getBd()), mOmitRdCyclForWr(cfg("WR_OMIT_CYCL_RD").getId()), reqTm(cfg("TM_REQ").getId()), restTm(cfg("TM_REST").getId()), connTry(cfg("REQ_TRY").getId()), mPer(1e9), prcSt(false), callSt(false), endrunReq(false), alSt(-1), tmDelay(0), numRReg(0), numRRegIn(0), numRCoil(0), numRCoilIn(0), numWReg(0), numWCoil(0), numErrCon(0), numErrResp(0) { //????[v1.0] Remove cfg("PRM_BD").setS("ModBusPrm_"+id()); cfg("PRM_BD_L").setS("ModBusPrmL_"+id()); mPrt = "TCP"; } TMdContr::~TMdContr( ) { if(startStat()) stop(); } void TMdContr::postDisable( int flag ) { try { if(flag&(NodeRemove|NodeRemoveOnlyStor)) TBDS::dataDelTbl(DB(flag&NodeRemoveOnlyStor)+"."+tbl(owner().tpPrmAt(mod->tPrmLId))+"_io", owner().nodePath()+tbl(owner().tpPrmAt(mod->tPrmLId))+"_io"); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(),"%s",err.mess.c_str()); } TController::postDisable(flag); } string TMdContr::getStatus( ) { string val = TController::getStatus( ); if(startStat() && !redntUse()) { if(!prcSt) val += TSYS::strMess(_("Task terminated! ")); if(tmDelay > -1) { int errCode = TError::Tr_Connect; if(addr().empty()) { val += TSYS::strMess(_("No transport. ")); errCode = TError::Tr_ErrTransport; } else try { AutoHD tr = SYS->transport().at().at(TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")).at().outAt(TSYS::strParse(addr(),1,".")); if(tr.at().addr().empty()) { val += TSYS::strMess(_("Empty transport. ")); errCode = TError::Tr_ErrTransport; } } catch(TError&) { val += TSYS::strMess(_("Error the transport. ")); errCode = TError::Tr_ErrTransport; } if(errCode == TError::Tr_Connect) val += TSYS::strMess(_("Error the connection. ")); val += " " + TSYS::strMess(_("Restoring in %.6g s. "), tmDelay); val.replace(0, 1, i2s(errCode)); } else { if(callSt) val += TSYS::strMess(_("Acquisition. ")); if(period())val += TSYS::strMess(_("Acquisition with the period %s. "), tm2s(1e-9*period()).c_str()); else val += TSYS::strMess(_("Next acquisition by the cron '%s'. "), atm2s(TSYS::cron(cron()),"%d-%m-%Y %R").c_str()); val += TSYS::strMess(_("Spent time %s[%s]. "), tm2s(SYS->taskUtilizTm(nodePath('.',true))).c_str(), tm2s(SYS->taskUtilizTm(nodePath('.',true),true)).c_str()); val += TSYS::strMess(_("Read %g(%g) registers, %g(%g) coils. "), (double)numRReg, (double)numRRegIn, (double)numRCoil, (double)numRCoilIn); val += TSYS::strMess(_("Wrote %g registers, %g coils. "), (double)numWReg, (double)numWCoil); val += TSYS::strMess(_("Errors of connection %g, of response %g. "), (double)numErrCon, (double)numErrResp); } if(mAsynchWr || asynchWrs.size()) val += TSYS::strMess(_("To write %d. "), asynchWrs.size()); } return val; } TParamContr *TMdContr::ParamAttach( const string &name, int type ) { return new TMdPrm(name, &owner().tpPrmAt(type)); } void TMdContr::disable_( ) { // Asynchronous writings buffer clean up aWrRes.lock(); asynchWrs.clear(); aWrRes.unlock(); //Clear acquisition data block reqRes.resRequestW(true); acqBlks.clear(); acqBlksIn.clear(); acqBlksCoil.clear(); acqBlksCoilIn.clear(); reqRes.resRelease(); //Clear process parameters list enRes.lock(); pHd.clear(); enRes.unlock(); } void TMdContr::load_( ) { if(SYS->cfgCtx() && toEnable() && !enableStat()) enable(); } void TMdContr::start_( ) { if(prcSt) return; //Clear statistic numRReg = numRRegIn = numRCoil = numRCoilIn = numWReg = numWCoil = numErrCon = numErrResp = 0; tmDelay = 0; //Start the gathering data task SYS->taskCreate(nodePath('.',true), mPrior, TMdContr::Task, this); } void TMdContr::stop_( ) { //Stop the request and calc data task SYS->taskDestroy(nodePath('.',true), &endrunReq); alarmSet(TSYS::strMess(_("Connection to the data source: %s."),_("STOP")), TMess::Info); alSt = -1; } bool TMdContr::cfgChange( TCfg &co, const TVariant &pc ) { TController::cfgChange(co, pc); if(co.fld().name() == "SCHEDULE") mPer = TSYS::strSepParse(cron(),1,' ').empty() ? vmax(0,(int64_t)(1e9*s2r(cron()))) : 0; else if(co.fld().name() == "PROT" && co.getS() != pc.getS()) { cfg("REQ_TRY").setView(co.getS()!="TCP"); if(startStat()) stop(); } else if(co.fld().name() == "FRAG_MERGE" && enableStat() && co.getB() != pc.getB()) disable(); return true; } void TMdContr::prmEn( TMdPrm *prm, bool val ) { unsigned iPrm; MtxAlloc res(enRes, true); for(iPrm = 0; iPrm < pHd.size(); iPrm++) if(&pHd[iPrm].at() == prm) break; if(val && iPrm >= pHd.size()) pHd.push_back(prm); if(!val && iPrm < pHd.size()) pHd.erase(pHd.begin()+iPrm); } void TMdContr::regVal( int reg, const string &dt, bool separate ) { if(reg < 0) return; ResAlloc res(reqRes, true); //Register to acquisition block if(dt == "R" || dt == "RI") { vector< SDataRec > &workCnt = (dt == "RI") ? acqBlksIn : acqBlks; unsigned iB; for(iB = 0; iB < workCnt.size(); iB++) { if((reg*2) < workCnt[iB].off) { if((mMerge || (reg*2+2) >= workCnt[iB].off) && (int)(workCnt[iB].val.size()+workCnt[iB].off-(reg*2)) < blkMaxSz) { workCnt[iB].val.insert(0,workCnt[iB].off-reg*2,0); workCnt[iB].off = reg*2; } else workCnt.insert(workCnt.begin()+iB,SDataRec(reg*2,2)); } else if((reg*2+2) > (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) { if(!separate && (mMerge || reg*2 <= (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) && (reg*2+2-workCnt[iB].off) < blkMaxSz) { workCnt[iB].val.append((reg*2+2)-(workCnt[iB].off+workCnt[iB].val.size()),0); // Check for allow mergin to next block if(!mMerge && iB+1 < workCnt.size() && (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size()) >= workCnt[iB+1].off) { workCnt[iB].val.append(workCnt[iB+1].val,workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size()-workCnt[iB+1].off,string::npos); workCnt.erase(workCnt.begin()+iB+1); } } else continue; } break; } if(iB >= workCnt.size()) workCnt.insert(workCnt.begin()+iB,SDataRec(reg*2,2)); } //Coils else if(dt == "C" || dt == "CI") { vector< SDataRec > &workCnt = (dt == "CI") ? acqBlksCoilIn : acqBlksCoil; unsigned iB; for(iB = 0; iB < workCnt.size(); iB++) { if(reg < workCnt[iB].off) { if((mMerge || (reg+1) >= workCnt[iB].off) && (int)(workCnt[iB].val.size()+workCnt[iB].off-reg) < blkMaxSz*8) { workCnt[iB].val.insert(0,workCnt[iB].off-reg,0); workCnt[iB].off = reg; } else workCnt.insert(workCnt.begin()+iB,SDataRec(reg,1)); } else if((reg+1) > (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) { if((mMerge || reg <= (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) && (reg+1-workCnt[iB].off) < blkMaxSz*8) { workCnt[iB].val.append((reg+1)-(workCnt[iB].off+workCnt[iB].val.size()),0); // Check for allow mergin to next block if(!mMerge && iB+1 < workCnt.size() && (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size()) >= workCnt[iB+1].off) { workCnt[iB].val.append(workCnt[iB+1].val,workCnt[iB].off+workCnt[iB].val.size()-workCnt[iB+1].off,string::npos); workCnt.erase(workCnt.begin()+iB+1); } } else continue; } break; } if(iB >= workCnt.size()) workCnt.insert(workCnt.begin()+iB,SDataRec(reg,1)); } } TVariant TMdContr::getVal( const string &addr, MtxString &w_err ) { if(tmDelay > 0) { if(w_err.getVal().empty()) w_err.setVal(_("10:Error of connection or no response.")); return EVAL_REAL; } int off = 0; string tp = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); string atp_sub = TSYS::strParse(tp, 1, "_"); bool isInputs = (tp.size() >= 2 && tp[1] == 'I'); string aids = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); int aid = strtol(aids.c_str(),NULL,0); string mode = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); if(tp.empty() || !(mode.find("r") != string::npos || mode.find("w") == string::npos)) return (int64_t)EVAL_INT; if(tp[0] == 'C') return getValC(aid, w_err, isInputs); if(tp[0] == 'R') { bool regLE = (mode.find("e") != string::npos); //BE by default int64_t vl = getValR(aid, w_err, isInputs, regLE); atp_sub.resize(vmax(2,atp_sub.size()), 0); switch(atp_sub[0]) { case 'b': return char((vl==EVAL_INT)?EVAL_BOOL:((vl>>atoi(atp_sub.c_str()+1))&1)); case 'f': { //Float (4) int64_t vl2 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT || vl2 == EVAL_INT) return EVAL_REAL; union { uint16_t r[2]; float f; } wl; wl.r[0] = vl; wl.r[1] = vl2; return wl.f; } case 'd': { //Double (8) int64_t vl2 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); int64_t vl3 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,2,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); int64_t vl4 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,3,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT || vl2 == EVAL_INT || vl3 == EVAL_INT || vl4 == EVAL_INT) return EVAL_REAL; union { uint16_t r[4]; double d; } wl; wl.r[0] = vl; wl.r[1] = vl2; wl.r[2] = vl3; wl.r[3] = vl4; return wl.d; } case 'i': //Integer switch(atp_sub[1]) { case '2': return int64_t((vl==EVAL_INT)?EVAL_INT:(int16_t)vl); case '4': { int64_t vl2 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT || vl2 == EVAL_INT) return (int64_t)EVAL_INT; union { uint16_t r[2]; int32_t i; } wl; wl.r[0] = vl; wl.r[1] = vl2; return wl.i; } case '8': { int64_t vl2 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); int64_t vl3 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,2,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); int64_t vl4 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,3,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT || vl2 == EVAL_INT || vl3 == EVAL_INT || vl4 == EVAL_INT) return (int64_t)EVAL_INT; union { uint16_t r[4]; int64_t i; } wl; wl.r[0] = vl; wl.r[1] = vl2; wl.r[2] = vl3; wl.r[3] = vl4; return wl.i; } } break; case 'u': //Unsigned integer switch(atp_sub[1]) { case '2': return int64_t((vl==EVAL_INT)?EVAL_INT:vl); case '4': { int64_t vl2 = getValR(strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0), w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT || vl2 == EVAL_INT) return (int64_t)EVAL_INT; union { uint16_t r[2]; uint32_t i; } wl; wl.r[0] = vl; wl.r[1] = vl2; return (int64_t)wl.i; } } break; case 's': { regLE = (mode.find("e") == string::npos); //LE by default int rSz = strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(), NULL, 0); string rez; for(int iR = aid; iR < (aid+rSz); iR++) { vl = getValR(iR, w_err, isInputs, regLE); if(vl == EVAL_INT) return EVAL_STR; rez.append((char*)&vl, 2); } if(atp_sub.size() > 1) rez = Mess->codeConvIn(atp_sub.substr(1), rez); return rez; } default: return vl; } } return (int64_t)EVAL_INT; } int64_t TMdContr::getValR( int addr, MtxString &err, bool in, bool isLE ) { int64_t rez = EVAL_INT; ResAlloc res(reqRes, false); vector &workCnt = in ? acqBlksIn : acqBlks; for(unsigned iB = 0; iB < workCnt.size(); iB++) if((addr*2) >= workCnt[iB].off && (addr*2+2) <= (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) { string terr = workCnt[iB].err.getVal(); if(terr.empty()) { rez = TSYS::getUnalign16(workCnt[iB].val.data()+(addr*2-workCnt[iB].off)); rez = isLE ? TSYS::i16_LE(rez) : TSYS::i16_BE(rez); } else if(err.getVal().empty()) err.setVal(terr); break; } return rez; } char TMdContr::getValC( int addr, MtxString &err, bool in ) { char rez = EVAL_BOOL; ResAlloc res(reqRes, false); vector &workCnt = in ? acqBlksCoilIn : acqBlksCoil; for(unsigned iB = 0; iB < workCnt.size(); iB++) if(addr >= workCnt[iB].off && (addr+1) <= (workCnt[iB].off+(int)workCnt[iB].val.size())) { string terr = workCnt[iB].err.getVal(); if(terr.empty()) rez = workCnt[iB].val[addr-workCnt[iB].off]; else if(err.getVal().empty()) err.setVal(terr); break; } return rez; } bool TMdContr::setVal( const TVariant &val, const string &addr, MtxString &w_err, bool isGeneric ) { int off = 0; string tp = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); string atp_sub = TSYS::strParse(tp, 1, "_"); string aids = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); int aid = strtol(aids.c_str(), NULL, 0); string mode = TSYS::strParse(addr, 0, ":", &off); //Registering for the later common writing in the asynchronous mode and pass updating the just writed values if(isGeneric) { if(mOmitRdCyclForWr) { aWrRes.lock(); omitRdCycl[addr] = mOmitRdCyclForWr; aWrRes.unlock(); } if(mAsynchWr) { aWrRes.lock(); asynchWrs[addr] = val.getS(); aWrRes.unlock(); return true; } } //For direct writing we need the good connection in any event if(tmDelay > 0) { if(w_err.getVal().empty()) w_err.setVal(_("10:Error of connection or no response.")); return false; } if(tp.empty() || (tp.size() >= 2 && tp[1] == 'I')) return true; bool wrRez = false; if(tp[0] == 'C') wrRez = setValC(val.getB(), aid, w_err); if(tp[0] == 'R') { bool regLE = (mode.find("e") != string::npos); //BE by default atp_sub.resize(vmax(2,atp_sub.size()), 0); switch(atp_sub[0]) { case 'b': { int64_t vl = getValR(aid, w_err, false, regLE); if(vl != EVAL_INT) wrRez = setValR(val.getB() ? (vl|(1< regs; regs[aid] = wl.r[0]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[1]; wrRez = setValRs(regs, w_err, regLE); break; } case 'd': { union { uint16_t r[4]; double d; } wl; wl.d = val.getR(); map regs; regs[aid] = wl.r[0]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[1]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,2,",").c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[2]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strParse(aids,3,",").c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[3]; wrRez = setValRs(regs, w_err, regLE); break; } case 'i': case 'u': switch(atp_sub[1]) { case '2': wrRez = setValR(val.getI(), aid, w_err, regLE); break; case '4': { union { uint16_t r[2]; uint32_t i; } wl; wl.i = val.getI(); map regs; regs[aid] = wl.r[0]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strSepParse(aids,1,',').c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[1]; wrRez = setValRs(regs, w_err, regLE); break; } case '8': { union { uint16_t r[4]; uint64_t i; } wl; wl.i = val.getI(); map regs; regs[aid] = wl.r[0]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strSepParse(aids,1,',').c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[1]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strSepParse(aids,2,',').c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[2]; regs[strtol(TSYS::strSepParse(aids,3,',').c_str(),NULL,0)] = wl.r[3]; wrRez = setValRs(regs, w_err, regLE); break; } } break; case 's': { regLE = (mode.find("e") == string::npos); //LE by default string vl = val.getS(); if(atp_sub.size() > 1) vl = Mess->codeConvOut(atp_sub.substr(1), vl); vl.resize(strtol(TSYS::strSepParse(aids,1,',').c_str(),NULL,0)*2); map regs; for(int iR = aid; iR < (aid+(int)vl.size()/2); iR++) regs[iR] = TSYS::getUnalign16(vl.data()+(iR-aid)*2); wrRez = setValRs(regs, w_err, regLE); break; } default: wrRez = setValR(val.getI(), aid, w_err, regLE); } } return wrRez; } bool TMdContr::setValR( uint16_t val, int addr, MtxString &err, bool isLE ) { val = isLE ? TSYS::i16_LE(val) : TSYS::i16_BE(val); //Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) string pdu, terr; if(!mMltWr) { pdu = (char)0x6; //Function, preset single register pdu += (char)(addr>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)addr; //Address LSB pdu += (char)val; //Data MSB pdu += (char)(val>>8); //Data LSB } else { pdu = (char)0x10; //Function, preset multiple registers pdu += (char)(addr>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)addr; //Address LSB pdu += (char)0x00; //Quantity MSB pdu += (char)0x01; //Quantity LSB pdu += (char)0x02; //Byte Count pdu += (char)val; //Data MSB pdu += (char)(val>>8); //Data LSB } //Request to a remote server if((terr=modBusReq(pdu)).empty()) numWReg++; else { if(err.getVal().empty()) err.setVal(terr); return false; } //Set to the acquisition block ResAlloc res(reqRes, false); for(unsigned iB = 0; iB < acqBlks.size(); iB++) if((addr*2) >= acqBlks[iB].off && (addr*2+2) <= (acqBlks[iB].off+(int)acqBlks[iB].val.size())) { acqBlks[iB].val[addr*2-acqBlks[iB].off] = (char)val; //Data MSB acqBlks[iB].val[addr*2-acqBlks[iB].off+1] = (char)(val>>8); //Data LSB break; } return true; } bool TMdContr::setValRs( const map ®s, MtxString &err, bool isLE ) { int start = 0, prev = 0; uint16_t vreg = 0; string pdu, terr; //Writing by single register if(!mMltWr) { for(map::const_iterator iR = regs.begin(); iR != regs.end(); iR++) if(!setValR(iR->second,iR->first,err,isLE)) return false; return true; } //Writing by multiply registers for(map::const_iterator iR = regs.begin(); true; iR++) { if(iR == regs.end() || (pdu.length() && (((iR->first-prev) > 1) || (prev-start) > 122))) { if(pdu.empty()) break; // Finish and send request pdu[3] = (char)0x00; //Quantity MSB pdu[4] = (char)(prev-start+1); //Quantity LSB pdu[5] = (char)((prev-start+1)*2); //Byte Count // Request to remote server if((terr=modBusReq(pdu)).empty()) numWReg += (prev-start+1); else { if(err.getVal().empty()) err.setVal(terr); return false; } pdu = ""; if(iR == regs.end()) break; } vreg = isLE ? TSYS::i16_LE(iR->second) : TSYS::i16_BE(iR->second); //Start request prepare if(pdu.empty()) { pdu = (char)0x10; //Function, preset multiple registers pdu += (char)(iR->first>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)iR->first; //Address LSB pdu += (char)0x00; //Quantity MSB pdu += (char)0x01; //Quantity LSB pdu += (char)0x02; //Byte Count start = iR->first; } pdu += (char)vreg; //Data MSB pdu += (char)(vreg>>8); //Data LSB prev = iR->first; //Set to the acquisition block ResAlloc res(reqRes, false); for(unsigned iB = 0; iB < acqBlks.size(); iB++) if((iR->first*2) >= acqBlks[iB].off && (iR->first*2+2) <= (acqBlks[iB].off+(int)acqBlks[iB].val.size())) { acqBlks[iB].val[iR->first*2-acqBlks[iB].off] = (char)vreg; //Data MSB acqBlks[iB].val[iR->first*2-acqBlks[iB].off+1] = (char)(vreg>>8); //Data LSB break; } } return true; } bool TMdContr::setValC( char val, int addr, MtxString &err ) { //Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) string pdu, terr; if(!mMltWr) { pdu = (char)0x5; //Function, preset single coil pdu += (char)(addr>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)addr; //Address LSB pdu += (char)(val?0xFF:0x00); //Data MSB pdu += (char)0x00; //Data LSB } else { pdu = (char)0xF; //Function, preset multiple coils pdu += (char)(addr>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)addr; //Address LSB pdu += (char)0x00; //Quantity MSB pdu += (char)0x01; //Quantity LSB pdu += (char)0x01; //Byte Count pdu += (char)(val?0x01:0x00); //Data MSB } //Request to remote server if((terr=modBusReq(pdu)).empty()) numWCoil++; else { if(err.getVal().empty()) err.setVal(terr); return false; } //Set to acquisition block ResAlloc res(reqRes, false); for(unsigned iB = 0; iB < acqBlksCoil.size(); iB++) if(addr >= acqBlksCoil[iB].off && (addr+1) <= (acqBlksCoil[iB].off+(int)acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size())) { acqBlksCoil[iB].val[addr-acqBlksCoil[iB].off] = val; break; } return true; } string TMdContr::modBusReq( string &pdu ) { AutoHD tr = SYS->transport().at().outAt(addr()); //SYS->transport().at().at(TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")).at().outAt(TSYS::strParse(addr(),1,".")); XMLNode req(mPrt); req.setAttr("id", id())-> setAttr("reqTm", i2s(reqTm))-> setAttr("node", i2s(mNode))-> setAttr("reqTry", i2s(connTry))-> setAttr("debugCat", (messLev()==TMess::Debug) ? nodePath() : string(""))-> setText(pdu); tr.at().messProtIO(req, "ModBus"); if(!req.attr("err").empty()) { if(s2i(req.attr("err")) == TError::Tr_ErrDevice) numErrCon++; else numErrResp++; if(messLev() >= TMess::Error) mess_err(nodePath().c_str(), "%s", req.attr("err").c_str()); return req.attr("err"); } pdu = req.text(); return ""; } void TMdContr::redntDataUpdate( ) { TController::redntDataUpdate(); //Cleaning the direct connection alarms if(tmDelay > 0) { alarmSet(TSYS::strMess(_("Connection to the data source: %s."),_("IN REDUNDANCY")), TMess::Info); tmDelay = 0; } } void *TMdContr::Task( void *icntr ) { const TSYS::STask &tsk = TSYS::taskDescr(); string pdu; TMdContr &cntr = *(TMdContr *)icntr; cntr.endrunReq = false; cntr.prcSt = true; bool isStart = true; bool isStop = false; while(true) { try { if(!cntr.redntUse()) { if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) { cntr.callSt = false; //Get data from blocks to parameters or calc for logical type parameters MtxAlloc prmRes(cntr.enRes, true); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < cntr.pHd.size(); iP++) cntr.pHd[iP].at().upValStd(); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < cntr.pHd.size(); iP++) cntr.pHd[iP].at().upValLog(isStart, isStop, (isStart||isStop) ? DAQ_APER_FRQ : (tsk.period()?(1/tsk.period()):1e9/vmax(1e9/DAQ_APER_FRQ,cntr.period()))); prmRes.unlock(); cntr.tmDelay = vmax(0, cntr.tmDelay-(cntr.period()?(1e-9*(float)cntr.period()):1)); if(isStop) break; TSYS::taskSleep(cntr.period()?cntr.period():1e9); if(cntr.endrunReq) isStop = true; isStart = false; continue; } cntr.callSt = true; //Write asynchronous writings queue /*MtxAlloc resAsWr(cntr.aWrRes, true); map aWrs = cntr.asynchWrs; cntr.asynchWrs.clear(); resAsWr.unlock(); MtxString asWrErr(cntr.dataRes()); for(map::iterator iw = aWrs.begin(); !isStart && !isStop && iw != aWrs.end(); ++iw) { if(asWrErr.size() && cntr.asynchWrs.find(iw->first) == cntr.asynchWrs.end()) cntr.asynchWrs[iw->first] = iw->second; if(!asWrErr.size() && !cntr.setVal(iw->second,iw->first,asWrErr)) { cntr.setCntrDelay(asWrErr); resAsWr.lock(); } } resAsWr.unlock();*/ ResAlloc res(cntr.reqRes, false); //if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) continue; //Get coils for(unsigned iB = 0; !isStart && !isStop && iB < cntr.acqBlksCoil.size(); iB++) { if(cntr.endrunReq) break; //if(cntr.redntUse()) { cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.setVal(_("4:Server failure.")); continue; } // Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) pdu = (char)0x01; //Function, read multiple coils pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].off>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].off; //Address LSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size()>>8); //Number of coils MSB pdu += (char)cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size(); //Number of coils LSB // Request to remote server cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.setVal(cntr.modBusReq(pdu)); if(cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.getVal().empty()) { if((cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size()/8+((cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size()%8)?1:0)) != (pdu.size()-2)) cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.setVal(_("15:Error in size of response PDU.")); else { for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size(); iC++) cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val[iC] = (bool)((pdu[2+iC/8]>>(iC%8))&0x01); cntr.numRCoil += cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].val.size(); } } else if(s2i(cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.getVal()) == TError::Tr_ErrDevice) { cntr.setCntrDelay(cntr.acqBlksCoil[iB].err.getVal()); break; } } if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) continue; //Get input's coils for(unsigned iB = 0; !isStart && !isStop && iB < cntr.acqBlksCoilIn.size(); iB++) { if(cntr.endrunReq) break; //if(cntr.redntUse()) { cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.setVal(_("4:Server failure.")); continue; } // Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) pdu = (char)0x02; //Function, read multiple input's coils pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].off>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].off; //Address LSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size()>>8); //Number of coils MSB pdu += (char)cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size(); //Number of coils LSB // Request to remote server cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.setVal(cntr.modBusReq(pdu)); if(cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.getVal().empty()) { if((cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size()/8+((cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size()%8)?1:0)) != (pdu.size()-2)) cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.setVal(_("15:Error in size of response PDU.")); else { for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size(); iC++) cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val[iC] = (bool)((pdu[2+iC/8]>>(iC%8))&0x01); cntr.numRCoilIn += cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].val.size(); } } else if(s2i(cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.getVal()) == TError::Tr_ErrDevice) { cntr.setCntrDelay(cntr.acqBlksCoilIn[iB].err.getVal()); break; } } if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) continue; //Get registers for(unsigned iB = 0; !isStart && !isStop && iB < cntr.acqBlks.size(); iB++) { if(cntr.endrunReq) break; //if(cntr.redntUse()) { cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.setVal(_("4:Server failure.")); continue; } // Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) pdu = (char)0x03; //Function, read multiple registers pdu += (char)((cntr.acqBlks[iB].off/2)>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlks[iB].off/2); //Address LSB pdu += (char)((cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size()/2)>>8); //Number of registers MSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size()/2); //Number of registers LSB // Request to remote server cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.setVal(cntr.modBusReq(pdu)); if(cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.getVal().empty()) { if(cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size() != (pdu.size()-2)) cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.setVal(_("15:Error in size of response PDU.")); else { cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.replace(0, cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size(), pdu.data()+2, cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size()); cntr.numRReg += cntr.acqBlks[iB].val.size()/2; } } else if(s2i(cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.getVal()) == TError::Tr_ErrDevice) { cntr.setCntrDelay(cntr.acqBlks[iB].err.getVal()); break; } } if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) continue; //Get input registers for(unsigned iB = 0; !isStart && !isStop && iB < cntr.acqBlksIn.size(); iB++) { if(cntr.endrunReq) break; //if(cntr.redntUse()) { cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.setVal(_("4:Server failure.")); continue; } // Encode request PDU (Protocol Data Units) pdu = (char)0x04; //Function, read multiple input registers pdu += (char)((cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].off/2)>>8); //Address MSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].off/2); //Address LSB pdu += (char)((cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size()/2)>>8); //Number of registers MSB pdu += (char)(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size()/2); //Number of registers LSB // Request to remote server cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.setVal(cntr.modBusReq(pdu)); if(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.getVal().empty()) { if(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size() != (pdu.size()-2)) cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.setVal(_("15:Error in size of response PDU.")); else { cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.replace(0, cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size(), pdu.data()+2, cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size()); cntr.numRRegIn += cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].val.size()/2; } } else if(s2i(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.getVal()) == TError::Tr_ErrDevice) { cntr.setCntrDelay(cntr.acqBlksIn[iB].err.getVal()); break; } } if(cntr.tmDelay > 0) continue; res.release(); //Get data from blocks to parameters or calc for logical type parameters MtxAlloc prmRes(cntr.enRes, true); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < cntr.pHd.size(); iP++) cntr.pHd[iP].at().upValStd(); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < cntr.pHd.size(); iP++) cntr.pHd[iP].at().upValLog(isStart, isStop, (isStart||isStop) ? DAQ_APER_FRQ : (tsk.period()?(1/tsk.period()):1e9/vmax(1e9/DAQ_APER_FRQ,cntr.period()))); isStart = false; prmRes.unlock(); //Writing the asynchronous writings' buffer MtxAlloc resAsWr(cntr.aWrRes, true); map aWrs = cntr.asynchWrs; cntr.asynchWrs.clear(); resAsWr.unlock(); if(cntr.mAsynchWr) { MtxString asWrErr(cntr.dataRes()); for(map::iterator iw = aWrs.begin(); !isStart && !isStop && iw != aWrs.end(); ++iw) { if(asWrErr.size() && cntr.asynchWrs.find(iw->first) == cntr.asynchWrs.end()) cntr.asynchWrs[iw->first] = iw->second; if(!asWrErr.size() && !cntr.setVal(iw->second,iw->first,asWrErr)) { cntr.setCntrDelay(asWrErr); resAsWr.lock(); } } resAsWr.unlock(); } //Generic acquisition alarm generate if(cntr.tmDelay <= 0 && !cntr.endrunReq) { if(cntr.alSt != 0) { cntr.alSt = 0; cntr.alarmSet(TSYS::strMess(_("Connection to the data source: %s."),_("OK")), TMess::Info); } cntr.tmDelay--; } cntr.callSt = false; } // !cntr.redntUse() } catch(TError &err) { cntr.setCntrDelay(TSYS::strMess(_("10:Generic error: %s."), err.mess.c_str())); /*mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), err.mess.c_str());*/ } if(isStop) break; TSYS::taskSleep(cntr.period(), cntr.period() ? "" : cntr.cron()); if(cntr.endrunReq) isStop = true; } cntr.prcSt = false; return NULL; } void TMdContr::setCntrDelay( const string &err ) { if(alSt <= 0) alSt = 1; int alLev = -TMess::Crit; //Device configuration error is not an alarm but only warning if(endrunReq || addr().empty() || !SYS->transport().at().modPresent(TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")) || !SYS->transport().at().at(TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")).at().outPresent(TSYS::strParse(addr(),1,".")) || SYS->transport().at().at(TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")).at().outAt(TSYS::strParse(addr(),1,".")).at().addr().empty()) alLev = TMess::Warning; alarmSet(TSYS::strMess(_("Connection to the data source: %s."),TRegExp(":","g").replace(err,"=").c_str()), alLev); tmDelay = restTm; } TVariant TMdContr::objFuncCall( const string &iid, vector &prms, const string &user_lang ) { // string messIO(string pdu) - sending the PDU through the controller transpot by ModBus protocol. // pdu - PDU request/response if(iid == "messIO" && prms.size() >= 1 && prms[0].type() == TVariant::String) { string req = prms[0].getS(); string rez = modBusReq(req); prms[0].setS(req); prms[0].setModify(); return rez; } return TController::objFuncCall(iid, prms, user_lang); } bool TMdContr::inWr( const string &addr ) { aWrRes.lock(); //At presence in the writing buffer bool rez = (asynchWrs.find(addr) != asynchWrs.end()); //During the omitting cycles if(!rez && (rez=(omitRdCycl.find(addr)!=omitRdCycl.end())) && (--omitRdCycl[addr]) <= 0) omitRdCycl.erase(addr); aWrRes.unlock(); return rez; } void TMdContr::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TController::cntrCmdProc(opt); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/st/runSt",EVAL_STR,RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,1, "help",_("Manual restart of the enabled controller object causes the force reformation of the acquisition blocks.\n" "Restart to apply the removed PLC links in run.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/PROT",EVAL_STR,startStat()?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID); string outHelp, tVl; if((tVl=TSYS::strParse(addr(),1,".")).size() && tVl.find(STR_IN_PREF) != 0 && SYS->transport().at().modPresent((tVl=TSYS::strParse(addr(),0,".")))) outHelp = SYS->transport().at().at(tVl).at().outAddrHelp(); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/ADDR",EVAL_STR,RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,4, "tp","str", "dest","sel_ed", "select","/cntr/cfg/trLst", "help",(TMess::labStdOutTrs()+(outHelp.size()?"\n\n"+outHelp+"\n\n"+_("Default port of the ModuBus/TCP is 502!")+"\n":"")).c_str()); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/NODE",EVAL_STR,startStat()?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/MAX_BLKSZ",EVAL_STR,startStat()?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/SCHEDULE",EVAL_STR,/*startStat()?R_R_R_:*/RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,4, "tp","str","dest","sel_ed","sel_list",TMess::labSecCRONsel().c_str(),"help",TMess::labSecCRON().c_str()); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/PRIOR",EVAL_STR,startStat()?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,1,"help",TMess::labTaskPrior().c_str()); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/FRAG_MERGE",EVAL_STR,startStat()?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,1, "help",_("Merge non-adjacent fragments of registers for request in a single block.\n" "WARNING! Some devices do not support the passing query of wrong registers in one block.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/TM_REQ",EVAL_STR,RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,1, "help",_("Individual connection timeout for the device polled by this task.\n" "For zero value, the total connection timeout is used from the used output transport.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/cntr/cfg/WR_OMIT_CYCL_RD",EVAL_STR,RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,1, "help",_("Can be useful for PLC which applying the changes not fast " "and they are processed in some significant time depending on the PLC load.\n" "So, the cycles value then specifies count of the omitting read cycles " "before reading back the changed value, preventing the value twinkle.")); return; } //Process command to page string a_path = opt->attr("path"); if(a_path == "/cntr/st/runSt" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,SEC_WR) && s2i(opt->text()) && enableStat()) { // Asynchronous writings buffer clean up aWrRes.lock(); asynchWrs.clear(); aWrRes.unlock(); // Data blocks clean up reqRes.resRequestW(true); acqBlks.clear(); acqBlksIn.clear(); acqBlksCoil.clear(); acqBlksCoilIn.clear(); reqRes.resRelease(); // Reloading the parameters' data vector pls; list(pls); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < pls.size(); iP++) if(at(pls[iP]).at().enableStat()) at(pls[iP]).at().loadDATA(true); // Now same starting start(); } else if(a_path == "/cntr/cfg/trLst" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { int cLv = 0; string cPath = "", cEl, pAddr = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ":"); vector list; for(int cOff = 0; (cEl=TSYS::strParse(pAddr,0,".",&cOff)).size(); ++cLv) { cPath += cLv ? "."+cEl : cEl; opt->childAdd("el")->setText(cPath); } switch(cLv) { case 0: SYS->transport().at().modList(list); for(unsigned iS = 0; iS < list.size(); iS++) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(list[iS]); break; case 1: if(!SYS->transport().at().modPresent(cEl=TSYS::strParse(pAddr,0,"."))) break; SYS->transport().at().at(cEl).at().outList(list); for(unsigned iS = 0; iS < list.size(); iS++) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(cPath+"."+list[iS]); SYS->transport().at().at(cEl).at().inList(list); for(unsigned iS = 0; iS < list.size(); iS++) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(cPath+"."+STR_IN_PREF+list[iS]); break; case 2: if(TSYS::strParse(pAddr,1,".").find(STR_IN_PREF) == 0) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(cPath+":RemConId"); //else ?!?! break; } } else TController::cntrCmdProc(opt); } TMdContr::SDataRec::SDataRec( int ioff, int v_rez ) : off(ioff), err(mod->dataRes()) { val.assign(v_rez, 0); err.setVal(_("11:No value received.")); } //****************************************************** //* TMdPrm * //****************************************************** TMdPrm::TMdPrm( string name, TTypeParam *tp_prm ) : TParamContr(name, tp_prm), acqErr(dataRes()), pEl("ModBus_attr"), lCtx(NULL) { acqErr.setVal(""); if(isLogic()) lCtx = new TLogCtx(this, name+"_ModBusPrm"); } TMdPrm::~TMdPrm( ) { nodeDelAll(); if(lCtx) delete lCtx; } void TMdPrm::postEnable( int flag ) { TParamContr::postEnable(flag); if(!vlElemPresent(&pEl)) vlElemAtt(&pEl); } void TMdPrm::postDisable( int flag ) { TParamContr::postDisable(flag); if(flag&NodeRemove && isLogic()) { string io_bd = owner().DB()+"."+owner().tbl(type())+"_io"; TConfig cfg(&mod->prmIOE()); cfg.cfg("PRM_ID").setS(ownerPath(true), true); TBDS::dataDel(io_bd, owner().owner().nodePath()+owner().tbl(type())+"_io", cfg); } } TCntrNode &TMdPrm::operator=( const TCntrNode &node ) { TParamContr::operator=(node); const TMdPrm *src_n = dynamic_cast(&node); if(!src_n || !src_n->enableStat() || !enableStat() || !isLogic() || !lCtx || !lCtx->func()) return *this; //IO values copy for(int iIO = 0; iIO < src_n->lCtx->ioSize(); iIO++) if(src_n->lCtx->ioFlg(iIO)&TPrmTempl::CfgLink) lCtx->lnkAddrSet(iIO, src_n->lCtx->lnkAddr(iIO)); else lCtx->setS(iIO, src_n->lCtx->getS(iIO)); lCtx->chkLnkNeed = lCtx->initLnks(); modif(); return *this; } void TMdPrm::setType( const string &tpId ) { if(lCtx) { delete lCtx; lCtx = NULL; } TParamContr::setType(tpId); if(isLogic()) lCtx = new TLogCtx(this, name()+"_ModBusPrm"); } TMdContr &TMdPrm::owner( ) const { return (TMdContr&)TParamContr::owner(); } bool TMdPrm::isStd( ) const { return (type().name == "Prm"); } bool TMdPrm::isLogic( ) const { return (type().name == "PrmL"); } void TMdPrm::enable( ) { if(enableStat()) return; TParamContr::enable(); loadDATA(); owner().prmEn(this, true); //Put to process } void TMdPrm::loadDATA( bool incl ) { map als; //Parse ModBus attributes and convert to string list for standard type parameter if(isStd()) { string ai, sel, atp, atp_m, atp_sub, aid, anm, aflg; string m_attrLs = cfg("ATTR_LS").getS(); for(int ioff = 0; (sel=TSYS::strLine(m_attrLs,0,&ioff)).size() || ioff < (int)m_attrLs.size(); ) { if(sel.empty() || sel[0] == '#') continue; int elOff = 0; atp = TSYS::strParse(sel, 0, ":", &elOff); if(atp.empty()) atp = "R"; atp_m = TSYS::strParse(atp, 0, "_"); atp_sub = TSYS::strParse(atp, 1, "_"); ai = TSYS::strParse(sel, 0, ":", &elOff); aflg = TSYS::strParse(sel, 0, ":", &elOff); aid = TSYS::strParse(sel, 0, ":", &elOff); if(aid.empty()) aid = ai; anm = sel.substr(elOff); if(anm.empty()) anm = aid; if(aid.empty() || (vlPresent(aid) && !pEl.fldPresent(aid)) || als.find(aid) != als.end()) continue; TFld::Type tp = TFld::Integer; if(atp[0] == 'C' || (atp_sub.size() && atp_sub[0] == 'b')) tp = TFld::Boolean; else if(atp_sub == "f" || atp_sub == "d") tp = TFld::Real; else if(atp_sub.size() && atp_sub[0] == 's') tp = TFld::String; if(!pEl.fldPresent(aid) || pEl.fldAt(pEl.fldId(aid)).type() != tp) { if(pEl.fldPresent(aid)) pEl.fldDel(pEl.fldId(aid)); pEl.fldAdd(new TFld(aid.c_str(),"",tp,TFld::NoFlag)); } int el_id = pEl.fldId(aid); unsigned flg = (aflg.find("r") != string::npos && aflg.find("w") != string::npos) ? TVal::DirWrite|TVal::DirRead : ((aflg.find("w") != string::npos) ? TVal::DirWrite : TFld::NoWrite|TVal::DirRead); bool strict = (aflg.find("s") != string::npos); if(atp.size() >= 2 && atp[1] == 'I') flg = (flg & (~TVal::DirWrite)) | TFld::NoWrite; pEl.fldAt(el_id).setFlg(flg); pEl.fldAt(el_id).setDescr(anm); if(flg&(TVal::DirRead|TVal::DirWrite)) { int reg = strtol(ai.c_str(), NULL, 0); if(flg&TVal::DirRead) owner().regVal(reg, atp_m, strict); if(atp[0] == 'R') { if(atp_sub == "b") { atp += TSYS::strParse(ai, 1, "."); ai = TSYS::strParse(ai, 0, "."); } else if(atp_sub == "i4" || atp_sub == "u4" || atp_sub == "f") { int reg2 = TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").empty() ? (reg+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0); if(flg&TVal::DirRead) owner().regVal(reg2, atp_m); ai = (aflg.find("~") == string::npos) ? TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg, reg2) : TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg2, reg); } else if(atp_sub == "i8" || atp_sub == "d") { int reg2 = TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").empty() ? (reg+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0); int reg3 = TSYS::strParse(ai,2,",").empty() ? (reg2+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,2,",").c_str(),NULL,0); int reg4 = TSYS::strParse(ai,3,",").empty() ? (reg3+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,3,",").c_str(),NULL,0); if(flg&TVal::DirRead) { owner().regVal(reg2, atp_m); owner().regVal(reg3, atp_m); owner().regVal(reg4, atp_m); } ai = (aflg.find("~") == string::npos) ? TSYS::strMess("%d,%d,%d,%d", reg, reg2, reg3, reg4) : TSYS::strMess("%d,%d,%d,%d", reg4, reg3, reg2, reg); } else if(atp_sub[0] == 's') { int rN = vmax(0,vmin(100,strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(), NULL, 0))); if(rN == 0) rN = 10; if(flg&TVal::DirRead) for(int iR = reg+1; iR < (reg+rN); iR++) owner().regVal(iR, atp_m); ai = TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg, rN); } } } pEl.fldAt(el_id).setReserve(atp+":"+ai+":"+aflg); als[aid] = true; } } //Template's function connect for logical type parameter else if(isLogic() && lCtx && lCtx->func()) lCtx->chkLnkNeed = lCtx->initLnks(true); else if(isLogic() && lCtx && !lCtx->func()) try { //unsigned fId = 0; string m_tmpl = cfg("TMPL").getS(); if(!lCtx->func() && m_tmpl.size()) { lCtx->setFunc(&SYS->daq().at().tmplLibAt(TSYS::strParse(m_tmpl,0,".")).at(). at(TSYS::strParse(m_tmpl,1,".")).at().func().at()); lCtx->setVfName(id()+"_ModBus_tmplprm"); } // Init attrubutes if(lCtx->func()) { lCtx->addLinksAttrs(&pEl); // Load IO at enabling loadIO(); // Init links lCtx->chkLnkNeed = lCtx->initLnks(/*true*/); //!!!! Do not reconnect but that can be done in loadIO() early // Init system attributes identifiers lCtx->idFreq = lCtx->ioId("f_frq"); lCtx->idStart = lCtx->ioId("f_start"); lCtx->idStop = lCtx->ioId("f_stop"); lCtx->idErr = lCtx->ioId("f_err"); lCtx->idSh = lCtx->ioId("SHIFR"); lCtx->idNm = lCtx->ioId("NAME"); lCtx->idDscr = lCtx->ioId("DESCR"); int id_this = lCtx->ioId("this"); if(id_this >= 0) lCtx->setO(id_this, new TCntrNodeObj(AutoHD(this),"root")); // First call if(owner().startStat() && !owner().redntUse()) upValLog(true, false, DAQ_APER_FRQ); } } catch(TError &err) { disable(); throw; } //Checking to delete the DAQ parameter attributes for(int iP = 0; isStd() && iP < (int)pEl.fldSize(); iP++) if(als.find(pEl.fldAt(iP).name()) == als.end()) try{ pEl.fldDel(iP); iP--; } catch(TError &err) { mess_warning(err.cat.c_str(),err.mess.c_str()); } //Call the included paramers' data reload if(incl) { vector prmLs; list(prmLs); for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < prmLs.size(); iP++) at(prmLs[iP]).at().loadDATA(incl); } } void TMdPrm::disable( ) { if(!enableStat()) return; if(lCtx && lCtx->func()) { //Waiting the ordinal calculation finish for(int iTm = 0; lCtx->isCalc() && iTm < prmWait_TM/prmWait_DL; iTm++) SYS->sysSleep(prmWait_DL); //Termination the calculation while(lCtx->isCalc()) { SYS->taskSendSIGALRM(owner().nodePath('.',true)); SYS->sysSleep(prmWait_DL); } } owner().prmEn(this, false); //Remove from process if(lCtx && lCtx->func() && owner().startStat() && !owner().redntUse()) upValLog(false, true, DAQ_APER_FRQ); TParamContr::disable(); //Set EVAL to parameter attributes vector ls; elem().fldList(ls); for(unsigned iEl = 0; iEl < ls.size(); iEl++) vlAt(ls[iEl]).at().setS(EVAL_STR, 0, true); //Template's function disconnect if(lCtx) lCtx->cleanLnks(true); } void TMdPrm::load_( ) { if(SYS->cfgCtx() && toEnable() && !enableStat()) enable(); loadIO(); } void TMdPrm::loadIO( ) { if(!enableStat() || !isLogic() || !lCtx || !lCtx->func()) return; //Load IO and init links TConfig cfg(&mod->prmIOE()); cfg.cfg("PRM_ID").setS(ownerPath(true)); cfg.cfg("VALUE").setExtVal(true); string io_bd = owner().DB()+"."+owner().tbl(type())+"_io"; //IO values loading and links set, by seek for(int iIO = 0; iIO < lCtx->ioSize(); iIO++) { cfg.cfg("ID").setS(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->id()); if(!TBDS::dataGet(io_bd,owner().owner().nodePath()+owner().tbl(type())+"_io",cfg,TBDS::NoException)) continue; if(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->flg()&TPrmTempl::CfgLink) lCtx->lnkAddrSet(iIO, cfg.cfg("VALUE").getS(TCfg::ExtValOne)); //Force to no translation else if(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->type() != IO::String || !(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->flg()&IO::TransltText)) lCtx->setS(iIO, cfg.cfg("VALUE").getS(TCfg::ExtValOne)); //Force to no translation else lCtx->setS(iIO, cfg.cfg("VALUE").getS()); } lCtx->chkLnkNeed = lCtx->initLnks(); } void TMdPrm::save_( ) { TParamContr::save_(); saveIO(); } void TMdPrm::saveIO( ) { if(!enableStat() || !isLogic() || !lCtx || !lCtx->func()) return; //Save IO and init links TConfig cfg(&mod->prmIOE()); cfg.cfg("PRM_ID").setS(ownerPath(true)); string io_bd = owner().DB()+"."+owner().tbl(type())+"_io"; for(int iIO = 0; iIO < lCtx->func()->ioSize(); iIO++) { cfg.cfg("ID").setS(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->id()); cfg.cfg("VALUE").setNoTransl(!(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->type() == IO::String && (lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->flg()&IO::TransltText) && !(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->flg()&TPrmTempl::CfgLink))); if(lCtx->func()->io(iIO)->flg()&TPrmTempl::CfgLink) cfg.cfg("VALUE").setS(lCtx->lnkAddr(iIO)); else cfg.cfg("VALUE").setS(lCtx->getS(iIO)); TBDS::dataSet(io_bd, owner().owner().nodePath()+owner().tbl(type())+"_io", cfg); } } void TMdPrm::upValStd( ) { if(!isStd()) return; MtxString w_err(dataRes()); AutoHD pVal; vector ls; elem().fldList(ls); for(unsigned iEl = 0; iEl < ls.size(); iEl++) { pVal = vlAt(ls[iEl]); if(!(pVal.at().fld().flg()&TVal::DirRead) || (pVal.at().fld().flg()&TVal::Dynamic) || owner().inWr(pVal.at().fld().reserve())) continue; pVal.at().set(owner().getVal(pVal.at().fld().reserve(),w_err), 0, true); } //Alarm set acqErr.setVal(w_err.getVal()); } void TMdPrm::upValLog( bool first, bool last, double frq ) { if(!isLogic() || !lCtx->func()) return; try { if(lCtx->chkLnkNeed && !first && !last) lCtx->chkLnkNeed = lCtx->initLnks(); //Set fixed system attributes if(lCtx->idFreq >= 0) lCtx->setR(lCtx->idFreq, frq); if(lCtx->idStart >= 0) lCtx->setB(lCtx->idStart, lCtx->isChangedProg(true) || first); if(lCtx->idStop >= 0) lCtx->setB(lCtx->idStop, last); if(lCtx->idSh >= 0) lCtx->setS(lCtx->idSh, id()); if(lCtx->idNm >= 0) lCtx->setS(lCtx->idNm, name()); if(lCtx->idDscr >= 0) lCtx->setS(lCtx->idDscr, descr()); //Get input links lCtx->inputLinks(); //Calc template lCtx->setMdfChk(true); lCtx->calc(); if(SYS->modifCalc()) modif(); //Put output links lCtx->outputLinks(); //Put fixed system attributes if(lCtx->idNm >= 0 && lCtx->ioMdf(lCtx->idNm)) setName(lCtx->getS(lCtx->idNm)); if(lCtx->idDscr >= 0 && lCtx->ioMdf(lCtx->idDscr)) setDescr(lCtx->getS(lCtx->idDscr)); //Put values to the attributes and archives in the passive archiving mode lCtx->archAttrs(this); } catch(TError &err) { mess_warning(err.cat.c_str(),"%s",err.mess.c_str()); mess_warning(nodePath().c_str(),_("Error of the calculation template.")); } acqErr.setVal(""); //But it is not used for the type } TVariant TMdPrm::objFuncCall( const string &iid, vector &prms, const string &user_lang ) { //bool attrAdd( string id, string name, string tp = "real", string selValsNms = "" ) - attribute and for type add. // id, name - new attribute id and name; // tp - attribute type [boolean | integer | real | string | text | object] + selection mode [sel | seled] + read only [ro]; // selValsNms - two lines with values in first and it's names in first (separated by ";"). if(iid == "attrAdd" && prms.size() >= 1) { if(!enableStat() || !isLogic()) return false; TFld::Type tp = TFld::Real; string stp, stp_ = (prms.size() >= 3) ? prms[2].getS() : "real"; stp.resize(stp_.length()); std::transform(stp_.begin(), stp_.end(), stp.begin(), ::tolower); if(stp.find("boolean") != string::npos) tp = TFld::Boolean; else if(stp.find("integer") != string::npos) tp = TFld::Integer; else if(stp.find("real") != string::npos) tp = TFld::Real; else if(stp.find("string") != string::npos || stp.find("text") != string::npos) tp = TFld::String; else if(stp.find("object") != string::npos) tp = TFld::Object; unsigned flg = TVal::Dynamic; if(stp.find("sel") != string::npos) flg |= TFld::Selectable; if(stp.find("seled") != string::npos) flg |= TFld::SelEdit; if(stp.find("text") != string::npos) flg |= TFld::FullText; if(stp.find("ro") != string::npos) flg |= TFld::NoWrite; string sVals = (prms.size() >= 4) ? prms[3].getS() : ""; string sNms = TSYS::strLine(sVals, 1); sVals = TSYS::strLine(sVals, 0); MtxAlloc res(elem().resEl(), true); unsigned aId = elem().fldId(prms[0].getS(), true); if(aId < elem().fldSize()) { if(prms.size() >= 2 && prms[1].getS().size()) elem().fldAt(aId).setDescr(prms[1].getS()); elem().fldAt(aId).setFlg(elem().fldAt(aId).flg()^((elem().fldAt(aId).flg()^flg)&(TFld::Selectable|TFld::SelEdit|TFld::FullText|TFld::NoWrite))); elem().fldAt(aId).setValues(sVals); elem().fldAt(aId).setSelNames(sNms); elem().fldAt(aId).setLen(SYS->sysTm()); } else if(!vlPresent(prms[0].getS())) elem().fldAdd(new TFld(prms[0].getS().c_str(),prms[(prms.size()>=2)?1:0].getS(),tp,flg,i2s(SYS->sysTm()).c_str(),"",sVals,sNms)); return true; } //bool attrDel( string id ) - attribute remove. if(iid == "attrDel" && prms.size() >= 1) { if(!enableStat() || !isLogic()) return false; MtxAlloc res(elem().resEl(), true); unsigned aId = elem().fldId(prms[0].getS(), true); if(aId == elem().fldSize()) return false; try { elem().fldDel(aId); } catch(TError&) { return false; } return true; } return TParamContr::objFuncCall(iid, prms, user_lang); } void TMdPrm::vlGet( TVal &val ) { if(!enableStat() || !owner().startStat()) { if(val.name() == "err") { if(!enableStat()) val.setS(_("1:Parameter disabled."), 0, true); else if(!owner().startStat()) val.setS(_("2:Acquisition stopped."), 0, true); } else val.setS(EVAL_STR, 0, true); return; } if(owner().redntUse()) return; if(val.name() == "err") { if(owner().tmDelay > -1) val.setS(owner().getStatus(), 0, true); else if(acqErr.getVal().size()) val.setS(acqErr.getVal(), 0, true); else if(lCtx && lCtx->idErr >= 0) val.setS(lCtx->getS(lCtx->idErr), 0, true); else val.setS("0", 0, true); } } void TMdPrm::vlSet( TVal &vo, const TVariant &vl, const TVariant &pvl ) { if(!enableStat() || !owner().startStat()) { vo.setS(EVAL_STR, 0, true); return; } if(vl.isEVal() || vl == pvl) return; //Send to active reserve station bool isRdnt = vlSetRednt(vo, vl, pvl); //Direct write bool wrRez = false; // Standard type request if(isStd() && !isRdnt) wrRez = owner().setVal(vl, vo.fld().reserve(), acqErr, true); // Logical type request else if(isLogic()) { int id_lnk = lCtx->lnkId(vo.name()); if(id_lnk >= 0 && !lCtx->lnkActive(id_lnk)) id_lnk = -1; if(id_lnk < 0) { lCtx->set(lCtx->ioId(vo.name()), vl); wrRez = true; } else if(!isRdnt) wrRez = lCtx->lnkOutput(id_lnk, vl); } if(!wrRez && !isRdnt) vo.setS(EVAL_STR, 0, true); } void TMdPrm::vlArchMake( TVal &val ) { TParamContr::vlArchMake(val); if(val.arch().freeStat()) return; val.arch().at().setSrcMode(TVArchive::DAQAttr); val.arch().at().setPeriod(owner().period() ? owner().period()/1000 : 1000000); val.arch().at().setHardGrid(true); val.arch().at().setHighResTm(true); } void TMdPrm::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TParamContr::cntrCmdProc(opt); if(isStd()) ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/ATTR_LS",EVAL_STR,(owner().startStat()&&enableStat())?R_R_R_:RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,3, "rows","8","SnthHgl","1", "help",_("Attributes configuration list. List must be written by lines in the form \"{dt}:{numb}[:{flg}[:{id}[:{name}]]]\".\n" "Where:\n" " dt - ModBus data type (R-register[3,6(16)], C-coil[1,5(15)], RI-input register[4], CI-input coil[2]);\n" " R and RI can be expanded by the suffixes:\n" " i2-Int16, i4-Int32, i8-Int64, u2-UInt16, u4-UInt32, f-Float, d-Double, b5-Bit5, b-Bit in address, s[CHARSET]-String;\n" " Start from the symbol '#' for the commented line;\n" " numb - ModBus data address of the device (dec, hex or octal) [0...65535];\n" " flg - flags: read/write mode (r-read, w-write),\n" " strict requesting mode (not combining) 's',\n" " registers order inversion '~',\n" " register 'e'ndian toggle (to LE in generic and BE for strings);\n" " id - identifier of the created attribute;\n" " name - name of the created attribute.\n" "Examples:\n" " \"R:0x300:rw:var:Variable\" - register access;\n" " \"C:100:rw:var1:Variable 1\" - coil access;\n" " \"R_f:200:r:float:Float\", \"R_f:200:r~:float:Float\" - get float from the registers 200 and 201, 201 and 200;\n" " \"R_i4:400,300:r:int32:Int32\" - get int32 from the registers 400 and 300;\n" " \"R_b10:25:r:rBit:Reg bit\", \"R_b:25.10:r:rBit:Reg bit\" - get the bit 10 from the register 25;\n" " \"R_s:15,20:r:str:Reg blk\" - get string (registers block) from the register 15 and the size 20.")); if(isLogic()) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/TMPL",EVAL_STR,RWRW__,"root",SDAQ_ID,3,"tp","str","dest","select","select","/prm/tmplList"); if(enableStat() && lCtx->func()) lCtx->cntrCmdProc(opt); } return; } //Process command to page string a_path = opt->attr("path"); if(isStd() && a_path == "/prm/cfg/ATTR_LS" && ctrChkNode(opt,"SnthHgl",RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,SEC_RD)) { opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","^#[^\n]*")->setAttr("color","gray")->setAttr("font_italic","1"); opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","^(CI?|RI?_b1[0-5]|RI?_b[0-9]?|RI?_i[248]?|RI?_u[24]?|RI?_[fd]|RI?_s[^:]*|RI?)")->setAttr("color","darkorange"); XMLNode *g0 = opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","(?<=:).*"); g0->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","^(0?[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)(\\.1[0-5]|\\.[0-9]|,(0?[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]*),?(0?[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]*),?(0?[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)|)")->setAttr("color","blue"); XMLNode *g1 = g0->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","(?<=:).*"); g1->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","[rws~e]*(?setAttr("color","red"); XMLNode *g2 = g1->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","(?<=:).*"); g2->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","[^:]*")->setAttr("font_weight","1"); g2->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","(?<=:).*")->setAttr("font_italic","1"); //opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr",":[rws~]*:")->setAttr("color","red"); //opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr",":(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*|[0-9]*),?(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*|[0-9]*),?(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*|[0-9]*),?(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*|[0-9]*)")->setAttr("color","blue"); //opt->childAdd("rule")->setAttr("expr","\\:")->setAttr("color","blue"); } else if(isLogic() && a_path == "/prm/cfg/TMPL" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root",SDAQ_ID,SEC_WR)) { cfg("TMPL").setS(opt->text()); disable(); modif(); } else if(isLogic() && enableStat() && lCtx->func() && lCtx->cntrCmdProc(opt)) ; else TParamContr::cntrCmdProc(opt); } //*************************************************** //* Logical type parameter's context * TMdPrm::TLogCtx::TLogCtx( TCntrNode *iobj, const string &name ) : TPrmTempl::Impl(iobj, name.c_str()), chkLnkNeed(false), idFreq(-1), idStart(-1), idStop(-1), idErr(-1), idSh(-1), idNm(-1), idDscr(-1) { } /*void TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkAdd( int num, const SLnk &l ) { TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkAdd(num, l); MtxAlloc res(lnkRes, true); map::iterator it = lnks.find(num); if(it != lnks.end()) lnkAddrSet(num, func()->io(num)->def()); }*/ bool TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkInit( int num, bool toRecnt ) { //Common link forms if(!TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkInit(num,toRecnt)) return false; MtxAlloc res(lnkRes, true); map::iterator it = lnks.find(num); if(it == lnks.end() || it->second.addrSpec.size()) return false; string atp, atp_m, atp_sub, ai, mode; int reg, off; it->second.addrSpec = ""; off = 0; atp = TSYS::strParse(it->second.addr, 0, ":", &off); if(atp.empty()) return true; atp_m = TSYS::strParse(atp, 0, "_"); atp_sub = TSYS::strParse(atp, 1, "_"); ai = TSYS::strParse(it->second.addr, 0, ":", &off); if(ai.empty()) return true; reg = strtol(ai.c_str(), NULL, 0); mode = TSYS::strParse(it->second.addr, 0, ":", &off); bool justWr = (mode.find("w") != string::npos && mode.find("r") == string::npos); if(!justWr) ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(reg, atp_m); if(atp[0] == 'R') { if(atp_sub == "b") { atp += TSYS::strParse(ai, 1, "."); ai = TSYS::strParse(ai, 0, "."); } else if(atp_sub == "i4" || atp_sub == "u4" || atp_sub == "f") { int reg2 = TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").empty() ? (reg+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(), NULL, 0); if(!justWr) ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(reg2, atp_m); ai = (mode.find("~") == string::npos) ? TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg, reg2) : TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg2, reg); } else if(atp_sub == "i8" || atp_sub == "d") { int reg2 = TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").empty() ? (reg+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(),NULL,0); int reg3 = TSYS::strParse(ai,2,",").empty() ? (reg2+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,2,",").c_str(),NULL,0); int reg4 = TSYS::strParse(ai,3,",").empty() ? (reg3+1) : strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,3,",").c_str(),NULL,0); if(!justWr) { ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(reg2, atp_m); ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(reg3, atp_m); ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(reg4, atp_m); } ai = (mode.find("~") == string::npos) ? TSYS::strMess("%d,%d,%d,%d", reg, reg2, reg3, reg4) : TSYS::strMess("%d,%d,%d,%d", reg4, reg3, reg2, reg); } else if(atp_sub[0] == 's') { int rN = vmax(0,vmin(100,strtol(TSYS::strParse(ai,1,",").c_str(), NULL, 0))); if(rN == 0) rN = 10; if(!justWr) for(int iR = reg; iR < reg+rN; iR++) ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().regVal(iR, atp_m); ai = TSYS::strMess("%d,%d", reg, rN); } } else if(atp != "C" && atp != "CI") return false; it->second.addrSpec = atp+":"+ai+":"+mode; return true; } bool TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkActive( int num ) { MtxAlloc res(lnkRes, true); map::iterator it = lnks.find(num); if(it != lnks.end() && it->second.addrSpec.size()) return true; return TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkActive(num); } TVariant TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkInput( int num ) { MtxAlloc res(lnkRes, true); map::iterator it = lnks.find(num); if(it == lnks.end()) return EVAL_REAL; string addrSpec = it->second.addrSpec; res.unlock(); return addrSpec.size() ? ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().getVal(addrSpec,((TMdPrm*)obj)->acqErr) : TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkInput(num); } bool TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkOutput( int num, const TVariant &vl ) { MtxAlloc res(lnkRes, true); map::iterator it = lnks.find(num); if(it == lnks.end()) return false; string addrSpec = it->second.addrSpec; res.unlock(); if(addrSpec.size()) ((TMdPrm*)obj)->owner().setVal(vl, addrSpec, ((TMdPrm*)obj)->acqErr, true); else return TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkOutput(num, vl); return true; } void TMdPrm::TLogCtx::cleanLnks( bool andFunc ) { TPrmTempl::Impl::cleanLnks(andFunc); idFreq = idStart = idStop = idErr = idSh = idNm = idDscr = -1; } string TMdPrm::TLogCtx::lnkHelp( ) { return _("Special address format:\n" "ModBus address writes in the form \"{dt}:{numb}[:{flg}]\", where:\n" " dt - ModBus data type (R-register[3,6(16)], C-coil[1,5(15)], RI-input register[4], CI-input coil[2]);\n" " R and RI can be expanded by the suffixes:\n" " i2-Int16, i4-Int32, i8-Int64, u2-UInt16, u4-UInt32, f-Float, d-Double, b5-Bit5, b-Bit in address, s[CHARSET]-String;\n" " numb - ModBus data address of the device (dec, hex or octal) [0...65535];\n" " flg - flags: read/write mode (r-read; w-write),\n" " registers order inversion '~',\n" " register 'e'ndian toggle (to LE in generic and BE for strings).\n" "Examples:\n" " \"R:0x300:rw\" - register access;\n" " \"C:100:rw\" - coil access;\n" " \"R_f:200:r\", \"R_f:200:r~\" - get float from the registers 200 and 201, 201 and 200;\n" " \"R_i4:400,300:r\" - get int32 from the registers 400 and 300;\n" " \"R_b10:25:r\", \"R_b:25.10:r\" - get the bit 10 from the register 25;\n" " \"R_s:15,20:r\" - get string (registers block) from the register 15 and the size 20.\n\n" "Common address format:\n") + TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkHelp(); }