
On April, 20th 2012 in Moscow city (Russia) the "Open Technologies in engineering" conference took place.

23.04.2012 10:00 Age: 13 yrs
Category: NewsReportPublication

By: Roman Savochenko

The report about the practice of free SCADA-systems on the example of OpenSCADA and OpenSCADA 0.8.0 LTS preview have readed on April 20th on the conference, and also the number of the solutions have presented within the mini-exhibition.


The conference was organized by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU).

The following OpenSCADA solutions have presented within the exhibition:

  • The dynamic models of of technological processes and their control systems: Gas compressor station for six compressors, Steam multifuel boiler unit BKZ-160.
  • The model and controller (ICP_DAS) of the ACS of ball mill for coal grinding for the boilers of thermal power station.
  • OpenSCADA on the mobile devices: Nokia N800, N900, N950.
  • OpenSCADA on the industrial controllers: ICP_DAS LP-8781, Tion-Pro270.
  • "Smart Home" system on the Tion-Pro270 board.

More thanks organizers Sergey Hotejev, Leonid Schtadnel and all having to do for the conference.