# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # OpenSCADA system author and main developer: # Roman Savochenko # Email: roman@oscada.org # # Home page: http://oscada.org" EAPI="7" inherit eutils autotools DESCRIPTION="Open SCADA system" HOMEPAGE="http://oscada.org" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.oscada.org/OpenSCADA/Work/${PF}.tar.xz ftp://ftp.oscada.org/OpenSCADA/Work/${PN}-res-${PVR}.tar.xz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86" IUSE="dbase dbgate sqlite ldap mysql firebird odbc postgresql sockets ssl serial http selfsystem userprotocol amr bfn blockcalc daqgate dcon icp_das system javalikecalc logiclev modbus opc_ua siemens snmp soundcard fsarch dbarch vcaengine vision qtstarter qtcfg webcfg webcfgd webvision webuser systemtest flibcomplex1 flibmath flibsys doc" DEPEND="sys-devel/gettext dev-libs/expat media-libs/gd[fontconfig,jpeg,truetype,png,-xpm] dev-libs/libpcre sci-libs/fftw firebird? ( dev-db/firebird ) ldap? ( net-nds/openldap ) javalikecalc? ( sys-devel/bison ) odbc? ( dev-db/libiodbc ) postgresql? ( dev-db/postgresql ) sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite ) mysql? ( dev-db/mysql ) snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp ) soundcard? ( media-libs/portaudio ) system? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors app-admin/hddtemp sys-apps/smartmontools ) vision? ( dev-qt/qtgui ) qtcfg? ( dev-qt/qtgui ) qtstarter? ( dev-qt/qtgui ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" pkg_setup() { if use icp_das && ! x86 ; then ewarn 'Module ICP_DAS can used for x86 architecture only! Disabled.' icp_das=false fi if use icp_das && ! use dcon ; then ewarn 'Was set USE="dcon" for using ICP-DAS module!' dcon=true fi if use webvision || use webcfg || use webcfgd && ! use http ; then ewarn 'Was set USE="http" for support Web services!' http=true fi if use vision || use webvision && ! use vcaengine ; then ewarn 'Was set USE="vcaengine" for environment visualization and management!' vcaengine=true fi if ! use qtcfg || ! use vision && use qtstarter ; then ewarn 'Was set USE="vision" and USE="qtcfg" for defined Qt-based user interface!' vision=true qtcfg=true fi } src_unpack() { unpack ${PF}.tar.xz cd "${WORKDIR}/${PF}" unpack ${PN}-res-${PVR}.tar.xz } src_prepare() { eautoreconf -if || die "autoreconf failed" eapply "${FILESDIR}/qt5.15.patch" eapply_user } src_configure() { econf \ $(use_enable amr AMRDevs) \ $(use_enable bfn BFN) \ $(use_enable blockcalc BlockCalc) \ $(use_enable daqgate DAQGate) \ $(use_enable dbarch DBArch ) \ $(use_enable dbase DBF ) \ $(use_enable dbgate DBGate ) \ $(use_enable dcon DCON) \ $(use_enable firebird FireBird) \ $(use_enable flibcomplex1 FLibComplex1) \ $(use_enable flibmath FLibMath) \ $(use_enable flibsys FLibSYS) \ $(use_enable fsarch FSArch) \ $(use_enable http HTTP) \ $(use_enable icp_das ICP_DAS) \ $(use_enable javalikecalc JavaLikeCalc) \ $(use_enable ldap LDAP) \ $(use_enable logiclev LogicLev) \ $(use_enable modbus ModBus) \ $(use_enable mysql MySQL) \ $(use_enable odbc ODBC) \ $(use_enable opc_ua OPC_UA) \ $(use_enable postgresql PostgreSQL) \ $(use_enable qtcfg QTCfg) \ $(use_enable qtstarter QTStarter) \ $(use_enable selfsystem SelfSystem) \ $(use_enable serial Serial) \ $(use_enable siemens Siemens) \ $(use_enable snmp SNMP) \ $(use_enable sockets Sockets) \ $(use_enable soundcard SoundCard) \ $(use_enable sqlite SQLite) \ $(use_enable ssl SSL) \ $(use_enable system System) \ $(use_enable systemtest SystemTests) \ $(use_enable userprotocol UserProtocol) \ $(use_enable vcaengine VCAEngine) \ $(use_enable vision Vision) \ $(use_enable webcfg WebCfg) \ $(use_enable webcfgd WebCfgD) \ $(use_enable webvision WebVision) \ $(use_enable webuser WebUser) || die "configure failed" } src_compile() { emake || die "emake failed" } src_install() { newinitd "data/oscada_gentoo.init" oscadad emake install DESTDIR=${D} || die "emake failed" dodoc ChangeLog README* AUTHORS COPYING NEWS TODO* if use doc ; then dodoc -r doc/* fi } pkg_postinst() { einfo "See ${HOMEPAGE} for more info." einfo "Config place on /etc/oscada.xml" }