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Problems of Adaption

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Written on: 20. 08. 2009 [13:55]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42
roman wrote:

With script all work fine:
if( R_old != R && R != EVAL_REAL ) Special.FLibSYS.floatSplitWord(R,R1,R2); 
R_old = R = (R1==EVAL_INT || R2==EVAL_INT) ? EVAL_REAL : Special.FLibSYS.floatMergeWord(R1,R2);

No change for me. (I put this code in DAQ Template)
When Oscada exits it writes to PLC R1=1, R2=1
And, when Oscada is running, I cannot change values in PLC, Oscada always reestablish old value.

I think is not a javascript code problem. I think DAQ module writes OUTPUT LINKs each cycle with last value in memory, so if you in PLC change a register, DAQ module detects a change and reestablish old value. Besides this, if you use OUTPUT LINKs with Block Based Calc, when Oscada starts it writes to PLC the old values DAQ module has in buffer.
Written on: 20. 08. 2009 [15:22]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3750
From SVN updated?

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 20. 08. 2009 [16:52]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42
roman wrote:

From SVN updated?

SVN updated a week ago. Have you changed anything these days?

I think something is failing with OUTPUT LINKs in DAQ Module. Usuallly a SCADA should not write to a PLC if not explicitly set a value.
However, in a Block (Block Based Calc) if you link parameters to modbus (Parameters defined in JAVA LIKE CALC as OUTPUT), when Oscada starts it gets from a buffer the last values these parameters had, perhaps a year ago, and write them to PLC again.

Written on: 20. 08. 2009 [17:03]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3750
Updated today.

> P.S. I add writing to PLC only if value is new and not equal EVAL.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
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