

Saturday 15. September 2018

On 15 September 2018 in city Kyiv (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2018: "OpenSCADA 0.9 LTS"

On the conference, the project author, leader and main developer Roman Savochenko read the report-announce of 0.9 LTS version of the project OpenSCADA.

The conference site is: osdn.org.ua

The new stable version is the result of six years of development, implementation of various solutions, stabilization and exploitation of OpenSCADA in its Work branch. But all this time, updates for 0.8.0 LTS continued to be released and what would happen for the announced 0.9 LTS.

The main purpose of the release is to provide an updated and stable platform for building integrated automation systems and other adjacent solutions for the community of users and developers of the free software. Also, the release is intended to become an actual and solid foundation for commercial solutions building.[more]

Saturday 16. September 2017

On 16 September 2017 in city Kiev (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2017: "OpenSCADA — open SCADA system in perspectives of 0.9 LTS release"

On the conference the project author, leader and main developer Roman Savochenko read the report about perspectives of 0.9LTS version of the project OpenSCADA in the going now progress of the conditional tasks.

Great thanks OSDN for the conference organisation!

The conference site is: osdn.org.ua

The current stable version of long term support of the project OpenSCADA is 0.8 which released in year 2012 and updates of it have released all this time. The main developing process continued into the work on version 0.9 which to the year (2017) end must achieve the planed stage and as the result a new stable version of long term support 0.9 LTS must be released. The report previously presents the project of open SCADA system version 0.9 in view of its features into the common and related industries, and there provides progress in tasks represent the condition of its releasing.[more]

Thursday 27. April 2017

On 27...30 April 2017 in city Lviv (Ukraine): The International Research and Practice Conference "FOSS Lviv": "OpenSCADA — open SCADA system in perspectives of 0.9LTS release"

The conference was a successful one. On the conference there read the report about perspectives a new LTS version 0.9.

Great thanks the FossLviv team!

Also big thanks Chopovskij Sergej for a related report to OpenSCADA!

The conference site is: conference.linux.lviv.ua

The current stable version of long term support of the project OpenSCADA is 0.8 which released in year 2012 and updates of it have released all this time. The main developing process continued into the work on version 0.9 which to the year (2017) end must achieve the planed stage and as the result a new stable version of long term support 0.9 LTS must be released. The report previously presents the project of open SCADA system version 0.9 in view of its features into the common and related industries, and into representative examples of its applying.[more]

Saturday 17. September 2016

On 17 September 2016 in city Kiev (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2016: "OpenSCADA — achievements, perspectives and 0.9LTS plans"

The conference was a success. On the conference was read the report about achievements, perspectives and 0.9LTS version plans of the project OpenSCADA.

Great thanks for OSDN!

The conference site is: osdn.org.ua

During the last three years the project OpenSCADA continued in self progress into the mode of deep stability with elements of expanding the allowed functions and it's directing to perform conditions and tasks of releasing a new stable version 0.9, there was done firstly of the OpenSCADA own server deploy, the project's resources planed update and creation of new services. Into the report shows the significant progress at the last three years and the now implementing plans, and the nears future plans.[more]

Saturday 05. October 2013

On October, 5th 2013 in city Kiev (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2013: "OpenSCADA — targeted stabilization"

The conference was a success. On the conference was read the report about the target stabilization of the project OpenSCADA.

Great thanks for OSDN, [Root@UA]Media, and also personally Shigorin Michail and Bochkarjov Michail for the time spent out his busy schedule!

Unfortunately, due to the extremely uncomfortable conditions in the room (cold and draught), the report turned out blurry and not fully covered important issues, especially in the context of pre-date reports.

Will compensate the by the full report publication here!

The conference site: conference.osdn.org.ua[more]

Thursday 20. December 2012

Дзержинка-2012: Динамическая модель котлоагрегата №9 ТЭЦ ДМК

С 19 по 21 декабря на Днепровском меткомбинате проводилась научно-техническая конференция «Дзержинка-2012» где был зачитан доклад по динамическому моделированию в OpenSCADA.

В процессе проработки предложения по созданию современной системы автоматизации котла №9 ДМК фирмой ООО НИП «ДІЯ» была создана полноценная динамическая модель технологического процесса производства пара и системы автоматизированного управления этим процессом. Математическая модель создана на основе системы OpenSCADA. Модель позволила отработать сложные алгоритмы взаимосвязанного регулирования технологического процесса котлоагрегата, а также предоставляет функцию демонстрации и тренажёра для операторов и технологов котельного процесса.[more]

Monday 01. October 2012

On September, 29th 2012 in city Kiev (Ukraine): The conference of developers and users of the free software — FOSS 2012

On the conference was read the report about new version OpenSCADA 0.8.0 for long term support.

In addition the report were present new enhancements and solutions.

Great thanks for OSDN, Shigorin Michail and all other organizers!

The conference site and materials: conference.osdn.org.ua[more]

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