
Complete revision the document How to Create module

12.11.2022 21:00 Давность: 2 yrs
Категория: НовостьРазработка

Автор: Roman Savochenko


This manual is made to help in building the modules for OpenSCADA. The module creation may be required if you wish to add the support for new data source or other extension to OpenSCADA. Since OpenSCADA is an extremely modular system, all interfaces of interaction with the external environment are implemented by expanding it with modules of following types:

  • databases;
  • communication interfaces, transports;
  • protocols of the communication interfaces;
  • data sources and data acquisition;
  • archives-history (messages and values);
  • user interfaces (GUI, TUI, WebGUI, speech, signal ...);
  • additional modules, special.

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