/* TCCONF.H - TCtask - Configuration definitions V1.1 T.Wagner V1.2 TECON Ltd. */ /* TSK_DYNAMIC if 1, creating dynamic control blocks is allowed. CAUTION: Changing this define requires changing the corresponding definition in TSK.MAC and recompilation/assembly of *all* sources. */ #define TSK_DYNAMIC 1 /* TSK_NAMEPAR if 1, the create_xxx() routines accept a name parameter. */ #define TSK_NAMEPAR 1 /* TSK_NAMED if 1, control block names are processed. CAUTION: Changing this define requires changing the corresponding definition in TSK.MAC and recompilation/assembly of *all* sources. TSK_NAMED may only be enabled (1) if TSK_NAMEPAR is also enabled. */ #if (TSK_NAMEPAR) #define TSK_NAMED 1 /* This may be set to 0 if desired */ #else #define TSK_NAMED 0 /* Do not change this */ #endif /* CLOCK_MSEC if 1, all timeouts are specified in milliseconds. Requires floating point library. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c and tcsub.c. */ #define CLOCK_MSEC 0 /* PRI_TIMER Priority of the timer task. Normally higher than any other task in the system. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c. */ #define PRI_TIMER 0xf000 /* PRI_STD standard priority of user tasks (arbitrary), for use in user programs. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c. */ #define PRI_STD 100 /* PRI_INT9 priority of the int9 task. Normally lower than or equal to user defined tasks, but may be adjusted to tune responses of TSR's. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c. */ #define PRI_INT9 (PRI_STD - 1) /* IBM if 1, routines specific to the IBM family of PCs (and clones) are installed. DOS if 1, routines specific to PC/MS-DOS are installed. NOTE: If you disable IBM, you have to provide timer and keyboard hardware support yourself. Check the areas in "tcmain.c" that are affected by this define. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c. */ #define IBM 1 #define DOS 1 /* AT_BIOS if 1, the AT BIOS wait/post handler is installed. Changing requires recompile of tcmain.c. */ #define AT_BIOS 1