Written on: 11. 02. 2019 [08:49]
Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan
Topic creator
registered since: 11.02.2019
Posts: 4
I have been following the instruction for quick start in http://oscada.org/wiki/Documents/Quick_start#Archiving-history_of_the_TP_data.
However, when I tried to use "value archive" to "show trend", the program shows that "The picture is not set". I'm not sure if I missed something. Could you please help?
Thank you very much,
Written on: 11. 02. 2019 [09:55]
Roman Savochenko
Moderator Contributor Developer
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
This archive-history has no data since not enabled for archiving by the archiver "FSArch.1s" or the Qt-plugin for SVG isn't installed.
Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 11. 02. 2019 [11:25]
Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan
Topic creator
registered since: 11.02.2019
Posts: 4
Thank you for your fast response. I did try "apt-get install libqt4-svg" in my Ubuntu 16.04 and now the trend line is shown with the values.
Thank you very much,