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Program that process the field values with control values

Автор Сообщение
Сообщение создано: 12. 01. 2012 [12:25]
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 21.01.2011
Сообщения: 13

Dear friends

After complete the quick start procedures and have a process of familiarization with the openscada architecture, I want to start to process the values that I had acquired from my technological device ( plc ), my question is.

Once I have my data acquired reflected at the “ logical level” , ¿where I must to enter the program that process the field values with control values and establish the control logic?, where do you recommend do that programming.

Thanks a lot.
Сообщение создано: 12. 01. 2012 [12:49]
Roman Savochenko
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3743
"OPMOTOR" wrote:

Once I have my data acquired reflected at the “ logical level” , ¿where I must to enter the program that process the field values with control values and establish the control logic?, where do you recommend do that programming.

That depends from the control logic's parameters operable area. If that is one object's data then you can make the processing direct into DAQ.LogicLev and get ready object's data and control it. Else if you want global processing with data from different objects then you would use DAQ.JavaLikeCalc ( or DAQ.BlockCalc (

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