
OpenSCADA models are started on the new server

04.10.2015 18:27 Age: 9 yrs
Category: News

By: Roman Savochenko

In way of the new OpenSCADA server deployment the models AGLKS and Boiler are adapted and started here.

The new server has external channel 2MB/s, latency 20ms and runs two models: "AGLKS", "Boiler9". Both the models mostly allow you anonymous access for no-modifiable work. Also you can into "Dynamic WEB configurator" browse on OpenSCADA objects tree, without any redaction allow.

Detailed for the models you can:

  • switch signal objects(SO);
  • switch view type ("Mnemo", "Graphics group", "Contours group", "Documents" and other);
  • call a control panel for graphics and documents, by click to the graphic or the document, and next navigate on history and scale;
  • select a parameter and call it's control panel, passport;
  • play the demo by proper button (right-bottom) press.