
Released first update for OpenSCADA 0.6.3

02.02.2009 15:10 Age: 16 yrs

By: Roman Savochenko

Subsysem "Modules scheduler"

Individual system loading from DB.

First update is targeted for fixes some bugs and for add simple improvements.

Made such important changes: - Config files is fixed for apply remote connections by default. - Main QT dialog's translation is added. - KeepAlive mode support is added into module Protocol.HTTP. For fine working into Opera WEB-browser. - Connection status update support is added for module UI.QTCfg. - Individual loading from selected DB or config file is added. - Main call programm building is moved to separated directory src_call/. - Realised full support of AllowList and DenyList loading modules, replaced AutoList. Realised table for controll to loaded shared libraries (modules). Manual attach/detach modules is realised. - Generic's DB cache using mode is changed for use cache only if main DB no accessable. - The resource is added for access to the config file's XML tree. For access to XML tree nodes used no exception mode, resources (stack) leak is fixed for some contexts. - The document's translation to english is added by Maxim Lisenko for: DB.SQLite, DB.MySQL, DB.FireBird, DB.DBF, Archive.DBArch, Archive.FSArch. - Core translation to German is added by Aleksey Popkov. - Some other fixes and improvements.