
Released second update for OpenSCADA 0.6.3

18.03.2009 16:26 Age: 16 yrs

By: Roman Savochenko

Mnemo with volumed pipes, navigator, signal objects and ToolTip.

Result graphics

System call user's function.

Messages archivator and microseconds field

Second update is targeted for fixes more bugs and for add several improvements, include API changes and improvements. Subsystems` API version is rise to 2: "DAQ", "Archives" and "DB".

Fixes such critical bugs:

  • Fixed more 50 bugs.
  • Working a Trend mechanism of primitive "Diagram" of VCA is fixed for long time intervals. Fixed working for selected one archivator.
  • No inserting and not full processing symbol '\r' into HTTP protocol's end line. Fixed work into Konqueror 4.
  • Multiply deletion try of child nodes crash is fixed.
  • Resource is added to TElem for prevent crash on multithreading by using TConfig. Crash detected on UI.WebVision and more images on a visual user interface.

Made such important changes:

  • Work with DB's tables is made no closed now table mode. Opened tables will close after 60 second of not using. Significant rise DB-working performance!
  • Resource cache is added for sessions of UI.WebVision.
  • Update widget's attributes for runing sessions if it changed on development mode of based widget's is added into UI.VCAEngine.
  • Into UI.VCAEngine checking for widget's parts update is moved to separated function modifChk() for RunTime session. Realised support main calc clock reseting by resolution limit.
  • User's API functions is added to module UI.VCAEngine to control project's sessions from widget's scripts.
  • Into library of system API of users is added user's API functions sysCall(), int2str(), str2real() and str2int(). The function sysCall() open wide facilities for OpenSCADA users by executions any system's programms, utilites and scripts, and permited by it help to all system's data.
  • The attribute "user" is added to TFunction's content object (TValFunc) for permission control allowing into called functions.
  • Transparency of color is added for the primitive ElFigure of VCA.
  • Conception of painting is changed for primitive ElFigure(every 'fill' and figures from which it consists of are now drawn on their own image and after that the resulting image is formed from the accessorial ones) of UI.WebVision.
  • Microseconds time part is added for mesages of OpenSCADA.
  • The special flag for key using into requests to DB dataSeek() and dataDel() is added. Allow select all types keys, not only string. All objects is used new flag now.
  • Realised object TVariant for storing different data types. The object is used for direct access to system's ("id" and "path") atributes of widgets of UI.VCAEngine.
  • The attribute 'root' of VCA moved to main attributes container. Added atribute 'parent' for parent widget info allow. Added attribute 'tipTool' and 'tipStatus' for tooltips and statustips support into widgets of VCA.
  • Widget's of VCA changes clearing mechanism is released.
  • The RunTime context menu for active widgets of VCA is released.
  • Into DemoDB realised: The full feature signal objects. The result graphics template cadr is created. Context and status tips is added. The navigation panel is updated and quittance buttons is added. Volumed pipe elements is added to library and used for all mnemos. Context menu is added for digital taps. Value's text font is rised for input's views. Trend's and document's panels is updated. Double archives document's closing is fixed.
  • The status controller's mechanism is added for controller's objects of the subsystem "DAQ".
  • Menu bar on runtime window of module UI.Vision hiding for no privileged users is created.
  • The time field display is added to the statusbar of runtime window of UI.Vision and on fullscreen mode.
  • Multi-display base support is added for module UI.Vision.
  • OpenSCADA manual document formated for print is added to repository.

Created new modules and new versions released for modules:

    • DAQ.SoundCard - 0.5.0, new module
    • Archive.FSArch - 1.1.0
    • UI.WebVision - 0.6.5
    • UI.WebCfgD - 0.6.0
    • UI.WebCfg - 1.5.3
    • UI.Vision - 0.8.5
    • UI.VCAEngine - 0.8.5
    • UI.QTCfg - 1.7.1
    • UI.QTStarter - 1.5.2
    • Special.FLibSYS - 0.8.0
    • Protocol.HTTP - 1.4.0
    • DAQ.JavaLikeCalc - 1.3.1
    • DB.SQLite - 1.5.0
    • DB.MySQL - 1.5.0
    • DB.FireBird - 0.9.0
    • DB.DBF - 2.0.0
    • Archive.DBArch - 0.8.0
