
Projects news:

Monday 10. May 2021

The main elements library of the user interface appended for the Store House frame implementation

The element-frame serves to manage of storehouses on different classes-categories of the storing-managing things. Initially that was developed and tested on the class "Library". The frame means of the direct accessing the DB by SQL and currently supports only MySQL/MariaDB.

During the frame implementing, the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" significantly expanded on both visualizers — read here for the details.

The frame provides currently and in future for next features:

  • Class edition mode: observing, creation and edition the storehouse classes with a function of storing data at the field type change.
  • Main data observing and edition mode:
    • observing main data of the selected or fixed storehouse classes in a big table with possibility of sorting and filtering by up to five columns;
    • editing of content of the table cells in the edition mode;
    • adding,...

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