
Projects news:

Sunday 03. October 2010

In the Kiev city on October, 2th 2010 the nine all-ukrainian conference of developers and users of free software took place.

The conference was organized by OSDN.org.ua, NetStyle and UAFOSS. On the conference is announced the upcoming industrial release of the system OpenSCADA 0.7.0.[more]

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Friday 04. June 2010

On June, 4th, 2010, in Rostov on Don (Russia) the workshop of the rostov-on-don AltLinux group has taken place

At the seminar, held by the innovative-technological centre "InTech-Don" organization ( www.intehdon.ru/291 ), the report on the features of the OpenSCADA version and working industrial objects was read, automated with this SCADA system.[more]

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Monday 12. April 2010

On April, 8th, 2010, in Rostov on Don (Russia) the workshop on the industrial automation took place in the Donskoy State Technical University

At the seminar on industrial automation, held by the "RPS-Automation" Ltd ( www.rps-a.ru ), it was read the report on the features of the OpenSCADA version and working industrial object, automated with this SCADA system.[more]

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Wednesday 04. November 2009

In the Kiev city on October, 10th 2009 the eighth all-ukrainian conference of developers and users of free software took place.

The conference was organized by [Root@UA]Media and UAFOSS. The report "Development of the vector graphics editor based on QT library within the limits of the open OpenSCADA project."[more]

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Wednesday 16. September 2009

On September, 10th 2009 in Odessa the second conference of developers and users of the free software on Sea has taked place.

The conference has organized by [Root@UA]Media, UAFOSS and Odessa National University. On conference has been readed the report about OpenSCADA system version 0.6.4.[more]

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Tuesday 16. September 2008

On September, 12th 2008 in Odessa the seven conference of developers and users of the free software has taked place.

The conference has organized by UAFOSS, OSDN.Org.UA, [Root@UA]Media and Odessa National University. On conference has been readed the report about OpenSCADA system on PLC.[more]

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Saturday 16. August 2008

23.07.2008 read report about system OpenSCADA.

Read report about OpenSCADA project at fifth international conference on Protva. Report topic - "OpenSCADA. Open solve for automatic systems build"[more]

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Thursday 25. October 2007

On October, 25th 2007 in Kiev the sixth conference of developers and users of the free software has taked place.

The conference has organized by UAFOSS and OSDN.Org.UA. On conference has been readed the report about OpenSCADA system version 0.6.0.[more]

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Monday 14. May 2007

On May, 14th 2007 the International Conference "Modern information technologies on a transport, in industry and education" has taked place

On conference has been readed the report about using open solutions into automatization of technological process and OpenSCADA system.[more]

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Sunday 08. October 2006

On October, 7th 2006 in Kiev the fifth conference of developers and users of the free software has taked place.

The conference has organized by OSDN.Org.UA. On conference has been readed the report about practical steps of using OpenSCADA system.[more]

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