
Projects news:

Friday 08. February 2013

OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК нефтебазы

Наименование: Использование OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК на нефтебазе филиала «Восточный» ОАО «Красноярскнефтепродукт»

Заказчик: ОАО "Красноярскнефтепродукт"

Генеральный Подрядчик: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск"

Субподрядчик: ООО "Квант"

Разработчик проекта АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск"

Изготовитель и поставщик оборудования АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг"

Завершен: декабрь 2012г

Автор статьи: ведущий инженер АСУТП Кучерявый Р.О. («ТРЭИ-Холдинг», филиал «ТРЭИ-Красноярск»)

Описание: система предназначена для непрерывного измерения и контроля состояния окружающей технологические установки газовой среды на территории нефтебазы и является по своей сути системой противоаварийной сигнализации (ПОС)[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Solution

Thursday 20. December 2012

Дзержинка-2012: Динамическая модель котлоагрегата №9 ТЭЦ ДМК

С 19 по 21 декабря на Днепровском меткомбинате проводилась научно-техническая конференция «Дзержинка-2012» где был зачитан доклад по динамическому моделированию в OpenSCADA.

В процессе проработки предложения по созданию современной системы автоматизации котла №9 ДМК фирмой ООО НИП «ДІЯ» была создана полноценная динамическая модель технологического процесса производства пара и системы автоматизированного управления этим процессом. Математическая модель создана на основе системы OpenSCADA. Модель позволила отработать сложные алгоритмы взаимосвязанного регулирования технологического процесса котлоагрегата, а также предоставляет функцию демонстрации и тренажёра для операторов и технологов котельного процесса.[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Report

Monday 01. October 2012

On September, 29th 2012 in city Kiev (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2012

On the conference was read the report about new version OpenSCADA 0.8.0 for long term support.

In addition the report were present new enhancements and solutions.

Great thanks for OSDN, Shigorin Michail and all other organizers!

The conference site and materials: conference.osdn.org.ua[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Report

Tuesday 18. September 2012

The module DAQ.Comedi 0.5.0

The new module DAQ.Comedi is created for allow support wide boards on buses ISA, PCI, PCMCIA and USB by "Comedi" (www.comedi.org) project's drivers collection.

New module accessible into work source tree of OpenSCADA.

The module work is tested on the following boards:

  • Advantech PCL-725, PCL-726
  • ADLink ACL-8113

Everyone who has boards from the collection "Comedi" project, are invited to test the module!

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Development

Monday 17. September 2012

The module DAQ.ICP_DAS 1.0.0

The module DAQ.ICP_DAS rewrited and significant improved for expand support company "ICP DAS" devices' I-8xxx and I-87xxx series, added support main boards for ISA bus. Generally supported about 50 devices from "ICP DAS".

In future it is planed to expand support "ICP DAS" boards on buses PCI and PCI-Express.

New module accessible into work source tree of OpenSCADA.

Everyone, who has such devices company "ICP DAS", are invited to test the module!

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Development

Saturday 15. September 2012

Dispatching system of the poultry-yard

  • 2017-12-09: completely finished, added BFN7,9, moved Aviary #8 to BFN #9
  • 2016-05-17: moved Aviary #3,4 to a new BFN
  • 2014-11-24: formally finished for the works, added Aviary #2 and #40
  • 2012-09-04: added Aviary #39 and halls 41, 42 into the collected aviary "Cell"
  • ...

Founded: November 2010

Members: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko

Description: Creating a dispatching system of the poultry-yard and development a OpenSCADA module of obtaining the current data and the alarms of the information concentration module BFN(BigFarmNet) of the poultry automation from the "Big Dutchman" company.

Initially created: in the old Wiki[more]

Category: Display only category:SolutionDisplay only category:News

Monday 07. May 2012

First production release of OpenSCADA 0.7.0 LTS (update 8, finish)

First production release is targeted for wide implementation to automations solutions for platforms Linux x86 and x86_64. The version is followed by long term support (LTS).

Support is finished!

Update: (07.05.2012). Fixed more 20 bugs and append some improvements. [more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Release

Monday 23. April 2012

On April, 20th 2012 in Moscow city (Russia) the "Open Technologies in engineering" conference took place.

The report about the practice of free SCADA-systems on the example of OpenSCADA and OpenSCADA 0.8.0 LTS preview have readed on April 20th on the conference, and also the number of the solutions have presented within the mini-exhibition.


The conference was organized by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU).[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:ReportDisplay only category:Publication

Friday 06. April 2012

Release OpenSCADA 0.8 LTS !!!

The release of OpenSCADA, an open SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, version 0.8 is a stable industrial release of the long-term support (LTS).

The main purpose of the release is to provide an updated and stable platform for building integrated automation systems and other adjacent solutions for the community of users and developers of the free software. Also, the release is intended to become an actual and solid foundation for commercial solutions building.

Support is finished on update 20 (06.06.2018)![more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:Release

Sunday 01. January 2012

Build the OpenSCADA project for mobile devices of the Nokia company (N800, N900, N950)

Name: NokiaLinux

Start: december 2010

Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko

Description: The project is dedicated to building the OpenSCADA project for the mobile devices of the Nokia company (N800, N900, N950) on the Linux platforms Maemo and MeeGo.

Materials: ftp://ftp.oscada.org/OpenSCADA/Devices/Nokia[more]

Category: Display only category:NewsDisplay only category:SolutionDisplay only category:Development