
Common review and refactoring the Tables

09.06.2021 10:00 Age: 4 yrs
Category: NewsDevelopment

By: Roman Savochenko

QTCfg Table

The review and refactoring performed in Qt and Web both generically and in the view Table of the primitive FormEl of VCA.

Most of the table changes performed during the frame "Storehouse (storeHouse)" implementation.

QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision: The common library class TableDelegate significantly improved to work in QTCfg and Vision:

  • appended for the own user roles SelectRole, TextLimRole and OneLineString;
  • the cell paint appended for the background color by reading-applying the common roles;
  • the number types (integer and real) appended for force centering;
  • the string types appended by the options of alignment and wordwrapping from the role Qt::TextAlignmentRole;
  • appended for long text visible limit support by the own role TextLimRole and the default value 300 symbols by sizeHint() additional reimplementation.

FIX: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl":

  • VCAEngine,QTStarter,Vision,WebVision: Appended by the new cell type 't'-text mostly for allowing the edition confirming the type 's'-string by pressing Enter.
  • VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision: Appended of the column, row and cell space option "prec" of the real value precision control; and by the column and cell attribute "align" implementation.
  • WebVision,Vision: Appended for switching the tables in preventing of double storing the source content at the content size more for 10000.
  • FIX:Vision: Using the common table delegate with the feature of multiline edition.
    • Improved in the columns, rows and cells show at the table updation and commonly:
      • in limiting the visual size of the cell content in 300 symbols and the rows height in 70% from the whole table size;
      • more precision columns width alignment;
      • in fitting at the development mode and also at the vertical header show;
      • in the table close filling by consideration the visible vertical scrollbar size;
      • in fitting after the table whole resizing only, so allow the columns resizing manually also and to provide that true fitting always.
    • Implemented for the light processing of the width changing and updating:
      • light edition without the columns refitting all updating time, only at: first row appearing, columns count change and the column title change, font change and resize;
      • apply the column force width and the row height calculation with limits independently from the common attribute "colsWdthFit" value;
      • setting the value, early resizing and the table fitting, moved to the space of the table content presence and after the sorting.
    • The export function in runtime append of export the view Table of the primitive "FormEl" in CSV.
  • WebVision:
    • Improved in the columns, rows and cells show at the table updating and commonly:
      • the not fitting mode (the attribute "colsWdthFit" missing) implementation, using the automatic table layout mode for calculation the fixed widths and next switching to the fixed table layout mode;
      • multiline text edition of the text cells in whole width and height of the cell, with the edition apply by Ctrl+Enter;
      • view limiting the string cells in 300 symbols;
      • display the boolean cells as an image at the TRUE state;
      • table cells in the editing mode allowed for the system-browser context menu.
    • Implemented for the light processing of the width changing and updating:
      • the table changes detection and updating switched to the mode of not storing double source content;
      • prevented from the complete updating at the attribute "value" modification.
    • Appended for the sorting support by columns. Set to the first visible column for sorting at the sorting enable.

WebCfgD: The table expandings for:

  • the big text content limiting in 300 symbols at the visibility;
  • the string type allowed for the multiline edition using TEXTAREA;
  • the type data "bool" is shown as an image, not "On" or "Off";
  • centring the boolean, number, time and selectable content;
  • simplifying the table content edition for the types time, number and string by removing the apply and spin buttons.