A PLC firmware based on OpenSCADA and ALTLinux is created
For build a PLC based on OpenSCADA created the firmware and for it the scripts template based on ALTLinux makeimage is prepared. Based on mkimage LiveCD and LiveUSB which include OpenSCADA demo configuration is made.
Firware use 30Mb and allow write to USB-flash and IDE-flash. Firmware made for PC/104 board Kontron MOPSlcdLX. Firmware allow: - loading by time 27 sek;
- check and restore work filesystem;
- store user's data and firmware's changes into file work;
- auto configure network from DHCP (or;
- access to PLC over SSH;
- time synchronization by help ntp;
- execution OpenSCADA with allow network interfaces:
- configuration over Web (10002,10004);
- visual control area over Web (10002,10004);
- control interface of OpenSCADA (10005).
OpenSCADA included modules: - DB:
- Archiving:
- DAQ:
- Functional blocks' calculator;
- JavaLike high level language calculator;
- Logical level controllers;
- DAQ boards of Diamond Systems;
- Various PLC by ModBus protocol (RTU,ASCII,TCP);
- PLC of Siemens GMBH;
- OS data;
- Remote OpenSCADA stations data.
- Transports: TCP,UDP и UNIX sockets.
- Transport's protocols:
- Self OpenSCADA control protocol.
- UI:
- Visual control area engine (VCA);
- VCA visualisator based on Web;
- OpenSCADA configurator based on Web.