
Moving global program limits and parameters to configuration

31.10.2020 14:00 Давность: 4 yrs
Категория: НовостьРазработка

Автор: Roman Savochenko

OpenSCADA configuration.

All OpenSCADA global limits and parameters were accessible to change only by edition the header file tsys.h. And that was an objective way since free changing several these variables may cause critical problems.

But due to the often user requesting some of these parameters changing, most of them were moved to be configurable from the configuration file.

Total complexity: 0.2 HD

Sponsored by, for whole complexity: Elyor Turaboev, BLUE STAR GROUP Ltd

Most significant of them are these ones, since they have warnings for changing the default value:

  • limObjID_SZ — ID size of the OpenSCADA objects.
  • limObjNm_SZ — NAME size of the OpenSCADA objects.
  • limArchID_SZ — ID size of the value archive objects.

To make that will be possible the archiver module Opens external link in new windowFSArch was expanded for "limArchID_SZ" bigger to the fixed in the archive files 20 symbols, by expanding the archive ID storing to the reserve field and to the file name, for length more for 34 symbols.

The parameter "Mode of forming ID of the automatic created archives" of the value archives expanded by the item "All controller, parameter and attribute ID".

Global configurable limits:

  • limObjID_SZ — [*20..50] ID size of the OpenSCADA objects.
    WARNING! Big size can cause the key limit error on MySQL like DB!
    Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
  • limObjNm_SZ — [*100...200] NAME size of the OpenSCADA objects.
    WARNING! Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
  • limArchID_SZ — [*50...90] ID size of the value archive objects.
    WARNING! Increase it only, else you can get problems on Archive.FSArch!
    Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
  • limUserFile_SZ — [1MB...*10MB...1000MB] The files size limit at loading and processing in the userspace and the part size of the big files transferring.
  • limUserIts_N — [1000...*1000000...1000000000] The limit on count of creating user items, like to array items.
  • limCacheIts_N — [*100...100000] The limit on count of the caching items.

Global configurable parameters:

  • prmStrBuf_SZ — [1000...*10000...1000000] Length of string buffers, no string class.
  • prmWait_DL — [0.001...*0.1...1] Quantum of the waiting time cycles, seconds.
  • prmWait_TM — [*5...10] Standard waiting timeout length, seconds.
  • prmInterf_TM — [*7...15] Time of waiting for the interface reaction, seconds.
  • prmServTask_PER — [1...*10...120] Service task period, seconds.