2020-07-20 Roman - !!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.doc.diagram,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Prevented from the value scale double adjustement for the percent scale and appended for the value range expanding. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: The procedure translation was removed for doc.docRepInstVals. - FIX:DB.SQLite: The debugging key for tracing the SQL-requests renamed to "{ModId}_tracing". - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fixed in processing the Qt function QGuiApplication::saveState() renaming to QGuiApplication::saveStateRequest() in the Qt5. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from crashing on big configurations with long closing the runtime sessions in accessing the widget heritors (mHerit) by appending the ResRW lock "mHeritRes". - !!:FIX:SYS: The object TRegExp appended by the function getPattern() and the patterns processing fixed appending the end symbol treating, so preventing TController::alarmSet() collisions in the objects strict detection. 2020-07-07 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.SQLite: there detected and corrected of data losses with concurrence access, when a minor error of the not started transaction "cannot commit - no transaction is active (1)" is generated, which, however, interrupts the data recording. - FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented from try the user changing to no password one in the remote work, only the warning before the implementing. - FIX:SYS: The OpenSCADA tasks priority fixed for SCHED_FIFO in it display as 0. - FIX:DAQ: System messages of enabling, stopping, disabling controller objects are fixed. - FIX:SYS.Functions: Time limit of the functions manual execution some approximation to STD_WAIT_TM (5 second) to make it not lesser. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Prevented from the information item "