
Projects news:

Wednesday 12. August 2009

OpenSCADA is located to official repositories of CentOs Linux distribution

Location process is finished now, but you can right now try version from repositories updates.


Category: Display only category:News

Friday 03. July 2009

Location process of OpenSCADA to official updates repositories of Fedora distribution is finished now

Location process of OpenSCADA to official updates repositories is finished now for Fedora 10 and Fedora 11[more]

Category: Display only category:News

Monday 22. June 2009

OpenSCADA is located to official repositories of CentOs Linux distribution.

Location process is not finished now, but you can right now try version from repositories epel-testing, which ordinarily disabled.


Category: Display only category:News

Monday 22. June 2009

The gallery engine is changed and all main galleries created or updated

For more informative OpenSCADA views and solves views builded for it giving is changed the gallery engine. All main OpenSCADA represents galleries is updated or finally created.[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Development

Friday 19. June 2009

OpenSCADA is located to official repositories of Fedora Linux distribution.

Location process is not finished now, but you can right now try version from repositories updates-testing, which ordinarily disabled.[more]

Category: Display only category:News

Friday 12. June 2009

Registered domain oscada.org

Registered domain oscada.org. All main resources allowed now from oscada.org.[more]

Category: Display only category:News

Tuesday 09. June 2009

Released third update for OpenSCADA 0.6.3

Third update is targeted for fixes more bugs and made run memory consumption optimal and for add several improvements, include API changes and improvements.[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Release

Wednesday 22. April 2009

Registered domain oscada.org.ua and updated WEB-resources

Registered independent domain oscada.org.ua. All main resources allowed now from oscada.org.ua. Updated main site and wiki-engine.[more]

Category: Display only category:News

Wednesday 22. April 2009

New modules of the transport "Serial" and the protocol "ModBus" are created

Created module "Serial" of subsystem "Transport" for uniform access to serial interfaces and created module "ModBus" of subsystem "Protocol" for Server/Slave ModBus protocol mode support.[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Development

Wednesday 18. March 2009

Released second update for OpenSCADA 0.6.3

Second update is targeted for fixes more bugs and for add several improvements, include API changes and improvements. Subsystems` API version is rise to 2: "DAQ", "Archives" and "DB".[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Release