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Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [12:14]
Andrea Pomello
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 20.01.2011
Сообщения: 5
Good morning,
I'm trying Openscada that seems a really pretty good project!
I've tried the demo and added a modbus controller and variables, I can communicate with the plc but in user interface I can't link the var to the widget.
I mean in propreties tab Links pVal prm:/LogicLev/nameofcontroller/nameofgroup/nameofvar works, prm:/ModBUS/nameofcontroller/nameofgroup/nameofvar don't work.
I noted that the LogicLev in the path differ from Logic Level in the real path of the va.r
Can you kindly please explain the sintax to use to link the var in UI?
Is there a way to make a direct link to modbus var without passingt trough the logic level?
Thanks in advance, kindly regards.
[Сообщение редактировалось 1 раз(а), в последний раз 21.01.2011 в 12:16.]
Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [13:10]
Maxim Lisenko
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 18.08.2008
Сообщения: 141
Hello! Did you read the http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Doc/QuickStart ? If you don't, please, read this document,
Probably, you have some mistake in the path to the variable.
"Silav" wrote:
Is there a way to make a direct link to modbus var without passingt trough the logic level?
Yes, it is. You can double-click on the pVal line in the Links tab and you'll see the combo-box, where you can select the path to the desired element.
This path in the pVal field works with the run testTCP modbus controller :
Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [17:19]
Andrea Pomello
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 20.01.2011
Сообщения: 5
Thank you very much for the help! the combo-box do the trick.
Now I've got it working!
Next stage I've tried is to use Form element: Button, I can see the status change from pushed or not but can't set the value when push it. This in the runtime from web interface, in the runtime on the pc work correctly. I've enabled the value in process tab, make it checkable and config as Full link.
Another question is if I create a new element in runtime in the web interface is disabled I can't edit it, if I use a element from the demo this one work. Is there a security check that should be set?
Just the last question for the combo box element, the items aren't the values? because the value link is set correctly but no value change happen when I select an item.
kindly regards.
Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [18:20]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3751
"Silav" wrote:
Next stage I've tried is to use Form element: Button, I can see the status change from pushed or not but can't set the value when push it. This in the runtime from web interface, in the runtime on the pc work correctly. I've enabled the value in process tab, make it checkable and config as Full link.
Any processing only in runtime. Events here: http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Doc/VCAEngine?v=1b6o#h887-9
"Silav" wrote:
Another question is if I create a new element in runtime in the web interface is disabled I can't edit it, if I use a element from the demo this one work. Is there a security check that should be set?
In runtime for each other Vision and WebVision and equal users that is must be equal.
"Silav" wrote:
Just the last question for the combo box element, the items aren't the values? because the value link is set correctly but no value change happen when I select an item.
I have not like problem.
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [18:44]
Andrea Pomello
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 20.01.2011
Сообщения: 5
I've made other tests, the checkbox answer correctly in web interface and runtime.
I've tried make 3 button in Input link, output link and full link, in runtime they work
I've put the same variable on checkbox and 3 button, if I push the check box the input and full link buttons they change as the check box.
If I push Output link button or the full link button nothing change on the checkbox and on the variable value.
This happens only from the web interface, on runtime work.
Where I'am wrong? what should I set?
Thanks, kindly regards
Сообщение создано: 21. 01. 2011 [19:38]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3751
"Silav" wrote:
If I push Output link button or the full link button nothing change on the checkbox and on the variable value.
This happens only from the web interface, on runtime work.
Where I'am wrong? what should I set?
What your browser? What your user?
For me, on Google Chrome, link at checkbox work.
And to further use demo's test pages for any problems represent. Else your question will been not heard.
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Сообщение создано: 22. 01. 2011 [12:15]
Andrea Pomello
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 20.01.2011
Сообщения: 5
Thanks for your answer, sorry for the lack of information.
I've installed openscada on a debian stable, I'm accessing the web interface from Firefox and Safari.
I'm using the demo project and the element forms that are already in pages(only put in the value link) and user roman.
Checkbox work everywhere, Button instead read the variable status change but can't set the change, only in web interface, in runtime everything works.
monday will try also google chrome, thanks.
Сообщение создано: 23. 01. 2011 [10:24]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3751
"Silav" wrote:
Checkbox work everywhere, Button instead read the variable status change but can't set the change, only in web interface, in runtime everything works.
For toggled button this is real bug. And for work version I have fixed it.
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Сообщение создано: 24. 01. 2011 [09:38]
Andrea Pomello
Создатель темы
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 20.01.2011
Сообщения: 5
Work version means next release, or is already available?
Can I ask you if and how is possible launch only the runtime at boot time?
Is there a way to make a read only system because we need a system that could go down without a regoular process.
Сообщение создано: 24. 01. 2011 [12:28]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
Зарегистрирован(а) с: 12.12.2007
Сообщения: 3751
"Silav" wrote:
Work version means next release, or is already available?
This mean SVN-snapshot of source code tree of OpenSCADA for work and stable version: http://oscada.org/en/download
"Silav" wrote:
Can I ask you if and how is possible launch only the runtime at boot time?
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.