
New modules of the transport "Serial" and the protocol "ModBus" are created

22.04.2009 11:15 Age: 15 yrs
Category: NewsDevelopment

By: Roman Savochenko

Serial output interface

Output interface request

ModBus protocol report

ModBus protocol node

Created module "Serial" of subsystem "Transport" for uniform access to serial interfaces and created module "ModBus" of subsystem "Protocol" for Server/Slave ModBus protocol mode support.

Module "Serial" of subsystem "Transport" is created for allow to OpenSCADA main support of the interfaces Serial for all components as for processing input connections to OpenSCADA thus for allow for components connections to external devices.

Module "ModBus" of subsystem "Protocol" is group ModBus protocol's specific functions and allow ModBus data translation for assign it to remote devices into Server/Slave mode. The module suport OpenSCADA data mirroring and ModBus requests gate make to second networks. The module is made integrate together ModBus DAQ module to single shared library container.