
ACS of Phosphating, Amination and Hydrazine of boiler BKZ 160–100 PT

17.04.2016 10:34 Age: 9 yrs
Category: NewsSolution

By: Roman Savochenko

Operator interface

  • 2016-11-23: service #5
  • 2015-12-14: service #4
  • 2015-12: finished for the continuous blowing
  • 2015-11-17: service #3
  • 2015-07-29: service #2
  • 2015-03-10: service #1
  • 2014-12: finished

Founded: October 2013

Members: Roman Savochenko, DIYA Ltd

Description: Automation Control System (ACS) of Phosphating, Amination, Hydrazine, Continuous blowing of the boiler's water of boilers BKZ 160–100 PT №6,7,8,9

Location: Ukraine, Kramatorsk city, CHP

Customer: Limited liability company (Ltd) "Kramatorskteploenergo", Osipov Jury Mikolajevich

Initially created: in the old Wiki